'iili intCc f.upcil Uuily l lC-Thursday. March 25, 1954 ' i in i iiin GEOKGE DAHES AUCflONttR Phone ltlark K4I1 and Red 127 . STOCKS TODAY'S kf f onrleiiv P . "'' ' 1 fi 900 lL,NE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS i !'H Zvr.-.&mmiM, i mumii imm jib h i i , , tmmaamrm "vmve'srviMarxazxi ' -m o JI rrf ff-""-ret-rt I " I,,.." ' 3ttmlt lit! ttaMS ftrMT ftMttM t 39A SITTES FOR RENT ifid Kites THE DAILY NEWS" "CIRCULATION" 3557 3251 RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocvclmi (Subject Change) ' Tiii-'S'.SDAy Wayne and Shiuitor CHC News ; Clio News Iloululup Eventide , Citizens' Forum Cameo CBO -.Tncmivrr Corirert Winnipeg Uramu cm; News CMC News Mtitweek Review . Nocntme Weather liepnrc Anyone. Lt::tealn!!? HilDAT A.M. 7:00 B.C. Fhhermeu's Broaclras. "ill Mu-lial ( link 7:3J t he News; weather -Mil 7::i.i -lull Clmli ":!.-. lrrHli (evnlin ' r " ' 8:00 CHC News; Weather 8:10 Ilere'n Kill Ciivxl . 8:15 Kreakfn,t Club 8:45 Laura I.tU. - ' . 0:00 1BC nvii and Comty. 0:1ft Aunt la:y ::l Cmne tihat M.-i- ' :6:( Time Bljaial 10:00 Mirrnlni! visit 10:15 Tho Happy tluni; 10:4'i Mu::lcal Kitchen 11 :00 Your Oood NelUlwir ' ll:lf KindeTKitrten of the ir- ' J I :.'10 Mem;e I'erlnd 'filial lulli, lv liMliun Ku,il. Airfield 11:60 Mel a Kitchin . , KM. 12:15 CtlO -News' ' .' '' ';: r ' , ' ' ' 'J ' 12:25 Interltirle 12:30 B.C. ttttm Bro.'ica:;t '' I J:.V. I--..-- ... . ,. ,-lnli-rlilile ' I :l Hi eonln for Vou . V., !::) keiiiril Albion - . .' 2:00 Natiorml Sc'h'Xii " nroadcast 2:30 Trins-t'un:wia Matinee . v 3:15 I'-rave Voyage - . 3:30 Iloeilown . - ' a:4 B.C. Heiiuest XtfAihtlup . 5:55 Have Yen Hcanl 4:15 A Mate with Fred Hill -Storli 4:30 ol the Ballet .voo StOCk UlltiUiOIIH ! . , iH-allse . 5:15 International Cc;ity. 6:20 CBC News; We; thcr 6:30 Rawhlrte : - 1 : 6:55 Have You Heard? GRAVEN EY, England (CO Villagers still cheered hearti!j j although their soccer team wsa: beaten 17-0 by Chtslet Colliery of j the Centerbury League. TBey! considered It an Improvement en last year's 25-0 defeat. '-".: ! " t ' r ! : "i r: Ca. I.nt1 Silver Miller 99 i Golden Manltou . ..... .. . 1.51 Can. Chem. & Cellulose 8.50 Landover Oils , . .08 Rix Athabasca ... .. . 1.13 Nesbitt Labine 1.50 Boreal ; , 2.20 mm I K & Fual.y brakes cosr lives . . . adjust them today! SUPER SERVICE DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe VAMfOrVF.ll American Standard 10 Bralorne laski 4.00 Cariboo Gold 75 Cronin Babine , .02'2 ; Giant Mascot . .40 Indian Mines ... . 04 Pioneer 175 ' Premier Border 05 ' j Privateer 03 Heeves M-Donald (aski 1.50 Sheep Creek (aski 50 Silbak Premier (aski . .11 Vananda 01 'i Spud Valley 02 Silver Standard (aski .73 Western Uranium 71 Sil-Vun 10',! iXM ieen 08 ;'t Estella , n Oils A P. Consolidated ,30 Home Oil 8 90 Mercury - .10 . Okalta iask) 185 . Pacific Pete 9.85 ; , Royal Canadian ,.10 I TORONTO Athom 08 2 Aumaijue , n Cnrio). Discover" 2.02 Bevcourl 20 - Buffalo Canadian .16 '2. Con. Smellers , 23.75 ; i Conwest 3.50 I . Donalda .49 , - Eldona 23 ' East Sullivan 3 75 Giant Yellowknlfe 8.00 j : God's Lake .61 Hard rock 13 j Harrieana 25 j Duvex .17 I Joiiet Quebec . " , Utile Long Lac .70 ' Lynx 03 1 i Madsen Red Lake 1XS 1 MeKenzie Red Lake 37 , vlacLeo:l Cack'hutt .... 131 i Negus .10 j ' Noranrta (.3.25 ; , Iiouvicourt t .14' a Petrol Oil & Gas 43 , New Senator 12 , . Sherrilt Gordcn 3s li Sleep Rock 7.80 J BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL NEW KI EL TANKS ' 650 Cat. Tank j.; tllf).M 1175 (ial. TnnK . 00.00 275 (ail. Tank . .. 7i.liO 12 oauce Steel Bxtru.- . IM)l STKI AI. WELDING CO. Clreen 884 . 221 Jst Ave. B Mrs. Rowo DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avenue East, owx Rupert Battery Shop. Phon Blue 128. OPTOMETRIST ' KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 CARLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smither J Every Tuesday and Friday. For .'onnectior.s Phone 632 t - .'- - ! IF YOU WANT A ' -CIN3ER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR VONCRETF WORK ', Rent of Truck and Equipment i Ph. Blue 939. M. J SAUNDERS SCOTT McLAkEN- CHaRTERED ACCOUNTAWT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. V. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 By CHICK YOUNG 26 WILDING MATERIALS . LUMBER SPECIAL March 22 - March 31 Ehiplap, Dimension and Rough S75 pef fbm. Terms: Cash or COD. only. Note: If the 5 p.c. sales tax becomes effective you will save 2 p.c. on building materials by purchasing NOW HULPOTT, KVITT CO. LTD Phone 651 or 652. (73) PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD Phone 651 or 652. Inquire abcut our budget plan for your home Improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2000 6 to 24 mos. to pay. (82) 27 H'KL FOR YOUR FUEL REQUIREMENTS: Oil "Shell" Stove and Fiiito Coal Foothills and Bryan Mto. Gas "Pacific" propane, PHILPOTT. EVITT At CO. LTD. ! Phone 651 or 652. (82 ! aa. C1.'U'1VT-. -.v. ...k... I"' .-ir.n. .n, iIHlllr. SALES Repairs, Ri-ntals Sinoor Sewing Centre. Phone is. (c) " 33 I OK SALE MISC. HIGH-HEEL PUMPS i by DUCHAINE . Block Patent Black Calf "Ccrr.bihation Last for i finer fitting $10.95 VOGUE SHOES LIMITED ceL o j ki f enc DUO ord W. breen OrO . I , pm nay prcn.ju. Z'-tt vr w.iril P'r In-Inim Jlmn-f M will 5 J) CTll!, ''"! f - p-inerti! (e tun r."n.'' S, loimlr P"1 Mi. -la -r1i 1 mcor ct-mj J. ,cl, rrr:.r ri-cled J of Hi: I Iwrtloa. t AD ePLIES oklmg replies 'lowing Newi 911, 918 muit be ?r in person mi rvrvrs Partv. Mr.reh 3, , rf(,;!il Tea. H. Mill:' , 863 I :ll(il;i!i' K a I e, li' X' to Stork v Ni. Tea M.HVll I .phony Or- rch 31. , i nil School. Attiiliiton K.ilc Ap- i 8 -fit) ,i .diall I.i Pi'iil. K!..y. Ao:il 2nd. i-n 4'li Ami i Rn!i!:..a-c : Ki hiuii .Shuw, ti-rs Easier Tea, u.irv Ruiiimase 'M (li h Street. 'lit ;:.(. W A. of Al"'il 14. Mouse Spring !' I'riil (irim-V.'ii'.. April 15. home of Mrs. April 22. :r. ,";iril 22. TODAY YEAR AGO u iu siness prnsoNAi.s GARDENING and Landscrapins. Lawns Shrubs and Evergreen planting, rock walls, rork flower boxes, pools, patios and rockeries. Free estimates. Phone Red K06. (79p) PUBLIC NOTICE The City will empty septic tanks on request at Cost Price. O. E. BEATON. Supt. of Works. (72) PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANTT. Income Ti'X specialist. X. O. Fnrk. Klo-ie Building. Red n'i. I20m M.OAZINKS. novelties. Eddie's News StanH. c) THE ELECTRICIAN O. Ouyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 165. (89) SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 3 weeks' .supply $2; 9 weeks' $5. At Deeth s Pharmacy. (ID j . . RAW Flllni7ill l.nm Precision Saw Filing, 215 1st Ave. West. (90) INVISIBLE Repairs, dressmak-(68pl ing. 727 Fraser. PLUMBING, autnmolic oil heat-i iig. sheet metal work. Plume '543 Cull 630 6.h West. Lctoiir-l neau. (c) i I WORLD'S FiNEST CLEANER ELKCTROLUX. Phone Bill.' 070 or Parts Rales Scrvi.'e. i (el ' CHIMNEY and cnesterfield . cleaning. Odd jobs. Phone I Green 773, Mr. J. Kellipsler. (70p) j WILFttRD "Electrical WoTk s , ' Dealer for Ekolitc Sounders. I HSC '891 PHOTOS taken at home. Any- time Phone Green 389. Chan- i (Hers Studio. (84) WII.KORD Electrical Works. Mot- i : ors bought, sold, rewound and ' ! repaired. (71c) 1 j WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo- j tors bought, sold, rewound : and repaired. i9Qi , SPENCE & MATIUK, Painting Contractors. Phone 101 davs; iBlue 881 Evenlnirs (i)6t MAGAZINES, Novelties. Eddie's News Stand. ! - i CARS? Bob Parker's of Course.1 1 (95) I upYu'rG : 7TT ; j NEARLY everybciv uses 9t BLONDIE Still Sweoting it Out! I ( 1 msr tru-cfi-T lvi '..Air ii;.HT hi pr- i I . I liv.'&ia v.hai j t ..;;.:,-:.), r-S-fM THIS PRKS-l I'M ODINC HACK I "( ' lHSSP-f" WE'LL BE ), -S- THE SKIRT AND LOWER THE ' K i'.i ' . S4. SMALL furnished suite, for working couple or 2 Rirls. Apply 914 6th East. 72pl 2-ROOM apartment, furnished and heated. Call at 522 k uilon Street. (72) 2 ROOMS. Red 984. (00) 40 HOMES 1 OU SALE CLOSE IN 3 BEDROOMS $2000 Down, balance like rent, buys this comfortable family home. Spacious floor plan displays large living room, dining room, bright cabinet kitchen, master bedroom and bath. Two Rood-sized bedrooms up. Full cement basement. Fenced level lot. REVENUE PLUS ' ' Neat as a pin, 4-room bungalow, with self-contained suite. Close to school and shopping. Full cement basement. Automatic oil heat. Full price only $5500, with terms arranged. Armstrong Agencies Ltrl. Phone 342 eves Red 958 (71) WARTIME four. Apply 133 9th Ave. West. Phone Blue 165. (74) LARGE revenue home. Central-i ly located. Box 921 Daily N ' 80) 41 P.l .-ilNESS LOCATIONS FOR RENT Available after April 22, Store and office presently occupied by Pacific Electric. 718 West 2nd. Phone 2200. Basement, Bus Terminal. (81) I 42 W ANTI II TO KENT 2-BKDROOM house by April 15. Provincial Government Em-i ployee. Box 922 Daily News, 73p) 43 LISTINGS WAXTICI) ' URGENT WE HAVE a large number of; buyers for houses. A listins of your hoU'C will be appreciated. ' ; II. C. llclfjcrson Ltd. ' Real Estate and Insurance 216 6th Slreet Phone 96 i OR f Wilson, Bl n k 197 leveningsl 4; liOPFItTY FOR SALE FOR SALE Tenders will be accented by the undersigned up to five p.m. Anril 15lh next for purchase of the tollowinj? property situated at the S E. corner of Main S pn(1 Second Avenue in th Vil- lane of Smithers. vi Lois 20 and ' twenty-one Block 39, Map 1054 S"ilthers Townsite, comprisins 6160 square feet more or less, tQKethcr with building of one storey frame construction, pres- entlv being used as tnp Munl-: cipal Office. The successful tenderer to apree to remove the present building and erect a modern business buildinrr In accordance with the requirements of the Village Commissioners. This valuable building site is subiecf to an up-set price of $650000; highest or anv tender not necessarily accepted. " Village' CJerk. ' (H) 46 IU'SIM SS OPPORTI'NITIES FOR SALE MESSENGER BUSINESS One Truck. This is o Good Buy Apply at 741 Second Ave. W. (74c) CAFF, for Sale. Good location, modern enuipment. For particulars nnplv Commodore Cafe. Phone 17. 628 3rd Ave. West. (711 LEGAL NOTICE I (Ml lli:;lSTI(V act He: Cerlllieale of Title . ?;r- ul I ol l. lilei li III. heel Ion 7, ( ilv nf lriiiee llnperl. Map !:l. WHUHEAS sntislaeuvy proof ef loss of Uic above Certificate of Title issued in the name of Alfred Au-rlerson has been filed In this office. I notice is hereby kiver, that I shall, j at the expirruion of one month from ; the date of the first publication hereor issue a Provlsional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in Witting. DATUD nt the Land RcRlstl-y Office, Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 22nd day of March. 11154, AD. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Rciusiritr of Titles. (94c I MEETING PLACE VANCOUVER, (CP) An Old army hut. remodelled has beep set up on the campus of the University of British Columbia as Ihe first " international house" in Canada, It will be a meeting place for Canadian and foreign students to talk and work together. BIBBONS Roman Empire En-(cl cyclopedia. Science library and '' LI'L ABNER ;L By AL CAPP ' I'-so'ah'll " shmoo.'.'- T( -am; if it wanted -r"-- - 7Eu honest ) v;m- fill him tellvo'th' -namelv.tm' V.ABEA !!V FULLO'LIES? TRUE., SAP STORV OF A IT LAID .AlGS. AN 'ALSO J STOA I IJ5 Ul-SELLOUT A Tairv r FACKS i S - LI'L AM. MAL WHAT LIVEP . GAVE MILK - BOTH y-f LfB,,?T It l TALE,Zl'i!Ys!LLlfcRTMASj X LONG BEFOPE VORE S PLAINLV MARKEC J l-AVEH CAKE.-EWT- f ABMER.'.r JH FlCK-SHUM.'.' J TIME "BOUT 3 OR-r- ) fiRADt A , rzSgJ fM. m$m MAP ,THE HEART Of JULIET JONES By STAN BLAKE 1 ' . ".' ' Xm' K-' 0K yto ' POMT TMIMkI OJ&HT SUIT MSUBSFLF, W5WARP.' llNp' 1 HV6 A WCE,NOU.SMIN ' '': 5 ".tCf.' K-H MLHCSJAOC I H?HU.SOT4'UvN6S0 IF I 80R90W ONE JON6S POSA- ' fL. gVl.VCNEY. -f An XCT ; '"ill r wu. ecv n.tvtK anp lJ things thutvc sot to little uswtconvbrsationovBJ r- li - m I -himosy, ; ! 'mil 648 A CeLC84TiONf tTEW, EN, yr. ; PO 0O s I HE UlNNiR TABLE THE POOH I f VC J GO VBWjjl i f V- PAgTMPe? . nVL MQgNiNia. kips mocked hasp 4u. MV. ) i M LONS,ioq 1 -r I 1. I t" , . N , 1 v ' : ,' 1 h -J'V hi' ' 1 ' ' ' .' JAM''- V" ' - fa.-irimt Show. ! 18 IIEI.P WANTED MALE sponsible party. Co-op mem-r - - - - .... i her, and Rood fisherman. Apnly 'V 1. ' - nawar : Lcyrn An Klcctrica Trade 1 t m Irctrtclnns r plectricul m- HiunicH. The Cunnutan Armv will u :irh yn to tnAtall mtttnttttn HHhtint? ntwt jow'r clrrutts to ln-iy sp''ct. repair nnrt overhaul ult typfi or Plpciricnl rqttipmnnt prciniro iP'1"" rstimntcs tar construction : SHERLOCK HOLMES J By EDITH MEISER ond FRANK G1AC0IA I era . , ji r --5 wmv nui mtcmtriHrj ll I JUfi imi vujuu ctfl f&iBt 3 WANTEP HER OUT OF Tv KNOW ABOUT THIS I you founp v wife luce .. f' TiXrirfr rHE my ? THE ONF "w P,EC OP PAPeB ? J,wN THI5 ? SHOT THPOUfflH ) lU' fy m wlf0TE THAT J ' ""vS JjPV other books. Apnly i24 Alfred St. , (72ui 32 t-u i:ent wise . ; ! 35 ft. TROLLER. Must be rt- , iBox 919 Daily News. (74pt FOR RENT Offices In the Stone Building, modern, steam heat- i ( ed.. centrally located-- A p pl y . Room Nd.,.-Stone Building or' 'phone Red 5!)3. (71) ; ONE room furnished cabin for i I oulet worklns man-only. 74il ' Fullon St. (75p) S4 WANTEII MIS ELI.ANEOl S WANTED TOP MARKET; PRICES PAID for scrap iron,' steel, brass. eopi)or, lead, etc.; Honest pradinp;, prompt pa:,'-: ment made. Atlas Iron & Metal: Ltd., 2f0 Prior St., Vancouver,! B.C. Phone PAcific 0357. (Hi j CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries radiator. Phone 543 Call 630 I 6th Ave. West. (c) j WORKING Rlrl wants room and board in private home assoon las possible. Write to Box !H8. j Daily News. (71p) , '35 IIOATS ANU ES;iNES I ONE 16-ft. Peterborough built boat. Can be seen at Yacht Club bridge. For information sec Mr. Roland Compton, Columbia Cellulose. (75p( 3fi ROOMS FOR RENT NICE comfortable sleeping room 338 6th Ave. E. Phone Black 010. (71) ONE sleeping room, for working man. Meals if dsired. Phone Red 510. (75) LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 281 5th East. (71p) TWO rooms furnished. Black 814. (82p) 39A SITTES Hilt KENT 4-ROOM suite. 2 bedrooms and bathroom. Partly furnished. Close to Post Office. II. (I. Hehrersmi Ltd. Phone 96 (72) 3 ROOM unfurnished apartment. Suitable for couple. Seal Cove 7. (74p) nilal Hrr EasTf-rn Stnritrntn ! ' - " HpnnK Haaar, ' ' lb, I , - flii Haaur P iar. M. 7. lay 20, X1'y y.Jtii. f 70i WlllilAf.Ks . J. - - " dauehter Anelu ' "fewwm. An-': 't 4 clock in I ho ; c thurch, Prince; i iltpii : M'i.. "ii.N ii.S INTION ELKS :uir idies O.O.R.P. MEETING NIGHT 'W p. m. - Movie., , evpiv . p, rt a' v Hall norms ' for el ed , latil(s So 1 1 Dm Re- (72) ?iil fl0ny. ijnupriiU. you will oc irauu-q 10 111-spiert. acijtiKt unci repair vehicle i rlrrir ical i-quipim-nt and Ignition fi stems. Th cr a r? n 1 so rtitciilnes In iho Army for men to train as: AccfHintfult Clerks ' 'i' Uadlo Htutlon Operators ' Telernmmun Ira lion Mechanics J ft (Surveyors A Doctor's nnd Dentist's Assistants Technical Assistants j i An Army career ofl'ers good pay. pensions, excellent condilinns of service, variety of work, travel, medical j and dental care. :10 days holiday. To be eligible for this trades training, yon must have Grade 10 educu-iion or idvnient. he n to 40 years nt av?e. and 'physically fit. For full Information write or visit Hie Army lleerullinu; fetation nearest your home. Nil. It I'lTsniiilH Pepnt. I'M) I WeM Sril if aiii'iiuver, II. C. J eleilmue Cllerr.v :!(I1. ' M24, 25, 2(1 APPLICATIONS will be received by the Commissioners of The i Corporation of the Village of! bmithers for. the position of Village Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor etc., duties to commence by May 1st, 1954. Applicants must state qualifications and experience. Address replies to the Vilhige Clerk, Smithers, B.C. (H) 10 IIEI.I" WANTED I E.MALE f. FN PR at rn . ..!... i 1 j ' ! I ' ' ARCHIE , . - By BOB MONTANA ; r .n ' VxtTV 1 KoKAY.' f wwy HAT THE au PiGmt' i'SW" r- "Z t," 'rttLls-bb I"T3 ASfSMry. ?,ffAra 'wnTOoJK' ,, AIRRAID y?..x tiftS)) -Vl StW DRILL - VUUPU7 LIFE V . . IfcTl yfli Kiro I -u.wu uiuic nuuci iriuu- I. Ior u c- l ackers Kupcit SWL v iv J-fc J B6 CLEARED ' ' i 1 IBW sential. phone 220 to arrange for Interview. (71) CLERK-TYPIST wanted mme-diately. Apply Northern. U.C. Power Co. Ltd., Konm 15, Besner Rlock. (73)