1 I in I - ii , I, i , , , ., i , VVarhieiuay, AJclotjer 7, 1653 GtOKGK DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone Blact 84 S and Red lit i Luxury breamed ' . Prince George SAILS FOR , ,, j VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports j Each Thursday - ' at 11:15 pm. 1 For KETCHIKAN ' ' (1 1 Cut-Rate Mechanical Heart Being Adapted For Humans Ry ALTON J.. LAKKfcLK The .entire living heart is by- Associowed (Teas Hcience Reporter passed. ' i CHICAGO (AP) A cut-rate i This artificial heart gucceed-mechanical heart costing only ' ed in 90 per cent of 63 dogs. Their ! $190 was described to the Ameri- ; hearts could be opened up, with-i can College of Surgeons out hurry, so surgeons could see defect and repair them. ! It pumps only lo per cent of WEDNESDAY night Comfort and Service . For reservations write or call City or txpot Offlret I Prince Rupert. B.C. JADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS X BEST OF FCOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe i the normal flow of blood. But that apparently is enough to jkeep a nerson safely alive long ineie enough for surgeons to open his THE DAILY NEWS' "vacationing" heart, free of blood, to repair defects in it. This pump, a common commer cial type, has been used success "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3612 LAST YEAR 3308 A. hhissified Kates aim 4:30 p m. oay prerloiuj fli.MSr.il. I 3 rnta uer word per In- J; minimum jharge 60 cent, tutu-en, 60 nt; Curds of Death Notice, funeral , Marriage ana bngngtrmeiii Biretnents, 2.00. pluv double prloe. fi No Refuncln jlll not accept responsibility Iri.'il nils Inserted Inoorrectlf jr wrung ciawlficatlon unlmc tyiin uf hucI) errors U received BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. (Dally except Tuesday) Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 Today 's Stocks (Courted? B. D. JolinnWe, ( Mi) VANCOUVER American Standard 10'-, Bralorne ... 3.00 B R X :. 01 Cariboo Quartz ;.. 1.00 Congress :... -04 Cronin Bablne ... 05'i Giant Mascot 53 Indian Mines 04 Pend Oreille 3.90 fully on dogs, and Is being adapted to humans. It wu reported by Drs. Morley Cohen and C. Walton Lillehei of the University of Minnesota medical school, Minneapolis, in a paper prepared for delivery to the college. Mechanical hearts and heart- 36 ROOMS FOR RENT rt : ONE housekeeping room. 937 (238pl Ambrose Ave. a . 4 fcourtf 01 nrar, inBerrion. KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST , room. Call SLEEPING 8th West. at 337 (236) .i f lung machines have been used 1 successfully on a few htimans, but these machines are costly and complicated. ' 14 BUSINESS PERSONALS THE ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt. IIou.se wiring and electrical repairs. 149 6th Ave. West. Prime Red JG5. (241) WORLD'S FINEST CLEANBoZ. ELECTROLUX. Phon Blue 1)70 for Parts 3aies 8ervlc. . (c PLUMBING, automatic oil heat" lng, aheet metal work. Phone 543. Call 630 6th West. Letour-neau. .(c) ROOM to share. Red 471. (234) 39 HOMES FOR -KENT Phone 212 527 3rd Ave. AD . 1.50 .05 ... .04 Pioneer Premier Border Privateer Queen Charlotte Airlines (ANT DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS REPLIES Schedule Irips to. . a rj-l T PHONE ; 458 - MESSENGER: Kitimot ond Kemano Tuesdays and Saturdays FOUR-ROOM furnished suite. private entrance, Call Green 898 or 920 6th Ave. East. (237p) THREE-ROOM suite, semi-fur-ni.shcd. Central. Phone Green 241 eves. (2361 SUITES for rent. Red 984. (235 40 HOMES FOR SALE Commodore Cafe 1 PHK-IP AND DELIVERY tore holding replies following News iie jxes: 781 803 807 Replies must be -llled for in person ' PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. O. Furk, Stone Building. Red 693. (20m) WILFORD ElectTlcai Vorki.'iAo-tors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. an Reeves McDonald 1.50 Sheep Creek 50 Sllbak Premier - .11 Taku River .... 06 Vananda 01 ! 2 Spud Valley ... .; 04 Silver Standard 70 Western Uranium 1.25 Sil-Van 23 Dorreen .07 Estella 28' j Oils AP Con 23 Calmont 1.01 Central Leduc 1.50 Home Oil ... 6.40 Mercury 10 Okalta 1.57 j The new Idea is based on dis- ; j covery that the dogs can be kept ! ' alive, without harm, for up to 30 ; minutes with a pump circulating 'only lo per cent of their blood. ! This presumably is also true ! for humans. The artificial heart ! would have to pump only half a pint to a pint of blood a minute, instead of four to 12 pints as the living heart does or present ! mechanical hearts do. ; In dog experiments, the main j veins bringing blood to the heart fare clamped off. Dr. Cohen explained. A special plastic tube j thrust through these veins draws j off about 10 per cent of the blood i collecting there. The little pump pulses this j blood Into one portion of one :iung, and collects the refreshed I IN SECTION Two Five-room house with basement garage, on two large lots. Modern kitchen. Phone Green 587. (234) 10 LOS1 v . IF YOU wAi'T A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ! ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, j Rent or Trucks and Equipment Pn. Blue 930, M. J. SAUNDERS ic Bazaar, October ' OIRL'S bicycle, maroon with cream trim, wire carrier on handlebars. Reward to finder. Phone Black 480. (239 1 Srewort and Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays Ketchikan Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. ' it Charter Service if Contract Flying Agents: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Pbones (76 and C'iO 88 Fl'RNITl'HK tt)R SALE Pacific Pete 7.0 Royal Canadian 08 TORONTO $2,500 CASH plus 1952 Plymouth and monthly payments offt-r-ed for five-room house, close in. Box 811, Daily News. (238p) TWO - BEDROOM ho use. oil heater. Available immediately. $4,000. Terms. Phone Blue 710. 236l THREE-BEDROOM house witn basement. Walking distance of schools. Box 814, Daily News. (236) Bliml.st Rummag" Sale, J. Next to Stork Shoppe. trail Tea, October 10 jin Auxiliary card party, fy Men's Tea, Civic Cen-iiuber 15. H. G. HELGERS0N LIMITED REAL ESTATE As INSURANCE HOLLYWOOD bed complete, vanity und bench; Rogers console radio. Phone Black 924. (234pt 29A HEWING MAChTnES Athona 08'; blood from a vein in the lung. .A. Aumaque 15 Phone 96, Evenings Black: 899 i, men the pump sends the fresh j blood into the artery system of i the body. ini Star Dance, October JALES Repalrs-Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 884. c) scott McLaren ih Fall Bazaar, October 52 FOR SALE MISC. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W p:ic Card Party, Oct. 22. fix CLEAN wartime four. $1000 down, balance monthly. 1381 First Overlook. Blue 2138. i238p) LARGE famHy home 6r revenue huuse. 1141 Beach 'Place;. (2361 FOUR-ROOM furnished 'house. Phone Black 551. (235) Prince Rupert, B.d. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 ilily Catholic card party, MUST SELL Easy washer, $45; j electric rungette, $30; con-Iverto and chairs, $30; buffet, ;$15; or best offers. 430 Bowser St. Black 169. i235p) Bevcourt 35 Buffalo Canadian 18 C M & S 22.25 Con west 3. BO Donalda 50 Eldona .25 East. Sullivan .fM Ginnt Yellowknife 7.95 God's Lake 82 Harrlcana 13 Heva Gold ..! 06 Duvex 27 Joliet Quebec 24 Little Long Lac .51 Lynx 10 Madsen Red Lake 1.62 ., MoKenxie Red i.ake, ...... .36 Mucleod Cockshutt 1.30 CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBride Street .' PRECISION SAW FILING ENCYCLODEADIA Brit annica furnished 1 house. 1 1951 edition plus two year- FOUR-ROOM t 22. Bridge, whist and tor prize S10.00. n's Co-ordinating Coun-I Civic Centre, Oct. 22. , jlul Auxiliary Halloween t 31. , f'iutn Legion indies' Aujf-JmII Bazaar, Nov. 4. 239pi books. Like new. Box 815, Daily! Black 551. News i2Slnl AM Types of Soyjs Sharpened 115 1st Ave. W. Pboak 01 Thai tfnmwiiwm If mi iUthcii dielv4 I r ! 42 WANTED TO RENT IBENDIX. washer; Hotpoint 9.5 j -tt - t : cu. It. refrigerator; chest ofiUAKAUE wiin num. remeiu .drawers. Hed M20. 234) i floor. Contact Mr. Collins, .45 e (234p) ' Savoy Hotel. BLOND IE The Sensitive Type ' .BCr-nC YOUNG ?' 13. Full Bazaar, Nov. KITCHEN ranire. oil or wood. I 1 fl . . f OH Boy ' DATS OF . mB U I DA r AL 1 Good condition. Phone Blue ! ROOM and board for quiet . - 1234)1 tlcinan. Apply Box 809, Dully IK. Fall Bazaar, Thurs- li.vember 19, 1853. i. . . , News. cwvp) Friday, No- I Full Bazaar I 20. YOUNG couple desire five-room house or suite, unfurnished. Phone Red 83. 237p) CIRCUIJVTINO heater, good condition. Ste. No. 2, Levin Apts. (234p), G.F.7WASHINO machine; Sun-; beam Mixmaster. Phone Blue Moneta Negus Noranda Louvicourt Pickle Crow - Petrol Oil & Gas .. New Senator Sherritt Gordon .. Steep Rock Silver Miller Sweet Grass Oils Gtilden Manitou .. Landover Oils. . ... Rix Athabasca Ncsbitt Labine Boreal ii Purple Fall Ba.aar, Elks fNnv. 21. .11 63.50 .12' 1.20 .30 .15 4.15 5.83 .72 .38 1.71 .20 1.40 1.55 2.20 extra-good r- 4 . ;t 'Jp . , )) nIJ ' H ' - J ' i 1 ' Ssft i&J Wp?tff" r for and board Phone 223. young (234pi ROOM ' man. iT M. Fall Baz iar, Novem-f j 888. . .' 237l 1 1 BABY buggy In very good con AUTOMOBILES 47 tylrrlan Ladles' Aid Ba- dition. Box 812, Dally News. (238pl COAL and wood heater in good condition. Black 953. 238) 1952 CHEV coach, excellent condition, radio, air conditioner, undercoating. Mr. Stone, Blue 923. eves 237) November 26. ti Churchw.A. Christ kit'. Dec. 3. Satur-iSI WANTED M1SCEJ.LANEOU. (Mral Fall Bazaar, ELMORE PH1LPOTT (Continued trom Page H 5. MUST sell '49 Customline Ford sedan, $1100.00 or nearest offer. Phone Black 837. 234) PEKSOMAL that which permits an Indian CASH FOR Scrap, cooper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. o) 1948 2-DOOR Plymouth. New motor, new paint. Phone Blue 245. r:'239pl peed a Sardis Nurseries "Sue as a guide to fajr to consume beer like anybody else in pubs or to drink hard liquor like anybody else in- cock- HOMES for three nice kittens, j wneii buying plants. Free uesi. sarais . Nurseries.,!. , yiree jnoni ns oiu. on , j wyvyyw rTI " if&u. wu.S!-jJruiw-,l,V' .:i...i.J ,iWi-e HI LIJU nnu,y. ""T IZ.V." "... ..'.,u KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED .: " - - By ZANE GRfcY V "" mTsAWA ViK4Y0ACr,JWyA J K UTBiA fOKYOUIt tK'Mfi. THtAfTIOte FOOT) itirSj HOT YCJ ' ' ft Though nr fa Boos hT ff.e vcuDieSj r-rrf r- wwsfj-'. K.gesfeve'y j . bliv c,a-w4 UleJ"' r I f V & r " f, U I. Frid ay.- October 9. Le- PIANO in good condition. Boxf fT I 1240 KUOCycie n Kin nntlv News (238 1IU5 Mraiigr iram.r ..u tribute very little to "temper .SuMecl U Chanr jAuditorium. Music by the J Mountain Boys. Admls-fiiO. ,236) two-month punpy. (234p) HOME for Red 417. ance" but it will still give the, Indian a cause for grievance. U j may or may not have been a j good thing to allow Indians to drink alcohol like anybody else. ('T Alcoholics P.O. Box 343. v'.i. Anony-Phone (234) WEDNESDAY (l:ll Mipper wreuuile 8:45 Introduction to Wednesday NlRllt But when B.C. long since swal 33 BOATS AND ENGINES 12-FT. plywood, V-botlom. Will hold up to a 25-h.p. Phone Black 488 between 6 and 7 p.m. (239p) 36 . ROOMS FOR RENT lowed the camel it is Just plain silly to choke on the gnat. U LAKNrd Will It Be Yours R At TAPP i 7:00 CBO Newa 7:15 CMC News Roundup 7:30 Boyd Neel Conducts 8:311 The Keputntlon Of Miss Funny Burney 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBO News 10:15 KeclUir 10 30 All introduction to Poetry B.C. VOTED for the new system and the thing to do now Is to give it a trial. I would per HEY''-VOOT we'RE 8KEWIN' 1 1 ANYTHING S . I I THET ANVIL MELTED ) ( -AM ) 1 I MlOn.'.'-fDCKS.ruM ALL " I f t WANTUM J I UPAFHE5H V PRAPS IN IT- 7. LI KE SUTTER !f-J SO OVF.R.WRIT US HOvTO 1 , k 1 GETVOO VTO'-VK.'-S I DI&CXYESr ) AM'LLDRAPTHe f ( WILl ' SAfCW GIT OUR E-AS '' . 6ABVOUTA f .roo...KICKAI0 I ftABV H N' SjTTH'1? OOTATH' DRAIN PIPEf ... DRAINPIPE? J-sJa JM JUICE.'.' ; VWA -TrZ'-- C ' NATCHERLV TK OUl BY. . MF.BBE ONE lOZA WEFtt" -( ; 'I f ; . DRAIN-PIPE WILL SV c V. WILL WOR.'.'- J 5. Z k IT II S& OISSOLVfc.r VO' m , - Jf i BOARD and . room for young quiet gentleman. Nice home. Non-drinker. Write your particulars to Box 766, Daily News. JSINESS PERSONALS fyour classified ad In this at the economical six ?' 15 words for 3 eon- days cost $1.35; 13 i'"r six consecutive days wi. And remember, you e your ads Just call I'News. (tf-nc) wAL Machinery Co. Llm-l Distributors for Mining, f. Logging and Contrac-fcuilpment. Inquiries ln-anvllle Island, Vancau-c tf) pM (238PII LARGE, bright light housekeeping room suitable for couple. Central Phone Green 241, evenings. 239) sonally like to see beer sola tn cans through ordinary grocery stores. If people want to drink, the more they drink in homes, and the less in bars, the better. I hope B.C. never permits the fool custom which they have now In so many parts of the U.S.A. where liquor Is not sold in rooms with the lights full on but where the whole room is kept in eerie, blue-light semi-darkness, like something halfway to the infernal regions-except for the lack of warmth. TWO-ROOM apartment, also one room, furnished und F 'APJ NO AND OARDEN-i Hock walls, rnrkorlpa xcam &ua h heated. Call at 522 Fulton St., Apt. 3. 234p) Power boxes, lawns and I Garden keeping. Free "'1. Phone Red 806. 1 1 IM1 lolral Mnslerpleie 11:3(1 Mlislr Till Mldllljhl 13:00 Sign-Off THURSDAY AM . 7:00 B.C Fishermen' BroaacMt j:l.v MiiKleal Clock 7:30 CBC News: Weather Report Muslim 'UM'll 8:0O CBC News; Weather J:l(i Here's Bill Good H: I n Miirnloe lemllon S:SII Heitiril llllllll ti:0O BBC News It Commentary :I3 Mu-icul Miireli-Pa'-I 9:30 Morning Concert 9:69 Time Signal 10:00 Morulng Visit 10:13 Klilera of the Purple Sage 111:3(1 KeylMMird and Console 10:46 Invitation ta. the Waltu 11:00 Your Good Neighbor 11:15 Kindergarten ol the Air 1 1 :3(t lessuse Period Program Hetnine IteeordiiiRH 1 1 :45 Heandinavlati Melodie P.M. 1J:0(I Born X Years Too Boon 12:15 CBC News TWO double rooms with twin beds. Board If desired. 812 2nd West. (238i ,(235p) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES Jji By STAN DRAKE ft for PnnaiKnn ri..IJ L.IU.. 1 1,1 Tor IIVVffAn n . 3.v TEAAPORAR LV PARLIN5... :1 KSSERTiS ON ME w WELL. I &J2SS TV4T LEAVES - room and Phone Blue (237p) HOUSEKEEPING sleeping room. 626. tllrj all WplHlna liinnllu ME RiS-TT WHSe I STARTED I a. ess us jcnss MUST. M CLASS WITH POPS AMP ME AT VSO, G7 A9SOLUTB.V.' ITS OiLVA WATTERCF TrtlE 6V . ' , BSrdiS W E HAVE A FULL.- rt? N SOLr OASC-e Or 9Wf Y'".'-' - NO AR5LMEMTS, I II W MANSTWA'rONieUT.' f fcd I its not evtiw aw tve yF2t?r PEVON CONSTRUCTION 3it2lf ri ccmffcNY insists i (L ji asJ 0NH4MNey LAUNFRV, MOeS ne 80. (c) HtlTTfN AO. OVt Ot you 6ouup He see ONE double, one single sleeping room available. Phone Red 784. - ' (237p) THr VK. CH6T P4ViS PLEAP TM ME TOCOte J'S cleaned. Chimney & o'?al,'s' cleaning. f wall, wln-J-shedLBlue2U5. (236pi your oldrtirerFo"r"li RAir?oe.see KNUTSON'8 LIGHT housekeeping room. 1141 Beach Place or Blue 433. (238) WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. Dally 132 4th Ave. (238p) BLEEPING rooms. Kast. Red 417. i HEKVIC1S, 8U r"-. rnone Red 548. r:'!.V liilerlmle I i:.1.1 Heeorded Interlude 12:66 Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 9 :30 Trans-Canada MatU'M 3:lfi Keeords for You 3:45 Hit Parade 4 is As Timei Oo By 4:30 Hudson By Express 1 LARGE housekeeping room. Call 801 Borden St. (237) m mm 1 (i giV'- way;; .xx-.:' SLEEPING room. 336 6th East. Phone Black 910. (23S)pl rgain Hunters Are Bagging Their Limits Here . . . Season Mever Closes r r j