Frmce Rupert Dail I Jews Thursday, July 30, 1953 aieS Norwegian Steamship Line Official on Visit to City Two Liners To Make Run From Sydney to Vancouver B.C. in Ptlicon Colony VICTORIA (CP) Discovery of 0 pelican colony, something rare in Biitioh Columbia, was reported by Dr. Clifford Carl, director of the Provincial Museum. An expedition discovered about 50 pelicans on an island will arrive in Vancouver Oct. 7 travel agents. Mr. Nielsen, who is accompanied by his wife, plans to show d Canadian Actress fresent 'Theatre' Here i SinacJian actress of note arrived in Prince festerday prior to staging her "One Woman VANCOUVER P A second British liner will make an experimental voyage on the Australia-Vancouver run left open by the removal of the liner Aorangi from service. Orient lines announced Mon- VICTORIA Oi Provincial health officials said today British Columbia's polio total sa far this year was 136, with five deaths. The number of polio cases at this time last year was 1954 on an experimental run. ' The vessel will leave Sydney Sept. 17. . I Already scheduled to visit Vancouver in January and May is the line's 28,000-ton luxury pictures of Norway at the Sons Reldar A. Nielsen .district manager of the Norwegian America Line for the Pacific northwest with headquarters in Seattle, was sheduled to arrive here by air today on one of his periodical visits to his company's agents, Dybhavn and Hanson, pioneer of Norway hall tonight. From Prince Rupert, he goesjln otun Lake, about uu miles to Terrace to visit other agents. I northeast of Vancouver. day that the 23,696-ton Orion ; liner Oronsay. 40. fat the St. Andrew's Cathedral Parish Hall p 3E f ' Ion Monday night Montreal-born Phoebe Ersklne 'NNcI I Ld from Page 1 W PfCMC f&4&rA M& MEALS who said there was ada for both small j o7rrT?5 b o o o o o o 61 f 'businesses. MacKellar has with her original j monologues and monodramos, achieved success In both Can- : pda and the United States. ! Mrs. MacKeHar will present 1 her Interpretations of Canadian poetry and monologues under I the auspices of the wardens of the Cathedral on behalf of the j building fund. 1 Educated in Montreal and New Brunswick, Mrs. MacKellar jfribed how staunch iiiservatlves and even , CCF supporters hd Itcd to Social Credit. ftt told the audience Jy wished to vote for parties uiey iuuri. Io n n't suffered enough reRime, tnen you God-Riven right to more." tribute to former ,,-rt ML As T. D. Pat- MrRae and George 'i they were "good PARTY iler claimed the So-party as the sound- spent a year in London, England, finishing her education. She attended McOill University and played leading roles In McOill Players Club productions for two seasons. At the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, Eng., she was awarded the certificate of merit. She followed this with work in British films and teaching dramatics in London. For five summers Mrs. MacKellar returned to Canada to give outdoor productions of Shakespeare's plays with casts of all ages. During the war she continued her work in Canada with summer productions adding plays on North American Indian ivcr in power in Can- lir Kina oi policies, Kiiu won't be voting fa it y or even the can-ii will be voting for In voting for your-partners with the pcrnment you w'll 69 ht British Columbia ROASTING CHICKEN Fresh Killed, Grade A, Pound. the highest possible. No part kid has such a great HOCKLESS PICNICS Swift's diversified resources, the proper policies BOILING FOWL r,"u Kiiud' G,ie K Po,,nl 5 5c BACON, SWIFTS rr.lm,Ccno,Mb.pkt..'..J5C DEVON BACON, End cuts .. 67c DEVON BACON, Centre Cuts 73C 63c 45c 59c DEVON SAUSAGE One-Pound Cartons As the war progressed, Mrs. MacKellar turned to "One Woman Theatre," acting scenes end streamlined versions of Shakespeare's plays to schools and colleges. Later came the use of Canadian poetry as a means of interpreting her own country. Her husband Is Capt. Andrew MacKellar of Cunard Steamship Line. While here Mrs. MacKellar will be the guest of Cmdr. and Mrs. N. A. Beketov. will become a fcrt COGNITION ch prior to Premier BEEF LIVER r. McKelvie said that work to get Prince gnlzed for Its im-the "second largest world." BLEACH LARD ahem part of British 59c was being held back JAVEX 64-ox. Bottle readers W F0ODS ..l-19c 15c ied to see that the mprovements to dock i re made when shlp- SWIFT'S Pound. Films from Norway, courtesy River i of the Norwegian American Line hn the Peare come down bv rail I Travel- Agency, will be shown on DOG FOOD ROVER Tin that the Social Credit Thursday, July 30, at 8:30 p.m.. 11c Margarine sntl-labor. Mr. Mc- Sons of Norway Hall, followed it that the Social by social. Everyone welcome. (1781 69 c ft v didn't guarantee a leek and holidays with PARKA Y 2-lb. Box Moose picnic did guarantee thtt would get more pur- While Cresl Dog Conditioner A product of Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op. Bottle.. S I isunaay, aurusi z. ll) Members and chll-dren. Leaves B-A Oil iiwer to buy their Sweet Milk JELLO PKT . " BUTTER c CANADA PACKERS Pound i-arM the mounting sur- Dock 9:30 a.m. sharp. atform with the two 2k Coffee, milk and sugar supplied (178) f ere William Murray, SANDWICH SPEAD Burns I6-01. Tin and Mr. McKclvie's nt. and Dick Law- - Britain in 1953 used seven times as many farm tractors .is Bcated Social Credit 3 Tins Plus Sandwich SpreaderVKnife;;....:."' fnrSlwhn in th re-1mV-"- ' ' Margarine nclal election. Scaflwroug'fthtry" 35c Wins 5300 Prize - - DELMAR Pound e " Hospital t Winner In Hi ninth Blur Hmi-lirt MurBHrlnr 'ltiv rliiHllHV" I iinlr-l Klili-h rnilrd Jul) II r meets i 'Hi, CORN Cream York Fancy annnuiH-rtl tiHtuy wHh the tlr-l FARM FRESH PELICIOUS prlrr f M CAMI1 liln urturilfil In Mr. Mim Tyrrell. Mi-artoitriiush meeting of the Hos- -,-', .... m lld (Women of the I ir l .rJ!Lm: m J iiiii lion P.O.. Ml. iulr St. f... Tnrnnlu. Onl. other rlre anil l" held at the home of MS n. in, Mrs. R. Montgom- " AND AMR bers and three guests it. 46c ik "i fit) l5-oi. T O Ihort business meeting enjoyed, prizes being s. H. Harrison, first. Inner In the lt of nine weekly i-iinleil art-: HIIHMMI H In Mm Itrrnlie Prtmr, lelta. Man. S.Vl.lMI ANII lu Mrs. Onitle Bmii liter. mil inner. B. MIKTHKKN ki r.l lHII' XIHRTMMAV PORT-Willi HAIIIOM t Mr. H. ll. Klrklanil Lake. Ont.; Mm A. Burr. OhII.. (Mil.; Mm. M. MliKlnn (III. B.I.J Mm I. V liihiiMm. DtliiH'ntott. Alia: Mr. Julin ('. Aver. Saint inlin, VB. Ml UK INK '(((MKT- AKKOPACKM In Ua A. Cams Wliighmn, out.: Mra. T. Murtlm, Miming, ont.; Mra. Jemle M. liranl, Viitnrla. B.C.; Mm K. S. lilmk. Vain-outer. Helen Antoniuk. sec- HAMBURGER 'tELl5HNo1fcr.i2-bi:-' Jor 36c TEA BAGS Kodana, 30's Box 27c PEAS Columbia No. 5, Choice 1S-oz. tin 16c GINGER ALE North Star (plus deposit) Quart 17c FRESH IE Soft Drinks ?kt. 6c TORONTO STAR Eoch 15c PICKLED WALNUTS 9-ox. bottle 55c EGGS Fresh, Grade A Large Dozen 74c APPLE JUICE Applelime Juice 48-oi. tin 35x PICKLING SPICE Nabob 3-o. pkt. 18c ACCENT SPICE 1-oz. tin 36c WAX PAPER REFILLS 100-ft. roll 28c 2 CAKE MIXES white GINGERBREAD BoXCS ROBIN HOOD chocolate 45c NABOB PUNCH 16-oz. bottle 39c WEINER BUNS Pkt. of Six 16c " 1 'i 1 ients were served by resent were Mrs. H. rs. Antoniuk, Mrs. M. is. T. Glenn and Mrs. ICE CREAM fl B.C.: Mm I' Haiii-. Purtme Iji Pralrle, Man; Mra. K. A. I.hle- mery. Guests present LETTUCE "ch 13c U.S. POTATOES 10 ibs. for 49c CUCUMBERS rouND J7C ORANGES 3 few 69e iniith. Mihc krllmi. Hunk: Mrs. Sylvia Johnston. Mrs. Klliwell Kalliwell, MiMiae Jaw pnd Mrs. H. Paulson. ftatk. : Mr, (iareni-e limlwlii. Kreilerli tiin. N.B. : Ml J. R. Mai' I.eiMl. Hulllav, ..; Mr. Mr.rle Ualtml. llarlimiiith. N.K. SIIMHI ( AMI In Mrs. II. (iray. Wnlliue- C !TOMETRIST I QUARTS Jy iiurit. Out.: Mr. Bert Peck, wind-Mir. (Hit.: Mm. (iertruile Tjihsen E. Dowdie 10, Stone Buildinc Raliniinil. Alta.; .Mrs. Creil Imlibs. St. Hlenhen. N.B.: Mr. I. l-'riMiin. Iiartin'iutll. V.H- All vrlM winners pone Blue 593 have been nntllteit HOW MUCH CERTO DO YOU NEED? Makes 6-0. BARTLETT ' PEARS Glen Valley GLASSES NOTICE 11 glasses JAMS AMOUNT OF FRUIT CERTO J CHERRY 2" i pounds 1 bottle 1 PEACH 3 pounds 1 bottle ' PLUM A 1 bottle! 11 glasses 22 qlasses Opening al NEW Location 210 Sixth Street CERTO Bottle - 27c pnday, August 3 Business as Usual Thursday, Friday, Saturday at POUND J 303 Third Avenue , J IE STORK SHOPPE SPECIALS GOOD TILL WEDNESDAY, AUG, 5th J 111