PROVING1-' OMORROW'S RMES DRUGS -TIDES .ariday. JiiJiuury 8, 1953 pjil.c Surtiiuro Time 8:32 18 3 fort 19 09 15 3 fee1 0:03 8 3 feet 13,14 8 7 feet DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER " Published ot Conoda't Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 5 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1653 PRICE FIVE CKNTS rn mi IF!? mi 17 o nn T rfl tn iiJJ 1 3U. JVUUCUUU u U " " ; Railway Minister Says Shorter Way Less Costly City Group To Sponsor West Route By The Canadian Press t - ; , - -r - - h VICTORIA. British Columbia government officials are considering a new and shorter route for the proposed northern extension' of the Pacific Great A proposal that railway extension Into the Peace River country be made by a line connecting at Hazwlon Instead of projecting north from Prince George is being backed by the LJA X J tSastem Railway. j Chamber of Commerce h-re. j In moving support of Uie pln-i jal the Chamber"! annual meet-! ing Monday night, J. C. Gilkcr Living Cost Declines In November The new route would cut 110 miles and millions of dollar off the 270-milc, $30,000,000 Pine Pass route from Prince Oeorge Into the Peace River country. No decision on the choice has been made, but Railway Minister Ralph Chetwynd said V I in i-MV: I (pointed out that the BC. and I Alberta governments' scheme toi 5 ptKvh the Pacific Great Eastern, ; Railway north and east to Join J with the Northern Alberta Rail-I 'way fails to take Into account' j future possibilities of the Peace : j River block. I "Their plan Is merely one of ! j Immediate eonvenlenc e." he maintained. "Northern extension! of the POE will only duplicate j facilities already provided by the 1 Writer Likes Guns lit AI1KKV Canadian writer mid radio commentator, find that boy In Uie northern fron- have the Kimt intercut a boys In the clUeboh like guns. When he stopped in wku.fe. SWT. during a holiday wason t.?ur she offered Albert Skkye. young .Indian boy, , f t Chrt-iinm Albert choi the toy pUilol m his father looked on with approval. irriAW cp New consumer price Index, reflecting chances In living costs, declined by three-tenth of a point during November to 115.8 from 116.1, tbe Bureau of Statistics reported today. Tbe index, based on 1949 prices equalling 1M, has been relatively stabilized at a high level for more than six month. Daring November, rents eontinued to climb to a new high, bat lower food prices provided the main impetus for the decline. Mart nignway and win have neg-; ligible future value compared to a line going up through the I Tuesday a preliminary survey shows that construc'.ion would be much cheaper and easier along the new route. BYPASS DAWSON CREEK The route proposed earlier would run from Prince Oeorge through Pine Pass to Dawson Creek. The new route would run In a noarly straight line through Monkman Pass in the Rockies, and would connect with the Northern Alberta Railway at Beaverlodge, Inside .the Alberta border This route would run througt) much developed farming country and pa. the site of new oU explorations, Mr. Chetwynd said. The route would, however, bypass Dawson Creek and Fort Bt. ; John, important centres in the i Peace River country. hrrOflC Wl nn I n Zllrl nncmtn I C Har-elton trench and then turn-:; f .77., I W I V- , !1 . Iljf," T"8i!iX- XEW '""IDEST of the International Brotherhood of Pulp. It W Not Rn PflCP 'PrPATP OrAtr 'tT - - Hm Mill Worker, of America CIO. Local 7 j" w " jvantagVbe tak-r i of survej's al- EdWard P' 'PaU ONea1' U ""atulated by W. C. R. (Ray, . Kt. v,1Sv.r, i!mtiiltrator pita!' Aoclatkm to clarify his 800.000 in 1M8 to M estimated ! ready made of the alU-rnalivei mTa"ag" '.th Columbia Cellulose Company plant at inre R ip n liciieral Ho- ixe. i announcement that gov- $29,000,000 last year. j route and that closer conidera-l "al w" ".a.m. v m umw o o.v. irom nis jiome m new- sum on lu. return from eminent grant to hospitals! He said that prior to inaiigura-! Uon be given to future crevclo-l foundland aid worked in a cannery, a silver mine and a Jogging 6 uvrr !, in n tug the sv- would be frown at the 1852 level. :tion of the B.C. Hopital Insur-jment of the country through camp before Joining Columbia Cellulose as an electrician In f -i-oit (jover imcnt proint-4d told the 80 delegate hospitals ' anc Service, non-payment ac- which the line would run. 1 October. 1951. He served with the Royal Canadian Navy in the I c B hwuiUU - every now are operating on a ound;counu at hospitaU rce as high In supporting the motion. Rob-I Atlantic theatre during the Second World War. I e supiwrt Ur.rt of nn In- flnanrial basts and are In a, as 55 per cent, but In the past ert McKav added that there was' Berserk Father Injures Children, Kills Self in per uiem iaUs or sje- poaiuon lo plan for theur futun-'aS to 00 per cent of all accounts! much material available on the jr,;s " operation. - ;have been paid by BCTH8. Ssubject. He mentioned In par-i 'd !! i!h M.uK;-r t'.nr Operating eonts, said Mr. Mar-1 The minister .stressed that I tirular the articles bv Pap? TORONTO CP) A family who .it)rei before tne tin. had increased almwt 84 per'the governmtnt bm no lnten-1 Rldeoct. of Nelson, who has Kmev City Ratepayers Stir Over Assessment Hike RCAF Officer Cashiered For me. Unit (j the BC. H's- cent In four year from $15.- championed the project andj tion of taking over the operation quarrel exploded into violence, that brought death Tuesday to a Hungarian immigrant, and serious injuries to his two children. Police said John Kolozsvari, 35t of huajMtuU In this province," aid Mr. Stevciison. whose writing have appeared In Hie Daily News. )ipes Frozen or Burst Tlie route prjposed by Mr. Rldeout would ,orm the estern j In hi address to delegates. Mr. ' Martin ad "the people of BC. went berserk in his home, tried I Embezzlement third ran.sconUnenta!l By ERIC SANDERSON to beat his two children to deatii have Indicated that they are j end of 'most concerned over the rl;e in i railway n wver iuu wity nomes running from Prince with a hammer, then stabbed in Kxiv-hlll nn tltil,ftn One of the greatest verbal protests ever expounded in Prince Rupert is being waged today against increased assessments on property in the Bay. In one article he remarked that millions were spent in making Prince Rupert a port of en nopitai cosu ana, as has been it, .in inter struck Princ ed at the Digby Inland weather indicated to you by your assocla-i a hard blow la.t nlftht , bureau was 88 degrees aboveStm executive they are of the .) to mon l.Klay more than zero 'opinion that this rapid Itirrca,' i" ns reported water pipea- Several city residents tele- cannot go on." himself In the heart and fell TORONTO 0 An RCAF offi-dead at the feet of his wife. cer Tuesday was sentenced to Eight-year-old John Kolozs- cashiered from the aervice varl, jr., is in critical condition nd mof 05 P"11 with a fractured skull, partul 1PJU?a'J14? funds n lswt 17 paralvsis and undetermined in- RCAfh U.ri :yr"' mTO. O. A. J". Martin. 31-year- try ahd exit for the Orient. and;downtown area ir Inn t us t resuit of the He sad that when he entered n!e .-ert the Mai-v Knm in ii :i cin;) in trin;)eralure, lal overnight low record- their thctnvm-ters went as low! Target of ail the criticism is! ,im, u TcoSmt ar? JS E-SSS o obny Z - llf is valuable. How it be ,an unhealthy chaotic state of affairs with respect to BC'HIS" miliums on vjiuii:uiu as m puii. of entry and exit to Europe, but that both have become way stations. "It Is not a question of expending eo many more million." i,vji , di met i. ta, io ii oiivud w i- hi i"ite degree above aero. old ex-bank-er and former resi dition with head injuries. very can The frreMf-up was accompan- and that he had spent- a great ie'J hi a stronp east wind, rangrjdcal of time "rectifying and i, ! i.i nn ,n. , strengthening" the Insurance Avenue although many property owners on First and Second Ave- : more valuable is a puzzle to me he wTote. "There Is a direct con Igro Worker es After nection between these two ports I scheme. hour. by rail, with the exception of, been over-assessea. j , f, rs h(L5 t th. dent of Ottawa, said at court-; martial he used the money to play the stock market, i Cashiering from the servic. Is regarded as the most ignoailn-; lous penalty possible for an offi-j cer. The officer's rank, insignia ! and buttons are stripped in the presence of his fellow officers. Truman Gives Farewell Talk small gaps of connecting lines! One leading businessman, who road. The sidewalks are still ter- A.i:le children with Ice skates welcomed the chilly weather, it He said cost of BCH1S administration Is being steadily re-Continufd on Page 5 was fur from pleasing lor clti ice Arrest To Congress Car Insurance n ns walking to work In the early hours Many wore heavy' winter coats for the first time tins M-anon. j The weatherman doesn't see any speedy let-up In the cold.j but predicts an overnight low ! tonlsiht of only 20 degree above, j WASHINGTON CP President ''l Vr.H (CPi.-The death irence t'ii'tnons. a water-' aoiker who claimed he 'en lir ati n by polirc. was 1 tipday by a roroner's Jury "I' ntal" and ' unnatur- CCF Member Calls For Army Probe Truman today coupled "god amounting to a total unfinished said he has written a letter to rible." mileage of some 510 miles." the assessor protesting an ln! lower M1IL RATE A point often made in favor Urease of more than 300 per eenti ' ' . of line running into the Peace I In his land assessments, is among' Q iv 5 i !1L tit- River country-from nation is numerous men who have Indicat- i r? v"? that It would provide more im- ed they will appeal the ! ?Z and wlTh the nZd mediate access to a railway into before Ute court of revbton which ; rveanu(f r'lnln Alaska, which is conslcivred a begins sittings February 9. f vhat me nt ta amon pos-tble future development. Its Another man said he planned the highest In BC proponent also observe that Its to begin construction thLs spring; Appointment of Mr Daggett as proximity to Prince Rupert of a $ store and of f Ice j assessor f oUovlTt, compiaints over would be an advantage to trail-'buUdlnB on his downtown prop-itne years lrora cltizcns against Pacific trade. ert.y but "increase in assessments ' tax structure A resolution will be drafted by, miike SUCh a building prohibi-i Unui his appointment there he-Chamber of Commerce out.jtlwr.- was no permanent city assessor lining Its view. j .He said further: "Assessments . although assessing was done as speed" to his successor, Dwight D. Elsenhower, with a word of hope that the growing Western ' Rates Remain I Same As' 52 Plumbers were kept busy all strength may force Soviet rul Juiy wh-eh kat almost : morning. One plumber said he ers to "become more realistic! ""u-ly fur 15 hour, anrf was culled out early last night . vAN'miivr.n irpi Anens and less Implacable, and recede I 8 itnes.v. ;,irt iv, w. and worked until 2 a m tnaw- ( Maclnnls, CCF member of Paring pipes. i llament for Vancouver East. 'id Neurii L,r,i,,ll,.,v iriMiims Kvc as result of "ury to the Sj,m., rord." vr,tt"t added the Injury caused by an old injury mav have been No pl(es in city buildings were effected and the city works department had no trouble. One plumber said he had answered more than JO calls before noon and "my phone's rlng- Tuesday nisht reiterated his party' call for a royal commission investigation of irregularities disclosed In the Currle report on the army's services Branch. Mr. Maclnnis. speaking on a free.tinic political broadcast, said hn believes Prime Minister from the cold war they began. VANCOUVER -Automobile If the effort falls, he said, a! insurance rates will remain un-resulting atomic war would be changed until some time In one In which man "could ex. , April, the All Canada Insurance tingulsh millions of lives at one Federation announced Tuesday, blow." The plan offers 20 per cent In his final "state-of-the- reduction for public liability and union" message to Congress, ' property damage to drivers In Truman warned Prime Minister , the "A-l" classification. This ' Stalin that If such a war come covers drivers of pleasure cars between East and West It can not operated by under-25 mot-bring only "ruin for your regime orlsts, the group with the high and its homeland." accident record. are a Diocn to City proj;ress wneu , a part tlme Job a year ag0 jumped like this and should be . ReCentiy Mr. Daggett said reconsidered the basis of how . on ; many nomes and businesses in much improvements the owner ' tne city bcen undcr-assess-and city have made in the past ed including ius own home yar-" ! and that increases would appear ' ncavy at flrst bi tne nike 15 10 ' M Y APrtlL A Second Avenue owner sald br'n8 aU Prope" J lnto Une- Mavnr Harold Whalen was re-' Before taking the position, Irfr. y his i demons' t stren MniKulcs in resisting ar- Ing every minute." He was using l" city police officers I an electrical thawing machine ' normal course of their' to unfreeze pipes. Another plumber, who had miss' in his duties because he didjDaBgrtt discussed assessing sys- terns with officials in Vancouver, not Instruct the assessor to keep Uller hl nrrnLl .lit..U assessments In line with devel- N,fw Westminster. Nanaimo and West Vancouver. St. Laurent takes a serious view of the findings of the report. But, he said, other government spokesmen don't. They had tried to belittle the findings of pilfering, lax administration end a breakdown of supervision and accounting in the works service branch. . I-"V. Willi II , ''lowed by accusations of brutality 'Pt for n period Immedi-folluwiiiK his arrest, Clem-'a-' I'aialvzed nrl imnhu Ing one home In Section Two where the pipes burst during the night and flooded the kitchen floor although damage would not be excessive. Most frozen pipes were In homes without basements where the Intake Is not covered. All plumber expect to work far into the night tonight. 'k He rehitiiH ..i nu ,11Q IIIUK-S '"'lily to a doctor and to " ""' lid. and both testified '' Inriuest. The WEATHERMAN Says Snow has fallen in all parts of southern B.C. over night. On the southern coast, the snow is gradually changing to rain this morning s warm air advances slightly northward from Washington. However, the lower mainland Is not expected to come well within the mild Pacific air In the next two days. Conditions are favorable for freezing rain today In the lower Fraser Valley. Intermittent rain is expected on the southern coast today and Thursday while snowfall over the southern Interior will continue over the northern part of the province. Skies are becoming cloudy and a few snow flurries are looked for. Forecast Gale warning continued. Mostly clear along the northern mainland, otherwise cloudy with snow flurries today and Thursday. Continuing cold. Winds northeasterly 30, frequently 50 out of mainland Inlets. Low tonight and high Thursday at Port Hardy 28 and 36: Sandsplt 25 and 35; Prince Rupert, 20 and 34 Dr. Large Again Heads School Board; Trustees Appointed to Committees Dr. R. O. Large, school trustee j Trustees pointed out that work here continuously since his elec- should get started on the $16,000 Uon In December 1944. has again structure as soon as possible, as been appointed chairman of the it is hoped to have the school board. completed in time for the 1953- Re-clected at the last civic j 54 school term. - election by acclamation, trus- Committee heads appointed tees last night unanimously re-were: appointed him chairman for an-j Petsonnei Dr. Large, Joe other two years. ' Scott Mrs. Grace Greene, only' new r, Orour.osA, J. iDom) Domm- trustee elected, also by acclama-! tlon, at the December elections, j ... . Resolutions and Finance .i k t-.- r a.. On his return he drew up a system tinder which he has operated for the past, four months. Highest assessments in the city are for lots east of Fulton on Third Avenue. Ths year, for the first time, the entire city council will sit as a court of revision. Last year four aldermen and the mayor made up the court-While city officials could not disclose whether the Increased revenue would mean a reduction in the mill rate, one source said there Is a "good chance that it will drop." Tax bills are mailed to property owners In May and are payable by Juiy 31. Son For Movie Star opment." (The city assessor is appointed by council to do a job and docs not receive instructions from any department nor can council interfere with his work. His assessments can be appealed before the court of revision.) Another property owner claims the assessment on his Second Avenue corner has been increased from $1,200 to $4,725 "yet there have been no city improvements for five years." He told df increasing assessments on other lots whlcn he owns from $400 to $1,000 and others from $850 to $2,200. "It isn't so wuch the Increase, It's the inconsistency," said one Irate owner on Third Avenue. "Increased assessments like this will stymie development." He told of other property own CURLING FEATURE OPENS TODAY IN DAILY NEWS ah ii oik1i a newcomer to Prince Rupert, curling is fast Dock Workers End Strike NEW YORK CP Federal mediators, after an all-night session, announced an agreement early today to end the six-day strike of AFL dock specialist which for a couple of days threatened to tie up shipping in major United States east coast ports. Mediator John A. Burke said a compromise wage settlement had been agreed to between three small locals of the International Longshoremen's Asso '"mill 5 one of the city's favorite pastime. To make sure i it lis linmlnc ,,,i . . . i . . . ' Kuiuui-i ui lulls gev uu on me rinuu iiuciv, ally Nes will run a series of Instructive articles on the replace Mrs. Dorothy BecKer,; nn n.T't'e,, y Ken Watson of Winnipeg, the home of Prince Rupert Health Unit . I1 ling. SANTA MONICA, Calif. Elizabeth Taylor of the movies gave who declined to seek re-election. The board appointed committees and Instructed the secretary to ask architects who designed the proposed six-room elementary school at Port Edward to speed up working plans and ! ' ul Hie all-time greats in the sport, Watson has sklp-Mumtuba rinks to victory in the Brier Cup national npionship.,. Th(. b(, 24 Qf thpse arUclc8i 2J of wnlcn e f, , s!:,rated The first one appears in today's paper on ers along Third Avenue who have Mrs. Grace Greene. School representatives: Bo'h, Mr. Brown; Borden. Mr. bcott; Conrad, Mr. Domlnato; King Edward, Mrs. Greene; Port Edward, Hirry Robbins: Tlgby, Jens Kuirbu!). had ttieir land assessment more I birth to her first child, a boy, than doubled. One location i Tuesday night. Jumued from $6,000 to $14.000 1 The 20-year-old actress and ciation. He said the agreement i ! : r-"I""rts and novices alike will find the series a Is subject to membership ratification later today. n,,'l to their game. and another from $7,800 to $18.- her son were reported doing fine..