PROVINCIAL, SORROW'S 17. ORMES w spot DRUGS Jay, fcbiuaiy 2, I'M (ir standard Time r, tt IK 7 feet DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 14 8 feet 9 0 feet 6 9 feet 21) 19 (I VI 13 57 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" ' VOL. XL1I. No. 43 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS Cfflfis'Tfajies; r i iTi n n nno n us mum . - , . Cigarettes Down Four Cents Per Pack HIGHLIGHTS;!! Simim iii ir run- ,,, m n. i.i,u, , , M - i "J"'"- null - s .'Z " " " ' ' .y-Tia .:. ... I..,. w; : riiv.r i ! 7 ; By The Canadian Press OTTAW A. Finance Minister Abbott Thursday night took a delayed action cut at income tax, eliminated the radio licence fee and ushered back the 36-cent pack of cigarettes in what is generally believed to be a pre-election budget. Takes Over From Empress By The Cauuluu Pro ' ,' OTTAWA Highlights of F1n ance Minuter Abbott's budgflj speech: Personal income tax t ut by 11 per cent starting; July 1, reduction averaging S',4 per cent for 1953. Cigarette tax reduced bv four, rents per park of Z0, effective Immediately, Corporation taxes reduced by The minister reduced straight j R Purchases French Liner Replace Empress of Canada Taxpayers t X 1 r. ,r estimated S 120 .000 .0(10 a yea 1 effective on 1953 earnings. Annual $2 50 licence fee berth January 25. radio sets repealed March 31. N6 Joint announcement of the Kale wait made bv the Canadian licence fee planned for television Encouraged Says CMA ii' h lu.'-r de Orav. Announcement was made in lifj ly I. t rit before London and Montreal that the aUuti uf Fiance so she 20 000-Um de Oni.s.see will re-I!l mlo German hancla. ' place the Empress of Canada on parchaM-d by Canadian the Liverpxil-MontreaI run. The .eairiAriip. Empress burned at her Liverpool Pacific and Compagnie Uenerale' ' 1 ' Tratw-allanllque Purchase price' Publicly-owned CBC to be giv-wa not disclosed : en- ln P'ce of licence fees, re- Canadian Pacific officials said 'T. " radUsi' ft,1J the de Crasee should be able toij" -""n -,-f ; ; , v ' 3 personal Income tax by an average 11 per cent starting July I. This means reduction of half that for the taxpayer on the non-security part of his tax this year. The two per cent Social Security tax was not touched. The tax on cigarettes was reduced by four cents on a package of 20, effective immediately. The $2.50-yearly radio licence fee Is removed after March 31, and Mr. Abbott announced there will be no licence fee for television sets. Corporation taxes apart again from the Social Security tax were cut by six per cent for big companies and 10 per cent for small ones, and the "small-company group was enlarged, effective on 1953 profits. TORONTO (CP) The m GEORGE MOTORISTS MAC Ul KAACII(r(B WHO iiuu . president of the Canadian booked sailings on the Empress : Duty-free entry to Canada of TV srU bought by visitors to the I'nilril KLatM to b atonoed of Canada. Many who booked on Manufacturers Associa I AXE FOR VIOLATIONS Immediately. 1 f tion says corporation and income tax reductions announced by Mr. Abbott Klanip tax on cheques and similar documents repealed immediately, Sales tax of 10 per cent repeal early eatlxund sailing planned to be ln England for Coronation week early tn June. The de Ora.sMf, with accommodation for 358 first-class and 355 tourist pa.vcngers. Is scheduled to leave Liverpool April 28 for her first trip to Montreal Khe then Joins the Empress of France and the Empress of Scot "will encourage taxpay ed on bonks and materials going i :n l Gl.oltuK f ltf the. biggest crackdown on motor -?i;iv t George history, "5 dnvers have been summoned ;tif violation f Mun.iiuuM-t started flowing at a fast flip after It was d ir a t.ripapcr Ury that a recently-drawn 60-minute t bylaw van not being enforced by police, -Jay there w.u a steady stream of motorist to city hall jre U cir 12 penalties for overtime parking and other violations ers to add to tfteir sav Into books effective Immediately CHEQl'E TAX ENDS The "nuisance" stamp tax on ings and expand their Sales tax repealed on all MRS. JO WILDE. 27-year-old blue-eyed blontft, became the first woman in the 151-year history of Ontario parliaments to record the proceedings of the legislature for Hansard. Premier Frost said she probably ut the first woman In Canada to occupy the' position. A shorthand reporter for 10 years, Mrs. Wilde covered courts in Toronto and Hamiltoo before joining the Hansard staff land on regular runs between the ! material Including newsprint cheques and similar documents Is repealed, effective Immedi enterprises." O. K. Shiels said manufacturers will appreciate the "further two ports. used exclusively In newspap-The Empress of Canada's first er and magasine production,' ately. The floor' on medical ex penses deductible from . per step In the direction of elrai- .sailing was scheduled for April effective Immediately.. ; 7 from Liverpool, and the return , 'trip April 17 from Montreal . . '0U',,Jer "nl ,,loor on deductible medical low n.w.1,1.,.. rr .k... ri.. ... ... expenses sonal taxable Income was low mpletion of Ferry Slip ered to three per cent ot the taxable income, from the pres prcted U. he transferred W theier cent, effectiv ent four per cent, on 1953 income. ( . . - . m Spur Shipping Activity other Canadian Pacific ships and i""" . .. ,. tto other lines. ,-) 7?xp"yer P I u'i,. h. i,-. 1 dependenu earmnrs and Personal tax exemptions were CNR on prov.r tlilaj Umding for barges first trip she will have her niajuif'" un,ver8,ty' nating double taxation of corporation earnings." But consumers would regret the "discrimination" of retaining excise taxes on many product. ' '. . .: ; o Reaction to other phases of ' the budget were mixed. Cigarette manufacturers welcomed the four-cent cut in duty, but tobacco growers said it wasn't enough. Book publishers, booksellers rm.' iiiiniv ui rarru hD nil ti to six t frnlitlit freight n r v m t.. m w i c v UTt vi uit ' ciuuirai up I Deduction from taxable Income n can, "ITT .r! 4 'arv fnrrL- i!,, f t3r.,.mA c il.A la- V, a r "wj onw iu , . , , . , w -v. .a,, i w,v , - . Two Jailed For Theft From Salesman's Car One man was sentenced to six months in prison and another to seven days from date of conviction on charges of theft from a travelling salesman's car here Feb. 1) before Magistrate Walter D. Vance in police court today. t : Albert Lavcrne Dobbins, 43,1 Speaking on behalf of Dobbins, who pleaded guilty, got the six-1 Mr. Hogarth asked for a "light month term ln Dakalla and unon i sentence" In view of the accused's U the forerunner ot a J300.000 J-.UIl of 10 cent of Canadian com Quebec bridge and power lines! I per v. ,j .v.. b. t t . . .i ih.,. .r,n pany pany divldenc bars" l:n of oermanrnt ran-'ai.iihici broadened for persons with children ln college and with dependents earning money. A 10 per cent sales tax on books was listed, effective immediately, and so was the same tax on all materials going into the finished product of newspapers and magazines. alrucU. and g.catcr capacity. :lheJ?W Carticr bridge it j LU' rfneS" ronSJer- 'if raU h.ri!c is givina un-Mdcraijle s)rulation pping activity here is T.porury :;p. which will it was built, according to "'" la Is used In producing tax-exempt food products, effective i ne oe wrasse, wnirn nas seen long service tn the Atlantic and and authors generally were I in mArliu toltf routes, wa-t built at " on cruLse Birkenhead. England, in 1924 j Copper During the war she was at an-; Surplus for 1153-54 expected ta be $11,000,000 compared with $tR,00.00 In 1952-53. pleased at the repeal of the 10-per-cent sales tax on books an-t materials going into books, but candy manufacturers were disappointed that the budget contained no tax relief for that industry. It has pressed repeated chor In a Frenrh river when her crew, fenrinff the Oermans would . initial reports. I" allow trans-' ; porta tlnn of equipment for con- jslrurlion of a $40,000,000 pulp T 'mill at Ketchikan. s. i I Connecting with another terry j i slip at Ward's Cove, Alaska, a j short distance from Ketchikan, jlhc water link also Is to provide ; the means for shipping manu-j laclurcd pulp front the northern city to this port and then release faces possible deportation to his native U.S. Magistrate Vance first lectured iosit 'Seen' past record and "the drunken stupor ln which the man was when the deed was committed." He said Dobbins, although Angus Buchanan McPhail on the sets her, oiened the seacocks csuinawa rtio and sent her to the bottom. She M.473.0O0.000 compared with was refloated after the war and : 375.000.000 in 1952-53. Expen-completely reconditioned tn 1947 diturcs $4 .462 .000 .000 compared to go back Into the Le Havre-' $072,000,000. LAST Bl'DGET In his eighth and likely last budget, Mr. Abbott did not knife into taxes quite as deeply as ln the pre-election "sunshine" budget of 1949. The delayed effect of the personal Income tax cuts appeared to lend some strength to the idea of a fall, rather than spring, election this year to let the reductions take hold. Budgeting for an $11,000,000 r Stewart ly for removal of the special excise tax of 15 per cent on con fectionery. ;!KA! Alaska f The New York service. by rail to its U.S. destination. The automobile industry also n Cliroiiicle saiil tixlay No word, however, has been was disappointed. There was no xrniips. one of them to lie frubushcr Ltd . evils of drinking before passing i convicted of an attempted break-a seven-day sentence which ends i '"8 and entering prior to 1939 Feb. 24. McPhail was convicted i had not been ln trouble since. He last Tuesday of taking part in! had had recent marital troubles the theft of about $100 worth of which had caused his heavy crockery and glassware from a (drinking. car belonging to Ernest Nerlich, j Bruce Brown, crown counsel, a Toronto salesman. isaid Dobbins' action "cannot be Magistrate Vance told McPhail ; taken lightly. It is of a most that "your trouble as I can see serious nature. It Is liquor. You should do some- 'The crown suggests such a thing quick or you will be drag-1 sentence should be passed as to ged down. Join the A As or get : be a deterrent to others. There received here when shipments ure to begin from this point north M'k,g a proposed 1-ake surplus for 1953-54. against an estimated S4S.000.000 ln the current year, Mr. Abbott calcu pi.wi-r development. n heated race to lm on a liuce coper w-rt drixwit I,, (atiiirin Lumbermen Demand Inquiry VANCOUVER O British Co- Completion of the slip here hud Ix-en urged for "as soon as Ixi&slUc" and officials have tax relief in that field. 8ome labor men also were sour. Murray Cotteriil, president of the Toronto Labor Council, was critical of reductions ln the corporation tax field. He thought, too, that reduction of the medical-expense "floor" wasn't enough. lated that he lopped $237,000,000 Corporations subject to seven per cent tax In Quebec given deduction of Uiis amount, up from present five, effective 1953.- Tax concessions extended for petroleum, natural Sas a,,d mm ing companies. No chance In two per cent old age security tax; no change in special luxury tax of 15 per cent. Tariff reductions amounting to about $1,000,000 a year, to help the miner, fisherman and soldier with foreign service. ! Hospital Plan off federal 1953-54 revenues. stated that plans are under way 1 i undersUiod to te at n Giucicr ut iim After that, the amount would be to have heavy equipment for some other help." $361,000,000 a year. construction of Aluminum Com has been much interest in this case. If too light a sentence Is In 1949. he made an immedi jlumbla lumbermen Thursday de ASKS LIGHT SENTENCE 'rtiinrt h'kan pilot, who flew "i for a .ski lutwii,, given it may lead others to be- pany of Canada's $5000.000 projects at Kitimat and Kcmano ate $322,000,000 a year slash. Doug Hoaarth. counsel for both lieve that crime Is worth .the Expenditures for the coming year were estimated at a record "r wocn. told P'Hd a 'fancy manded a federal royal commission on the timber Industry before the new 10 per cent provincial natural-resources tax on primary mining and logging is shipped from eastern Canada through this port. It has been argued that such a plan would save "thousands peacetime high of $4,462,000,000 "r stayiiiK with them and revenues at a record $4,473,- Pro-Cons See little' Aid accused, asked for a light sentence for Dobbins and a suspended sentence for McPhail. Mr. Hogarth told court that McPhail in his 42 years had not been ln trouble before. A former air force officer, he had also risk." Mr. Brown said McPhail's part in the crime "is certainly not as serious" but said the police did not recommend, nor did he, that a suspended sentence should be given. toys, the newspaper 000,000. of dollars" In shipping costs levied, while the Terrace-Kltlmat rail Finance Minister Oundcrson link Is under construction. j proposed the new taxes in huf HELPS FISHERMEN Wed as sayinK nP was Under Study VICTORIA ft The B.C. government may exempt persons in low Income brackets from pay """ii mountain" of Magistrate Vance recommend been ln the service of the cus- For Workers The CBC Is to be financed through revenue collected from the current 15 per cent excise tax on radios, television sets budget presented to the legislature Wednesday. "We want the whole economic structure of logging examined as l" cnt bark to stake 'w nd told him a rival miig to go in by OTTAWA tfJ. M. MacDon- ment of hospital Insurance premiums. A new formula Instituting a system of exemptions Is expected toms and excise department and j ed deportation of Dobbins, who "has served the public honestly." i said he was an American citizen, Defence counsel called the'ffter relfase from nls Prison thert with which McPhail was;""1- charged "an escapade under thet and tubes, now Imposed at the well as the proposed new tax.' nell. financial critic for the said a spokesman for the BC Distances by rail from eastern Canada to Prince Rupert and Vancouver are similar, while from Vancouver to Kemano Is more than a 400-mile water-huul compared to a 100-mile haul from this port. The Terrace-Kitimat rail link is to be complete by the fall of 1954. Progressive Conservative opposi t '"".i i.s served Iw nvJ Lumber Manufacturers' Associa to be completed next month. It was learned Wednesday. tion. EQUAL RIGHTS tion, said Mr. Abbotts budget will give "precious little" to Canadians in lower Income brackets. i Kl and Stewart, f is now closed by snow. f a small tungsten mine The government also Is consid VICTORIA A bill which Influence of liquor which has landed him ln a catastrophe." Mr. Hogarth suggested a suspended sentence but said that crown counsel would not agree because It was not recommended by the police. would provide equal pay for men The budget showed the government had turned a full cycle, tax and women for equal work was ering another method of attracting delinquents Into the plan. Complete abolition of arrears and a fresh start for everybody Is the proposal now being studied. Introduced ln the British Colum bia legislature Thursday. "We anticipated some tax Increase, but this Is a bit higher than we expected." Demand for a royal commission was made at an emergency meeting of the association. "We now face a total tax on logging of 57 per cent," the spokesman said. The association cuts 90 per reductions had once again been reaehed "which of course means election year." POO Attend 1953 Show It was a "cat and mouse" manufacturers' level. The budget contained no changes In succession duties. Tariff reductions amounting to about $1,000,000 are proposed to help miners, fishermen and soldiers returning home after years aboard. While the tax cuts were spread around fairly widely, they did not touch the 15 per cent excise tax on "luxury" items and made no change in the sales tax rate of 10 per cent, with only a few Items lifted out from the sale tax category. Taxpayers will be allowed a deduction from taxable Income of 20 per cent of their dividends from taxable Canadian companies. They now are allowed only 10 per cent game. Every once ln a w hile the New GM Automobiles Liberals Anticipate Lively Meeting at Centre Tonight cent of the logs harvested an 2.000 nually ln the B.C. coast forest persons attended the Frlzzcll Motor w auto omnlilio .1, . ... . ... district. "mouse Is given a little cheese to fatten him up for more extractions by way of taxes ln the year following." Falling Tree Ceni, it. ms' n'Knt in me auditorium 01 me rJ,h.t'.",'sl Ulivclirg here of 1953 models of the most there with unanimity of thought behind them." -hi Motors Corporation cars. Dlsolaved amid ' sfJ iil.l, "" ere four ' Pontiacs ' and four Chevrolet. Mr. Youngs said the assocUv the dcnii-. Kills Man tion already has approved a reso . -,--....,1 uu i.ju D.m.. a. rnxn or visitors surirca WEATHER Forecast North Coast Region: Cloudy Saturday. Clear periods over the Charlottes and occasionally along the mainland today. A few showers. Little change ln temperature. Winds light today except northwest 20 In exposed west Should the administration of our labor-management relations be In the hands of a part-time labor relations board? Should oar hospital Insurance be voluntary or compulsory? "There Is wide difference of opinion on all of these questions among Liberals in the riding," poles a',!d fim' dccoraU,d with streamers of miniature lution asking that the provincial convention charge registration Currie Report Thief Jailed A lively political meeting Is anticipated here tonight when Liberals gather at the Civic Centre for their district convention. Questions on three leading controversial Issues have been drafted out of which the Liberals hope to hammer resolutions that they can present to the provincial convention at Vancouver. The questions are: . Is the recent liquor committee's report discriminatory to curtain groups? in the centre of the floor was a huge an WMMiplT" "Way lnclutcd a car transformer, a spot-inrn.' ,. . cushln. shade vents, a windshield washer. RCMP here have been advised that a man was killed yesterday afternoon at Bella Coola when a tree being felled struck him on the head. Dead is Edmund Reinholdt Rustin Dumsner. 47. No further Information was Immediately available. An Inquiry is being held. MONTREAL If r t d e r t c k T. Norton Youngs, president ot fees out of which transportation expenses will be provided for delegates from outside points. Trlncc Rupert Is entitled o send 50 delegates to Vancouver. At the meeting tonight the election of officers for this year also will be held. a -Will Interior ornaments. total of auto Perfume bottles were distributed amone the the district association, explain Hensler was convicted today of theft of the advance copy of the controversial Currie report and sentenced to one month ln jail ern waters today. Winds south 15 tonight and tomorrow. Low tonight and high Saturday at Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 35 and 45. ed. "It Is Important that this be thrashed out so delegates to the Proprietor, received visitors at the door. convention at Vancouver can go