last Night's-Bghts f Tnursday, March 25, lilM Maple Leafs and Bruins j Out For Revenge Tonight ! By T'H- C;M;itt i hi Press " J ! Hi VUf Asso-1'ited Ptf: ' Miami Beach, Fla - Charley Norkus, 1B4'4, Jersey C'lly, N i outpointed Danny Nardico, 180'4. Tampa. Fla., 10. ! Sydney. Australia Freddi . Dawson, Chicago, stopped Barry Brown. New Zealand, 6. (fill SENIOR BASEBALL GROUP TO HOLD MEETING SUNDAY i Prince" Rupert Senior Baseball association holds its annual meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Elks Hall to plot the course of this season's play. Attending will be representatives of the three city teams, Gordon & Anderson. Esquire Men's Wear, and Commercial Hotel, plus Neil McKerracher, manager of the Terrace team. First item on the agenda will be the appointment of a baseball commissioner to succeed last year's league prexy Eddy Gladding and also naming a secretary-treasurer in place of Alec Bill who is retiring due to health reasons. Canadidates who have been mentioned for the post are Father O P. Mohan and Ian Dunbar. The meeting will also decide, in an.--vcr to a Parks board request, what funds are needed for the maintenance of Roosevelt park for the coming season. ! Toronto Maple Leafs and Boston firuins go after ; their first goals of the Stanley Cup semi-finals to- 11 Ifl!1", The Lrafs, , M blanked . ,,,, c 5-0 T,. Tups-, While the Owen Sound, Ont ' ! hun on to ti h game of the series while Boston, .. n "h EXHIBITION BASEBALL Pllllndrlphia A . Plltiblirxh N 10 Wa.shlimton A 7. I'lliludrlplua N 1 MIlwHUkpe N 4. lVtrolt A b. ( nicllllmll N 4. Chicago A B St.. I.OUIS N 8, llriM.klyn N 2. llnston A 7. New York A U. Jin u mi. in- A 4. New York N 3. Cli'velnrul 12. Ch.i-iitn ti 2. ! 111"!! OUTDOORS n..i, J white-washed 2-0 by Mon re. ; bad hi fan- Camuhens Tuesday play lh?ir second game tn Monlieal. I Tuesday niiiht. Going into tonight s game m ! Tne soasone(j Re(i winRS, al-the best-of-seven series against ; most alI veterans of previous the National Hockey League Stanley Cup campaigns, are in champions, the Leafs have seor-1 top foinl, ed only four limes in eight ap-i The Leafs. oifth- other hand pearancei on Uetiou ice tlv.s j witn six payers in their line-up season. who have never tried for a Slun- The Willi's wili be ut ley Cup. showed signs of playoil four times if the series goes the , jitters Tuesday.-seven-game limit. No matter In Montreal, coach Dick Irvin 654 WIIXENHALL, England (CP) -Mrs. Benjamin Squire, 74, turn- (1 down a mining firm's offer of l.7,U0U lor property known as "rough wood," local beauty spot. Willi 75 acres uf fllver birch ami Although an ample ouoruin of plenty pleased by a good take of members appeared at the recent oolichtuis. A few days eailiei Rod and Gun Club meeting, : GORDON READ 11 led a Copper President JIM BACON quite pro- I River sortie which accounted "''lAiinlSl, TL . . i . how many times th? Leafs be it! said his Canadien.s will go after p riy reirainea irom proceeaing , lor eigin o i c i n r u u o. oak trees. She sold it to the 7" ' - wi.7 council for 2,350 to be piv.s.-r- tTcZ, H are momentarily cx- same wilh the election of officers in , Springs Terry Sawehuk in Toronto, it victory No. 2 with tji cant get them any more than lineup that stopped the Bruins, view of his belief in the need fori pected to reach Mctlakatla and ; vi d a.s a park. "We took that first, eame tinri a stronger representation of the the local harbor, meantime one three victories. h (OhV (Char tni alr Besides battling the Delrotl scoring famine, the Leafs have to cope with a slump by goalie Harry Lumley. who won the Vezina Trophy for the best nct-minding record for the regular schedule. I'm planning to go along with membership a give him a firmer , must be content with flatfish the same bunch," said Irv'n ' mandate hir the program which ! and rock fish; at least the faith-Wednesday night. ! lies ahead. There are resolutions j ful bottom fish will fill in both ' to be passed uoon. which, if en- sportsw'ise and in the trypan. DI'.MKS GALLIVANTING 1 ,(.lod illl0 law wil have a de- i Incidentally. Irvin denied ri- j finite effect upon outdoor folk.;' fjew fishing tackle allowing up ports that he went gallivanting j pocket books; also the Junior j jn the local stores, and even mote off to a farm Wednesday to see part of the Club is to come in lor j would be used if there was a Ye Gods it doth amaze me! Forsooth ... I thirf,. so many chariots of such valu". Yea. ami tntji, he fit with iubbcicovercd wheels ai tmMi i drawn by many horses. Tis said that even lin.,' prelcr an A-l L'.-.ed Car or Truck from f'.irk.ts his chickens. 'all !l(iuart'li Seilan. Custor" liealf r, 2-t oi c p a i u I Caesar would aDiirecialc Packers Stage 7-5 Comeback; Extend Series 'il I'unl Pu tup. jv,;d c c il I linn. D. wui.t buig.4,,. Only ivHfin .. s Instead, h? spent most of the day at his home in Montreal, worrying over his brood of hoe-key players and the power of the unseen hand." which, to Irvin's mind, plays an important part In every game. "I still think the breaks wiii decide this series." said Irvin. this at i$11!i5i SMI HXC'V l Ye 0!ie Baidics Recapped The favorite Penticlon V's I "We played very well Tuesdaj greater attention. jcciivenient place along the , waterfront for small boat owners The acquisition of certain to trailer-back Hie outbo..fd rig rights to territory out of town ! into salt water. Seems a pitv lor angling and shooting needs, j that these small boats are used pei hans a hatchery of our own. . almost exclusively on lakes, a clubhouse to be erected, rifle j when they might serve an extra and crow shoots, some pistol work turn close home when time does for those interested, tiie general i not permit a journey inland. tn curagement and tuition of Remember the date. Monday, the younger members, and some! March 20, the Moose Hall, the special attractions for the ladies j k,mi and Gun Club meeting, are all in the offing, but willing i hands and capable heads are an I IMPORTANT! ! ! urgent need for all that is to be j Late flash; MAGNUS HAL-dune. ! VF.RSUN tells of large dollies Onlv too often we hear the re- ; around the rear of the Cow Bay mark that "it is the same crowd Co-op, they rise to a handful of running the club every year," j chummed hamburger or similar, this condition will remain unless nd should fall a sir.g'.e egg or YOU do something about it. Be all meat bait. l iitd I'iikugi. Oii laiiir., !ikt my You give your home fresh, new color appeal in your spare time, -and before you know it, the " Jpb is done! Yes, everybody's 1 Hi atcr and a.;. $ failed to wrap up the Okanagan j night but we can play a little Senior Hockey League Wedncs- better. That goes for two c: day night while the Trail Junior , three of our fellows, anyway." I'oril Solan I) c I I v c r y. Kadio. heater, automalic transmission. Even Cleopatra could not compare with ihis beauty. $19751 MC.MI.XXV s ratch. Ynu a. Itoinan in tU t i5i"r!M m Smokies won their seventh pro- If we take the second garni vmcial "B" title in eight years, w-e will be hard to beat uouiy 11: I The surprising Kelowna Pack : v : y YOUR FHh-MONAHCIl IHAI.Ui BOB PARKER LTD "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SIRVICE" I ers stopped Pepticton by open-: ing fast to delight a partisan Kelowna crowd with a 7-5 win. The Packers led 2-1 at the end of the first, recovered from a ' second period that, saw Pentic- ton take a 4-3 advantage, and skated to a blistering win in the I MIGHT I NI) IN MONTKKAL The third and fourth games j ar.e in Bo.ston. The teams the n , alternate between rities gam? 'by game and if the series got : the sevm-game limit it would end in Montreal. Coach Lynn Patrick of the i Bruins may have to make li;u; Series Film Slated Tonight clone with idie talk, the old days are gone, the old order chang-eth. let Ms get on with something it '! The remarkable progress made in only four months by the yo'ina riflemen has already elicited the promise of another .22 final session PRINCE RUPERT Ken Amundrud scored two for changes. He wasgivin consid- Little Leaguers, senior bfts" ball players. Tony I.e tguc pro-. Packers. Singletons went to Joe 1 1 ration Wednesday . to usiive. Connors. Mike Durban. Frank ' three, instead of four, lines, es- rifle, it is expected that yet an TO nn. .tim vii.winim. on,! nut nrci.illv when rief eneenia n Hal , . ,..., , I'ccis, saateii's ..nil pareii f Lavcoe " " " have the opportunity tontght i uaycoc has nas recovered recovered from irom an an iv,i lads have added Painting's no chore with quick-drying Super Wall-Tone!- The Colorseal Latex. Base lets you finish your rooms faster than ever before . . . without any stuffy iniiaiuymeatw' i m wii i mii i i ih i ' n m McCuIley. two more Jack Mclntyvc. Kevin Conway, injuly a"d is r ady for rear- flring points and butts to the ; Jim Fairburn and Dick Warwick ' 6uard (luly- t (mu- now in operation. At the .'cemg the 1!d3 World S 'ric.t through the courtesy of tli-Prince Rupert Little League :)a.-cba!l association. The film ol the annual baseball ila.ssic will be showr at the Civic Centre at 7:30 p.m. . paint odor! moment two separate evenings arc reiiuired to give each of the forty lads his turn at til'- targets, but their cm husiasip '.jcs not waiu , should yours? r counted for V's. 1 Ci litre Gus Borinar was ex- ! Thirteen minor pctiaitics were ' l'l'u d 1,1 be --rty for tonight s I handed out plus a 10 miniltc game. With Bodnar ready Pat-! misconduct to Durban. Middle-;'"'t Panned to drop Guyie '1c,d,'r- ,ron' Seil""' of thl' UP i ton was presented with a froohy as the most, popular Kelowna Western Hockey League. player. '. Patrick aif has to find .some KKTCIIIKAN $15.00 l Many, many outdnorsmen in. Try Dcilv NcVvS Clubiif ieC Trail Junior Smokies steam- im ans of overcoming Canadtens 'iii.i -jf intvu nut juiiiiu tut' rollered their way to a 11-1 win : defensive stuength. In the first: club to date, if they will but over over visiting visiting Kerrisdale Kerrisdale for for their their - - game, game, won won by oy Montreal iviomreai 2-0, z-u. th:-! come Into the fold with their WUANJ.ll.l. $2700 second win of the best-of-three , Bruins were outshot . 43-12, series. ; riTi:usm it(. $29-70 See your local Marshall-Wells Dealer for your painting needs. Brushes, roller-coaters, turpentine, sandpaper, scrapers, fillers, step-ladders ... he has them all! vV- abilitirs and modest dues, we can break down the present lethargy and become the focal point of attention to both officialdom and 'he sporting fraternity. Let us now accept our destiny and lead the sportsmen of the worth country as we should: ..i not fail to attend the ne.l ;ieeling March 23. Precisely as your columnist WHEN YOU FLY .11M i; $41-40 BEG Tickets Going Fast At Early Date Norm Leandron and Lino Zan-lcr were leaders in the Trail attack with three goals while Al Berno got two. Other scorers i were DiPasqualc, Davis, and Mc-lntyre. The lone Kerrisdale goal of the i night came at the five minute ' mark of the third period from 1 Craddock. , i In tonight's Jietion, a win or a I urn HdKr I $3g.oo BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING ()ll TAKF. OUT OKDKKS Phone 200 t e: 1 1 1 c air VAMCnilVrR to Titnle fr, sf-tq ho n,.iiih c,.i -.,, ..mi uredicted some moons ago, 'JEFF LLLI J LINES 56 ,r months away, are going ; " - '' win both Field and St'eam and Hunt fast, games officials said Wed- Broadway Cafe tC.lict opposite Post ;,hu- ' 3rd' ! intermediates a play-on over Kamloops Loggers. In Wcst- rn International play-off ac-: tion. Kimberley invades Nelson Phone 266 LI. ' nes-day night. Ticket sales chairman Sam ing and Fishing in Canada with his TJ-nnund sieclhead. and brought glory to the Kispiox and I . ' mm Choose from more than 40 famous Rosen said advance ticket sales ,he 'n,uc 11 i h,mii the start of a two-game J , s4and 'The best-of-five series Is. fr- tll amcs here July 30 to noted that nunKin predators' f Aug. 7, have reached $12,500. II. Ud srt a game ench: Slar shall -Wells jinjshes include ,iig BBC Enamel, House Paint, i ' reharmonized Easycoat and Gloss-Cote interior paints! .Jhere's 1 a' finish for every job ypu 11 do! !.GEST Wp using unfair tactics are b(Mng 1 brought to book for their mis- doings in the Kisniox country.1 while the Hums Lake folk are resolved to have an end to the horrible nractice of certain mo- I nrists who deliberately nin into ' coveys of grouse which th -y . neet nn the hinhwav. Local anglers out in force over; 'he nast brilliant week-end, but the only success reported was by P'Tty who cotK'nt larger fisn , at Telegraph Point, they were ; j said officials expect tickets for ! '"i-- swimmin". boxing and cycling events will be sold out with-j in a few weeks. j Rosen said demand is also j brisk for tickets to the track and I field events but there was no j danger of an immediate sell-out I Tickets have been sold as far j away as, Peru and Skagway, Alaska but 90 per tent of the sales ; have been to Urifish Columbia I residents. SPIN-FISHING WITH A BUBBLE FLOAT 1 When pnekinp, lunchen, here's n tip That'3 cure to meet with f;'vor-Wrap sandwiches in H;ind-c-r:ip lo keep that fresh food flavor., LOOSEN LARGE END OF PIN TO PARTLY FILL BUBBLE WITH WATER TO WEIGHT ij IT FOR CASTING. TIE LINE TO SMALLEST END IHnHS 'lift LINE TO BOD 1 OR 2 SOT) HA IT no V! SPLIT SHOT WET FLYy, 2JL o MAY BE USED IF NECESSARY BUT Sec Your AVOID IF POSSIBLE SO BAIT OR WET FLY HAS A BETTER ACTION. VARY DEPTH TO SUIT. THIS RIS IS EXCELLENT FOR ANY SEASON IF YOU PREFER TO USE LIGHTWEIGHT BAITS WITH SPINNING TACKLE. ADD A SPINNER IN ROILY WATER. Discuss your painting plans with your Marshall-Wells Dealer and receive a FREE Decorator Gift Bag a bonus to you With new, transparent IlanJ-c-wrnp You do the job with lens work What's more, it lets you see inside With nothing left to cues work!, (Vi Home Decorators including : ' ' Painter' Can. Room'v ShoDDina Bsa. Or, DANCE A DRY Local ROOFING and SIDING Experts GREER BRIDDEN FLY THUS, ON A HOLD ' Painting Apron Paint Paddle. (lor the ladiei). "How-to-do-it" Booklet. STREAM. ,,.' LNE LIMITED Hand-e-uura 1 1 rTfflT& UBXED PftPER Phone 909 215 First Ave. W. MAItSIIAIX-WI LLS PAINTS I ' available at ' Competitive Prices k Instalment Payment Plan it Guaranteed Workmanship Lar3e selection of aspholt shingles, asphalt siding, asbestos siding and shakes to choose from. IInl-r-wrnp Im ihr ter ihrintph" wiixrd pairr. More Inuis purr nl, nioro pliahlis morr miilurn proof, (ift it in Uv hint nrlon vth I ho liuiidy rnllint! vtv. f'nr vxtrn sating, nlt llatnl-r-urap refills. 1 011 xiii i" the rout of lliv roi 1 outer irv titttei j KAIFN CONSUMERS j CO-OP (HARDWARE) 251 Third Ave. W I'luine 179 200 jool roll''