Thursday, March 25, 1UM Fish and Game Stocking han Success in Smithers District -nunuH From,, Mil ... ," '. i . , . botrn m in-7 ., ,. ' pmiihers Asks Retention Of Power Group Setup j special tu The Duiiv Ncwa j Omineca member Shelford. Sup-BMITHFRS Concerned with ; Port of the resolution is being thP nnssihilitv of a chaneo In i sought from other members of tented Ehn.."."?"! r ol 8-7. nnts to the district. Birds deceived from the game department and those purchased by In the eigiiri,s , the club, plus some hatched ; early North-Central Boards of I simid ol the B.C. Power tlle niornitw irniu eys nt-ie wi-if r'-'ivasea , oniuner s hMI , l Trade of B.C last season and had wintere i ! bat ""ueinflw n.; Commission following resignations as a result of the Vha-ishm development enquiry I Smithers and District Chamber well. Trapping of hawks and; wen another n , t owls preying on the ph. asants ; tut Geriri .n ' tor, "Whereas it has been drawn to our attention that as a result of the recent upheaval in the ' ier.onncl of the B.C. Power a. is under study. ,9-8 and CarmlchIT? Ths cllltl nits ..1 BOVill Of SmilK... . W, of Commerce passed the follow k V 1 1 $ TV ins resolution at a special meet- : Commission there may be a " " -"'ti-IRTJ .t more birds f '-rim the game de-i In E Event piay ( nHrtnicnt' anti authnvlnfl rnr-1 fi......, lor t qc 4tZ , 5 Iff n chase of 100 nheasnnt,. rhi-lts ! follow.' .."! If. V I VJr in?; last week. The resolution has been forwarded to Premier W.A.C. Bennett, with copies to Skeena member Frank Howard and ncscb ' Bpeclal to The Dnlly Ni-wn SMITHERS Reports on success of fish and game bird stocking in the area, and election of officers with J. R. Nicholson eturned as president, highlighted the annual meeting of the Bulkley Valley Rod and ' Jun club here. j Jim Bovlll and D. Trew were -e-elected vice-president and secretary, respectively, and H. Hinchliffe was named treasurer. P. Thlbault, Wllf Watson and S. Muirhead were elected to the board of directors. In his annual report, President Nicholson noted th:it an estimated 88,500 Kamlonps trout pgg.i, of the 80,000 received from (he game department, had hatched lost season, and had been distributed to various district lakes. The program of stocking over the veais wa.s bringing results In better fishing in district lakes and streams. Eggs laid by birds not released Olraud q n.l ichl J; Gtf. last fall also will be rntch ;d. possibility that the future of the B.C. Power Commission may be at stake . "And Whereas the B.C. Power Commission has in the main done excellent work in the past "Now therefore be it resolved that this Chamber urge the B.C. Government to retain the present setup of a power commis rule 4 ; W !...m. Thursday -. J Re-application by the cl'ic o Kelitnti for purchase cf the quarter jviui new in- . . section site of lis fish hatchery iAra 5; Corlr. " V nas b'en ppprovea by the pro-is-in , m t 0f,! vlnclHl lands department, but.e- fci,,.,, webs' er 10. ,J '!;. the club will seek a reduction f-nnnn 7 ? e. sion and that a very strong Qt. . Well-Known City Family .Going South of the price a.sked, $285 plus a ; e-lraudl 4- Mi Cl committee be appointed who will fully implement the Elec . ft f ' . ,10 crown Kr;mt fee. . w.p. Finals of !h(t 0: rand A, trical Power Act relating to subsidization of mrjintil elctr'- Ran- !.nrt ti, BlltS. BK1TY BIKTON, 22- year-old employee of the defence production department nt Ottawa, is crowned Miss C!-.'1 Kcrvl lv Oeorw Me- . .:.U TlUnI ntnmW nf Members cited the club's pro- train of liiiprovuiuiil i.uJ tx-pansion of hatchery faciUtirs and other projects in fish and game protection and propagation with attendant costs. In asking for the cut In price. competition will '" 4:15 this afternoon toV-the ' six-day bonspiel. ry Daily Ns, he said. He also noted that 90 parliament for Ottawa West. 1 000 more eggs have been ordered for this year. A trio of long-time Prince , power extensions. Rupert residents wilt leave here j "This Chamber further urmv tonight aboard the Prime (hat one cf the Commissioners ' George, bound for new homes in .should be a member from t he the south. ! North Central area of the prov- ihey are Mr. and Mrs. T. ince where electrification Is a ; Strand. Tenih Avenue Kast, who very important subject." have lived in Prince Rupert for' Smithers Village commissio:i-rbout 35 years, and their daug- rrs at iU regular meeting lust I I ter, Mrs. Pelrr iJenhiei Haan, week also submitted a telegram ! 616 Fourth Avenue ' East, who to Prrmler Bennett acknow-was born here. ledcing the good work of the Ill I I.IWII JI41, J .!! K.'i.'.'(.-U..r!. I The meeting also heaTd re; ports of apparent success In troductlon of ring-necked pheas- Mrs. Hiirmn. wnii.-e i is Ridgetown, Ont., won the title over 20 other contestants from other government departments. She has blue eyes, flaxen hair, stands five feet four and weighs 105 pounds. he won $.125. . j FOR THE WORLD'S EASIEST SHAVES SS USE THE WORLD'S SHARPEST BLADES IIMCt'E. Jnpsincsp bride of a Canadian soldier, wears tli traia-lUmJl figured kimono of her country as she makes coffee in a C'milrcHan kitchen Hnrue was married to Sgt. E. C. aimer oi Haliftix when he was with the Canadian forces in the Far East. Nowlhcy live in her husband's home town. PERSONALS I STAMP OF ArFROVAL ' IyONTON CP) A boowet to" help keep out phony waiters ti ! messes has been i-ssued by the British Hotels and Restaurant : Association, It goes to trained i j Mr. Strand his retired afl"r B.C. Power Commission m the ( '29 yeirs wUh Atlin Fisheries. ' past eight years in SmiUnvs ;He worked his last day Friday, mnd urging no major changes be pki C',rrt iwhen a siaff party was staged made in its ba.sic structure c.a LCJCIOr latlliy worker containing references r i and the holder's photograph. in h.s nonor. at wnicn Manager u - h.i,'i.iiivib . Trial by Jury Harold Thorn presented him ! the Power Commission. villi a gold watch, a glad.stonc ; bag' and a wallet with money.! ,n behalf of the staff. Mr" rnnnpr MtV Strand was latterly manager of I mM IV I Ul, i i r i Mivf Jack Ewart, 140 Eifrhth here four years at;o after re Avenue East, and her daughter i siding in the ciiy fur alKHit 4i Lynni will leave tonight by years. trnin,J'ii .the first leg of a trip ' to B'iuin where they will visit Mrs. Joseph Addison, 1071 irlatffe.s. They will sail from : Hays Cove Avenue, was anothei Kew 4'ork April 1, aboard the passenger on the George, n -Hollajpd-Amcrican liner Ryn- ! turning home from a three-week dam, for I Havre, and visit ; holiday in Vancouver. Mrs. -Rwavt's relatives in Mons, ! . Hell Remain VANCOUVER (CP) MacLitrate Oscar Orr said Wednesday h' !wil commit Dr. Raymond Rusii for trial by jury n"Xt Tuesday, jsher h"ar:iig the brief remain- i rirr of crown evidence in the I manslaughter charge against j ciiy pliy.sician. : He adjourned formal committal until then at the i-crm 'st i u a nix- counsel to complete : , il airr.iigemei'.i.s. I 4" the filleting department at Atlin Fisheries. Mr. and Mrs. Strand plan a 'irief visit in til south altes which Mr. St-iPd will cnil Norway to visit his 93-ycar-old rmith-r whom he hasn't seen for 43 years. He will leave tu In Within U.S. . WASHINGTON i.T Croon -r irk Havr.ics said Wednesday ll,n nt ,, C8 FORI) dition running con- $75.00 Enu-'.ipls and other points. Mrs. Kw.u- ai.o hopes to visit Paris befor returning home in July. Mr. and Mrs. C. Roberts. !)."': Ambrose Avenue, and their joung sen. have returned home from a two-week visit with rei-ltives in Vancouver and '50 PLYMOUTH 4-loor, Com j u ihl ill' .r n.i v, ii v f,"1 " the old country in May, return pletely overhauled. New Mr Dennis Thain of P'irt Alberni. wliose husband was transmission. Fine new tires. So Easy-Shaving That Tough Beard It No Problem At Alt Vcht fmr ytur Gillette Blue BiitrJca are tirnt chtiire of Khaving men everywhere. That'l because no otlier kind i at ahurp, as eaty-aliaviiiB;, aa long-lasting. For extra convenience) buy tliem In the. Gillette dispenser that ffipe 'em out unwrapped ready for use, and haa a built-in compartment for aafe disposal of used blades. 20 blades $1.00 e 10 blades $0c IN IMPROVED CIILETTE DISPENSERS Regular package 5 blades 25c li-'nce ol kick ng nie out ot t,i: i cunlry " But tiie sin r-husL-an oi Rita cit.e'incd to si iust ho'v he expects to esran ieportation to his na'ive Ar-o ntina. The U.S. iminigrati;;r service ordered his deport a tU" jj INTERNATIONAL ij-Ton ing in September. Mrs. Haan. who will be a" companied south by her five year-old son, John, will join he hasband in New Westminste where he has bought a home. Mr. Haan. who has been r Prince Rupert fisherman for the Pickup. Very low hiilcage. New car condition. '19 A Beautiful AUSTIN A-40 formerly Prince Rup-rt ci'y i clerk, is visiting here with her j Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace sister, Mrs. Eric Brown, 1610 j 1000 Ninth Avenue East, also re-Pecond Avenue West. Mr.. Thain. j turned aboard the George !-now yTCy" clerk at Port Alberni terday from a trip south. Mrs. was feupcrt city clerk for eight ! Wallace attended the pro vim u, years leaving in 1951. Mrs. Thain Cancer Society conference, aftor came here for the women's which she and her husband curling bonspiel and expects to visited their son and dau!hicr-remaln for several weeks. : in-law, Mr, and Mrs. William t 'Wallace jr., in Vancouver. Dr! and Mrs. L. V. Kcrgin, 320 o..f in nr ori nc h,,rn n . Tuesday on the ground of il- Guaranteed. Low mileage. Chinese efyiJti J CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe Fur Outside Orders Phone 133 Priced - $830.00 j the Queen Charlottes, plans to 1 continue in the fishing industry I ynd probably will visit Rupert ! iica during the coming fish ni? icosrn. He has b"en in thr' SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE it gal re-entry into the count ' j i-'st June. i Kaymes. win vr-de a quick trip 'o the capital (Wednesday left by plane for N:w Yoik. II said he hoped to h ,ve a statement of his plans in two of three days. In good humor, he added: "I haven't a worry in the world." Second Avenue west, will sail Mrs. R. McCarthy, 602 Filth ; outh for about a month, and toniht aboard the Prince George Avenue East, was another pas- '-it son Stenley, 14, is attending for a caie-month holiday in scneer on the Geortre. rctumine ! srhfnt in Vanr.nnvpr. Vancbuver. I from Victoria where she was r. Mrs. Strand will stay with the patient in St. Joseph's Hospital j Haans in New Westminster un for three weeks. til her husband returns from Mr! and Mrs. H. V. Tatiersall, Elevebth Avenue East, returned homo yesterday aboard the Frin$ George from New Westminster where the former his ; Norway, after which thry ex-: Mrs. John Eyolfson, formerly j Pect to make their home jn New , of Prince Rupert and now of Westminster. INFANT KIDER NOHTHOLT. Eng (CP) Two-; ear-old Pliiiip Payne rides the Middlesex hluhwav on a bi' Vancouver, and her sister. Miss- Mrs. Haan has been honored been hospitalized since the end Aiice FUnfcr 8iso arrived on the ! at several farewell tcss Snd horse with complete control and of Fabruary. Mr. Tattcrsail was IrlcndJ confidence. He's the son of Joc-; Hey Frctl Payne. : George yesterday. They plan to Parties by her many spend several weeks in Prince here in the weeks. Rupert . ITruTl 1 SM' Z?andr j serioasly-injured in a car ac-cidenj on the Loutrheed High-1 way ibetween New Westminster I and Vancouver February 28. He was thrown out of the car In which h? was a passenger and rustjncdi severe back injuries. , 4 Mri. Stanley Parker of Ss- I rheltij B.C., arrived yesterday on the George to visit her son-in-law 4nd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. K. Si Hood, Walgren Apts., and son Jand daughter-in-law Mr. imd ,Mrs, Robert Parker. 801 bum fjiit Avenue. Mrs. Parker left atwaa Come in . . . see why Its a Beauty of a By! New 9.6 cu. ft. Imperial V. 1 f . . a?; i4. 'Ma V'-f. ' - i v,; - ' - '' ... N-i3 .....f, ), 4.-. v 1 k m y" ii J Regular fancy f itUty, sizes y f 4 and 5, now selling at 1 reduced prices. Fast Passcnser and I'rciRht Sailings from Prince Rupert To Vancouver Friday and Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Kitimat Friday 8:00 p.m. To Kimano Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Stewart, Alice Arm -Saturday 6:00 a.m. To Masset and North Jiiecn Charlottes Thursday 6:00 a.m. March 25th, April 8th and 2'!nd I . v w A W Wl SEE THE COLOR Lovely salin-gold. silver, chronic and smart Capri green .. .thrillingly used to highlight and brighten your kitchen. SEE THE FEATURES Giant freezer chest hiIJs 36 lbs. of frozen food. Four ice trays ...convenient llandi-Dor with 3 shelves deep cnoueh for 12 oz. bottles: Quic-Cliill Iray; porcelain crispcr; meat keeper dozens more super features! , SEE THE VALUE y ou'd expect lo pay more. Hut ihis advanced Color Harmony Quiefia costs definitely less than other refrigcralors of its size. IVdl be looking for you s 1 1 m. fH IT T 1 I To South t;uern Charlotte , :) . : ; i , ..- , ' I i rS.i t I CANNED FOODS 1 Thursday 6:00 a.m. April 1st, 15th and 2Dth Passenger Reservations Freight Bookings LES SMITH Prince Rupert Acent .hW Third Avenue Plione 5(18 serving B.C. since l!8i IIli(BIi ROFjKRT STUART Hyndman. oil. oi Ottawa, a wartime RCAF fishjer pilot and war artist, vill, leave shortly for Europe wheee he will make a pictorial recofd on canvas of present PCAtF activities there. Mr. l'ynpmao will hold a temporary RCAF commission while cngiftrcd In the project He left the .RCAF in 19-16 with the nil of flight lieutenant to continue his career as an NSVEETENEB ' EHDQ3" ' '- . j ' l.,,l" fl'l . .00 - All Illustrated Model .N, if DEL. .Ol Indians Mod WltlDOW ROCK. Art'. W-If the rhdians got mad when the white, man took their land, they v- bolltnj; now. ThfJ Japaiwe are hlamed this time- for making "Bcmiine" Nn-vaio handiwork nd selling it at o--fifth the Indians' price. And rieht'here on the reservation, no lcs. Ned Hatallili. mnni"p nt Naval) Arts and Crafts Guild. s;iid the lmal tourist market is bein flooded bv beaded Indian behs.rflolls and bows and arrows all tnade In Japan. GORDON & AND! I. n .--u" '-n is mi r s359 '249 00 LIMITED Phone 46 Others from When yout doctor recommends low butter-fat formula lor your baby, use Delta Concentrated Partly Skimmed Milk. Budget Terms Available new 'J. i-' assssslBeBsssBBBsmeM