TODAY TO SATURdIT and WALLACE'S J J UV Sew Save at Tiling in'fWiMi cMof gafe 3 ;ddie Cantor Keefe Brassellb-Marilyn Erskine will A b'g beautiful selection of all kinds of yard goods all drastically reduced it5i.oiwN,0s,tha.; ROGERS. J "1 fclrff J just in time for your Spring and Summer sewing. These are extra and jnow limes: A i ) double extra specials all taken from Wallace's regular stock to moke tve "i9S 7-9:25 LAPITu room for other materials now arriving. Our loss is your gain. Sot . Matinee 2 - 4:25 .v rM.,i "8 ",m.sV' 1'I.AVlv V ' '"Mil ,H I ,iim il ... i ' ' ,1 i ; - w - t vX. . ; Xf?H"EP UBlWAfeR A RT.YC V , r . . , r I . -.-- -- I " ' 1 ' , r , . j t a tFtmi'immn 7 ;f, M - ,. .!...r. fi 1 Adult Entertainment - $1.99 1 .99 .99 - $ J .99 The Boldest Best-Seller Of A!l Is Now On The Screen! Mainillcmtlf created out of tin Htminti tl Uti itwll! Regular $3.93 WOOL CH ESTERLAI N E-54" Wide Per yd. $1.99 Regular $3.42 PURE SILK PRINT 37" Wide Per yd. $1.99 Regular $2.92 ORGANDY 50" Wido Per yd. $1.99 Regular $4.42 TUBULAR JERSEY 54" Wide Per yd. $1.99 Regular $3.66 VELVETEEN 35" Wido Per yd. $1.99 mm IN this ONF-KfMtM sr'UOOt.UOI'Si'. In Riron, Wi.iconsin. t.i. .tepubllcan parly held its fust recorded meeting" in 1854. The 100th anniver ary of the GOT was celebrated this week, and I he Republican officials from all over the na ion joined Ripon party members for a re-enactment of the founding.. Prince Rupert Dally News Thursday, March 25, 1954 iiii ;i i iimi MWnNwi. -. , f "'i&.-CSy; m BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Gunderon Named For Trade Trip $1 .49 - $ .49 - $1 .49 - $1 .49 Regular $2.22 - $2.50 CREPE 38" Wide ... Per yd. $1.49 Regular $2.08 FAILLE 42" Wide Per yd. $1.49 Regular $2.42 BENGALI NE 52" Wide Per yd. $1.49 Regular $2.66 NYLON CREPE 42" Wide Per yd. $1.49 Regular $2.18 NYLON SHEER 40" Wide Per yd. $1.49 Regular $2.24 SHARKSKIN 42" Wide Per yd. $1.49 VICTORIA (CP) Former Fi- , nance Minister Einar Gunueison is KuinR to Japim as a government represcnUili . ? --ilh a - couver .board of trade delega- End-riay Good Trick (letter Just -glancing at the cards in today's deal, Todoy to Saturday T O T Eji Evening Shows 7; - y:IO famoispuversTHuI I seems certain that Mr. Champion will have to lose ti0" , , , , . ,. , r. , ,. . Premier announced two hearts and two diamonds. But, using that won- this in the lenLiiature wedncs- day. He said Mr. Ounderson may derful trick getter, the end-play, he managed to make his contract. , " " " also goto Hong Kong. The delegation is going to Japan to study trade conditions. Mr. Abel led the trey of hearts : Wallace's L Dept. Store C$3.55p to EUROPE TCA. offers new low fores behrtc VANCOUVER -GLASGOW South dealer Enst-West vulnerable North (Mr. Dulel S 10 9 8 H 4 2 D 10 7 8 4 3 C A Q 4 (Mr. Abel) (Ml Brash) S 8 S J 3 2 H- K 6 5S H A J 10 9 8 r K Q D J 8 5 C K 10 9 8 1 0 C--A 3 H4Mlth (Mr. Chilllipluli) f-AKOlii H J 7 D A 9 2 C J 2 The blcUtinz: .South West Nnrth Knst IS 2 C Pm 2 H 2 8 3 H 3 8 PttM 4 3 All Pass Wallace's Dept. Store Select your choice of materials at these lower than- ton-prices and then choose your Butler-Ick pattern. Van can't go wrong. Ail Sales Final These items are all at or below wholesale cost. Quantities and color selection are good but limited to amount on hand. or liiw Tom 1st l ares anil full infornulw ee vinir Travel Agenl, H:iil;ty Ticket Of r ;i'l TCA in Vawtmver al TA 0131, .Ki lioue St, (opp. Georgia Hotel). Eland Miss Brash won with th" I : ace. Realizing she was on lead 1 1 for the last time, she returned 1 1 the five of diamonds. Mr. Cham- : pion went up with the ace and noted Mr. Abel's play of the J j queen. This, he hoped, indicate.! ; B a holding of the king-queen ' doubleton. j j He laid down the aee and : king of spades and on the sec- : Jjiond spade Mr. Abel discarded' a : a small heart. He now played 'the queen of hearts and Mr. Abel was in with the king. ; SEES DANGER Ji The king of wis J cashed,, but then Mr. Abel had p ; nothing left but hearts and 'clubs. If he a he-'rt, Mr. Champion coud ruif un the board and throw the losing J diamond from his hand. Mr. Abel recocnized this diin- if YARD to 111 GOODS M Oil SALE M) Pm urn Al TRANS' CANADA , Trill advertisement it not publiired 1 . w disoldved by the Liquor. Control I r ! ?04(d Of by the Government of I ' n,rt II AHICOM British Columbia , Sale Now On On winning with dummy's ac; he could have returned to his hand with a low club to tiv ! jack. But then .there would have: been no way to return to the' board to ca.ih the queen. Miss : WW! here's a new taste tKrill for you-just try This sale will last for 10 days but "the early bird" gets the usual reward. Come on down while selections arc good. You'll be well satis-. fied. Choose your 1 sewing needs for now and later loo V'r believe this to be the largest sale selection of yard goods ever offered in Prince Rupert. The "lection Is most diversified to fill most any demand. It's a harrain picnic. Join the fun. ger and decided to return the Brash's jack of spades ruined , eight of clubs, hoping Miss the chance of reaching dummy; Brash held Ihe jack. But Mr. with a trump lead. And at the! Champion iind that card an-i end Mr. Champion would have i : he ducked the club lead in had to concede a diamond : dummy and won in his own trick. j hand. Ke then picked up the i . CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP DANCE real M-m-mGood on your ce No Lay Aways No Exchanges in the outstanding trump, finessed the queen of clubs and parked his last diamond on the 1 ace. Thus iie lost only tw-j hearU and a diamond. COII.I) SQURM OUT It wasn't easy to see, but Mr.; Abel could hive squirmed out ' of the trap. If he had returned I the king of clubs instead of a i low club, Mr. Champion would ' : have been held to two tricks in j that suit. Navy Drill Hall '' '7' 'I $U .29 - $ .29 - $1 .29 - $H .29 on 7 ' Specialty good on hot cereal 1 SAT. APRIL 3 Dancing 10-2 Admission $1 .00 Dance In honor of ship's company of HMC3 Sioux Per yd. $1.29 Per yd. $1.29 Per yd. $1.29 c: uo with Regular $1.79 T00TALL TOBRACO 36" Wide Regular $1.69 TOOTALL TOOLINA 36" Wide Regular $1.62 TOOTALL LYSTAV 36" Wide Regular $1.78 TOOTALL LOMBIA 35" Wide . ir.. Quick fooo Thistles Win Third Straight TOKYO (CP) Kenora Thistles tonight defeated a Japan all-star team 11-2 for the Canadians' third straight win of their Japanese tour. The western Canada intermediate champions .scored two ioals in the first, period, thrc" Per yd. $1.29 i Regular $1.74 CREPE 39" Wide Per yd. $1.29 Regular $1.69 SPUN CORD 52" Wide Per yd. $1.29 Regular $1.72 SHANTUNG 42" Wide Per yd. $1.29 Regulor $1.74 TAFFETA LINING 54" Wide Per yd. $1.29 SOFT... SO so'sae v m the second and six in the hird. Ray Wcstland and Sam Robertson each accounted for three of the Kenora goals while Murray Robertson scored two and Ken Robertson, Lome Johnson and Phil Creed each scored one. 89c-89c 1 1 . are the new Purcx tissues . '. . yet so htm ind lronS Rcntleand kind to the skin, they're perfect for W''"'''" up too. Raich for PI IREX in the blue and Kvn IhM oft quality in single ply, or SUPER I'UREX in the ' label, the ultimate in tissue luxury, lor only i few cen" Two species of walnut trees aru known In Canada, both growing in southern Ontario , Regular $1.25 -$1.44 RAYON SHEER 40" Wide . Per yd. 89c Rcgu'or $1.42 TAFFETA LINING 36" Wide Per yd. 89c Regular $1.23 DRILL 36" Wide Per yd. 89c Regular $1.20 PILLOW TUBING Per yd. 89c .fl0 Regular 59c - 69c KOROSEAL PLASTIC. Assorted Patterns, 36" Wide. Per Yard . 39c HR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE - '' ""i i- it- mr - - j