k. , ... ; r '.i . fc . , 'V ' Princ Rupert Daily News Thursday, March 25, 1&54 Security Risk Publicity Said Kept at Minimum PHlLlSHAVS Jho Wonder Shaver However, he made no direct . reply to a question by Davie F'ul- ton (PC-Kamloops) as to the1 OTTAWA The government-says it takes no security risks with its employees, but does not want to harm individuals by number of civil servants affect- mm ' ' U A ' ' (. . ...... ' '"--'-' - . f, ;. - -5 t , - ? . . . ry - 1 , K : . i , "n " 1 r Just imi'B'ne. cvci y U.iy a perfect Fhuve ... no pull, no si:rapt r.o s-jap and no blades to tiuy. Philkhave's twelve sel'-sharpi'ning silver steel rotarv blades assure you of the best shave you've ever had. Try Philishav'e today. Ko obligation. , $29 75 E;isy Terms Arrarscd publicity concerning civil service ed by security precautions since dismissals and transfers for se-Uan. 1, 1947. curlty reasons. i Mr. St. Laurent said that in Prime Minister St. Laurent in- answering questions the govern-formed the Commons yesterday ment must consider the possi-that the number of security dls-; billty of identification "that will missals and transfer is "not cause unnecessary prejudice to very numerous." ! an individual who has not had f . If TV; -y-1 fit-.,. Vk;i! trial, trial, any against whom no charge has been brought, but who. we feci, it would be undesirable to take risks for." It would be difficult,' if not "THE STORE THAT SUIVICE BUILT" McRAE BROS. LTD. Phone 6 or 33 Railways Plan Drastic Cuts For Steel Jobs Impossible, to provide a break-! down of dismissals or transfers pnd the reason for each, and ! even if that could be done it) mlRht be "not in the best In- tereKis of the public to make that kind of list public." VICTORIA . The Victoria Colonist says in a newspage MIS1KI.SS cf ctTCikicnies Arlone Francis did a double-take on the U.S. Army - Taic ni Pairoi ' TV show when her guest (above) pave his viol rfitt"S. !-? thfy: P'f : Pvt. ' Ti"!"? PJi.'.y Ferbonof Christ in nsen, sonr of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Chrktianscn, who live 'at 20 flaveiiholm.sevej Avenue in Copenhagen. He graduated from the high schooi by the name of, 1-nld your hat; ! . . . Eftcrslaegtoelikaiuts. With honors, no doubt, for oeing able to spell all that! J story todaythat drastic reduc- DISCHARGE RESPONSIBILITY Hons in Canadian railway freight t j "We morcly attempt to d"is- AUCTI0M SALE Saturday, ? arch 27, at 2:30 p.m.; in Auction Room?, corner of Mc Bride and Fourth Avenue East rates for movement of Canadian charge our responsibility to be ; steel to West Coast ports will be careful. We are not in the posi-'1 announced within 24 hours. I tion of a court trying .an indi- ; ine newspaper says it had vidual and having to direct been informed that present rates ! evidence, but we have rather to will be slashed almost in half. HOUSEWIVES have the benefit of the doubt, if any, go the other way. "If there is any doubt about the likelihood of there being disloyalty, we Just cannot take The Colonist says word of the Impending rate reductions were ! received in Victoria by an in-1 dustrialist during a telephone conversation with the Hamilton A , mi ' . .." ! 'i t .,, 1 - . f . 1 " ;j',r K -.i ,: l any risks; but we do not feel we offices of the Steel Corporation I are making any kind of a con 1 viilllV. HI T THE ACTKKSS ln this picture ,r f ii:.' b'.'.t perfiirniance "Oscar" award to I i,y the Mnt ion Picture frademy of Arts and h ib. Diti'l jump to conclusions, however. True, id in d an V. of Audrey Hepburn, but the rest of the iri a pur!.-; of (he other nominees: the shoulders Ay i ( .iMimr. tlir arms of MagRlc MeNamara, the ,ir; h K rr anU slioes and luggage of Leslie Caron. of Canada. Consisting of: 1 Iti'ilroom Suite 1 10.2 en. ft. Kefriscralor 1 Chesterfield Couch ' Battery Radios 1 Electric Ilailio 1 ( host of Drawers 1 Douhle laundry Tub, (complete) 1 Electric Kangcttc Beds Chairs I Boat's Radio Telephone, (Complete) 1 8-ft. Showcase Coffee Table Mirrors 1 7vi-ft. All Wool Rug, new I Oroplcaf Table 1 New Gurney Deluxe Rock Gas Rane 1 Inboard Eneinc (BrigCS and Stratton) I Sincer Sewing Machine . 1 Astral Fridge 2 Coal and Wood Range I Pet Purner Oil Range Z G.F. Vacuum Cleaners I Buffet And miscellaneous article FORGET Won Seeks Police Chief The Weekend Specials The reductions would put Canadian steel on ri competitive basis on the West Coast with that of Oreat Britain, the United 8tate. Japtiii tod European producers. . . ' The Colonis'i ox Canadian railways have aMted tha. board of transport commissioners to cut the freight on steel bound for Victoria and Vancouver from $2,10 to $1.10 a hundred pounds The newspaper says the steel' orpoiation planned a further freieht allowance of approxl- viction that would justify braur- : ing an individual in such a way as to cause hhv harm in the ! community gent rally." j He said Communist or Fascist activities or associations are not : the only reasons for dismissals or transfers. Others were "in- : dications of weakness of personality or character habits and circumstances that render a person susceptible to pressure or blackmail He' added: "On the whole. Cnnada is entitled to be proud, of both the loyalty and devotion of most of its public servants." In reply to Donald Fleming Big Shake-Up in Force at iM 1i;n!'l i:it ; continue re-organization where -' 1 " r the commissioners left off. SKEENA GROCERY List your goods for this sale before Friday noor GEO. J. DAWES AUCT!oENEEI! Fhone R"! 127, Black 846 McBrids & 4th Ave. ' o A;i ui lK' ival A survey of the force by Frank ton iHi e depart- B Baxter, retired RCMP expert, and 28 cfnt." a hundred i tt u tins booming W;IS u'kIit way when seven unl- i mately WILLIAMS GROCERY ! formed constables and a ser-1 pounds. i in p-V? rar.ks. I wnt raided a suspected gamb-1 Basic price of steei In Canada i ,i tin' b'"it. It cui-: house Feb. 11. This was is $4.60 a hundred pounds and ; ink in tiv rf.sijr- ;customnrily the work of the Canadian steel now sells for ADVERTISING IN THE OAiLY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS . -. . i t, . ' i'! ronsla;li- Ri'R j lid ri l cti vt'--s r-; Sii.ilh. 61. h.'adi yf,.;af i . mid ei,in- i ' n.ui.ility .stjiun! ' norality sqnuad, but neither It ; nbout Sfl.70 a hundred pounds on nor Chiof Jennings knew about the West Coast. The reductions the raid. forecast by The Colonist would In the resulting Inquiry, the mean Canadian steel could sell cnnimlssinners were told by the on the West Coast for about (PC-Toronto Eglintoni, Mr. St.: Laurent said the government has not yet found any workable appeal system. ', j The "enverrmer.L hart considered providing appeals for civil servants dismissed or transferred : as secruity risks, but was not ' convinced there would be any ' greater assurance of fairness by going beyond the present pro-1 cedure. amd SATURDAY AT j inkling constables that they J5.42 a hundred pounds. United ri.i:n;i s w re do- risked di; missal to bring condi- States steel from Utah now is $5.08 sold here for about hundred pounds. ' riiy's. tin re i Munis in the department to pub' h'.iii'd by Mayor , ,ic attention FRASER THE UNIVERSAL '.ik, 'h') have j ' i pein e ill the ; ""ITIC'ISMS LISTIil) u3 ammi.-Kion. ! Th! commissioners and Bax-k ft ill aHv; rtiKef'e'' len issued reports saying ' "ilni l who will i. poli-e organization and admin-. itratlon were unsatisfactory. NYLONS - NYLONS - NYLONS GIRLS' NEW PROO SE5 y? 97c All new shades. 51 and 60 gauge, 15 and 30 denier. Subs of the better grade hose. Stock up at this price PAIR 100 LADIES' DRESSES J . N t .-' Ccme ill mid .sc:; tmr New Spring Cottons' fof Rill? . . . Crlsfcy's, Evcrglaze, Cotton Cord, Ercadcloth, etc., in a wide va"i..'ty cf styles. Color-f.ist an'J wafhible. ' THAT MILLIONS CAN END THE NEED FOR LAXATIVES You will be amazed ft the quality and style. Beautiful fabrics morale and department strength were low and that the chief had "lost control." There were rumors of police protection for nniblers and bootleggers, but 1'iis- fai denied bv the chief and morality detectives. , There hs been a rising tide of break-ins. bringing almost! i'i'y reports of safecrackings.' i,rn,,r Ah? M,uPr pave figures to council in Jnnuarv showing that from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 last yrnr there were 410 shonbink-('" and 70 nrrests, 130 housebreakings and 24 arrests. The Prvter ? irvey found,1 ernoim other things, that the police officers' manual of 1931 . h id not been brought up to date , at sneh a low price. -And so many different patterns. Outstanding styles. Sizes 14 to 22' 2. hPEfi.u :. '1-88 I If $698 i ',v " V.if Fi'i'in h -f i'.'cMip.Mi ,v .'.meri-f 1 ;M ";s !:.io ma'ie ' tint r s. lei linl-'4 !, "'tit in Indo-'i ' -m !ttili-t';.- " wv.. of iinv kind" Si.es 1 to 3 years find relief from constipation this safe, natural way without the injurious effects of repeated laxative use. Si'os 4 to-rx years... LADIES' KNITTED SUITS it!i Hie Amcrii-nn Pure Eotany Wool Pullover and button-front styles. Out t"i' trainii.tr, Si.is 8-11 years.... standing stylins Assorted colors and styles. Sizes 14 to 20. SPECIAL, Suit $17-95 ANKLE SOCfCS I !u1is he-c is n r. nlly e.xd ai.kle so- k fur the summer sea.on. ''"! n a .state-1'"!' lii'c Si'f-''' Ml- f'tise Ainrl'ii'iin i Mir Fivni'l; in wirier lisrii.s-Pn-ivh Gen. " BLOUSES - BLOUSES A new shipment just arrived. Nylon sheers, crepes," novelty Miclf from fjne American mercerized cotton and r"iifcr( cd with Nylon. Ri',cs 9 to i 1 T1IKKF. I'air fur 1.59 Imhmi dciuojiHlr.ited in a wife of m -leui.nir i liuii t utiles rcpttrleJ in Icujiiij nietlical jtiuru.iU In one siiitlv, l.t.S xople with know n d" l.iyctl IkivcI linn Umi u re v;tt n one (Mini ai All Bran ti.tfly lor uw They were sitnlieti iltim.illy .mil with X-ray with te-ts in k- delore, diiriiin and alter they ate tlK' AH lira ii Ot Tin. M5 P hOP Lb, I f) 7 stinn t.n it i iui: f . f. i. hiPKoip.Mt.ST Jt'.s I 7 V s. i v a toiintv-cp $ n i) y. With all tlir prrEi"csn of nietlUMl trie tire over the past Mi yrar., aii-thunties ay llirre h ih lunurr .niy reason liy irrryulirily shoul'l lc our must kkprad human iitaLuly. Nir is there any reason tor (If-VflopinR thr habifuM ii- ol hsr-li Uatic-i tt doin5 w ith out- pivM-r a lion aflr another in I lie .tui hope of finding, in ome (miioit or pill, the "x.ret" of latini; rulicl I-OtiR-contiiHieH htijdv of the profi lem lias lntmi tlial one ol l In- hum common latiM's o( h irnul.ii it i Imk of bulk in the diet Ami when this is the ease, the comnidit-eiise cor re lion is lo in? IouihI not in the drug store but in ytw ttmd Mfc! fabri-s, n;:my styles and a big range of.colors. Long and short "sleeves. Outstanding value. LACII , $298 and copies were not available for distribution: that the file of known criminals, was oekd at I pieht: that there wis little or-; p.ini.wtion for much aggressive ; ai 1 inn by the morality squad and that training of recruits wa3 ' in uleciuatc. fonsfabtes complained they J were rnuired to adhere to a ,H"t routine. Criminals knew exactly where a policeman ; would be at a given time. Mn' ti of he trouble enn be t-of-nH oil. miTeli has led o nlieiioinennl population growth in Edmonton. WORSTED SKIRTS I'iir-rl rkirts ii l'.pl. srrey, oxford, charcoal, VS Profits From 1952 JOTi: li; l-.t purr uriii blue, nav; bkr. k, fawn and brown. Men's KASHA SPORT d sivle. Si::cs 12 to 41, I'Rnr.I Plain tailor "4' colors. SHIRTS $4-95 A new ron-cru.;h fab'ic. Assorted Beautifully tailored. Sijes S-M-L. Wai-hab!e ' I'll, h HI.TIIR 77MV Oil OF rl lift, nrnfit. EACH 75 AVON SKIRTS Mf.KI 7 i I lh. I V WHO 11 1- comDiii-pf! f". A Mh.DIC- IT II 1.V I O II R V It ft R I. ;n ft V A 1. 1. IMI'RtH II. RKCOaMH) H'.'T A I. I. Y -1 in I'i. 'Vs tt, ''I lower !,''(lip' R-y.ia Hannel FkirU Plain tailored s'vle in vrry rj'.l b;"loe mix shades. Fwjtiim:;! vaii:;. S'7cs 12 to 20 iiinmiil re-ilfii'tcd by Piici'S for THAT A A TI' HK II AS PRO-V II) Kit, r THE NATURAL hoos .mi: h h.Rk im imh.ii Fred E. Dowdie OPTCMErnsi Nev ntltlros"! 311'' ' ve V I'h .tie Oret n "to MEN'S SPOBT SHIRTS W.KRKNI.1LF. Cabardine. Assorted shades. Well tailored. Can be washed at home LACH '. 1 $495 Al l. THk I I.I.MIA IS to ft vr, KR Till. I HI.- M-;:tssary SPRING HATS Ladies, have you, seen our large sell" Finmt mw Foil amf R'.raw Hats for tin sfn.cn. Pri-i'd froh' lion of : Spring $5.95 h ARRIVED 4 '' II KNITTED SUITS 'ire winl Piudc Knitted ran;" of colors and Etyics. Pc'tv-f tju-t'i'y Suits in a Ini 49. Si;:es 15 to 20 ... i'S LOAFER I he ere.nesi aitv;nn,ii;e tit All Itran thai M i on it l t lie u use i rl II i 'vul.it ii y Hue to iiiMiltn mil I mi Ik ( heioH al 01 dniu t K' hi.il es, oil tin- ollitr hand, nre liilciulrd only ri oM-intlit relict ol a tetnpniary lipp'(c V hen HMple ii-' tlit'M pnHlm Is h. I ill 11.4 II v in a w.iv llial lavaiive maker neei (iHt-ndtil I Ik-v pun ih iheti dinesiixi 'steut In a wav that naluTv neer tiuemletl. InMrad ol cot Tfrtiny the gnu ye, llii' olti-n actually make their condition worse (I you thiiHt you must take a laxative preparation iK'eaKHiaHy. tli w (Wit do U msvtv Kciid the iu-ltite-lions completely AUll l. I.S Sl li liSAtih. Hut tor Hiitttrul ami lastinji rciirl pM yottr trust in nature Jus-t eat tttiity a our, -ou ttu serin AU-lirttH lor break just and drtnk plenty of u'ucr This All Ulan plan has helped millions to re-i-sialilili and to maintain heal I hi ul regularity Vliy not you? I.O; A Of MVP, OF COM- mos cossrir i to. One ol the? elenn-nt is naiuial fihnnis (hi Ik. or tvftalle h'MiiI'ip, whith normally ml n.itur.illy aula the rhylhuiic process ol elimination In no natural loud is this uatiual hulk so tdfally found ai in the 'outer layers, or bran, ol the whule wheat kernel which, as you Lnow, is lo-sl in modem milling. i Because of the kmmn value ! htan in promotion reKtilat ity the Kelloyy Company has prtKluied a complete, nhulc bran with nifthinj; taken way to tcsn its etleetivenevs sold under the name of Keller's All-Llrau.he natural l.i.aii ea twd. How effective i All-Bran? 1 lira has MEN'S SPORT SLACKS We are clearing out aft odd lines to make room for new spring sto k. All wcil-cut. Assorted shades. Sizes 30 to 40. Values up to $14 Vo. Qf Q S Sl'ICIAL to Clear MOS FADED. BLUS DENIMS Floated front. Scmidro:?s. Sanforixcd. Made m vt'h denim ro"l;.Miv -a ircod feature. C f OR Shies 29 to 43. ' ' V "DAYS" COLLEGE COSDS f liad;.-: off-'vhi'e, fade! K110. rfai'l arcy and mm biscuit. Sizes J4 to lii $ .95 buckles SOYS' DIAMOND SOCKS Drishtly colored dbmoud socks for beys. -Nylon '."7 c reinforced. Sides r.2 10. 10'i MEM'S FELT HATS iin'ne J 4,1,. ,: lir Felt Hats n u'u.'S, preys, etc. 1 f'-r snmrt appearance. 1 I and 95 f. BR I 9 w ne universal raser & rayne UP OXrORDS in black and brown Third Avenue West ON FQOTWPAR . .ird Avenue or Sixrh Street 111 ' 1 ' A .1.1 1 i X " t -