humcii tvuny lie. Tuesday, November 24, 19ha always Insist on. Omegas, CCC Meet Tonight With a three-game win streak Ezakis Take Major Honors In Mixed Loop going Manson's Omegas try for The Itaki family of Windy "8' . .t.,i. utvuiuhi vlfistrv tn- 7 7ifrj Corner By DICK AYRES Lions Officials Jubilant As Ticket Sales Boom VANCOUVER (CP) Don't look belief that we would be unable now, but that animal roaring in; to fulfill It. the barkfield is a Lion, British "We're gelling tickets with Columbia variety. nothing but a promise of good Jubilant officials of B.C.'s football to tell. Until we get 1954 entry in the Western In- our full vote In the WIFU late terprovlncial Football Union in January, when we produce woVked late Monday night, run- our .5O0 ticket sales, we can't ning their fingers through ; legally divulge any player deals, stacks of nice green money and or even suggest that we're con-sheafs of pretty orange season-' taetlng a terrific potential ros-ticket application blanks. ter." , , When they went home, they'd I But tne measure of the sup. entered the details of 3.500 ap- cess of the stukus selling Job plications for season tickets in since ne arrived n VPn and 579. In the men s section venire. Torrv traki i-niii 283 and 76ii The pulp millers with a one 8 V in i, .ii onri hluh loss record are out for their ..foremost Infrozenf It's a sad state of affairs when basketball fans leave the third win. In telr last meet- Windy "8" also took team hon- ing with the Omegas the'v, o ,!v, cirwiP of 1147 ers were shaded by a scant 4 and a high three'of 3318. points. , m the Inter A loop. Watts Si In Group 2 t, Pegsy Thompson N1(.kprsrns slHk ,h(lr flm wln of Fashion Footwear won ladies of the sfason whpn lhpy com(. the books, after only a week s months ago Is the ticket sale. n . K n .t , I against the league-leading i-ierce who nave sale to members ana one aays, . i i..h ana . Agnes K r e u oirasmon ' , Ar N Krtn s, Star Bomfr3 Bottlers onn sale to the public. mJ wk L1' tX ! S?lM ,hlgh V 648 ,C" collected three wins In . There's a reason for the jubi- YZ.rZt.r3J fh ! captured h , starttS. as many msnetitt.irittiAU'rinnAri t'ii . . , Ictf inn if nnurco v v tickets at fir h. " . i wo-iime winners luansorrf. f 8ht h01 ' 25,1 nl Oeor flood win of Or- nf Int(1. B ,.,,. .,. Tr Fphrinrv 10" u'hnn nffi HAVE Good IW W Rum 1 for AX y' with Sunrise Grocery who have one win and one loss chalked up. clals of the other four WIFl'l ' 1 phans scored 741 for men's high teams somewhat reluctantly la Monday, they opened the; three. Fashion Footwear took B.C. enter the loop, they set ' 81 28 for- eBht paste- j team honors with a high single three conditions: .boards. i of 1274 and a high triple of 3M0. Results One was an audited state- i Memoersnip now stands at ment showing the pre-season j 2,300 with a 3.000 limit, sale of 6,500 season tickets. Selling success la nothing new Three thousand, five hundred! to Stuke. He did the same for LAST NIGHT'S FIGHTS Uy The AMr-ocliitpn Press Providence, R I. Willie Troy ;rtni I Windy "6". 4. Whalen's Lwky Six 0; Hills Shoe Store 4, HiKh Grwn (1. Thorn 8ht Mi'Uil 4 Bob Hamer 0. Northern Olaiu 3. Hums 1. ClutU ti HaroM's 2: Eby it Son 2. Hi h Gold a. down, 3.000 to go. Two was the guarantee of a li'.l'i, Washington, DC, stopped Charlie Williams, 159, Newark, N J , 8. Salt Lake City Garth Pan- your money 1 Pushovers 4. Uully News 0; Or- Edmonton, building the club to a western finalist in two years after Edmonton was out of action for 10 years. He also fliade the finals the next year, in 1951, and practically the same club went to the Grey Cup classic in 1952 under coach Frank Fil-chock, now at Regina. phuns 3, Cruuc1 Life I: Fashion 1 .ter. 159, Salt Lake City, stopped stadium seating 15.000 person!;. Lions' home will be the British Empire stadium, now beins built, which will seat 25,000. Three was contracts with the four clubs regarding arrangements for meeting added travpi Footwear 3. Mmipa I; Hhtntons 3 Hl-Jarkers 1; Esquire Men s Wear 3 Keadplnners I; Shamrocks 3. Fowli & Ruttle 1. Grovcr Jackson, 185, San Francisco, 4. Syracuse, N.Y. Joe Rlndone, 185, Boston, stopped Joey de John 105, Buffalo, 2. costs with Lions in the league, i The forests are our best a?wet. Done, with Edmonton, Ca!-I.. . ., gary and Regina: Winnipeg ! QQ-(JgQ VvlflS Over Portuguez BROOKLYN (API Joey Giar- waiveu uie agreement. As coach Annis Stukus putlt a short while ago: "We have been handed the toughest assignment ever hand lmon Hort Is no ordinary rum I lt distinctive flavor and bouquet ore the result of its being matured under bond in those great Port of London underground vaults, which for centuries have been Hie cradle of fine wines and spirits, lemon Hart is recognized as the finest of Britain's Imported rums . , . blended with traditional skill from Demerara Hum. Enjoy W todayl (S: Alii) dello. third-ranking ,m lce-i weight contender from Philadel-! ed a professional football club "No club, before, since, or I j phia, Monday night won a un-, Civic Centre asserting that the Inter-A games are superior to the senior league's efforts. It's a matter for much thought when one considers what the reaction of the Senior B players would be if the Inter-A games were given top billing on the bi-weekly cage schedules. But if the mediocre effort of Saturday night is repeated too often', such a change could well happen. Naturally we're not pointing the finger of scorn at CCC 300 Club, who, with six players did their level best and won. Since Manson's Omegas are sailing along undefeated the onus lies on last year's champions Gordon & Andersons. Okay, says the G & A fan, "why pick on the guys while they're down. They're doing their best under 'the circumstances." Under what circumstances? No one can tell us, and have us believe, that there's not something wrong when five or six truly experienced basketball players can't click better than they have been. We have no intention of crucifying the G & A's new coach, Minor Simundsen. Simundsen nor anyone else can work miracles nor could he have passed along the magic word that would have enabled the Gordon and Anderson squad to sink at least 50 per cent more of the free shots they muffed Saturday night. We'll not undignify this column or basketball by suggesting that the players were not "giving their best" because they weren't satisfied with their coach. That leaves "condition," which covers a multitude of sins. Are the G & A boys still out of shape after four games and all the pre-season training? Or are some of the former champions, not all by any means, just not "in condition" to play when they take the floor? Let's quit kidding ourselves. Getting in shape and staying in shape, for any sport, whether it be basketball, boxing, soccer, lacrosse or hockey ' depends on ensuring that the body ir. sound of wind and limb and the head and mind clear. What players do before and after a game is strictly their own business but it can have a great effect on their performances. If they are not training as they snould then they are letting down themselves, their coach, their sponsors and most of all the public. Before some indignant readers ask us "what are you trying to do, play God?" we'll say this much. No, we're not. We're lust trying to point out that people pay good money to see basketball which they hope will be just as good. When two teams out of three are going all out, and the third, with some of the best basketball talent this town has ever seen on its roster, is lagging tc the extent it is, something is funny. But it's not funny enough to raise a laugh. We got a raking over the coals the other night from a Scotsman for using the word "shut-out" in regard to a curling victory. When we said that the object was to win the game he stoutly declared that in curling one doesn't try for shutouts. "Oftentimes," he said, "we are willing to give away a pointi I or two to win the next end." . i.u. . i ;" That of course brought a laugh of derision as anyone knows that a Scot won't give away anything let alone a point. POST SCRIPTS Sad sight Saturday night during the Inter-A game was coach Don Hartwig sobbing against the gymnasium wall as the ball on a shot by Ron t'lccone ran completely around the rim and still failed to go in . . . Dream shot of the Inter-A game was made by Art Helin who took a rebound while he was still in the air and with a flick of his hand and no wasted motion made sure it sank the second time . . . Referee Vern Ciccone who mentioned casually before game-time that he'd never had to change a decision, found himself doing just that a short time later when a foul was committed on a scorer and he first ruled that the basket didn't count . . . Sidelight of the Senior B game was Jimmy Hew in on the G & A bench exhorting the referees to impose a profanity penalty on an incensed CCC player about five minutes after a G & A player had loudly taken the Lord's name in vain. CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE , FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and Mc Bride Street hope, In the dim, dim future, : animous 10-round decLsion over has been charged with the taskTuzo Kid Portuguez of Costa! of obtaining a huge block of 'Rica in a rough, foul-packed, season tickets nearly a full year! scrap at the Eastern Parkway ' In advance. Arena. Glardello weighed 160,1 Portuguez, 101. 1 bis adverUKetnrni is not published or displavrd b; "They (meaning principally Winnipeg, with an assist from Regina) placed this condition in the agreement in the fiendish Control Board or by the Government of BritHi Curling Results Results in Ladies' Curling Club Columbia Cellulose trophy competition last night were: 7 p.m. Johnson 6, McKenzie 7' Anderson 7 Bateman 10: Cross- Penticton Bows To Kimberley THE LOG OF HMCS HAIDA -A Fighting Ship in a Fighting Novf , . . By The Canadian Press , ,Fy g McBroom 8. 9 p.m. Schll- Penticton V's, playing their! man 8. Willson 14i Shier 14. third lnter-league fixture in as; Turner 4; McLeod lS, Ramsay 4 imany nights, found leg weari- I Draw lor Wednesday games at ness and the goalkeeping wiz- 2:30 p.m. Moore vs. Lewis; Wil-,f.rdry of Kimberley's Earl Bet- kins vs. Wakley; Hamilton vs. Back on Canada's east coast in 1947, took pin in trainiitj RCjNna. Reservists. Ne year, with other tnaiot R0 units, took part in first RCNTrainingcruisetoArcticwitr . . up to Labrador coast, slong Hudson Strait and dowse Churtbill in Hudson Bay. In '49, off Bermuda, rescued 18 survivors of a crisis United States B 29 fn 1952 crossed to Europe with the RCN i aircraft cinr HMCS Magnificent . and on September 27, 1951, If Halifii for her hrsr tour of duf v with the I'mttd "to xer too mucn ior tnem Mon- Partridge. ' day night. : . ' Commissioned in the Royal Canadian Navy August 10, 1943, HMCS Haida saw almost continuous duty until war's end in Europe. . With the 10th "Destroyer flotilla late in '4?, engaged in offensive patrols against enemy destroyers and E-boats in the 'English Channel anj along the French coast. On April 26, 1944, with sister-ship, the 'original HMCS AthaVaskan, and units of the Royal Navy, engaged German Elhing class destroyers in the Channel One enemy ship was iWtiwc.i, fvw hadlv damaged Three nights later, drove ' enemy destroyer on rocks in llames. Figured, as well, in the destruction of a German submarine escorted allied convoys on Murmansk run . . . participated in D-day action . and after V-E Day took part in the liberation of Norwegian ports and removal of defeated German cruisers from Copenhagen. fleet in Korean waters. Returned to Canada in July Dirtt - ! 10 month tour, Haida qualified three times as a ntm!n The Okanagan Senior Hockey League V's invaded Kimberlry on their current swinj through the Western International Hockey League and ended up o;i the wrong end of a 2-0 score. It was Betker's first shutout of the season. OPTOMETRIST! r KEITH H. TUCKER 527-3rd Ave. Phone 212 1 he Tram Busters Club, having destroyed tnat mint m. on the North Korea coastal railway line. Wefureo teosv as me hid Om Dttlroytr HMCS Hoia pfel rJl fhrouah heovy seos . . . (odd o w Mixed 10-Pin League peOe Team at work of !) YOU CAN DEPEND ON . - . Wheo kidnrs fai to reoHiYe , Midi eb. tired fecliiic, , dwturbrd rwt ofteb follow. Dodd'c Kidoey Pills Btimo-Iste kidneyi to normal duty. You 11 better ilp Mixed 10 Pin League 12 Pt P 4 High men's single and high men's triple, Don Hartwig with 222 and 5D0. High women's single and hlch triple. Jean Sharpe. 204 and 630. High team single and high team triple. Tinymltes. 638 and 1849 Kesults: Luckies 2t Dominos 2; Tlmherticks 3, Tinymltes 1; M & M ' 3. Four Aces 1. Another good game Bob Rudderham 215. NHL Goal-Scoring Drops Off rurtter, wort better. Dndd't at any dni More. You can icjjend on Dodd'fc 2 32 and New York Rangers from 2.12 to 2.00. The leaders: G. A. Pt.1. Howe. Detroit '7 17 1 MONTREAL 9 The defences are. stronger and the goalies more eagle-eyed or else the National Hockey League marksmen are getting slightly fuzzy ideas as to the general where- L,ndSfty- Detroit ... . ,rffif,', Montreal i j. abouts of he net. sn. Toronto .. '"Try : . . . rrAj?.. . 'j-, - .Ms::;:" j t-, .. .. . , - JTZ' 1iT 1 f fT oo iar mis season mere nas been an average afi.,4.23 .goals a game. At the stime staje last (season the average was 5.47. Every team except Bosten has fallen off. The most surprising decline is that of Detroit Red Reibel, Detroit 5 Sdndffd, BoUm. 4 Gfedqby. CMcafo" . . ... . .""1 ' PiPTsOn! Boston 7 Richard. Montreal ' 6 " Lach. Montreal l Watson, Toronto 7 Kelly. Detroit 8 ' 'i i MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD: . f A New Low In Used Car And Truck Prices HeTKesheimer, NY. ... 6 Mosienko, Chicago 5 Team standing: vv ij r p Wings, from a 344 average to 2.37. The cellar-dwelling Chicago Black Hawks, who were flying Montreal high this time last year, have rv..rmt u 10 10 8 5 . 3 suffered the worst reverse, from Toronto 2.98 to 1.68. r , Boston Toronto A has dropped from 2.84, N(.w York Montreal from 2.82 to cnicano -?J5, 1949 Chevrolet Sedan. Privately owned. Good tires and motor; heater, seat covers $1210. 1930 Ford Custom Sedan, radio, heater, new paint, tires good. A nice clean buy $1 ."(. 1951 Studebaker Champion Sedan. Heater, radio. Privately owned. Low mileage $ 7.". 1947 Willys Station Wagon. A very good buy and good transportation .... Si.".!."i. 1948 Desoto Sedan, radio, good tires, in very fine condition. $1 IH.". 1919 Plymouth Sedan, tires good, motor reconditioned. Cheap transportation 1947 C'hev Sedan, new paint, reconditioned, a fine buy Heater, seatcovers etc 9M54). 1948 Desoto Sedan, An excellent private car, good motor and tires $i:ti.-. FOR A MAN'S LIFE AT SEA ELLIS AIR LINES GROUP FARES Any organized group consisting of eight or more persons is eligible for our special reduced fores. mi EXTRA Extra Low Priced Specials a. a ,trJa or m ARMOURcKa Kiev.'" STORESMEN . BANDSMEN MEDICM 1942 Ford Coupe 1939 Buick Coupe iMr. 1944 Ford 3-ton Chassis and Cab li(il.-. 1940 Chevrolet Panel $:T0. 1941 Ford Sedan 1941 Chev Sedan $100. 1949 1-Ton GMC Panel Truck $.!.-. 1949 Chevrolet Pickup $710. EXTRA, EXTRA If you or. between 17 ond 25 (29 m mtJ-ol' get all (he feefs. Mail the coupon now Officer of lh address ff,. Novo Kecrchng The man who joins Canada's expanding Navy serves in ships with proud records . . . embarks on a career of adventure and a man's life at sea . . . gains fine naval training in a technical trade for which he's suited . . . puts himself in line for planned advancement and "pension at a comparatively early age! HOW ABOUT YOU? Find out today what the Navy offers you in a planned carter! Find out how you, too, can enjoy the advantages of service life at sea! REDUCTION FOR GROUPS OF 8 OR MORE; REDUCTION FOR GROUPS OF 16 OR MORE. Rupert, H MC S. CHATHAM, PrMce 1941 Plymouth Sedan and a 1941 Dodge Sedan both for $2:15. TRUCK SPECIALS r j SPORTS TEAMS . . . CLUBS . . . Prince Rupert 526 Plea,, mail to me, u-ilbtMJi regarding enrolment reqairemeun available in the R.CN. " NAME (Please Print) STREET ADDRESS PROVINCH cut rlTV s- EDUCATION (by grade and provi . A0t ' . 1951 Ford Panel Truck. Low mileage. Excellent condition $120.". 1951 Chevrolet '2-ton Panel, Excellent condition $1 :.'. 1948 Ford 3 ton. New Motor. Good tires $.". 1950 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery Reconditioned .. $11 !).". 1949 Chevrolet. 3 Ton Chassis and cab $121)5. 1953 New 'i-ton Chevrolet Pick-up. No mileage $18fM. i i i Meet your fritfnds in Alaska at low cost and minimum time loss. ELLIS Am LINES Call at our Office or Phone 266 Phone 870 or 871