Prince Rupert Daily Newi Wednesday, January 7, 1553 APS; 1 I J B3 w J J it III! I I Fly PRINCE RUPERT to KETCHIKAN Girl Robot May Even Learn Speech ( BLACKWOOD on PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOHCLAS81FIED ADVERTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS V ' i lr MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY-Deports Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. FOR SALE Classified Rates .Huhieet to (iiiiije) . Arrives Ketchikan 3:1 S p.m. FUR SALS Large Chinese Curved Camphor Wood chest Phonf k 36 . e i RADIO DIAL- j 1240 Kilocycles CFPR ROUND TRIP NEW YOftK (APi An elec- i tronlc robot named Audrey that ! can recognize spoken numbers i and flash them on a lighted panel has been developed by Bell telephone laboratories. It Is a step toward a machine to translate the human voice directly into the pri.ued word. The device, as now rigged 'un. baby bugt'V FOH 6ALfc-.lrey $20 00. UW 1)41. . i:,ns 30 p.m. day pre-u, publication. ,.,), 3 rents per word per .;n; minimum charge 50 Jutlces. 50 rents, Cards rhaiiKs. Death Notice. r;. N itlres. Marriage and Jy EASLEY ELACKWCX)D Mr. Muzzy's New Play Hrinj(s Him No Arrlsim ELLIS. .MBUMm Contact QCA . . or your local trove! cgcr.t Phone 476 Mr. Muzzy rwnls more time than most iiayers ' flajitT t:iet,r"pw colored light . , . 1 j to show which number it has arguing With kibitzers, gloating over some play which Just heard through an ordinary he (and usually he alone) consider, to have boe vervjX-i i ecS I Display double prlr FOR BALK - Amcri-an. halibut boat "AIX.HIA." uength 50 beam W, 60 II P. ATl-AtJ "' DlhfcEL. fdU-rior of engine-room arm Si,rv;:a.stle damaged by fire POtt )iouhc destroyed Muln f-neinr now placed in go,! running order. Tender lll be re,-Hved fcv the unctcrmtned up to noon. January lfv 'iS3. lor the pur- W-INFSDAT PM aitt-ltN Commrnury 6 iV- Kauhlu, 6 .W - Vutit With th Iv.lopa ft 4ri Th. tufton lijt ' 6 . SupiM-r M r, nwir Si I MUftU'9.1 Vtirtt-IK1 t 4S .Snjil.-y Burnett frbriw" 1 lie New. ' jtt-.m: kpwi RouixSmji 7 HI V,;:M-r S JO Mimr of Frcn-h-:.'aniuli:?i IV.A fin and alihinjj to his partner?, tpc.-itc ANVIl -.NCr.MH.NTS :t! r-'IA ten! I'arly Jail . mechaniam I Ultimately, it Is Uoped -o ex I (.-(tmrKuwnt rriiif of ti above ve..j,el "AS IH." nubicr.'. to owner' rii'hU I SIMSN I'l ItSONALH E.iit-Wct vulnerable . N'wrtli (ll tim-h) 8- 6 H A 1 ri-Mioiit & 4 VI et li, ! JOHN H. BULGER For reasons he puMs mnr "wrrtntr earrt; thsn Sny- body else. Of course these usually work to hla disadvantaKe. But In today'a deal he pulled a wroni; one which gave lAr Champion fiU. The opening lead by Mr. Dale was the nix of spades and Mr. Muzzy won with the ace. Apparently he intended to nlum the 10. He took hold of it at one --UH eorciDD p.-.i.. Hi (XI rite . 10 id - ik: n- Ml IV-- Kiiwmbie 11 oo- Cr,,u,i- w Chriittmu lil 00- 8l'n-ofT TMUHHIJAT AM 7jiBC f ihiernMi' ftrOAdraitt 7 IS Miirlra! 7 Ml M4I Nm: W-KlhJf Pepnrt 7 -IS- Muth-ol I Kx S to reject any or all bids. Vessel niny bp seen nnd inspected Kt Mie Canadian Fu.n nnd Cold t lorage Docks. Seal Cove, nnd it '.formation obtained from H. Ward. Marine Kiir. veyor, Plwur 680 or Red 11)6. Prime Huert, I5C. H. Waftl (Si man & chimney Sweep's, i-.m-c Phone Blue iK. (6) ' GUYATt! AM GUY . Wiring, and Electrical H'l 01 h A vp West R.-d 165 27l Mii ny I Mr. little) ( tr H J 7 B a 4 - tend Audrey's vocabulary to 1,1- jelude additional sounds words ! olher than numbers. And, say beii scientists, it , mi!?ht even t j taiisiit to say a ; jfew words on command and in j Its own voice rather than a j I phonogra'ph-like reproduction of i ! the human voice it had just I I heard. So far, though, 'Audrey j jean recofjnize only single-digit : numbers fiom zero through nine. j The name Audrey is a contrac-! tioii of the machine's official ! description automatic d!t;lt ' DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Busines forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40' lcs than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert. B.C. Give us your mailing list We do the rest. 0PL H - tl II n a 6 - 'I HJ Ml l C-K J Hllli I OR HA! .K - Couch and h;.ti t KI lie Npi ! crib. S10.UA. Apply j440 8th I 8 10 ""'' o.l f;.i h photos t iialHil, r taken at iflpi M'iriiKiii H.Mt!f ; Ave. East t U-nc n mi 4.V - Johr Culqer Ltd. Tliird Avenue M',- Jrvntur!5. HIM Kr H nriiUrj lime. But he was still In the! midst of a heated and pointier j rhubarb concerning the previous deal. ! Finally, on urglnp from the ! other players, he back U the current hand. Somehow he got hi fingers on the king of; ltt. liampi.Hi) H K W 4 M 44 sO 7 l 5 C A Q 7 S The hldiUrj S.uth W,st N",r'!l I C Pa. 1 li 1 M T I'M S ti r ! bench ut!;!v rablnet tninler ' . .t recognizer. ! HOVT, I IIOTO STUDIO v.h K-i.t I'l'-turei taken (I,: I-Unas. U'JifS, Wed-., i d liea.Vin.iblt;. Illpt I'KOUTT - Reliable home j Ax'iiinster riiK S'8"x9". Rood a I new Ait reasonably priced. I rimne Ii: ir S'.'O, 6pi , PaM ' i u hm 1 1"1?' VfH-.,, " -t-J ! hearts and out it came. 1 10 IK! M.trf.ti. ViH 10 l Muufki Hrnun 10 30-TI.W W.-r(i ArUii 10 41 - Mn Unl K.u-twsi 1 1 K K iniit-ryiirirn r. U: Af II 1- IounUii Time MIST kSU IOIM i, t'himnpy wwp. John F L. Huches, D C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:'s); 2:0!-5:00 Eves.: by .npoi.iUner.i only. 21 - 23 Btsner tloek Hione Blue 4!J At first Mr. Champion thought, plon pianne(j to play tht, jark ; he had got a break. But lt,H ,,inflhma. ,ri .d I'lUIIH r 1 etc. fXUND-OR New Year' Eve, 1 II ao-Wraitwr h-rt j quickly dawned on him that this jafu.r 1,,, thought. Mr Muzzv i miffht he the Irtllinfr rft urn The ' j..... - i8ii E-l-JleV id vr .'INKS, novltlrs. .S':.nd aianiona wf wine ring owner , may claim t-y calling at Daily New off ice and payn-.r fort this ad i t) j Shipping and General I Moving, racking. Crating, Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Lid. for Oxygen. Acetylene tnd all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Par it Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 l X Y rvery'xly Us 90. (C) II .11 - MiwtKii '(Ul If IOC lilt 11 is -arttliiiuvlAn MtyJtes PM 13 n-.-M)rt-Dy Mi!oi: 12 It i.HQ r.ft 12 d -Profrm Itemim 13 30-B C. Khn BruH'iul 12 Nfc Heroril Illrlue 1 oo - Trie OmrrTt Hwrr 1 00 - H C I t.nrrf HrnicM t'.fr Drvr 1 SAL Machinery Co. Um- .. . . .; .. .'. Li tnli'iUini for: Mining, FOR RKNT 'Sleeping room. 536 H. G. HELGERSOU LIMITED REAL ESTATE & IN3URAKCE Phon-i 96, Evenings Black 899 " " lournti again. i ace of hearu was the only en-j lhat dld lt Dummy try to the board outside of thejd,lad Mr champion to,. it total diamond auit and If one opnon-ot if.Ven tricks. On ;.pa,te re-5 mt had the a-e of diamonds, ,um at trlc5 u.0 he wm i& haTfi three Ions; and held It up until s al ,,.asl nine Mr Muzzy the third lead of the suit ... ; had pxscuUd the rare play Desperately hoping for a shift.1 known as the Detw haptlWir, Coup Mr. Champion let the kins ofj .A nf,w play nas h(!1 horn", hearu hold. But Mr. Muzzy. ulll Mr .campion diustedly ' sensing from Mr. Champion i j u pli,r nere yfm p, any expression that he didn't Ulte card from your hand at i kndom tni!! I-un'Inc and Con- 6th Kan. i5ni ors" tuipmen.. i.nqulr-. cvitcd nrnnvllls Iiland.l ITK RKNT -offlcp pacp in fire 3 Mo -l'u (luttl ouvcr I. B.C. (tfl! proof bulidlfiR. Immediate oc- 1 Piono Pn cupancy. nne 657. e I oo So 1 4 l FOR RKNT keeping room close ine icaa. iea anomer ncan. and lt turns out to be t' oa!y 1-M M. tihanll M"v PIram 4 Hfl Nr. WrUter Bflxirt 4 15- i Quotation US HNFST CIFANFR ! H'll.tx Fh. Oreen WS0 will. sale, service. ICI ::';(l automatie oil heat-i hen nrial work. Phone, WO Ui We t Lttourneau. ' Dummy'! ace won and the k!n;i GREER L BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs. Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W. . Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 lead to beat the eoi;&'4. It LING THE TAILOR Tailuring - Alterations and Clothes Matle-to-MeaMire 220 Sixth St. Phone 649 of diamonds was led. Mr. Mj?v In. 1141 IVtch Place. Phone Blue 433 9i FOR RLNT sOom and Iviard or j kit, hen S7'-lletfs S323 8th Eat. PO don 836. 9n ! ducked. Next came the queen t ! me no Pleasure l , ali to diamonds on which Mr. Cham- name it the Muzzy CoafjJ MK KH mi.LINU Continued from pae l Itfl S1NOFH SEW?,NO C'KNTRK rent duced. largely throuRh a reduc-portable i.hines. P h o n e lion in the number ct employees 654 f iRl; VUrlrial Works. Moth oniiuhi, .wild, it wound and duriii ttf) ;f T.isi S.-rvife phone 48 f' In O 11 HatlMT Shop I H4p. scott McLaren . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. V. - c) jfrom 6S7 to 5B5. FOR R;NTleVpg;m"or?KlRT,',R RI,H TT, ' . Smart Rats Prove Theory Says American Scientist FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 . IV, pm 4mm tmt I l n PUm 1 Im tv I it mirn A oil. liKht .uteteeping room. M:oi Promssea mat Dy Marcn ; W1 gln i6pr"' thU year a further reduction, i to 470 ill be accomplished , Prince Rupert. BC P.O. L".x74 Phone 347 -nMiir W Um Cl Im4 m W a 0 M 4 tJk CJ-iiv rm i.. . . r. Ml Temivirarv nurse- By ALTONI. BLAKI.SLF.E without Impairment to the ; sclienie. I j Switching to the problem of j jndvldual ho-vpltal finances, hej ald that the greatest Increase i ' n-qulred lur baby tirt,! TAXIS Nu TRsNMIRH Starf the New Yeor Right ST .LOUIS (AP) Meet a rat that draw? money f 12 months, while mother ilVii-lnhil. po.sMbly perman-i itlon l ive in prefer- PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Sows Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 904 PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY Custom Tailored Furnituf REPAIRING - REMODEL! JNO REBUILDING Ph. Blue 513 330 2nd Ave. W. m eos had been u amount f rom a bank, and runs to a store to buy eht-fM, paid for aalarle. and waSes which, . . - t .-. Annlv B" t , . . . ,. . MS Modern Mixlern I fiat la I i Daily News. fr.l.E CLFRK-" I, ... ,i" If. P ""l j dime or nickel, he chooses tho more valuable coin. TYI'IKT re- i quarter' whifh buys "ve pieces! Other rats have kartt.' to The Daid In and amount wages LSTr ,S on Jr 'Sit iof cheese. The dime or nickel ;move , mlmalti.e w .each feci i s j t f d y errplovment Change to BLACK and WHITE For o Cleon, Dcpendoblc Toxi $:r zc. Coll 65. mi hi i mmjzima&a four years, from S9.i00.0O0 : buj-s only one. tood. u flying trap., or pull 104R m sioooonoo in J952 i The rat does thin in the labor- j a chain to raise lA Jer to y lUix m. Daily News On! MISMV WAN'TFI) : Kltlll dealer wanted at The health minister said thatlatory of Dr. Loh Seng Tsai. pro- climb to a high she. Earlier, Dr. Tsai ao- Good ooixirtiimtv. Wri'e n,e to Rali(:h' Dent ?.. Winnipeg. Man iHi Why not n-w" "Eventually out of a total of 67 hospitals onlfessor of psychology at Tuiane firm budgets. 35 completed their I University. 1951 operations wth s itarplus or! The te.t shows that rats have a deficit of less than S500. sense of value. Dr. Tsai toll LATEST ESTIMATES the American As.sociatlon for the cats and rats can be ?.- Ved to co-operate and live in jace. He reported Tuesday Mtat a confirm-t'd rat-killins ;t haJ learned to leave peaceaWy and co-operate with a rat, Tne cat He aid latest estmatei for 1952 ; Advancement of Science. The -rnwTj :e accountant, tneomf Mwialil. K O. Ftlik. e HniUlmr red 5M I20m show 50 per cent of the 67 hos rats also learn to use tools as well as coins, all indicating a '3W.-:6 Va-n -i. ri ,rL' j-j ''.,'- . 5,'Vt j I , .:,t ,iM- . v,. ',!. . , f ' ,- V,.,, y? (fr'i 4 ' 'a ! ' ' 4 ..'' ' " ' . . la t V 1 f f -..-if ' ' 5 a t 4- . -a.. - m , it .t : , IV tl, . X'. i -i . ' , . -t 41 . , -5 V j v - a. j T, 4 i sV .. - ; i , I? . . jf .., i , ' . I"t J , 4 , Hi l f -,, , v , 1 V t j RT1 1 RY SIHVICE pitals on firm budgets 1 how a surplus or break ec and on'.y A FAULTY FURNACE CAN MAKE YOUR FUEL BILLS SOAR . . . Let Us Overhaul Your Furnace Now ... so you'll lie ready when the southeaster roar. I KT Bntlrry fltip. 2A4 y.!n,l Ave. 'W Blue J26, Re. rich tralr.j nnrl hnlM. high rate cf Intelligence. It is the first time, he says that rats have been shown to be able to use tools and tokens. P has been done with apes am! 17 indicate they are op -rating at a total deficit of $114 OoO. "Unfortunately, of the 17 hon-plals reporting rlcficlu for 1952. CITY TRANSFER Lc- Distance Furniture Movers CRATING Wd PACKINO FURNITURE STORAGE IPnuwhold Effects Moved In or from i. ;y p,)lnt In B C. PhoV c 950 First Avt and M' Bride BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe DINING PLEASURE SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS W"rk r;u.irnnu.d let lets the rat run out o; ,t; cage, then both push t:-c;wi;i4 simultaneously to loner it w.riow to rea.'h their ,ntnmon U4 sT fooil This co-oi'ertilH-n iwtwtfen so-called natural cnmKs proves there Is no t jch liia (f as an Instinct for f&h'i v. Lr. T.sai declared. This means that fciiViogteaUy. there ts a basis tor w;id peace, he said . tARS Kilt SALE Thom Sheel Metal door. (7pt r fnmmnHnrp f LIMITED chimpanzees and other psychologists have trained chimps to use ilot machines. . Now rats, which are cheaper and can be bred to te all allko. can be used for studies of menial processes and behavior In animals, which In turn can help e 253 First Ave. Phone Black 87 :MV, '41 M-rcury 4- (Kl Biark 7:3. USED CAR EUYS 3 CHEVROLET H AN I I O TO RENT nine have had deficits for all four years since BCHIS commenced operations. "This may appear u Indicate that thrtt1 hospitals should Investigate their overall operation and organization." Mr. Martin concluded his address by saying that the people of BC. have Indicated that they have reached the point where they are no loncer Rbfe to pay ntreased costs of hospital- service. "For that reason the' government has taken the necessary steps to stabilize hospital and other casts." hp ystd. YOUNO COiPLE, no children, desires 3-nn furnished suite. Green 268 9p) 4-tl'ior Sedan PRINCE RUPERT Luxury Steomcr Fl-'etlin, $1250 (Chinese 2)fjeJ Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. 3:36 a.m. " ' Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 WORK1NO COUPLE require small house to rent. Write toward a better understanding of the whys and wherefores of th? human mind. The smart-money rat works it this way: The rat pulls a chain, to spill coins from a can hanging overhead. The rat picks up u coin in his mouth, runs over to put it on a saucer in exchange 0 CHEVROLET 5-imsenger C"Uu Box 588 Daily News. t5pl $600 WANTED roir- or five-room house, rihic J31. 12pi V MORRIS VANCOUVER Minor Convertible SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY V.tDMGHT Comfort and Serviee WINTERIZE NOW! $650 WANTED TO RENT Three, or four-room unfurnished apartment by f!cpt. of Transport employee. Pflone Red 554. i6p for cheese. One rat learned the value of the roins, from getting the bigger reward by choosing the 2 COMMERCIAL TOO LATE TO CLASSIFIT L05T Today. Insida works and bottom casing of iudy's Leroy wrist watch, between Dally New3 and 1st Ave. West. Finder please return to DaUy News. Reward. iB-ne) GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 177 i' 4-Ton pickup NVw' $1850 NTtn WANTED T o old hostess HEPPNER MOTORS chairs. Phone Red 685. (7) 1 B:.nk 6G5 McBrlde Street REAL ESTATE via Wsypoints SUNDAY SS. Camosun 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam, 8 p m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS January 14 and 28 SS Coquitlam, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlam, Midnight January 7 and 21 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 CASH for i-p ttass, copper. Pole-Sitting Pole Driven From Perch RATS'. ma For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR iEPOT OFFICE ' PRINCE RUPEHT. B C. - bBtterles ants radiators, rnone M3. Call 930 th Avenue West City. tt IllithV . ,-"rY coupe. 'h I East. 7p Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East-Daily except Sunday....8 pm. Fr.iii tbe East -Daily except Monday 9:30 p.c If you haven't liene so already, NOW is the time to come down and get th,tt wintt-rliing done to youl Car. Have you got Winter grip Tires, Chains and nli-freeie? If not . . . SF.F. SUPERIOR AUTO .SERVICE LIMITED 3rd Ave. W. Phone Green 217 SAI.E-Chevrolet S2 Pimel. Apply 909 1st Ave RE.U ESTATE (9p SAN PEDRO, Calif. IAP Cold winds drove a pole-sitting j HARBOR VIEW IXT HOUSE FOR SALE Beach Grove. Vancouver. Nw house, two bedrooms, wardrobe, linen cupboards, modern Hollywood style fireplace, up to date kitchen, bathroom. Front and bark porches One biock from golf course. Fifty yards from good bathing beach. Close to store, school and public swimming pool. Vancouver bus passes house. Further Information Box 589 Datly News. (5pl Close to achwils, hospital ana I ,81 - 1952 Studebaker 8 , - iuui eau noea. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE downtown. 65 by 150 feet. Priced for 4tiick sale with terms it desired. ""miles. Baeriflce at $1,000 e,i,,.iase price. Phone 667 r orpen 241 evening's, t6 By CHIC YOUNG Service with Strings? Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 Black 197, evenings BLONDIE 'iwcen 7-11 p.m. Pole down from a 80-foot perch and into the arms of United States Immigration service officers here. Mlescryslaw Michael Kozlel, 25-year-old refugee facing deportation, climbed down after spending 11 chilly hours on a radio tower at the immigration station here. He had threatened to Jump if offlciaU did not. promise him a parole vICnlu 24 la I won r &3 Arit. -K' .14' vOJR h---K In! I tt, ci .v Ai i rv; x -M'- v t.j.-E: vrv? WOADtrt.N WHAT -f , -- NOW OU FOR BALE immediate occupancy nicely decorated four- WHY PAY RENT $2000 Cash gives you Imme dlate rxissesslon of tills four J FOR RALE IS 'r::sTorTnd I V lnvol(,e Pri'- Best j nr"5 587, Dally News I (8 room Wartime house, insulated, with storm windows on "o 7 NOTHING UKE S j I GETTING HOME itfSy-v'l I I TO PflAX AFTP CT; I I AT TH OFFlCEj?Jv? j j j T ' room bunpalow, completely furnished. Part basement, patent i t4V 'S -r- si t1--rV-, v.. r .-. roof. Price $4200. . , hows. 1 ..Vi.. AJ'Tr,a Fnnthllls coal, f, ' ' "' livery. Phone T.M.C.. 7th Avenue East. Electric ran"e, oil heater, venetlnn blinds. FuiJ price $4,200 Terms. Furniture as new, for sale. R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Aven le. Phone 88 (9) t'R'SALE HKu .l.UP.' Kozlel was locked up pending a hearing. While on the tower, Koaiel shouted to reporters that deportation would mean his death because "my father was active against the Russians when they took ovrr Poland and they killed l:P'2?;,BiR" P. Green $1750. cash buvs this new four-room bungalow, cement posts, fully Insulated. Pentbtoke bathroom. Close to city clntre. Price $5750. Immediate possession. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342, Black 197 evenings (5) attef i pm ,8p, Jta.y' t3 - j -. e a t4 -J- tTw- ' sootiess) eoal rjTIIIM,s I hone 65 I Ltd. rmipott, Erttt & FOR SALE Wartime Four In good condition. Phone Green 662 after 6 pm. 19) him." It f ...