Piiiice Ruperi Ddily News front As I See It Committee Forecasts Lower Prices OTTAWA (CP) A special committee of federal experts todav Tuesday, November 24, 1953 PARLIAMENT E. T. APPLEWHAITE Kn Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations. Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. Publled by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. J. P. MAGOR. President H. O PERRY. Vice-President KEEP YOUR Cl UP TO ml J y Clmore umpi4n A new Parliament, Canada's sey Report. The National Gal- forecast lower grain and live-22nd is now under way and we Jery Act of 19j1 made provision tlork prices for 1954 but pre-members of the House of Com- for an enlarged and more broad- dieted Canada will have an-mons are gradually getting back ') representative Board of Trus- other prosperous year, into the routine of a Session.' tees, the maximum of five In the The committee, reporting to One part of my rouilne which I Art of 1913 being Increased in the annual federal-provincial always enjoy is keeping in touch' 1951 to nine. The resignation of agricultural conference, estl-with Skeena by way of the week- Dr. Robert Newton (Edmonton! mated that consumer incomes ly letters which our local papers created a vacancy and the Board in Canada will rise moderately "or poo, Par -Be us NOW lot j," chwk-up and tuw 1 t0- ToHhplai," our service. " THE TOP men in the.f next year, further dwelling the domestic demand for f jodstuffs. to generously permit me to pub- 'actually was down to tnree dui lish. It is not always that 1 can the vacancies are now filled, finri lncnl mnttors tn wr.le ubDiit.; The new House of Commons i And assuming that western alter all this Parliament, deals has four women members the ( farmers will be able to move a ,ih th 0ffni,c nf aii r.innrin lattest number in history, un y Super; Jil AjJ government of Canada are really indignant at the way the Eisenhower administration h a s involved Canada in the now famous case of the spy suspect, Harry Dexter White. big portion of their near-record grain stockpile to market early next year, the committee forecast a heavy movement of cash Into the farmers' pockets. I'SLIE B. qi'IN.N of Vancou i but I shall try to find matters of opening day their desks were nil iiume interest -and I do not in- marked with large vases of flow-Itend to trv to cover the field ers, and all party leaders rx-i which the daily press of Canada pressed a very hearty welcome to I covers by wire .service i lne lt"P!'- The four are, Mrs. 'Ann Mnipiey, i.iwrai; nu mr. i Burns Lake Is among the com Pulp and paper mills more to Canadian welfare In Kllen Fatrelough, Miss Margaret ver, has been appointed assistant regional manager for the Chrysler - Plymouth - Fargo division, Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. Formerly a district manager- with nearly 30 years' experience In the automobile business, Mr. Quinn Will continue to make his headquarters In Vancouver. ; I have had Pn" conservatives. All four are from! W. Mtporu and production J than any other ndustry. line rvi-fc.ii i uir flnlnrln ! Wklatinn Rut. the rem rsenta- niano. JT PS TO ADVBj Now on Display- LIONEL LETTERBOX To "get something on" ex-President Harry Truman the Attorney-General of the United States quotes the head of the U S. Secret Police Edgar Hoover of the FBI. Mr. Hoover i.l turn quoted in 1946 from an unnamed but supposed "high government source" In Canada that. Harry Dexter While was too dangerous to be named to a key international post. Up till the time of writing, neither the Prime Minister nor One note of trairedy came Into Hons are' not all one way. Some are attacking the legislation as! 'he opening ceremonies. That having a bad effect on small outstanding Conservative mem-bu.,iness; more are Incensed at:ber. Gordon Graydon. who was any u??estion that the law so sincerely loved and respe -led .should be repealed. - One thing Is n all sides of the House, had becoming more clear to me daily re-elected on August lOta, i -that unfair trade practices are but had died very soon at'er-not the same thing necessarily ; wards. Gordon Graydon will be n r,,lo maintenance I think most Sadly mLiSed ior ft loll? ELECTRIC TRAIN SEI APPHKCIATION The Editor, The Dally News- Subscription Rates: i By carrier Per week. 25c; per month. 100; per year, tlC OO. E$j$ LgllD By mail Per month, 75c: per year. 8 00. "stfiW1 ..Huthortaed as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. Markets for B.C. Salmon? "N BRITISH COLUMBIA, tie huge surplus of I canned salmon is still in warehouses, threatening ,H tremendous loss to the fishing companies. ! If markets can he found,' this salmon, of course, ; will be sold to everyone's relief. If it is not, what ;then? ! Fortunately the fishing companies are not sitting back hoping for the best. Sales strategy is being kept secret, but it is understood the companies are anticipating selling more than a million and a half cases. If the industry can find these orders, the big 1-953 salmon catch will become a cash asset instead if a surplus headache. It is to be hoped that industry spokesmen were correct when they said on their1 return from the United Kingdom last month that the trip appeared , worthwhile. The delegation had two equally important objectives: that of exploring the possibility of an increase in the purchase of British goods by the fishing industry and, secondly, that, of continuing the sale of IiC. canned salmon to Britain. It was stressed at that time that there "were no strings attached to the mission. There was no question of any baiter deal. Regardless of the "deal," it would relieve tht-minds of fishermen and British Columbians as a whoje, to know what progress is' beiry made in the sle of the enormous pack, which has been sitting ill warehouses for so many months. Perhaps the companies are asking too much, but(whatever the reason, the fishermen and public iy-e anxiously awaiting an announcement. 0 Having spent 30 days n "uf; lnat in the" not too distant future' "ne to w.; And Accessories COMPLETE SETS FROM QOQ Qffyi hospital as a patient following surgery, I wish publicly to ex- .. nytr nntirorlotinn in nil anybody else in high office here we shall have to take a long look' The Speech from the Throne at Unfair Trade Practices and (which we are "now debating) one of ihe first jobs will be to de-has, I expect been very fut'y fine them. covered In the dally press. After . L. 111J OUUI..IUUUI1 .v Knows oi any sucn lener iru. ii- j concerned. " any "Canadian source , , LAY AWAY NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE expressing the Governor General's pleasure at welcoming us .wi .ne opening of the twenty-second parliament, it, fiuUined AAA ii is wen Riiuwn mat, mc uw. ; . THE Canadian ministers are tors and nursing staff are most In my cont-wUtlon to the n De-doubfv sensUWe ' fMclent and thorough. Person-1 bate on the Address I touched on ; for the I many matters. One was the First-They Quite candidly W I can vouch same. sta V doubts tha there! Now, as to the others of the Prince Rupert airport. . can- RUPERT RADIO AND flffl the work of the Session which personnel . . . iirsuy, tne warn , "s-er - lo()k., to menke being very heavy maids"busv little bees." most read a little while ago in The 313 3rd Ave., Princ Rupert and riot , too ,,..,, interesting Or excit .. pleasant, and in charge of a Prince Rupert Dally News " stai-1 1. 1 An.-t : irn Hint .-. mira imivvovc n tlfi ing. ever was any such "source" in the government as Is implied in the letter written by Edgar Hoover in 1946, and ."declassified" only this past week-rthit is, taken off the secret document list. Second They will be even more indignant if it does turn out that Mr. Edgar Hoover did Secondly-to the girls on the j investigations were needed. Us, kitchen staff To themI must ; more detailed surveys that I ami pay the highest compliment for j now trying to get. I understand ' perfect meals. The food was j that the preliminary survey good, tasty, adqeuately sufficl- showed an airport on Di'.'by K-1 ent and, strangely enough, ar- land to be possible. What I wan?! now is detaile.1 surveys data actually receive some secret and rived at the bedside "hot." Th nrlrlinrl t-h ... ! upon wmcn MJ CMIIIIUie Hie thank all of 'you who helped to j necessary before an item can be put in the Estimates'; make my stay so pleasant. I was nearly forgetting the data upon which plans and spec- confidential information from somebody who in 1946 could be correctly described as a "high government source." For If th;s actually was true the Secret information passed on was the property of the government of Canada, and hence to be treated as all other government secrets are treated. ladies and the library wagon ! mcauons couio. De drawn, wnicn Miss Clement, you can jusiw are necessary before any tenders be proud of the staff under your i could possibly be called. I want command. i more surveys and investigations L. O. LYCETT. ' lots of them, and in great de-, . , ! tall. In my speech I diicussel in? nrsii ruie aooui secret ii-ne Editor, 1 i airports generally and Prince Rupert in particular. niH'umenr.s. or rmninpni.ini let- -.n.. kt . , - uaiiv news. t l '!' if 1. '. SPEAK LOUDER THAN t ers, is that they may never be T am pjmcd note f.iat ' A phase of our national -life made public without the con-1 Mr p Ross o Terrace Trans- which, touches Skeena practically ! sent of the person who was re-i fer has come t0 the aid of lneirot a a:l. unfortunately, U the I i sponsible for them in the first . men ln the D(ipartment of Pub. National Gallery of Canada. Tin? j !P , ' ..... . lie Works in his locality. A very -year end!nr March 31, 1953, has1 .v. J In other words if it turns out I been of decisive in most coramen(lilble act However i do one the tthat somebody in or neaf the 1 not teni to retract nor Aiate '. the recent history of the" Na-, government of Canada did pass; ,n tne signtest from state. 'tlonaI Gallery. The new build- on some mgruy connaenuai in-i mpnt. .a.rtl -oit.Q , ina Ilnw , hui, , sore.lv' I Tormation in 1946. the govern ment of Canada of 1953 Will tjh- T ,111 11 i.l '. : hi! i,.i,Kl tV. rinllnr,, tn fulfil vv o.Ms I V. ! i .in ..' v .' . i,.i;,u:t. . : 1 -H - : !.! i : !, ! 1J .! . ,! , ' "Wh, ZTt ZJ .r: the reasons for my former leUer. its re -pon Abilities to the Cana-wi.hn.ft mf,n - First. I know that the stretch : dian iole and to respond so! Jout teav'to'Omwa of road lrom GMo Rapids th.lr increasing demands for its im n' i.i. ij. C .The longer .that salmonfs&Jttlie warehouse, 1 f ffce bigger the headache it;'' !bine?. ' v tyatch the Heater NOW IS THE TIME, as winds bee-tome icy and , snow is in the offing, when oil - stoves : and jnntablq oil" heaters'are "coming into heavy use.' Now, is the.. time to note that last year some six jtliound firsjpd.Q.,deathwcaused in Canada 3y,the careles&uset and. majjjtoiaiMje- of such heating; Smits. L U"-- $ J In driving home this poYnt the All 'Canada". Snsurance s Federation is, arjvogjijing some safety' 2neasures which deserve the' attention of all. Among these measures are: 3 Choose stoves and heaters of known and ap-' 2 proved quality. 2. Only qualified mechanics should install and service oil appliances. 5. Do not buy used equipment without competenr advice. w. lugi. itixt Ll.l ill jU.1V lis IJrnjl Kll.l..' "'. tfa.Ull.nu ... ,11b I snape as tne terrace ena and possibly Just as often. After all . APART altogether from the gross breach of good international manners, the practical harmful nffoft rxt iho nMmn what can be expected, when mmm i there Is only one grader to do is as compared to the the U.S. Attorney-General would ft-etch h be fa far reaching rhin i beautiful display of graders I saw today coming west from i Tprrap Alcn Mi T aDncc moll Words ire hard puc to tell the full tory of Onadian achievement in 1953. during this past year, 'Canada took new stride forward in almost every field of endeavor. These strides toward the future were made possible through an investment by Canadians in all walks of life of time, talent . . . and jnoney. 1 low important a part your money played in Canada's progress in 1953 can be seen from the following highlights taken from the B of M's Annual Report for this year. Printed here, these figures as they did all through 1953 speak louder than words. ' '; DEPOSITS: At the end of the Bank's year, October Jl. Canadian government ministers and officials would naturally shut up like clams, in their correspondence with their op knows that all a graderman can do for the first twenty-five miles out of Rupert, is knock the edges off potholes which incidentlv, form more quickly In this stretch posite numbers in Washington, if they HAD found by bitter experience that their, secrets and their names could be toss than on the Terrace end. He will ; also recall no doubt the thous- 1 1 hit adverincmr ni is ni puhlnhttt or ctttpijyed by the l,n(tmr (,untril hoard r by the (luvernmcni t( Bmnh . . (Continued .on page o , l)5 3..ove two million Canadians had ZM(1' ed about, seven years later, inj the rough-and-tumble Ameri-1 t can politics which have become ! known air MCavth MrrmiJ President Eis'cnhQwer and: his i popular lady did , a, wonderful goodwill job here last week-end. -f ' fl,os-it Viflf the B of M money whkhfuTbetn kept kst hard at work with Canadian enterprise of every description 5- size. AhhouL-h much of this money belongs to institu for Christmas Giving T FAMOUS WATCHES , out even wmie ne was away , j his right hand man, Herbert! j Brownell, was giving the Can-I adian government cause for the ! j most important grievance of re- j cent years. i VzandVsoff Bulova, Hamilton, Elgin, Cyma, Mercury ana many others. m m m m Use stoves and heaters only for the purpose for whl,yverWUf. W&lf V t Fill small heaters with a funnel from a safety can that has a pouring spout attached. If oil is , cold, leave room for expansion. Allow ample space around heaters for wooden walls, curtains or anything that is inflammable. A metal screen is an approved precaution. Keep children away from stoves and burners at all times. Make regular checks to assure that units are clean. Do not operate portable heaters in rooms lacking sufficient ventilation keep windows open at night. See our many inner Gift Hems ONE-THIRD Off M ANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller Noted Portrait Painter Dies tion, and business firms, well over half of these deposits represent the savings of everyday Canadians savings t u , day by day, are working.for you ... and for Canada. LOANS: Your bank is playing an important role in our of loans to Canadians o expanding economy by means every calling farmers, miners, fishermen, oil men, lumbermen, ranchers -to individual and business enterprises and to Provincial and Municipal Governments. As o October 31st, B of M loans totalled J8J7.762.W " of the Bank. In a thousand highest figure in the history t ways, these dollars played their part in maintaining employment and in sustaining or bettering standard of living. INVESTMENTS: At the close of the year the Bof M had $8o.i,057,94H invested in high-grade government W and other public securities which have a ready market. money is helping to finance government projects o betterment of the country and the welfare of I -na at large. Other securities held by the investments total short-term credits to industry -bring to $982,490,826. NEW YORK P) Savely Sor-ine, a Russian emigre and one of the best-known portrait painters in the United States, died Sunday. He was 73. Sorine, who fled Russia after the revolution in 1919, came to the U.S. in 1923. He painted por- ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND BOAT OWNERS EKOLITE has done it again! This time a 60-FATHOM DEPTH INDICATOR ; traits of members of some of the ; country's wealthiest families as i j well as of the Queen, the Queen mother and other members of the British Royal. Family, i In his paintings, Sorine used tempera water colors. ffn VSreer & ridden LIMITED Builders and Contractors 215 First Ave. W. Phone 909 ..ill Mb $195.00 for only The message these figures express is a conn-dent and encouraging one. Actually, it is y"" message... for it is made possible by your savings. LATEST REPORT Ak your Invatlnwnl Daalw for Hw lalttt Raport and Fraipactut at I! m PAINT UP . . Why let that Xmas Decorating worry you? Be one of our satisfied customers. Make your Decorating Dollars go further and your paint Less 10 discount on all orders before December 31, 1953 With a deposit of $17.50 and the balance of $158.00 on delivery, you can assure yourself of a Sounder before the start of the next fishing season. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL Wilford Electrical Works COW BAY Dealer in Prince Rupert district for EKOLITE Bank of Montreal job last longer. 4 Jk&" SPENCE & M ATI) IK 1817 working with Canadians in every walk of life 'nc( CALVIN BULLOCK ud. GENERAL PAINTING CONTRACTORS Night Calls Blue 881 D.iy Calls 101