10 (In land or kra or In love ... he limk . i. .. . Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, July 30, 1953 Canada Becomes Nation Without Fear from a warld at war. PRINCE of PIRATES In Color by Technicolor STARRING JOHN DEREK - BARBARA RUSH Average Woman Considers Job Secondary lo That of Wife Televised Speech By Socred Halted VANCOUVER (CP) A "gentlemen's agreement" cancelled a Vancouver Social Credit candidate's planned television speech. Leslie R. Peterson had planned to broadcast over the Bel-lingham TV station last night. But a wire from national Social Credit leader Solon Low told Mr. Peterson he would be violating a "gentlemen's agreement" among national party leaders. NEW YORK (AP) What holds I generations of suffragettes and women back? 'rqual rights crusaders, Is just the LONDON CP) Urnest Walking, British auth,r and radio eommentator, says he thinks Canada will carry the "torch lit toy Europe" farther than any Other cour.try. Just back from a three-month visit, Watkins said in a BBC broadcast he Is convinced a new pattern of society is growing In Canada, something different, fresh, exciting not just a copy of the United States. tive reason for learning she will starve if she does not." Difference No. 2 was the American Revolution. Americans were left with a belief that they had to tnrow off the yoke of Europe, particularly Britain, by violence. Canada grew to freedom naturally, as a child grows. "Canada is the one country in the Americas of European stock which has become a nation without fear of Europe, without resentment of Europe." One big difference, he said, Is that U.S. industrial techniques were developed mainly to satisfy a home market, making her a "self-regarding" country. Canada, on the other hand, received her view of the world, as had Britain, from international trade. "One might say that the United States is learning about the rest of the world reluctantly, lest she be hurt If she does not. Canada has a more posi same as it always has been: TODAY to SATURDAY What holds women back Also Cartoon - News "World At Your Feet" "Hollywood Fun Festival" Shows 7 9:00 It is a basic fact of human i This is the subject of research by members of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, as voiced recently by their president, Helen O Irwin of Des Moines, Iowa. And the answer, after all these CAPITOl A FAMOUS PLAYERS TUt7K SoturJay Matinees 2 4:30 - Ttie inosr welcome At Wallace's Of Course I i SALE NOW IN PROGRESS Here's lots more of Wallace's well-known Clearance Values, folks. Every item listed is headline news and when you get all these values in one sale, there's only one explanation. It's got to be Wallace's, of course. Come on in while the picking is good. No exchanges, please, on sale goods, so make sure it 's what you want. SMS nature that few women consider a career more important than husband, children and a home. They have careers, yes, because of economic necessity for the most part. But in a pinch, faced with a choice between complete dedication to office or home, the home usually wins In a walk. JOB SECONDARY There are more working women today than ever before. For instance, approximately one-third of the United States working force are women. Many of them are highly successful, too, in every field from banking to brick-laying. But the normal woman considers even a top-brass job in business or industry secondary to her main job as a successful human being tn the multiple role of wife, mother and homemaker. That's why most women don't go all out to be president of the company or boss of the shop, even when they spend eight hours a day helping earn the family income. Such ambition requires a singleness of purpose that leaves no room for all the. other feminine duties and Joys. Of course, a few women have made the choice in favor of personal ambition, have shut the door on family responsibilities and devoted all their efforts to reaching the top of their chosen careers. But most of them find it's rather lonely at the top. RARE CASES Over 150 DRESSES To Clear Yes! We Bought Too Many. We Read If And Weep ! LADIES' TEE SHIRTS V lit IS R08fR1 mssu '-41 .,, if ' . -I . .A, ' W .J, HI RICHWO SAlf mi. ooeauNNMT Saturday Matinee 2 Addrd Shows 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. 99 c Branded Line REGULAR $4.25 Pick any two dresses. You'll find a grand assortment. All sizes, too. If they're different prices, pay the highest price only. If the same, pay for one only. Either way, you get one ABSOLUTELY FREE. 2 for 1 "In Search of i Hw1 TOTEAA "Epic Dranu" "Orphan En FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRB Today to SoMi Sizes 12 to 44 Reg. Prices $6.95 to $25 2 for SALE To Clear - All Sizes - 12 to 42 . With men. It's different. A i man can devote all his energies toward getting ahead in his Ladies' - a ff 6.99 Swim Suits 4.77and business, can come home too tired for conversation of social activity, and still be considered a devoted husband and father. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1!)10 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING 81111'PINU . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide rni World-wide Shipments. MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or t8 Cor. 2nd and Park tit Read This Ad: Backwards and Forwards . . . Up and Down... Front to Back . . . Anyway You Read It It Still Spells Values AT WALLACES j Ills concentration on business. ! everybody realizes, is a mark of 5 ) his devotion. He Is working to m provide security for his wife and j children and they shine In the I reflected light of his success. J But a woman who thinks only 2 1 of her job, who outshines her i husband In the business world, Ladies' Regular to $6.95 Blouses $1.49 to $399 Assorted Sizes CHILDREN'S SHOES by Ladies' Dirndl Skirts t VvJtvv kiii hum Of! VIKIC who has no time to give to her children's problems, is considered selfish and unnatural. She usually winds up treading the road to success alone. There are some cases where husband and wife have been able to follow separate careers in complete amity, dividing family responsibility fairly, denying tbelc, children nothing of affection or care. But these are few and far betwaen. All Sizes si 00 79c Ladies' Lace Trim HALF SLIPS All Sizes t 3.99 Regular to $7.95 , I 7 i r v Pi w $5 white $j.99 - $2.99 Reg. $4 PURSES . .? i : N-" rj- mm i'n a v i'sw' f " 45c Penman's flfc SOCKETTES 29c ' STRAPS BOOTS OXFORDS New shipment just if Wide selection of styles. Complete size range JOHN H. Rej. 42.25, Ladies' 99? Sti' :' 1 BRA TOPS BULGER Orlo frhl lome FASHION FOOTWEAR Third Avenue John Bulger Ltd. is J .f'L -1LJX- WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Items Are Limited In Quantity. v . ffiGUS First Come . . . First Save . . On All Clearances and there's another Welcome for you... CALVERT HOUSE i Regular $1.19 Large Sizc -'JdS& Clearing Entire Stock GIRLS' SWIM SUITS BATH TOWELS 89c .MmBk zrim $,29 $1.99 and Year-Around Use. Sizes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ond 8 year old. Lots ond lots of styles. Glamor- for the younger set at bargain prices. An excellent weight towel, always so popular. Don't miss this bargain. We're really proud of it. Your choice of colors, too. At this price, you'll be doubly pleased. Reg. to $2.95 BOYS' SWIM TRUNKS , 99c to $1.99 Reg. $1.50 - $2.95 GIRLS' SHORTS, to 1 4 yeors.. 99c to $1 .99 Reg. $2.25 INFANTS' SUN SUITS All Colors $1.29 Vl Price GIRLS' AND BOYS', TEE SHIRTS 49c to $1.49 Reg. $1 .50 - $i59 BOYS' SHORTS 2, 4, 6 yeori 99c 0-: fyfi With Calvert House in the camp yet another welcome waiting fory CA1VERT TV Smooth, delightful, it's a whisky you'11 1 ' crtfBfr ' ' thoroughly enjoy!' Reg. 89c BOYS' BASEBALL CAPS All Sizes 59c . 'UOaiFl Jf CALVERT HOUSt . P1 " AMWttlUlO. CIV DlttltllM LIMITIO. day ilmm& s Pepi Stoire ;