- ."" Ki'incS K'iipea Doily fws -f Thurso, July 3u, tj Regenls New Zealand Government Has 30 Tons of War Medals f 1 Large numbers of veterans claim they are entitled to be sent the medals and should not haup tn 'mi can in hand" to Mr ti C. GRAHAM I CunudlBii Preba correspondent AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) There with DURON Asphalt Shingles Inquire obout our Instalment Payment pt FOR FKF.K ESTIM ATES HUE OR ar 3ft tons of unclaimt-d war medals lying stored in New Zea the government asking to be decorated. t ...; I . Many veterans also object to the fact that the - medals are GREER & BRIDDENll not enmaved with the owners names as was the ca.s; after the I I'houc WW 21 First A First World War. They claim that anonymous" medals are not worth collecting. land government offices. The government wants to get rid of the medals, but Second World War veterans for whom they are intended have not applied for them. Veterans are being asked to wear the medals during the visit of the Queen to New Zealand at the end of the year, but so far only 60,000 of the 300,000 men and women entitled to the medals have picked up their awards. The chief trouble lies in the method of distribution. The Some of those who served for NESTLED IN THE HEART of ths Canadian Rockies, on the shores of beautiful Lac Beauvert, the new central building at Jasper Park Lodge open-id this summer. In the background of towering mountains, the famous Old Man may be seen reTosing on the peak at upper left. The Lodge Is the main building in a scenic village of cedar log bungalows surrounded by Alpine grandeur. comparatively short pej'lods in In England Over-Ambitious LONDON (Reuters) England iiis seen a number of regents since the Norman conquest in 1066, many of them powerful, ever-ambitious men. Their control of the throne because of the sovereign's youth or insanity often produced bloodshed and a bitter struggle for power among rival dynasties. A few regents, most of thein in the early days, honestly upheld the Crown as "protectors of the realm." Interest in England's good and bad regents has been re -vived since the government's announcement' that the 1937 Regency Act will be amended later this year. The change v.ouid make the Duke of Edm burgh regent if, for any reason, Queen fcilizabeth II could nut perform the sovereign's functions. William the Conqueror Introduced the regency system as n convenience so that he could spend part of each year in lii beloved Normandy. During his absence, Odo of Bayeux established a hijh taUon fur handling of tlie throne. home service units also feel u would savor of "heroics" to fill in a form applying for medals. Other home servicemen do not even realize that tln-y are en-tilled to awards. BLACKWOOD on povemment says it would be too jig a Job to go through the files of everyone who served In th' Britain Urged To Leave Canal Zone CAIRO '(APt The Un'lted Slates has proposed that Britain get out of the disputed Suez canal zone within 18 months, iriclnc forces, work out the medals to which he is entitled, und locate his present address. Fighting Solmon EPC0L RADIO PHONES r L2kLJ . . By FASLEY BLACKWOOD Muzzy Fails To Give DUNCAN, B.C. (CP) William Haryut required hospital treatment for injuries suffered when he attempted to land a 20-pound salmon. The fish lunged at him und drove a hook through his thumb. I .... .. Champion II is Clue Surely you can remember liein in the unholy spot where Mr. Champion found himself in today's . i -tj- ! rim - .;.. leaving behind a maximum 4.000 technicians to maintain the base for no more than five years, the Egyptian Army weekly newspaper Al Tahrir said today. These suggestions were part of a five-point proposal sent to Egypt by President Eisenhower last week as a basis for solving the British-Egyptian dispute over the vital canal area, the newspaper said. Other points, Al Tahrir reported, included a promise of The Norman king's son, Wil- if , 5 Ham ii, who succeeded his fath- deal. Jle won the lirft three tricks with nis top stem.1987' adopted.n slTUa"; hearts, then '.shifted ,to the jack of spades. i -1 o ''" 1 1 I ,-'"J ' '1 But trouble flared up in the Uale won uie iouun ina kingdom about 100 years later nd rattled olf all -of his spades, when Richard I, known as the You s, t' thl' 1 l'1 Mr- chai1'" "Lionhearted, wem off to fi'jht plun was in. He know Mr. Dale in the Crusades. He left the ; h-ui started with six spades as 1 ; X J West dealer North-South vulnerable North (Ur. Abel) S 8 4 H .1 9 0 I-J 10 9 C Q J 10 8 6 Ht lilsl Ten-watt ship -to - ship transmitter with Dynamotor power supply. Recommended for distances up to 100 miles . . . Ideally suited for small boat Installation. Anglia Ford Coach r5tf- w soon as Mr. Muzzy snoweu oui on tlie third lead of that suit, lie also knew Mr. Dale had lu Id exactly three heart:,. That left four other cards. On the bidding it upueured that three of these were the ace an.i government in the control of two men, the Bishop of Durham fot north England and the Karl of Essex for the South. Richard asked his chancellor William do Longchamps to supervise the arrangement. Long- rhnmns npnmnflv invt-illor! $475 $1350 $550 U.S. military and economic aid to Egypt and an Egyptian pledge that the zone would be maintained for use by the United States and its allies in case of war or a threat of -war. Strato-Jet Sets Record (Mr. Muzzy) S -3 2 H 4 3 2 D 6 5 3 2 C- 5 4 3 2 ( Mr. Miiitnmn) S J 10 9 H A K Q 7 l)0 8 7 C K B 7 Prefect as Is Dodge i-ton i- . tHJt. .Unn any i ... nifl Pickup with box.. $950 Ford with '42 Mercury Engine $125 FAIRFORD AIR BASE, England (API An American B-47 Strato- Smith (Mr. little) H A K Q 8 7 5 H 10 8 5 D A K 4 C A The blilrtine: West North East 1 H Pass Puss All puss jet bomber flew the Atlantic from $1050 uf diamonds and the king ace self, as supreme ruler of both church and state. His reign was 1 cf clubs. After all, Mr. uale had so unpopular that Richard's I contracted' for 10 tricks oppo-jealous brother John, who sign- ! site a passing partner and vul-ed the Magna Carta in 1215, j nerable, against non-vulnerable had no trouble in starting a opponents. rebellion and seizing the throne, j But what was that 13th card ''WO REGENCIES j in the closed hand? A small Henry VI, grandson of the ' club or a small diamond? hero of Agincourt, caused two j Mr. champion played slowlv regencies first because he in- ; .ntl carefully, watching and inherited the throne as an Infant : carrl membering every pluved. in 1422, and second because of i r - ,,,, ti, .i,. i,,;,i South 4 8 Prircd Complete with Power Supply $169-50 McRae Bros. Ltd. The Store That Service Built' Phone 6 or 3G BURNETT'S white-satin BURNETTS LOND0N DRY Austin Packard 120 Sedan $33Q SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. This advertisement it not published or displayed by Hw L: the United States to England today in the record-shattering time of four hours, 45 minutes. The swept-wing six-jet atom bomber whooshed from Limestone, Me., alrbase to Fairford a distance of 3,120 miles nonstop at fin average speed of about 609 miles an hour. The flight clipped 37 minutes off the previous fastest record of five hours, 22 minutes, set June C by another B-47. More Seavers THE PAS, Man. (CP) Generous cuintas will be allowed for the coming beaver trapping season, conservation officers de- his Control Board or by the Government of British Co'm- temporary imbecility 30 ! was i"(inkinir around the rn years later. When Henry lost his mind, , est in the proceedings. The be'si me uuKe oi York became re that can be said for him is that 1 cided. Over-all restrictions on i the taking of beaver will be re- laxed in order to thin out the i animals and hait spread of I sickness that has leen noted gent and was prevented from realizing his own ambition to become king only by his death in battle in 1460. Bearded Henry VIII's sickly son Edward VI inherited th? In most communities in Denmark school children receive one free meal each school-day. ;mong the beaver. throne in 1547 at the age of 10 to set off a stormy period in the royal succession. refreshing desserbl mm ice he did not revoke. With tension mounting at every trick, Mr. Champion followed suit to three leads of spades, then discarded the seven of clubs, then his lust heart. On the last spade. ho'V-f.ver, he had to guess. Dummy, at this point, had J 10 9 in diamonds and Q J in clubs. Mr. Champion guessed wrong, discarding a diamond, and Mr. Dale won the last four tricks with the ace, king, jack of diamonds und the ace of clubs. "A card-dealing machine could play with more me'niii", than you, Muzzy," Mr. Cl'iai.i-pion yelled. "Why didn't you co-operate with me to beat this hand?" "It is not possible to co-operate with anything, holding t six-spot-high hand," replied Mr. Mi)zzy stiffly. "Nuts," said Mr. Champion, appropriately. "All you had to ''"EM.? -Io sW'l discarding, dia- George III, who suffered in la(.e life from insanity, made his frivolous son regent in 1811. The son, wno ascended the throne as George IV upon his father's death in 1820, is chiefly remembered for the fantastic oid extravagant pavilion he built at Brighton and for his liiany mistresses and cronies. Queen Victoria named her husband, Prince Consort Albert, regent for fear she would die before her son Edward VII came of age. sum, f tit. 1 fid 3 cupa water; 1 cup Kwmr; 'A cup KCXiEhS' GOLDEN SYRUP; J-4 cup lemon juice. Howe in last' Election Battle niiBtiM vis snon as you were tw. ' VICTORIA CT Trade Minister i of siradesr' Tlrsrard -the deuce, 5 minutes. Add lemon juice. Cool, strain, and freeze. C. D. Howe said Tuesday night I lne f ey and the live, in Uiai. "I think this will be my last ' order. Naturally, I'd miss the election" and that "I want to 1 four-spot. Somebody would have Ftir Free Recipe fluot, Write The B.C. Sugar Refining Co. Ltd., P.O. Box W9, Vancouver, B.C. make sure the Liberal party is to have it;- AnJ that could only 11 strong when I leave it. be Dale. That would have been the clue to Dale's 13th card." r .-i Golden-Lined Vacuum Sealed Cans i 4 He said he is fighting harder than ever in the campaign for the Aug. 10 federal election because "there is something more than having the Liberal party returned to power ... we are trying to keep the party strong." "Good government comes when the party is strong enough to be Independent of the day-to-day changes of opinion of the people," he said in speaking in support of Victoria Liberal candidate Dr. Frank Fairey. Pacific Milk now tastes sweeter, fresher than ever . . . keeps let tcr after It's opened! New Golden Lined Vacuum Sealed Cans mean Pacific Milk never touches tin or lead. The fresh natural flavor Is safely preserved. Pacific is fresh whole milk concentrated to double richness '. . . and now thoroughly protected by Golden Lined Vacuum Sealed Cans. Rest for every use, Pacific Kvaporated Milk is homogenized and Vitamin D increased. (Jet Pacific Milk today. It costs no more than ordinary evaporated milk. When a recipe calls for Evaporated Milk, use Pacific. There is none better. 6 Eastbound Flights Daily From Vancouver Only 2 hrs. 15 mins to Colgary " 4 hrs. 50 mins. to Winnipeg " 9 hrs. 15 mins. to Toronto "11 hrs. 15 mins. to Montreal " 12 hrs. 15 mins. to Now York Non Stop Service to Winnipeg Lv. Vancouver doily 6:10 p.m. PST VANCOUVER 7ia WavmiinU SUNDAY II BS Camosun, 8 p.m. FRIDAY I .wW'5u J .... x r . NUjST IvWlWUlAr Delta Milk, the A See your Travel A?ent or TPA Office in Vancouver 1 Phone TA. 0131 G56 Howe Street (Opp. Georgia Hotel) specially prepared for Infant feed- ?Ei 21 ing, is also protected by new ' "' r W Golden Lined Vacuum Sealed Cans. JNUHN ATIONAI . TRANS. ATLANTIC J 'J ' V W ffrfC I TRANSCONTINENTAL W SS Coquitlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN v CHARLOTTE ISLANDS July 15th and 29th SS Coquitlam, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS - SS Coquitlam, Midnight July 8th and 22nd FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 VOLK LOCAL TKAVfcL AGENT THE COMPLETE TRAVEL 8E11VK E CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES 1 Wallace Block Phone 620 141. 31