rnnce Kuperf Uony i tenS Tniti'Miay, July , 1 3 Britairi's Jay-Walkers May Be Forced By Law To Obey Traffic Rules on Road 4 ' ' - v ; - y Aembership in AFL asses 10 Million Mark By the Associated Ptch VASHINGTON. The American 'Federation of r now is privately counting its strength at more LONDON (Reuters) Britain's policeman's signal without break- less overtaking. Speed Is not the cause of acci jay-waiters, who at present have complete freedom to step out unchallenged amid heavy traffic. may be forced by law to obey safety rule on the roads. I'l - "'MM , i 10,000,000 members, and expects to announce dents, he said, because 80 per cent of them occur in towns where the 30-miles-an-hour limit is enforced. Albino Bear FORT FRANCES. Ont. (CP) Harry Blake and Vernon Armstrong of Dance township spot- ONLY 45 Min. TO ALASKA iiifi the law, though they are normally obeyed for the pedestrian's self-preservation. The minister estimated road accidents cost Britain 150,000,-000 ($420,000,000) a' year. In the first six months of this year road accidents totalled 103,000, Including 2,274 killed; an Increase of 8,000 over the corresponding period last year. He gave main causes of acci Transport Minister Alan Len-nox-Boyd told the House of Commons he is considering this "revolutionary" change In a bid to stamp out the mounting A 7, A ; Ar.- 1 ted a white bear on an island in Rainy Lake. From a distance dents as pedestrians stepping In of only 10 yards, they said, it appeared to be an albino bear, an off-white almost yellow in color. slaughter on the road. The government also proposes new rules for cyclists and motorcyclists and more spending to iron out accident black-spots, he announced. "Even the most crusty pedestrian has got to recognize the fact that the road age has come Ito stay." Lennox-Boyd told the jficially in a few months. - I AFL's claimed new mem- . jp figure, 10,600,000. ri'pre-1 rmitPd the AFL actually had .,ome modest actual gain 1 9.500.000 members, ji kiiiB members. But most- j The AFL itself took the bull f, fleets a drive to get AFL ' by the horns this summer. At v, tu give an accurate i the AFL executive council's May of what members they , meetlnK it was decided that jjv have. henceforth all unions would re- I been an open secret in oort regularly on actual mem-I circles for many years . bcrship and keep the figures up many AFL unions under- to date. I their membership. This I Considerable progress has I them money In paying per j been made, it was reported, In I dues. i (letting AFL unions to do this. jf,.. while the AFL has been jso much so that a top AFL flily saying its meiiiljeifcliij i leader told a reporter tiiat the ki off 8.000 000, the labor 10,000,000-member figure will be Itiiient directory of unions adopted officially either at the Li ed a few weeks ago estl- AFL convention at St. Louis la to the stream of traffic on the road without proper care; careless crossing at road junctions; drivers turning to the right Britain drives on the left side of the road heedlessly; and care- be The sun is estimated to 864,000 miles in diameter. House. "Fifty thousand accidents a year are due to pedestrians." Early last year the government completed the installation of it r .N:C:. Via ELLIS AIRLINES SIIKKPA TENZING, Mt. Everest hero, poses at Lancaster House In London wearing, with other medals, The George Medal on his breast. The medal was presented to him earlier by Queen Elizabeth In a special Investiture at Buckingham Palace. CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue anil Mi Bride Street ! black-and-white striped "zebra" I crossings along the highways of j Britain. Traffic has to halt to j allow pedestrians to use these i crossings. I But already the novelty Is j wearing off in some places and ! jay-walking continues, Lennox-;Boyd said. Jay-walkers In Britain can cross against traffic lights or a (September or, anyway, before j the first of next year. I Besides further dwarfing the do's 5,000.000 or fewer members, the "honest count" AFL membership will be more lucrative to the parent AFL. 5 fi Office Opp. Post Office Phone 26 v'4 i V ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS Regina Celebrating Fiftieth Anniversary of Founding This Week in capacity - - , ....... V,. & BBkUTiPUL in appearance Princess Louise, changed its undignified name. There were no trees or shel-terinK hills then; only the dusty bald prairie. The first tree in the city was planted In 1900 and thousands were' added in later years. Many were uprooted June 30. 19!2, when two black clouds met over the city- and erupted into the cyclone. Thirty-two persons died and property damage was estimated at $10,000,000. Trees surround the RCMP barracks and the modern crime detection laboratory. In the RCMP museum fest relics of past cases. Including a piece of the rope which hanged Louis Riel, the man who trioH fn rorvp an pmnirp fnp RPOINA (CP) Regina. capital of Saskatchewan and home of the RCMP. this week celebrates! its 50th anniversary, as a city. Celebrations held in conjunction with the annual exhibition mark the hilf-century of progress ln which it has grown from a raw frontier town to a green oasis, famous for its tree-lined streets and many parks. Each night at the current exhibition, a special show portrays some of the main events in the city's history, the granting of a charter, the ruinous 1912 cyclone, the Influx of Immigrants after the First World War and the depression of the 1930s. Hewn from thick gumbo of DON CARLSON n Carlson M ft value ; than ever ins Aaencv Vancouver u ran western Canada iperman, Don Carlson, 1953 the prairie, Regina has grown ; thc haIf.breeds ln the west in from a town of 3.000 population i np j88qs in 1903 to more than 71.000. In Rppina had the first licensed the same - period estimated alrfh.ld ln Canada. The flr.it vnlnn n f Kl 1 1 1 rli n d t' V a ellivi Ki 1 ..... ft his pist as business of The Vancouver Sun u expansion of the pubii" ns service of Jame Lovick npany Ltd., one of Can-fastest-growlng advertis-rncies. on will supervise expnn-f the firm's public rela-scrvices through Its of- - commercial flying licence was from less than $1,000,000 to Issued here along with the first aero engineer licence. n Vancouver. Calgary, Ed- j $200,000,000. : Regina first came into proml- j nence when it was named Pile o' Bones and had been chosen for the new headquarters of the Mounted Police and capital of the Northwest Territories. A daughter- of Queen Victoria. and Montreal, on. a gold medalist Rrad-if University of Alberta. I his newspaper career rhc Toronto Star os a re- l 9I5PIAV Rough Going OOKUTS CATMOOt I nnd was an assistant city SWKWEtt t tn at Aew Low Prces -as much as 20 lower than last year WINNIPEG (CP) James Anderson, student engineer with Ducks Unlimited, says "bull when he left for the west ! to join the Sun. became sports editor of V ! " " T d I : yy; i! -'. If. ! .V'i' n in 1M7, and was named I sessions" are slowing down his survey work. He was attacked by bulls three times ln recent weeks and on the last encounter int; editor of The Vancouver's only niorn-wspaper, in 1949. In 1951. WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! i Htn'i Frigidairt'i fa in out Wondtr-Ovn (ctrk rang iiS witimat in net! The Vancouver Prov-1 was thrown head first over a s sports editor, returning I fence. , Dibb Printing Co. Sun as Business editor : ceakinf lanvani' nc. $459.75 "lumnlst in 1952. Practically all the hiiih-grade ( 1 COMPANY I'l 1 , ffsT I ' vvmri- i ' Into I III ; j :W'NsJ career career In in journalism journalism led led 'opals ''opals come come from from Australia, Australia,:! ito every every corner corner of of Norln Norln where where the the first first .black black opal opal was was a. found 50 years ago. NEW IDEAS hove come to modern living. And ready now at your Frigidaire Dealer! are Prlgi-daire't wonderful 1933 contributions to the exciting new trends. Your Frigidaire Dealer has o thrilling new Frigidotre Appliance that will add greatly to the convenience, the attractiveness and the comfort of almost every room in your home. ... . . , . . ' But the biggest news of all is the price tags I Frigidaire prices for 1 953 have been reduced as much as 20? I Bettet-than-ever famous Frigidaire quality at these new low prices indeed moke this the borgain year for you the year of years to buy I . , . s . : . SO VISIT YOUR FRIGIDAIKE DEALER'S 6PRINGTIME-' DECKED SHOWROOMt See the special demonstrations now gwng on. team how ebsiry you con bring the New ideal of Irving into your hoifte f . ' . r - "-t- j 'f i iin.iiiinyiii.. i , 1 ' ..: i I 'x' '"tm "!.- ,1 . ZZ?'im ' mmm '1 IJ hia.rolsr at eombm.il .M:J' If 1 I I L li ! CvH-mo.i. fri.,i- 1 ''I I n-TiJ V t ' -I 't 1 Complt.lv outo- I .- -'.. tJ.A ' -v'- " ' ""- ; - t (N ,!.. - '- ' - -""i' .(. ,--1- ' , e ' t) l- i 1 I 1 J t V . ' ' i - . V t, ( ! I ' ) , ViTIlJ 1 '' ' Only Only 30 30 inchti lecktt wid. . t-S'thriffv- lt..'thriUy. , -V - , . --4 4 i ' ' "! '. M-ptt evvnt ! lux faturi in ' ' i ii : teltp lj ll fJT I I 1 Frigidaire Appliance, ""-t f k I f,ltC I )r - ill ore buit and backed by I I ' 5- ' , -QiJb?!' ,1 K1 ; j y CenerofAtotor. I . -"5Ls- 1 ACZ5 1 - r-. ,3.?ri uh r y-v J "". mmm 11- 1 !Ta 1" i7Ss i b iwf I ,KHikasJ - I . I ' 3tJlJ':- LlJ: fi X 1 Kefr,Eerator model Wz i I I - T ii" w.dfc as low as 1 ' , l l -r f HHKM-Miy I f. II ll i 1 ? yr w J Stonoanl nod.l r.hi.- H k J -. . . I i ? , I I 'l I II M Jr J .M III ,lor. bring y bis X ,1 ' WoZAVC ' ' ' S t; . J I I e l 1 II . l1 W 'Jl. 'i J"T' a"aci,T. "d j.UMW" 1 '. ' I '-- 239 75 fiOT.) I - 1 t In tie ieautifuL W ofedter WFp ' fE " :f7 Ol ! I 5l6 It 11 ? .If, ! '. Ii frioidoin't iww twov Ixlrit n ! I t . I . . , -jl "i ; . '-iraWP 1 - mw nftwu-PAYMEMTS ' ; 'C.. I ' vw a fe I -;A, aar rl ll sf-' '"" "'I'lTi . - CACV TFDMC - tStS?!m!i.' n sssr"""1!'! i Ms.ie.tte wwe. n. . j CvV U r , - v y ly 1 - tie !.- j i3 .-it EA3T ILKVlJ . v g?I w. e (b.w,.fi i V, r y&c J -Y .? -29.75 . i ....... i r V 1V H ! 92cu 13.2 cu. ft. '-,... waii I ---J .- M,nr S V Ki -4 yV 3-os; 432 ibs FRIGIDAIRE TO SUIT YOU !$3&1jM ;.LwWAr'.:. SOllWKI & flKWtl ltd. 'M I l."iailllERS Of THE PAMtJUS istmu' v n i j r i ' ' faTllai tjQ ''"'r ' this advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Mquor Control Board or by the I ' "" " J : ' Government ol British Columbia. - .biimsm ommm"1"""- " .v i ;' ' '" ' Jf !-;',.... ' ' "'"- ' " ;,'':-77 7 , .... . . I . ''...'- : . r.