PROVINCIAL 1IBHA3T, 113 tICTOHIA, B. C. ... 163 PROVINCIAL EAT 3154 LIBRARY IORROW'5 .TIDES- July 31, 1953 )f Standard Time) .... 4:33 192 feet I 17:02 20 4 feet 1 10:42 4.0 feet f 23:27 4.7 feet CS Daily J VDelifery Phon. 81 X. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 176 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C..' THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' n nn mm u . mm V 1 ?: ::v" ... a Board Anxious Murder Trial Adjourned V' Tfc To Keep Services Faced with a .deficit of $30,000 this year In operating costs of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, the hospital board has asked for a representative of the BCHIS rate board to make a complete I . " . - "Vi. study of the situation. "'I A Refreshing Splash By The Canadian Prew U.S. Policeman Gives Testimony DUNCAN, B.C. An American police officer I Wednesday testified he heard Edna Sampson ac-jcuae her husband, Cecil, ; of murdering Chew Deb Accident Case Adjourned A further remand was asked by the prosecution when ths case arising out of an accident Saturday, July 18, at the corner of Third Avenue and First Unless economies can be made or financial help received, the hospital will have to reduce its services. In reporting this today, R. G. Moore, hospital board chairman, said the management had done everything It considers possible to keep costs at a minimum and still maintain efficiency. The present staff of 99 is thought to be the least it can employ, although BCHIS makes provision for only 92. While capacity of the hospital Is estimated to be 104, the -1 I RSTAMUSO SPECTATOR In Nlmcs splashes a bucketful of cool water on appreciative jeer Jan Nolten during the fourteenth lap of the Tour dc France bicycle race. Such lent from the roadside is welcomed by the hot pedal pushers. u - ky.; Tr, hnett Predicts Better Deal here three years ago. Officer Jerry O'Connell of B.C., More Tax Exemptions Campbell, Calif., also testified 4 number sometimes goes above 8tret. which five per.wn3 that and this month hit 125. i were arrested, was heard before deal for British Co- lng election, to form a partner- . nor can British Columbia be Judging from the records of "'.f'"" "' "" day afternoon. ti ni the lederal gov- other hispitals, the board considers that the standards of operation locally are well in line nd bigger Income tax s were forecast last i The Crown asked for the adjournment as several witnesses were still unavailable. NORMALLY A Di:STY, bumpy ride, the correspondents' route from press headquarters to the truce talk site at Panniunjom turned Into a water journey. Torrential downpours, flooding the area, turned every road Into a hub-cap-high stream. premier W. A. C. Hen- - Vi at the preliminary hearing of the Indian couple, charged with the fatal beating of tne elderly Chinese June 29, 1952, that Cecil Sampson said he beat Chew with a beer bottle after he refused to sell him beer on credit. . Adam Jimmy, Edna Sampson s uncle, testified that Edna told him of the slaying while In the United States last year and said if her husband did not quit mistreating her she would tell Khip of British Columbia with the federal government in Canada Unlimited. "We will ask the federal government for a better deal for B.C." he said. "We want a public investment program from the federal government on a rentral trans-Canada hiRhway; we want the PGE extension he spoke to a capac-:it the Canadian Le- branch line of Canada,, he said. He scoffed at the suggestion that Alberta's boom had become merely because of oil. The Alberta people decided on Social Credit long before the oil boom, he said. In B.C. not a barrel of oil had been ohtained and yet the people had chosen Social Credit 28 to 20 in the recent election. irrium. nett. on his first of- lo Prince Rupert, was Pro-Con Promises 'Insult' To Intelligence of People i sunnort of Jim Mc- "The board is anxious to keep Cve , th CUgd to Bet back the services of the hospital t' 'rj,, V" their present level and, to do w; "f V4ance 'August 5. must receive a? so, adequate finan- i t i.. or earlier if convenient. preScntt Out on bail of $100 each are aff Mr m Tre cToperaUng Kenneth Bruce Harrls' char "We are co-operating with with eB ith reslstirig arrest driving BCHIS in every way to reduce wWle t and feel that if (costs a suryey cence ftnd M hia of the hospital could be made ml to do so was Impaired: by a memter of the BCHIS rate 'cha G Norman T board, we would be in a better e(J wjtn reslsting arrest. intoxi- lal Credit candidate j completed so that the oil, wheat i'na federal riding. fnA coal can be brought down lie of the Pacific slope !'"" i c Fair treatment for all with noof It. favoritism for capital, manage-j The hearing, was ; adjourned ment or labor, was promised by to Aug. 19 at- the request of , 'defence counsel Tom. Jiurtey tfiee' RF.ksr. fT Ptige 3t-- jwho Wid h. wanted tme. to 'examine the transcript. of evi- he his ory o Canada, i (Bn nfj on(rpr hrBnrh ,jn By Th Canadian Press j of that sort might have been be- . ,,,, lieved then. Conservatives are t another earful Electors got promising politl- Wednesday from Canada s poll-1 . . Ileal leaders on taxes, trade and, mln,ster said Pro. health, plus a new earful on. conservatives had oro- I something that evtn " B ..7 . cation and driving while im- : dence by the California v con-1 are operating cintieiiujr w nalrerf- Vina Turner v-horoorl I lacked water. It has stable. - - ' --. 1" Constable O'Connell,; who ar i lumber and other with obstruction of a police of- POLICE INVESTIGATING FIRES AT TWO SAWMILLS iiiral resources. Vested the pair In Campbell.; t Ji're must be certain la? ,!, Tollr .mised to reduce taxes by $500,- Minister St Laur-, Both Prime and a(. sam(j ent and George Drew. Progressive time undertake programs wnlcn Conservative leader, are charg-, wouJd cQst &bQut $immm.- ing about Ontario campaning these ms were to be for its basketful! of 85 seats. CCT . carried g progressive Con- not. , He said the board is respon sible for seeing that hospital facilities are . available- for use of the-public :in this. area. ''Therefore;- we intend to keep :difTicul-, i Canada," Mr. Ben- ficer while in execution of his duty and intoxication; Henry Tait, charged with intoxication, assaulting a police !officerr Andrew Derreck, charged with intoxication and assaulting a po- i quoted Mrs. Sampson as saying her husband hit Chew on the j head. He said police were called I in to settle a "family quarrel" I And restore peace at their1 home." The critical hour has ip through the Sec- lioe officer.., ;; :,'vw. ' , . leader J..M, w awu n.ovu Uve government,, instead of the !' public, Xii" informed: of " British .fcotamWrf also madej ttinBv tLes, might have 'to I tles ?s,"" .- Wl, recorded -treetimepe-l 1 tic 8 '; increase income : tax collections I J,.D. McRae,' finance comr commit CHILLIWACK 0i Two B.C. lumber mills were hit by fire today to send the July fire damage to Industry zooming towards the $1,000,000 mark. v ' V ' ' . . ' A $100,000 sawmill was 'levelled in a'two-hOur blate at Aiken Bros, plant here and $5,000 damage was reported caused by fire at a mill in Hope. Police are investigating. r: t pi War, because ... we hit On heau ' r rl." the premier said. tee' Chairman; -said 'the nbsprfn Pi the post-war boom I broadcast over, the CBC networK. . excise taxes 1B At St. Catharines, Mr. St. . d , , f, ( t was operating at a loss in spite 1: y switched over a I Laurent said Progressive Conser- Tt . (, t1. lntjPl,. of the fact that the wage pic Offices Close .On Saturdays vative promise of reduced taxes ce o the Canadian people to j ture was better than estimated nri lncrea-sed social benefits Is . t t -j fnr for this this vear. year. "They continued to bicker heatedly back and forth, and at the height of the argument Edna looked at Cecil and said: 'I don't tell the cops anything about the Chinaman you killed in Canada.' " Later she told officers on the morning of June 29 she and He placed cost of operations shortages. Trn the 1 tion and catering to of the armed services "iir purchasing power. ie now entering an- lie said, was rhanK - - uruilll.c WJeui ricak wa ituw- an "insult to the intelligence of , tjons which are cornpletely ne. the Canadian people. ! gated by other promises which. Allies, Reds Both Charge Violations of Truce Pact for the year at approximately Effective August 1, provincial "I can only Say tnai Uie VUii-;,, bof ,.,ih niml in nmmmt I nn nnn naoip riallv rntn fnr na servative party Is living in the twQ or' three tlmes tne amount j Uen with B c. hospital insur-19th century. Political promises j pf proposed tax reuef." Unce is $11.30 which is covered p to a peacetime econ- her husband had been on a drinking party on the Quami-chan reserve. ' were no longer any m fact surpluses were At Simcoe, Mr. Drew toia an by BCHia in tne lorm or scmi-audience of about 500 that a monthly grants to the hospital, government led by him would j Rates for patients without this Officer O'Connell quoted Mrs. said the Reds accused the Allies! of truce violations at the meeting Thursday. Both involved aircraft which allegedly circled over demilitarized zone.. A UN spokesman said Bryan "noted the allegations and will tell the united states it must, , insurance are sngnuy mgner, Sampson as saying: "There had Obstruction Charge Although the request to the government offices will be closed all Saturday with the exception of the gold commis- sioner and mining recorder's office which will be open 8:30 a.m. to noon,- and the land registry office which will be open 10 a.m. to noon. The step is taken in accordance with inauguration of the five-day .week for provincial employees. Starting Monday, those employees affected will work week-days from 8:30 ajn. to 5 p.m. j r abide by international trade agreements or Canada wouldn't. As at Hamilton the previous leral government at us no plans for MUNSAN a The Communists! today charged two more truce violations by Allied forces while United States air officers countered with charges that Red war-planes' swooped Into North Korea from Manchuria after the cease fire deadline Monday night. Maj.-Oen. Blackshear M. Bryan, head of the five-man United Nations team on the Joint military armistice commission, Mr. Bennett asserted. deal with them the same way as ! niRht; he referred to U.S. trade I barriers against Canadian goods, ! mainly farm products. Dismissed BCHIS to send a representative was made by letter, the hospital board also referred the problem to Premier W. A. C. Bennett during his visit here to speak at the Social Credit meeting last night. been a drinking party ai ine home of my uncle, Solomon George. They run out of liquor and my uncle told me to go to Chew Deb's and get some liquor. At the Chinaman's I knocked on the gate and when he came to answrer the knock Cecil hit him on the head with a bot he did allegations made yesterday. We will announce results of our investigations later." says defence expep-II continue for an- I say they will not." n time and on bud- Earlier, at Brant ford, Mr. Drew ... obstruction ,,.. of ai . . .. Charee of , ,, 0,f iQ .ioh The UN made no formal complaint of Communist truce viola mcreased to such an police officer in the execution mwe as prime minlster of his duty against Frederick,,, bg gQ to Britain t0 try tions, but an air force officer t If It were stopped tle." Faulkner was dismissed by cause trouble and if to increase Canadian exports to sterling markets an "urgent Magistrate W. D. Vance in po plinue it would create said. lice court this morning. necessity." Dealing with the Liberal argu The case was the second aris said a big U.S. radar station on Chodo Isiand, off North Korea, tracked a large number of Red warplanes flying to North Korean bases Monday night. Under terms of the armistice, no additional weapons or arma Korea Armies Both Retreat From Front : ial Credit party be-the t way to give Can- ing u out of the arrest Saturday U ment I'll. that 11 he couldn t cut taxes . I Mr. Sampson at first denied any knowledge of the murder of Chew, the officer said, but when confronted with his wife's statement said he went to Chew's house and asked for liquor on credit. "Chew Deb refused, and reached down and picked some re money to snend Is night of 59 persons by KtMr , ,, ,rf. ... .hild of i0 5 hem to keep some of on charges ranging from intox- whj couldn't woric 0ut arlthme- icatlon. obstruction and caus Phasing power, the tic on that would not be allowed to pass examinations. We can do id. ing disturbances. "Id be done, he said. Police testimony statea tnai. It by stopping waste, extrava ment could enter Korea after the cease-fire went into effect Monday night, aside from replacements. But air force officers said such flights continued after the deadline. thing off the ground and made as if to strike Edna. It was then gance and inefficiency." ing the Income tax 1 of the single man Faulkner, asked to "move on by .Const. Irving, replied, "Why that a scuffle took place. "0 to $2,000; married hould I? and was arresiea $2,000 to $3,000. and with some dificulty. SEOUL (CP) Two undefeated armies the Allied and Red walked away from the Korean front today, leaving In silence a narrow strip across Korea that only days ago roared in war. Under the armistice terms all troops had to be out of a 2Vb-mile-wide belt by 10 p.m. to ion for children (mm Faulkner and two other de l"us f"S Jl $150" DO" to $750. married man At , Kimberley, Mr. uoioweu said a CCF government would Introduce a national labor code establishing maximum hours of work and minimum wages. This code would also lay down minimum age for employment and provide for paid holidays and for equal pay for men and women for equal work. The CCF leader said the Lib ' way a I1' childre "0 a ren could earn fence witnesses asserted that he asked the police to "wait a minute" while he got an explanation of why he was being arrested. ..4 year year and not drv ax, me Drem er aiH night 6 a.m. PDT). The United Nations command l"t hns three chilrin-n Neither' prosecution nor de kin? hard for B.C. has fence could establish whetner the accused was warned that hgh." eral government had failed to nrovide an effective national he was about to be placed under arrest. labor code. P'V TAX jj'iett said that of the P' British Columbians 4 t If an emergency arose, the federal government was help said most of the Allied front was uninhabited seven hours before the deadline. Allied soldiers started leaving the battlellne shortly after the truce was, signed Monday. South Korean troops pulled back in orderly fashion from the two-thirds of the front they held. Almost all fortifications were Mrs. Willa Ray, for the defence, asserted that the police had not acted in the execution ieaeral government in 'WS, COl'Dornt.liin t.uvna less and provincial governments, being unable to act together P duties last year, only uniformly, were powerless. 1 came back to B.C. as the tax agreements, "nt the $ destroyed. y than was paid by half I her provinces nut. t.n- -WEATHER- Forecast 1 WMIMIII " ' ' Al i II IMP F admitted the fpriprai r Ti!Laetually sPent more North Const. Region: Cloudy tndav and Friday with a few of their duty and asked dismissal quoting the cases of Rex versus Cooke from Canadian criminal cases and Red versus Sutherland from B.C. Law Report. Magistrate Vance said that an element of doubt existed in the case and therefore the advantage was with the accused. He warned Faulkner Jfco help the police in the future. "The police are having a hard enough time as it is," he said. "It is the duty ot evr-rv clti?.en to tsu.t them." 7 Plane Down Off Luzon MANILA A United States ' i t sunny periods in the afternoons. Not much charge in tempera it, ture. Light westerly winds "uiuu m B.C. but it r bv a 10 Per cent fed-f wx, a 15 per cent fnd custom duties. 'al Credit party plan-1 tne balance of power Bett sairi Y, .. j reaching lo over exposed waters AS PRFTTY AS A "SPIDER" as you're likely to find in any web, actress Joanne Dru looks properly smug after capturing the affections of 299 sailors aboard the US S. Boxer. Joanne scored a laudslidt victory in Our Navy magazine's contest for August Pin-Up Queen vt'heii the boxer's men mailed iu Uielr mass vote. amphibious plane with 15 men aboard crashed at sea off Luzon Island today and five survivors were rescued.. H miles off the uiMSi, AMERICAN SOLDIERS and South Korean police form a human barricade In front of the Eighth Army Headquarters in Seoul as noisy demonstrators against, the TIN trure terms gather to voice thetr limtests . Lo tomglit and lilfeb. tomorrow at fori Haidy, Sandspit CAUUCLKU Wl- janri PriiiOt Hi.prMt t2 arid bt j