OTTAWA DIARY By K "'Kill (V As I See It Thursday, March 25, I0f.4 Howe's i .' Hon. Mr. For one ably was in Kt. mind as well. of the av of .... " outcomes of the talks between fishermen h " 11m I :tnrl From er (inn thn Mm. i i l i There's a fairly nealthy su.s plclon around Parliament Hill ; circlts that Premier Smallwiiod of Newfoundland knew what he was doing when he insisted last week that the Newfoundland salt fish industry be transferred from the jurisdiction of - v'v hi uecomino Uter of Trade mid f ?nnimpr..0 i . . . 5 nipendBt dally nwspftpr devoted to the upbuilding of Frtnc Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau nf Clrrulat.loria , . Canadian Dally Newspaper Assort ut ion. Published by The Print Rupert Dailv Npw. Umiod. 1 J. P. MAOOR, President U. U. TKRHY. V1ctvPrrililfnt - - " --"-' e groun Rni V was an arrangement wherebv i roulrl ,.hl 1 lt I i 41 "v i f r y ' Z k : 4 V j the fishermen will be Riven an ; Premier c "'""ft initial payment on their eaten. 1 made th. . . s Subscription Rates: tarrler Per weeit, 25c; per month, tlOO. per year. HOO . A ih K.. .,..1.1 l u . . "'SI 1 "ioe i . i . about such chanee nail Per month, 76c; pr year, $8 00. " Vnza an second clans mall by the Pitat Omre rvpartintnt Ottawa ..I1I.I tm ,.,,.,., iiuil lu till-Ill after the fish have been marketed This Is a- straight adoption of the system which prevails in the marketing of wheat. eath in the Stratosphere Duplessis Challenge IT SEEMS to me that Premier Duplessis of i Federal Minister of Fisheries I James Sinclair to that of Trade I mid Commerce Minister C. L. i Howe. , i From the very inception of the FideraT Wheat Hoard the I wheat-growers of Western Candida have Ix-en under the jurisdiction of tic D"artmcnt of Trade and Commerce, so f'ir as ' then- marketing arrangements are concerned. And It is a matter of will-known record that over the yeirs they haven't dune too badlv. In fact, at Units explosion which beyond the ex-jrood reason to war. KSULTS of the latest H-bomb spread its contamination far tied limits will give the world use in its discussion of another If the Canadian fishermen became organized for marketing purposes along the same I.ihm as the wheat-growers In the vest, the movement could have obvious and important political by-products. It is because of the closeness of their marketing organization, iu great part, that the wheat-growers constitute one of the most effective pres- A. 1. . . " I Quebec has launched aj direct and deliberate chal-i lenge to the national an-' Uhority which poses aj very grave threat to tliO; ; harmony of this nation, j I It also seems to me I hut, by; 1 barkiiiK P Premier lDiiplessis in his rhullenge i I he federal i authority, George Drew has; done ii (jrave injury to the pause ; i nf national imltv. I i ' AS WK all know. Ix!.h the prov- ini t and the dominion have.' thr li-;ul power to levy ini'ome j taxes if they no decide. j The .sy.ttem of double, or even j triple, taxation was spreading ; rapidly uelore the Hitler war. Man is toying with a weapon which, even w hen ; id experimentally, casts a pall of danger over "'v -civilization. Perhaps Ihe nnt alarming evidence (TTfils was not so much the effect that the l'.ikini tmh had on ships within the general area but the I .ct that its radio-active influence was picked up in J ipan, l,fi00 miles away. J And the means of transmission in this instance as not the contaminated tuna fish but the upper jtmosphere which carried the deadly particles far je jmd their explosive source. 'it has been the coTnplalnt of, j i.on w s.tcrru llut they have; done far too well and that the taxpayers generally have hid to share the bill. Premier Sniallwood's insi.,,-i nee that, the Trade and Commerce Minister should assume i responsibility for the island's ! .salt, fish industry is interpret si iss a move to ob'ain for the Newfoundland fishermen tic same sort of a deal a.s the western w heat - growers have been gi King in years past. The move could be of long -lange significance. For if Mr Howes el forts to improve the iconouiic lot of the Newfound rONTEAUXO TIIFIR FACES, two mins In one or the five cloisters of Ferrara, Italy', wash their clothes in a wooden tub, as they go about their quiet lif of wink and prayer. Never before photographed, the nuns lead an unbelievably severe existence of self-imposed hardships. The women are not allowed to .speak to one another except on siecial occasions, and must cover their faces when sneaking to. or .seen by anyone not belonging to their order. Renowned for their devotion, the nuns rise at midnight to pray In chorus Victoria Report- . . by J. K. Nesbitr jll l,o(K) miles are witnm the rane ol a compar- toy. what will the real thinir do? ;ti& SPRING JACKETS k Kasha-lined k Zipper Fronr t if Hip-length Jackeh Sizes 3 - 6X Good color range FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY or this Special Price The STORK Shopp "Although it is (isturbing to think that human- y rs reaching the stage where the ruin of a great j art of civilization lies within the power of a few Jien, there is the hope that none will lie reckless Inough to invite the self-destruction which war is Hertain to bring. i Not only did the Ottawa government collect taxes on In- , comes, but many of the provinces did likewise. Even some of the larger cities in Canada 1 wer collecting Income taxes a j'.eneralion or .so Kd. To escape the nuisance, and also the paralyzing effect of this multiple taxation, the King government appointed the Royal Commission headed by dlstin- : Kin.shed Judres. -Howell atid VICTORIA The opj osHion-ists in the Legislature kep looking- for a split in Soch i Credit ranks. They've quite convinced themselves such a split is coming ' that it can't be far off; they certainly hope so. Every now 'and then, as legis land salt, fishing industry, now badly depressed, b ar fiuil. it may be taken for granted th ,t. the entire fishing industry will wain to get on the b.ind-w.igoo. Ultimately Mr. Howe could become responsible for the sale of all Canadian fish products, .just as lit the present tine lie is responsible for the sale ol all Canadian grain production. The pattern of the wheat Industry was clearly in Premier fcmallwood's mind when he was here last week. And It presum Perhaps the day will come w hen man w ill de-Ide that there is no point in devising means to de-roy the world any more quickly or completely and nthe might as well turn to more constructive rrauits.- ' 214ShdW Green 184 lecture Ml.A's .on the kind of, food they should eat to remain healthy. Mrs. Arsens insists too ma-ny people these days are laking food;; that she says poison them "Yon are what you cat." i said Mrs. Arsons, and it seemed he glared at the plump, bald ones. And. while she was a!out it, ; Mrs. Arsens took a whack at cigarette smokers, particularly i women, and mothers. Mrs. Ar- ' sens admitted she can't abide a mother with a cigarette in her ni'iith and a baby in her arms. Horrified, too, as Lydla, as ,he viewed Canada' booze bill. She came up with the startling Utiue that each Canadian drinks 20 bottles of hard lirmor a vear. 'I'm not dohi'i my share," l iberal Mr. Gibson of l.illoo- et, Mrs. Ar.-en.s, who was once a Liberal, and then I lifted with ''the CCF before going SC. is now a super-enthusiastic kind of HiV'ial Crccliter. The likes to go after the Liberal MLA's, telling 1 Iheiu what a terrible Rovern- i Sii'ots. That, coinmlsslon finally 1 recommended a system to avoid ' duplicated taxes in the fields 1 of income, corporation taxes, and succession duties The basis of the idea was that , the dominion should make contracts with the provinces, individually. In return for the temporary cession of the sole : right, to collect the taxes in ' Question, the dominion would lative debate proceeds, the op- ! posltlonists think they see such a split opening up. However, so far, their fond political hojies are soon dashed. One day SC Mr. Matthew of Vancouver Centre got up and he said that his colleague, SO Mr. Martin, the Minister of Health and Welfare, who's MLA for Vancouver Burrurd, had made a very fine speech and all that but but- Mr. Speaker! Ah, said the oppositionists to themselves- that hut what rloe MOTlti:L, NL.n l, 2Vli -Mu-i ml rial Effort . Needed FAST RELIEF FOR RHEUMATIC tiiiiuu inysi ll ii ly, in jiuiu of my mw utv l',.r-li r touten! M rtt h fi.inri' 1 iiti needed by 1,am-:viiinu i ij transfusion 10D is 'ik i in , , . o II il 1 1 i ins 1m f"ilt liny !i; '( In V ill like 11 ji( :in iitl.t h-ivi llltl fir nf li.r l ie u. I I.U.H I MM! r.TI ML-tin, lln in oh-j .-m i ii si'l . ha ! ( I, mti n un k'. the Red Cross, financially speaking. l.lsbl !.ul-riie:i1 ic l.'.k--I'm In wii.ri' it iiii.f., v. l -im-. i to ;' With approximately $1,:00 still required -Isll.iiv-iti-ltu.'lintn well Iihh i.i ,!il.ll''. I"ir Mmil i.iin. mill cv.iy f ;.-t . aer. Ci,t..un lo mueli -i.srn , any f. ... mis . . , for ni-isii.'is N... Ml.i l..r lsns . . . ) pay to each province a lump' Mim - a so-called "tax rental." ! At first .several provinces re-j fused to come In on the deal , but one by one they fell into! line. However, Ontario never did ! so, even in part, until George ' ', Drew had ceased to he premier i ol Ontario aiaT' hart become i leader of the Opposition at Ot- it mean? But what0 Perhaps, said they to' themselves, here's a split between Messrs. Martin, and Matthew. Happy day! However, Mr. Matthew was merely disagreeing with Mr, Martin because Mr. Martin had .4n r.xtrn-Sprrial Hon hoi l Hint! , . . W I'm i-"t hi.m. m filmy y,ii A t Ml .1 (Alt ) MtK ll.O fm- . ninnu polf h. lii;iii- il rnti'nins ,Sifn( l)ti-.l( iit 'oit'H Itti4 tiiiiir-in:,:!.- an I ir'l.v ;ri .ill l r('(' :if ' '.'i 011'' v,ijr of :i f,Hiii i(t, It'll '"U vr ii"-! tii-ilo-wi' limit tiimiiunn ti f-i'tiihntt 'in' plowniR lu-nc . , . In lioastfullv said that Vancouve Burrard is the centre of Vah-XsW the Liberal government in tawa. Hif .nii' w iv tU r.tli Uijd' nil -(.til--;irt'l tl'i li!Uti'- Uu- JM-(.ln m in.,.!'- l.y M'l,)lt hi ( .ni.ln Lid, il That's not so. Mr -utinwa is -or so .sue tniiiKS. KHirl Mr Mat I hew the Liberal MLA's don't like hear- ! eouver. I Sneaker , . . !i"- in u !-- Mi'l tn ili-lii lor (mt'liflv "-""" ... . i.. ... tin Mix Ar-ni iHt hk usiv ti.('l.hit i:l-(! A k lor if." . f iti r- nynl v. Iu ly soil, - l.DAIt ceuLir oi vanciiuvri is vijiiioii- -"r -".t, ver Centre. Where else could thoy try to irip her up, but the centre of Vancouver be but Mrs. Arsons Isn't easily tripix'd I)u-i ( ', aii'l Ii in nv I.i Try II V..HI..; il,.- J'iV nl been the last real hold out. Moreover, under the dictatorial rules recently promulgated by Premier Duplessis, the government of Quebec has great'.? sharpened the conflict. First Premier duplessis fc:-bade absolutely any educational ;.',X't Prince Rupert's campaign quota, a p:ool final '..t'ort is called for to help keep the lied Cross ,;;,-ong. ;;;; Although the one-night drive went well, it is jylually impossible for canvassers to visit everyone ,",;io might wish to make a donation to this humani-. ' rian cause. As a result, there may be many in the ' y whose contributions have not yet been received. It is well to reflect that this is not a case w here 'h'Iiw .money goes off to points unknown and is never ''liard of again. While the Red Cross work is world- ide'in scope, we in Prince Rupert are constantly ; ;;elil)g its local benefits through the blood and Hasina supply which the Society delivers to the '. yspital. lit-ss tangible but equally important is the :)ci4y's readiness to help in case of disaster. ; It is not too late yet to offer a generous hand. 'r( your contribution to the campaign headquar-llrs at the Northern B.C. Power office and help '.'J'ince Rupert answer this urgent appeal. Hiine p' m Kin, .' I ..I' (I.IS t I h il'li. us if, h ' n Luxury Steamer Prince George SATI S FOR VANCOUVER anil Intermediate Ports Each Thursday a i II I. "i p.m. For KETCHIKAN VFI)NKSIV Midnight 1 ,,!.,, I,.l i- w I, In n i h c i Institution in the province oi sn-nifc; lie. ie -ll.le new. IiV Vancouver Centre'1 There's a lot of talk and hope In opposition ranks, too, that Mr. Chant anrf the Premier are rivals for Social Credit leader-, ship in B.C. Oppositionists pin their hopes on Mr. Chant, to lead a rebellion against Mr. Bennett. But the day Mr. Chant got up to speak he was loud In his praise of the Bennett budget. A won-ierful, realistic budget, said Mr. Chant. The oppositionists had to admit, even to themselves, and among each other, that they could see absolutely no sign of a break between Messrs. Chant and Bennett. CCF Mr. Howard of Rkeena Quebec to accept any money grant from tin federal government, thus making- it much more difficult for such Institutions to operate. Then he intlm-ttted to .such institutions thai up because she just wont be tripped up. '(let a Social i.ndit govern- ment in Ottawa and we'll show llvni what we can do." says Mrs. Arsens. Everything in Canada that's wrong, in Mrs. Arsens' opinion, could quite easily be fixed up MoW Ly having a SC govern-l)M lit in Ottawa, Mr. .Speaker.' It's simple as that. That's Mrs Arsens' firm political conviction'. ,'IC Mr. F'.ate of point Orey has taken lo sniping at opposition benches. T his has annoyed Lib- eral Mr, Prown of Prince Rupert, I who called Mr. Bate a menace, 1 and askej Mr. Speaker to please, si ( nee him. However,-Mr. Bate nrs,'-"!, I'llF-f' " iJ i'1-iti'i1' h "3 1 Cenal. 0:.I1H.:. I t. ' C, n .1 I K.l. An-I II ' ,,'hn -inner I"' " hah' IuiiiWiT l W ilriuk M- a uiili'illl -I1 , ,rii M.,1 1,. r. nil .Ihi '"' Inn r ' Ml t iimfiirt and Service V Fur rf ervslloii writ. of cull Oily or Ijeixa omcf, Prince Hop. rl., H C. nn nnr'iiiii in w !" n lr:il.iei :e ni. rail. .1 I'' i. "' n loiiii'l 'n-m ly in 'WOl'illl'l ItV ( ill I) CI'.I.AM. Now lli.' i' ti. vofi, u nir in II. i Iviitv luiiiil ii my el' Mil i"'.- isiil,!,. by J". n il. n. ' ' """ "" "-i.''. 1'. nsi. n !..N .lirl .m l !;ile'-ll. 1" I lie Mil I we In "' I, I nwsv V.. nil t.ii'l lli.l .,o.ll.iHV t'olil ('.. nil. wall IS iiii-l. n, ci'.ni-is vuni l.m .7. .on r Ii,.ii i, ci.ii It, (..if .'. '( .' Ami e'j ilm wit. I ni a -km! W..11.I- l.nrv ( .l.l '" ,i"i i" 11 -ill 7H. utiH SI If. is in 2.V. -4.V. ; i V f i j larger grants would in future be forthcoming from the pro-'vinela! treasuiy. Then he levied ' an income tax, whereby the taxpayer will be forced to pay to the province, each year, tiltien percent of the total sum llrins t.rtmb. ' 1 ,, vim !!' I""'1 ...n, V ill niiirt nil. n v.. 11 l,:,!l hoted one day that SC Mr. Tis- . i'n.11.1 ti-.iv-il.hi In I hfi tomintiin in in- ., .1. ..t r,. ... , .. Defused to bo silenced. " inane stunaunuvi-nau atL u, there mere, c .,..' "V2:.r7i REFLECTS ijndi REMINISCES nnno.ifi.lon In thv lei'isHaljire now I Williston of f ort George" Sk the that B.C.' has a SC government. ' Minister of Education. Liberals Maybe Mr. Tisdalle thinks! a'"1 '"F'ers, however, if they that, but Mr. Howard doesn't. I ""h'1 so-boost Mr. Willis-Mr. Speaker. If ever the people ! t". will ' hm harm. Cor the of B.C. need an alert opposition, i Premier doesn't like taking oppo- estions. that time's now now that, there ! si'i'in si'f Canada is in danger of losing one of her most valued assets the lobster Industry, and a solemn warning has been Riven oy George Saville who represents Prince Edward Island In the federal parliament. More than any other part of the tW and GIRLS LP TO this point there is no I ical argument as to Duplessis'!. I constitutional position. Undoubtedly the province has the riKht to levy the extra Income tax if it so chooses. But here Is the erux of the coming showdown. The Duplessis government demands that the whole provincial Income tax be deductible from the federal income tax. The Duplessites ar-Riie that if the. province had entered Into a tax rental con ..'keepina up with the Joneses! v often accompll.'Shed at the ex. ''jhse of the Joneses, a.s well. "Therj there was the fellow who hought that extradition was a ate evening newspaper. " Puerto rVo, according to un-onllrmed stories fnm Wash-riftton, will not obtain independence if It falls to put the American House of Hepresen,-Itlives off limits, during shoot-u season Ithbrldge Herald. Liberal Leader Laing's so sure Mr. Williston's the man that he said he would like to ask the iilinister-desiiiniite a question. "The (piestlon Isn't directed to inc. so I won't answer," said Mr. Williston dominion, this riding is the true . home of the scarlet-coated, de- In a SC government. That's Mr Howard's sentiment. 1 To Mr. Howard so he said -8C backbenchers are nothing' hut a bunch of remote-control robot -and, con.sirieiinp; that, a good opposition's more necessary than ever, Mr, Sieaker! That's what Mr. Howard said. SC Mrs. Lydia Arsons, who runs a restaurant in Victoria, likes to BOYS' STURDY DRESS OXFORD ! leetable sea-food. Between il- : '.legal fishing, growltiR scarcity, ! poor prices and more lax im as- 1 ures of control, the fishermen 1 are risking a crisis. A full-grown walrus, found in both the Atlantic and Pacific, will weish more than a ton. ' i ' . i. two-eye 1 IODOCCO poucn siyic -ii,. oxfords. Burgundy Coif uppers on WW iT WOKKS SI KINO TIIK I TTl RK :' A conference has been des- 1 he first shipment of iron ore tract with the dominion, the dominion would have to pay back to the Quebec treasury, a.s much a.s Quebec now proposes to collect by the duplicate tax. In other words, Duplessis wants to keep ' hi,s cake and eat it at the same time. He wuHts all the benefits that would have accrued to Quebec had she come In like all the others. But he does not want to lifted as a group-of people whuifrom Labrador-Quebec to dellv- wearing composition soles, g A b Sizes.to52 $r i Ss. K mdividually can do nothing. SPECIAL . nt4 who meet collectively to Rrec unanimously that noth-pV? eaii be done. ery to the w&rUng freighters at Seven Islanos on the St. Lawrence is reported L'nava is beinis eleei.-i.'ied; as at the opposite side of the dominion, the Kltimat power and aluminum project Is in sight of its goal. Like Ungava ore, Kitimat aluminum is one of the corner stones of our future national concede to the central authority what all the other provinces have conceded, In order to obtain the compensation which he proposes to grab for Quebec, LOAFERS Penny or strop style loafers . ;( i willy-nilly. mV' ' school, around the home or yr-- 1 3 WANT A PERFECT HOME? Take time to find the one you want and be sure your goods are stored safely with a responsible ware- ' houseman. Phone 60 THAT'S All sizes from 4 to 9 SPECIAL HSlSercillEPTH INDICATOR siiable number of Iwusek i mii be said to have been built ;M;Kitlm8t. The estimate of conduction speed, Blven. out a 'j weeks ago, l& not mentioned ,i4a.y,. for it might invite cor-option, and that sort of thing .iiiawkward, if not embarrass-"ff. yt, experience teaches it's rt, impossible. III! '!!TTf'G AT THE TBL'TH l.eavc it to the youngsters to tot athe truth of things. Take loe case of the father of nine lljlldrJi who was showing one ;;ed four, the photographs :; ken when he and his wife married. He explained ;'.out the wedding. ,. .(IjOh, I know what you mean ; tddy- said the tot. "That' in "Mutniny eame to w R Tor ...100 fathoms Can b inftallcd as a complete unit ... or the dial can b separated and bulkhead mounted lor e3'.ier viewing. ' R.n3t.r itiat ".'ii. iaa!h,inf1 sya.'itiie. Accuia'e. dependable !o more than 100 lattiomj, RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC FAMILY SHOE STORE t.ocai and Lone instance Moving 638 Third Phone 357 Phone 644 313 Third Ave. W. 'Leave H to Lindsay's" Your "Allied" Agent