Prince Kupfc-rr ucniv iNewS Monday. January 28. 1952 11(01 IPS JOHN H. BULGER CARPENTERS (CLOSURE TIME 10 aju. an day ef publication) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain Irom telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word pr insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. BLACKWOOD on By FASLEY BLACKWOOD . r 4)ft !! REAL ESTATE SALE 4-room with shower. $3.01)0 00 full price, $1500.00 clown, $30.00 er ,W A, .,!.. II1.! ',! ... At IIIOIllll. nniy uu -nvi A!r. AIhI Credited With An Able Assist West v As Miss lirash Makes Her 5-Club Bid i Typically enough, Miss Brash opened the bidding with an ace and two queens She hoped to find a fit1 with her partner in one of her long suits. If the op-! jionents held the balance of the high card strength j (as seemed likely), a profitable sacrifice .-put might, be located. She felt that she had o star Nort h dealer East-West vulnerable Nrlh 1M1. nlei S - A 3 8a D- 7 5 2 C K 10 5 4 Wr-I a-t bidding early in order to have a : better chance of showin b.iih hearts arid clubs. This reasoning paid off very well with Mr. Abel's help. j the final contract of live elub-. doubled. M.'. Abel led the kins ol spades. ! Miss Brash won with dummy's ! ace and promptly led the nine of hearts. Mr. Abel won with the j jaclc and returned a club. But it. was too late to attack the trump j Kwm all of your mwi M uur prKMUl niM'bin. ll ' ' i 0 Mini. .f rurl Joint- hi. ittms a4 Mttia. Tt,rrn Ml JBM, TM. I PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PKiGOTT PlCK Box 1011 Station B AKent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.: 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves : by appointment only 21-23 Boner EiOi'fe Phone Bhie 4-12 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lame Block 008 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert. B C. ?hone 347 P.O. Box 374 Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 21(-4th Rt. Ph. Black 389 GEORGE RORIE&CO. ACCOUNTAN 18 AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4h Rirwt Phone 655 WE KENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STI DIO 218 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 388 Prince Rupert suit. The club lead was won in tlu closed hand and a heart was ruffed on the board. Miss Bra.sft returned to her hand twice more to ruff two more hearts on the board, clearing the suit. She got to her hand by ruffing spades. After this sequence she stiil had two trumps left. She entei-'ed her hand once more by rufl-. ing dummy's last spade, took out the remaining t.'umps and spread '.her hand, conceding a diamond. MARGARET orroMirri Ronm i STONE Bl'n. P1I0N1 BLUE 5 P 0. BOX ELECTR' SALES AND? Cleaners, f Models (rur Phone Blue 970 Brick, Btnnr and Tile Setting and K. SORE' Phone b HANDY HOME 5E: GENERAL COr: Building and R; kind! ROOFS - C!!' OIL Bas PH0S5 P.O. Box 1670 1 J A ITT, VIA I I X upiiOLSir Phone Blue 136. 234 3rd S Prince Rape H. G. HELG LIMITI REAL ESTATE 4 Phone 9 Ewni: Oil Heotino LAWR1E MACE Blue 18' Complete servicf burners arid Stoves, Heaters Train Sci For the East- Daily except St From the East- Daily except Mo; cc: RADIO DiAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject le Chang i ! . MONDAY I 5:00 Rawhide 5:1a International Comty. ' 530 Dixieland Jay. 6.00 Supper St-renaue 15 MMrllHi Au W Mufirnl VarietiM 45 .Smilry Btirnt'tte Show :t CHC N-ws 7:15 ChC News RminUup 30 Fnmkie MrPlmieii show I 45 Boom Towns ol BC. (HI Llllner Awhile 8:30 National Farm Radio' Forum OO Fireside Singers 15 MilshuI yueMtoii Box ' 9:30 Abernathy A: Lawrle ' 00 CHC News CBC News Provincial Affairs :10 Ijiut-'binn Matter ;l).l Wi ainer Report and Sin-ofT TUESDAY I M I 7:00 Mltslenl Clo. k 8.00 CBC News j 10 Here's Bill Good i 8:15 Morning Son!,' SO Mornmii Devotions ! 45 I. it tie Concert 00 BHC Ne and .Commentary I 9:15 Music for Mmlerns ! 9:;i0 Mormm Concert Time Sitnial i 10.00 Mommy Visit : 10:15 Riders of the Purple Suite 1 30 This, Week's Artist I 10:45 Guestm' With Kesten ' 11:00 Kmderyarfen of the Air ; 11.15 Roundup Time SO Wenther Report Messaue PerlMi ; 11.33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian M'loill'-S 12:00 Mld-dav Melodies 1215 CBC News 25 Prosram Resume 30 BC Farm Broadcast HM,ordKl ju.rUli0 00 A,.ni,,n c..irt 145 Amon Grant: Cotuty. 2:00 School Broaden I :30 P.ecorris at Panflf,m 00 The Music Box : 30 Solo Guest 3:45 Novel Time , 00 Sunshine Society 30 Adventures of John Tanner 1 4:45 Stoek Quotations; Interlude 55 CBC News j 5:00 Tony ti TroulKdor DUimcfii .ECIPES . Walnut Buttert-cotih Square ; 1 egg 1 cup brown s'J?ap 1 packed' 'ri cun melted shortening 3 run siftfrt flour , : . r . 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3-i cup chopped walnuts Beat etrg lightly. Stir in sugar and shot teninp. Sift toce'h'r flour, baking powder and salt, and stir into first mixture. Blend in vaniila ami walnuts. Spread grease-J 8-innh square pan. Bake in moderate oven '1550 F.I 30 to 40 minutes. Cut into srpiares when cool. Makes 16 2-snrh 1 squares. f'Ol'LD HAVE WON Mr. Abel could have defeated this conl.'act by opening a trump When he was in with a heart at' - :the second trick he could have 1 led another trump so that Miss Brash would have been able to : ruff only two hearts with ' dummy's clubs. Standings will be announced The bidding and his own par-; Wednesday, ticular holding should . have Yet to play in the second 'guided Mr. Ab"l to the right ' round of the checker tournament 'opening lead. Mr. Dale had re-' are Dean Freemen vs D. W. Carr-! fused to raise B.-ash's fir.,l 1 Harris and Gerry Lemire vs. bid suit but had strongly sup- John Bulger. Third round op-ported her second one. Mr. Abel ponents are Bulger vs. Jack had strength in ail three side Stirn. L. Stan wood vs. suit.. Harris and Freemen vs. Lemire. o, lorn el nil John Bulger Ld. Third Avenue l.tllKI.K IIAttrS AUCTIONEER Phone t.rwn 81(1 anil Red 117 WELDING (iovernment Certified Operators Ilith Pressure Tanks lUfrierrntion Stacks and Fire Evrapr INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 2?5 1st E. Phone fireen 881 Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors PLUMBING c-p.d HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service Ycu Know PHONE For Repair and Alterations Smith-ElkinsLtd. Used Car Buyers Easing of credit regulations payments may be made over 18 months. What this extended term means to YOl" 1948 Monarch Sedan New seal, covers, smart maroon. Monthly payment was . SG4.H0 N,ms45.00 1950 Ford Fordor Was M'fi.VilM Monthly paynre nt before S91M ,63.00 BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of fiiendly service" W RAT HALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTINO ENLARGINO EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES ?lionc Oreen 136 Box 178 There was no danger of Miss Brash qui.kly getting rid of any irw,i u'iti, iheo minis i, mind, the trump opening was opponents are D. W. Carr-indicated to nrevent Ml Rraxh Harris vs. G. G. Bird; J. W. If , , I " I" 1 ' V ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Card party. February 'for i Lutheran Tea, February 9. i i I.O.D.E. Founders Day tea, February 13, at home of Mrs.1 Jen.s Munthe. ! ; ; WE Legion Card Part'v, January 30.' , 1 i Woim n'.- Hospital Auxiliary! Valentin Tea, February H. U. F. A. W. U. W.A. Valentine (lance. Oddfellows' Hall, Febru- arv 22. I Conrad P.TA. "Sadie Haw-kins'' dance, February 15, Conrad Street School. Annual Masonic ball. Friday, February 15. United Church Leap Year tea. FcbruaiH' 28. St. Patricks Tea and Home- cooking Sale. Catholic Hali.i 'March 20. Card party and draw-1 ing of rafllc 8 p.m. Lesion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 9. Job's Dausi liters Ea-ster tea, April jQ. I11K1II NOTJCE Born to Betty and Jinimie Hyndman at the Prince- Rupert General Hospital on January 24, a daughter, Maureen Elizabeth, a pounds 13 oun?.s. PERSONAL PRINCE RUPERT Hotel Dining Room serves business men's lunches at very reasonable prices. Hours 7 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. itfi RECORD SALE Regular price from 90c to $1.25. 1000 new W records to clear at 49c and 3 tor $1 00. McRae Bios. 1 23c WILL CARE for child during dav.s lor wf.rkins mother. Apply 318 7th Ave. East. Uf-n.-i mxp wanted male WANTED-Bo.- for Sun Route Snellen 2. Pnonc StO or Green - 767. - .25c .MALE OR FEMALE U1XP EXPERIENCED "cayroll clerk for construction company office. This a temporary position. Phone Red 5L'3 for interview. ( 25c 1 SI TI ATIOX WANTED EXPERIENCED .stenographer rle.-in .s of 1 ice work. Phone Red 876. '23pi FOR SALE FURNITURE for Sal? Bedroom rues, radkM, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, ches'.erfield hfds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest po.-.iible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) BOYS' and girls' ski slacks, all wool, best quality made, all .sizes, priced very reasonably. B. C. Clothiers. (tf) FOR SALE Standard size bath-lub and baby carriage in (rood condition. 78C Alired Street. I23pi FOR SALE- Coal range, cream -eiiainel,. like new. cheap. ALso Si lent Cilotv wick burner. Pttuiii' lied 832 alter 6 p.m. .23pi FOR SALE Reconditioned fur coal.s $25.00 and up Fowlie-14 uttie Ltd., 3rd Ave. (45c FOR KENT FOR RENT-Biack Room and board. 890. (20pi F'OR RENT General Electric floor polisher.', $1 per day. Phone Blue 9U2. Pacific Electric. ' (tf t FOR RENT Comfortable steam heated room for gentleman. Phone Green 891. (.f-nci FOR RENT Sleeping room close in. Blue 433 25c 1 FOR RENT Sleeping room. Red 860. (24pi WANTED TO RENT WANTED 2-room apartment or large housekeeping room by working couple, close in. Box 278. Daily News. (27pi WANTED TO RENT 3 Or 4 room apartment or house. Mr Senff, P.O. Box 538. 23p CARS I'OR SALE FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth convertible, 5 passenger. Can be seen at Frizzell Motors. (28pi FOR SALE 1948 Morris Oxford. Good condition, cheap. Owner leaving tr-wn-, must .tell. Enquire C. N. Telegraphs 8:30 am. to 5;30 p.m. (23p) FOR SALE As is and where is. 1!M8 Chevrolet 1 ton panel I ruck. B.C. . I.i""iicp No C31-017. Mav be inspected at Bob Parker Ltd. Bids accepted by R. E. Mortimer, phone ? (24c) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. O. Furk, Stone Building, Red 593. (20m) . ... . . ... . irom inning losers on ine Doaru. . John McLeod, Stewart, Dies Pioneer Hotel Man of Northern Mining Camp Passes Away John McLeod, for many years! ( 23)' HOUSES WANTED TO BUY HAVE ;- a client with up to P.M. $15000.00 cash for a three or 0Ur bedroom house. Must have basement and furnace. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. 8 t Phone 34 Black 197 eves. 6 (25ei 7 TENDERS 7 7 SEALED tenders addressed to 8 the Secretary, Synod Office. 9 P.O. Box 508, Prince Rupert, 9 B.C., will be received up to noon, February 15. 1952, for 10 tne purchase of M V. Western 18:10 Hope which can be viewed ut 10:15 tne Prince Rupert Dry Dock 10 1 1 and Shipyard. Length 42 feel between perpendiculars, O A. A 46 feet. Beam 11 feet, Dratt 3 feet 6 inches. Powered by 90 H P. Acadia. Cruising speed 8 eiyht knots. Lower or any tender not nece.ssarilv accepted. 8 b (2Gci 9 WANTED 9:. ROUTE BOYS WANTED 10 Good routes available for right kind of carrier boys 11 or girls at Daily News office 1131 with increased remuneration after first of year. PM. " l WANTED TOP MARKET j PRICES PAID fcr scrap iron, 12 steei. steel brass Drass, CODC'T topp... lead ieau, etc iic. I 12 Honest uradins. Prompt pav-1 , ment made. Alias Iron 4i Metals Ltd., 2a0 Prior St., Van- couver, B. C. Phone PAcitic 2 (',357. ttf) 3 3 ANTED TO BUY Used child's i tricycle. 104 Elizabeth Apts. or j 4 4 Box 282 Daily News i23pi 4 WANTED 2 or 3 room apartment by reliable couple. Urgent. Box 2S4. Daily News. .24pi CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop-ner batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call G23 6th Avenue j West, City. UM WANTED 2 room apartment ori larse housekeeping room fcy . workincr couple, ciose in. Box; 278. Da:'.y News. '25pi LOST AND POUND LOST Saturday between Post Office and top of Fulton Street bunch of keys. Reward. Box 287 Dailv News. .24p FOUND Silver identification bracelet, engraving includes R.C.H.A. Finder may have same by identifying and P-iy-; ins for this ad. Daily News 'lice- !ln ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS , , CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS X PLUS I BUSINESS ' FOR YCU Kntith trnomna More Midget Cars OXFORD, England The British makers of the M. G. Midget plan to ship 90 per cent of their total output to the United States in the first three months of 1952. Last year the little two-seaters earned more than $5,000,000 in their biggest selling centres, Pnllfnrntd nrf NW Vnrlf fit.a t.P About 75, per cent of the total output was shipped. Britons must stiil wait four or five years for delivery of one of these little cars which are designed to give more than 30 miles to a gallon of gasoline and better than 80 miles an hour. Selling price is about $2000. Output in three months, limited byTearmament demands on raw materials, will be about 1750 cars. I Mr Abelt l Mr Champion 1 S K W 5 4 S - J 10 7 2 H-AKJT H- 10 6 D A Q J D K 10 8 4 3 .1 C- 8 2 iMiiith M1H Bruril S- 8 H Q 8 5 4 3 2 D--8 C A Q 7 3 Tlje bidtims: North East South Wi-st Pss 1 H Pahs 1 a 2 C 3 S 4 C 4 8 5 C PlLSS Pa Ubl All Pass Checkers, Chess Hearing End of Second Rounds Plav-offs for both, the check- r and chess round robin con t(1st3 continue Tuesday night at tile civic centre and should see completion of the second round anri A,aTt on the third round. In the. chess tourney, most of the second round opponents have rflaved off. Third round ci,.l,qc -. " c ntHito- , ...o.v Artv,n ..... it. chell vs. J. F. Stirn; O. H. Trapp vs. L. S'.anwood. Checker and chess play-offs will be held in separate rooms. Mr. Stirn is in charge of the tourney. PEROW NOTES The Wilson Bros, sawmill has' STEAM IR Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver anil Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAV MSDN'IGIII Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, BC. BLONDIF For the MEAL that REFRSl BEST OF FOOD 'proprietor of the King Edward ruade a drastic cut in operations, 'i Hotel at Stewart, passed away at . laying off the entire crew. I the northern mining town 8un-i j day morning, the victim of ; Bill Nicholachuk went with K. ; pntHinionia. jByman by car to Prince George I Mr. McLeod was about sixty , last week. Mr. BTman plans to years of ase and was born in buy a sawmill and commence op-; Stornaway. Scotland. lerations there. j He took an active part iti pub-. j lie affairs during his long resi- yaroid Wiht has recently sold j denoe at Stewart. He was a ' his camp and timber limit and member of Enoch Lodge, A.F.&. : will soon move clown the valley i A. M. again. FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE ' BROADWAY CAFE For New Construct! and Repair Worl SELL TRADE ETC. SEE GREER & BRIDDEN t . . ''.:, I ' ' 1 Besides his wife, Mr. Leod Is : 1 survived by two sons, Ian of ; ', Goldbridge and Donald of Prince ; Rupert, and two daughters i i Mrs. Duiiald (Lsaueli McLeod of j Stewart and Mis.s Janet McLeod I of Golden. ! Miss Janet McLeod was aboard i the Camosun last evening, hav-jintj'bcen called to Stewart, and ! the son, Donald, sailed from here ' on the same vessel. i OU-r Phone 909 215 1st Ave. W. Ilotv 1IIO Aiilort 1,600,000 Displaced Persons t Chinese DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 Janudt EXTRA FREf every suit ll0" , "and MoW LIN the ta 220 Sixth St. By CHC" r AiL' l't Z v . 4 ' 1 f r. 1 1 SA ' ,-;' ''- - "Me ond Mv Biq Mouth!" nr; .air X ma & t . t a 1 111 Al"5r- JZ k&- r. z ,1 THANK VOU. I TMATlS,V.'iTHOUi ) J i (iiiM''' I WHAT 5 THE MATTtSJ . (TCOTSIE--1LOVE A OOU8T.THE r- N WITH T00TS!E?XJ 4 , j ujiff.! l .. f ..-,v jwji .,, wii "u '-w-yi"--ijLm. hm.iuw!!hi-iw.iu!,-4 I ."j p ii.i i'.ih mm iii . . . i. i ii I,, M , mftmBvammMaimammBm The I11l. ruat1.mal Relugee Orframzation, one of the I ruled Nations' Specuhed Agencies, will end its operations on 31 January, after a 55-month resettlement program whose annual cost exceeded that of the I'nited Nations and all its other agencies. Above some of the refugees from IRO ramps in (iermany, Austria and Italy are shown boarding an IRO-rhartered ship at Bremerhaven for the I SA.