K ' " . " 'J , naiit x.upcit ...i. . h i 1 r - , jl Fishing Areas To be Closed BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL Rivers and Smith Inlets will close to all salmon net fishing at 1 6 p.m. Friday until further notice, the fisheries department said ,,-1.'VV. .,!( Ford Selects All-Star Team For Series i Prince Rupert All-star bass-ball team will be making a de-I termined bid to regain the ; International trophy by swerj-I ing the three-game series when I Ketchikan All-Stars visit here j today. The move is being mad? i in the interests of conservation I of sockeye salmon, with the pro- , i vision that fishing with giilriets ! I 111 KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST ' Mi ( v" 4 J,' ,' of 6'2-int:h mesh will be permit- i ted to continue in Moses Inlet for 1 A ' i If ' 4 i. v.- ' i Phone 212 'ill 3rd Ave. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS , fall salmon, ! The west coast of Banks Island , also will close until further notice ! to all salmon net fishing as of from 6 p.m. Sunday. Halibut Areas 2B and 2C open i at midnight tonight. i this weekend. Manager of the Prince Rupert All Stars Rusty Ford has selected his squad from the three local senior ball clubs. To retain the cur won by the I riissified Hates I20 HEl WANTED FEMALE1 40 HOMES FOR SALE I vvvwvvvwwvwrtr -yvwj PHONE S83 MESSENGER PICK-IP AND DELIVERY RAD TO ClAA 1240 Ki'oeyclts rc lime 4 p m. any previous amiiilcittlon. CFPR - it 3 cent per word per tn- It was reported that there have been fair catches of pinks irt the Naas with 17,000 pinks hauled in Monday by 46 seiners. The Skeena River glllnet area ti in: mini i Notices, I i V ! 50 rPnts: Cards of EXPERIENCED stenographer SMALL Four Cement basement for local construction office. 1 and garage. Priced for quick Some bookkeeping r e q u i r e d. i sale. Phone Red 394 or call at Phone 563 during daytime for 1 817 Bacon St. 178p appointment, (175) 1 L, : Z" FURNISHED six-room house. UIKL, or young woman to taket For full Information phone charge of modern home for Red 973 between 10 to 12 a.m. three months. Good wanes. Live .or 7 to 9 p.m. (179) Death Notices, Funfirnl Prince Rupert team last year, the All-Stars must win at leist the first game Saturday evening as Ketchikan has a 2-1 lead In the best out of six s;-.--les. The following players have been named to play from Gor-t'on and Anderson: Don Scheik, Murrtm'C and Kngair-mpnt L&r.jiaAJti'V k Mf hoi Mil ir t ...j, , ,V'i IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS t in or out. Box 745, Dully News 1 line. liu-uts. 2.00. ui.iplay ' double price, g No Kelunds I ill not accept responsibility li sHU'd ftds Inserted Incorrectly js'i.-r wrong clussllicatlun unless ft- .rifii of iuch errors Is received b i;4 liuurs ut llrst insertion. 42 WANTED TO RENT (180) :u .ire f ! Sid Scherk, Gerry Ford, W. Etm-berg, Don Hartwig, Ralph En-ridge; from Commercials, Minor CLERK stenographer, perman- ONE- or two-room suite by ent position. Game Office, working girl. Phone Black 828 r a.m. ufepi Simundsen, Bill Gunn, Herb i i it '-i rt i opens lor Ualiiug ut 0 p.m. Sua- day, August 2, fisheries depart- ' i ment officials confirmed today. ! i The Skeena was closed last Fri- i day night for a ien-day period ; as a conservation measure. i Other weekly closed seasons for j salmon net fishing being enforc- 1 ed this weekend are: Naas seine and gilinet areas, 72 hours; Grenville-P r 1 n c I p e j seine and gilinet areas, 48 hours; i P.utedale seine and gilinet areas. 72 hours ;Bella Bella seine and gilinet area, 48 hours; Bella Coola area, 72 hours; North Ben-tinck gilinet area, 48 hours; Gardner Canal gilinet area, 48 LOVELY JOAN Carol McGillis of Edmore, N.D., wife cf a schoolteacher and mother of two children, Gregory Allen, 2, and Bryce Darryl, 1, will represent her state in the 15th annual "Mrs. America" contest at Asbury Park, N.J., on Sept. 13. Mrs. McOHlis stands 5 feet 53i inches and weighs 128 pounds can cook too! Morgan and Bruce Simundsen; from Esquires, Cliff Pachal. or unfurnished. for one John f- L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROrRACTOit Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-S:00 2i - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 175p) John Weston, Stan Petrow and Jack Lindsay. FOUR- or five-room house. 1412 6th East. (180p 45 PROPERTY FOR SALE Pitching' chores will be shared by Gordon Cameron from Commercials, Freddy Christensen from G & A and Jimmy Grey and Larry Mathews from .SuMecl to Change) P.M. i 8:00 Don't Destroy 6:15 Supper flerenade 6:45 Talk by James Sinclair B.C. LlbeTRls 7:00 CBC NeWB 7:16 CBC News Roundup :$ 1 :30 Eventide 8:00 Political Talk Liberal 8:30 Homer's Odyssey 9 :00 Thursday eluyliouse 8:90 CBC Vancouver Concert Orch. 100 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Midweek Review 10:30 Winnipeg Drama 11:00 Weather Report Music Till Midnight 12.00 Sign-off FK1I3A? Alt 7:0u BO. Fishermen's Broadcast 7:15 M 'slcal Clock 7:30 CBC News: Weather Report 7:35 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotion 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commentary B:15 Musical Varieties 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 "Hi!" 10:45 Musical Program 11:00 A Man and His MubIc 11:30 Weather Report Message Period Uec. Interlude 11 :45 Scandinavian Melodies PM 12:00 Mid-Day Melclle 12:15 CBC News 25 S,Tl'ATI0NS WTD. Female A A K IT A P. ' AIN I L FULLY experienced stenograph- er with knowledge of medical nrnl irr dictionary. Situation wanted by KtH LI tO AuKUfit 15. Blue 583 after b. c are holding replies reliable middle-aged wum- I an' nursing experience, de- thr fnllnwinn Npw; r.ie Tonowing incws glreg baby.sltting or housekeep- boxes: ing work. Black 441. (1771 90 639 653 673 mx 67 674 681 705 foothills isootiessi coal. 07 710 71 1 722 gfto"51' Wtt( "I' W ELECTRicAL ,. ....-,. Replies must be ( i j . WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo-ralled tor in person tors bought, sold, rewound and H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL. ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 hours. written tenders will be received by the undersigned until August 15, 1953, for the purchase, for cash or part cash and terms, of the property and New Driver CALGARY CP) Among appli-ants here for their first driv building thereon, the I.O.O.F. ing licences, mostly youths, wa Hall, at 200 4th Ave. East, beins a 65-year-old who had no dif Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Section 6, ficulty passing the test. V WW City of Prince Rupert. Inspec .I'-ti' t,f ' tion may be arranged by con SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd,Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.OVBox S74 '- GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Blacb 846 and Red 127 Co-Piiot Rescued After B50 Crash TOKYO A giant ai and sea search is under way today for survivors of a B-50 bomher which crashed off the coast of Russian Siberia Wednesday. Early today one crew member, the co-pilot, was plucked from the sea. A B-50 normally carries a crew of 10. tactlng the caretaker, Mr. W. Sejlff,. 223 4th Ave. East, phone Red fi33. .-The- highest or any other tender hot necessarily accepted. J. O. Laurie, Secretary, Board of Management, 200 repaired. tf) aintRNTTi'iuFtl-E- - iV n iJ '' COMING EVENTS lolic Bazaar, October 8 9th Ave. East. (1781 DININGROOM suite, '(rood con dition. 109 11th St. Phone Red IMMEDIATE possession Large two-storey Industrial building situated on two lots Clean llv- 784. (1761 kah fall bazaar, October PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Sows Sharpened 115 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 31 BICYCLES, MOTOR CYCLES' ing quarters above. Suitable for PERSONAL store or repair shop below. Full price $6500.00. $4000 00 handles. Apply Box 744, Daily News (180p) COMPLETE bike repairs and service. Raleigh and Fred Deeley Sales and Service. Per-manizing. Dixon's Cycle Shop. 719 W. 2nd Ave. (196) ROME bumpers, grills. with 'Bumper Re-Nu." paint, or polish Just like Lusts years! Send $Ui8 dltineie 3hli 47 At'TOMOBILES V, - r4l h D Fernlor, 772 King West, 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 BC. Farm Broadcast 12:65 Recorded Interlude 1 00 Afternoon Concert 2:30 TransCanada Matinee 3:16 Records for You 3:45 BC Request Roundup 4 15 A Trlpito the Moon 4 30 eieepy time Storyteller 5 :0O Settlers' Choice 5 25 International. Comty. 6:30 (IN Today 6:45 CBC News: Weather Report 6:55 Recordings FOR SALE MISC. 'in. Out. (Dealers II ' Jb -- ; mcACi me CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN O.E. washing machine, good condition. Call'att744 6th Ave. West or phone Black 984. (176p AGE Prince Rupert to lit hers via Capling's Truck i Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. " ; in . i very Tuesday and Friday. '1 ' (tact Whalen's Cartas?. A,' SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS USED refrigerator, reconditioned unit, $80.00. 5 1 0 8th West. (130i (Dally except Sunday) 318. (196) BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe 1 , I tsk I MKnflMmtnt lvfaMmnt is II Ml not submitted pubtiked V V d't. neUva f l t Hollywood Cafe Commodore Cafe ACT Alcoholics Anony-s. Box 1511. Prince Rupert, one Blue 959. (189c) GENDRON babv carriage, silver grey. 1333 8th Ave. East. tl77p I For Outside Orders Phone 133 .")' : ' In lkHt Control tW4 bv ! GxmraS timilAmkf. n I ' Vacation Church School, SECONDHAND buggy, good con BLONDIE He wos Skinned Too. dition. 733 5th West. (175p) By CHIC YOUNG Andrew's Cathedral, morn-August 12-22. (187) USED CAR BUYS 1951 FORD Vj-ton pickup. Al condition, radio .and heater, spotlight '$1450 1950 AUSTIN .... $1000 1950 AUSTIN $975 1951 HILLMAN .. $1100 1951 COMMER. panel $950 1951 PLYMOUTH $1700 K VOUQE VOUQE LUCKY LUCKy BUD.' BUD.' I jl AM LUCKY-- " ' j IDOESMT hlOQK ) v THRc A5EN T ANY 4 !" i ELECTRIC ranire, or will swan Th'S IS MV LAST IsrSIXESS PERSONALS for oil stove. Red 637. U77) I ,1 1 I " " . , , I I ' ' w 1 4 O.LJ'. T-Licr 1 I r-w t -il w l. t. OUI I ' Is I fi' S f il POTATO MJWiOHELER, . PEELER. V BEFORE THE COP Vf HE SAID tv' SL.1Z I uP'VF ft:t1T . jLs-" . f ''1 1 V , I ISO SO I'LL I'LL LET LET VOU yOU . TOOK HIV, AWAV f " L' 7 B ENTY CH J 7 '? A t FOLDING bed-cot,, jew T I HAVE IT TOR ?J 1T..-??C H Uf, Vs- LKrp T peelings r iC T- 3 tress. Black 594. j - 1 Seattle Cuts Hollywood Lead By The Canadian Press By turning back Portland in both ends of a doubleheader, Seattle has cut Hollywood's Pacific Coast League lead to 41 games. The Ralniers Wednesday night downed Portland, 6-4 and 8-3, while Hollywood was cutting down Los Angeles, 6-3. Lefty Jim Davis limited the Beavers to four hits as Seattle took the first game, but one of them was a mighty home run by Jim Gladd in the sixth inning that accounted for three runs. It was Davis' 10th win of the season. Seattle catcher Ray Or-teig blasted his 21st homer in the first game and his 22nd in the second, and there was a man on base each time. Seattle -routed Jay Heard, star -Port- SCAPING AND GRDEN- Rock walls, rockeries, flower boxes, lawns and garden keeping. Free ites. Phone Red 806. (175pl H your classified nd In this ; r at the economieiH six rate. 15 words for 3 con-tie days cost $1.35; 15 for six consecutive days 5 1.80. And remember, you phone vour ads lust call 31 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron it Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. (H) When ))M :' -tli ; 1946 CHEVROLET CASH FOR pally News. (tf-nc) Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (c) KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED Coupe $795 1949 ANGLIA ...... $575 Heppner Motors By ZANE GREY - .'v , ; onal Machinery Co. Distributors for Mining ((ieeATCLAiHIH'&zAieS.I ill. Logging and Contrac- PCAT 7Y 7DST Mi -HE HtmDtSQED 7HE FOieT HCAj I M;tV,,HV,SPC.PiJ77HA7SUVMDuecA& II T .5' ' ' t PAIR of logger's or engineer's boots, size 10. Write to box 743, Daily News. (179-nc) UFI Of 1-rvB XLADV.'rx A i qtilpment. Inquiries Granville Island, Vaneau-BC. Hf) VfZ f-FO 404 .McBride Street " Phone Block 605 35 BOATS AND ENGINES vp rreol I fft- iitatf s f Itnd rookie, in the nishtcap and collected 13 hits : altogether. ps for . Canadian Liquid FORD V8 engine, A-l, cnmplPtr tnd all . weldirw , supplies. tion a,lst ..pverhauteAAjfiC W -vs ' 1 slJAf S' ' V s none co- c) with and other .L - radio, heater, v seventh v, Inntog When ,imn .SrHre "cM&t ' tie with 38 FT. glllnetter. Apply 200 11th t'XE Press "Qestetner" Ithe Stars broke a 3-3 i3t. (lsipi Phone Red 806 after 5 p.m. (180 Seating, circular letters, two runs. Red Lvnn, who work- inly bulletins h n 1 1 n 1 1 ROOMS FOR RENT 36 BEST cash offer over $500.00 ; e(j six innings, got credit for lanes i names 2-ton i, ..ir-torv Phone 383. 733 2nd Ave. (178) ri . condition. Phone panel, good San Diego split a double bill TWO-ROOM apartment and one housekeeping room. Fulton St. Phone Blue 409. (178) ! Green 471. (178p) with Sacramento, winning ui- -IN coolers, deep freezers, LI L ABNtK Person-ro-person Coll By AL CAtv .'"'' .i , "-in coolers, domestics 'ration of all types. Serv-!ack 932. 510 8th Ave. W. (180) ROOM and board for working man in private home. Red 140, - (179) seven-inning opener, 8-7. The Sacs'took the second, 9-3. There were 31 hits crowded into that abbreviated opener, and six pitchers saw service. San Francisco edged Oakland 1953 PLYMOUTH Deluxe, like new. Cheap. Can be financed. Leaving city. Box , 746, Daily News. (178p) 1952 PONTIAC 2-door sedan, deep green, two-tone Interior. Apply 1546 8th East. (180p) DOUBLE room with twin beds. Board if desired. Men only. 812 2nd Ave. West. (179) I LECTR1CIAN D. Guyatt. -e wiring and electrical s' 149 9th Ave. West. Red 165. ' (190) In the league's only afternoon name, the veteran Al Lien get ROOM to share. Red 471. (175) 1949 FORD four-door sedan flBlNG, automatic nil henr. r ROOM to share. Red 471. (178) Good condition. Cheap. Phone Black. 837. (176) ting credit for a 2-1 decision and some fine relief work from the aging curveballer, Bob sneet, metal work. Phone 'all 630 6th West. 37 ROOMS AND BOARD 16 FT- cabin trailer, seen at 200 lith St. May be (181p) It ITS Cm?) :.r7 , as!v ...JI aV7 llJ..r . j'uv- ,, TOE HEART OF JULiET JONES , By STAN DRAKE (;;--; ,'. f ; -rrTiri"T '7. knowins ifs j . ves...i - ' - I ' TV. -. AS WELL AS I CO, I . 4j UNrERSTANO. ' m r-t BEAUTIFUL SOWNS I'VE - PICK ONB OUT, V 4'" .iT :Jjf MSS JOMES..IM v KNOW 6HE P MATE T3 'TSrf (VASILEP EVE" SEEN 8UT.WHV PIP ; , ME Mffi W Vli VOU KW5 ME HERB, . jf S0R6 THAT WHEN MV HAVE CNE OP CUB (WESTS it,J 'I I . . , , I .4.. f!ilSfilii2 I msl . MASON? 17 ' A WIFE INVITEO WTO FEEL UNCOMPOSTASLE... f . JZM ,M . ROOM and board for quiet gentleman, respectable home. Non-drinkers. Write Box 747, Daily News. U81p) CTROLUX. Phone Blue or Parts Sales Service. (c) JC ACCOUNTANT. Income WWist. S. G. Furk, I Building. Red 593. (20m) BOARD and room for working man. Black 660. (181) HOMES. FOR RENT 39 Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Fort Each Thursday at 11:15 p m. For KETCHIKAN FIVE-ROOM house with furni Klines, novelties. .' Stand. Eddie's (c) ture for sale. Box 741, Daily News. (175p) FIVEROOM house with furniture for sale. Box 741, Daily News. (177p) LYeverybody sea 99. I 'pJ!jpMAl'E I' BoysTIdo you wanTto pi extra Docket mntm m.,. wcfekflT ' "JSsLXl -tti ff TXIS AFA.R 6HS. AH.-CU UNDERSTAND 5, Mf ( - " V ) LfS TiwVrr I 7 F0"60 V . SS JONES? rr&T VjU V ' U ' 41 WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service l HOMES FOR SALE 40 p miner holidays? If von do. Por reservation! wtH a f all nnd leave vour rnimo call City or !pot Office 'E DAILY NEWS OFFICE ce Rupert, B.C. "oiiur paper routes, (tfnc) FOUR-ROOM modern house,, 22 lots, close to city centre. Furnished or unfurnished. Terms arranged. Phone Black 433 after working hours. ( 176 1 I RIENCED butcher to take a meat department, I f ;tate experience, age and expected to Box 742T Daily TRAD , cere: 0t id IDEAL home for family, near school. Real price cut. 426 8th (179) 'Ave. East. (177p) , . ; ' V-V ? "Summer Hot? Summer Not so Hot. Be Sure of Hot Results-Use Want Ads! S-f . v f . 1 .