S&ndover-Sly as C. J. Norrinmoii, Armored. Car Escort Is Provided For Visiting Americans I Doubling Terrace Prince Rupert Daily Nevs The board ho. . As I See it at the hosm-' Hospital Capacity to rk 1 ncreasliiK tnZl Tri.-Mtay, January 2Q. 1352 to twelve bvd3. ' O Lj tv 9 RACE Georne MeAdams Ihas been elected president ofj : the Terrace Hospital Board. B. R. ! If you warn u, , i Dodds is vice-president with R ' It. News rlxssili In Independent daily newsim per devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Nor' hern and Centra! British Columbia. Member of Canadian "ress Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. S. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: more Bv carrier, per week. 25c; per month, $1 00; per year. $10: bv mail. n-r month. 7V. per year $8 00. -$4- . i . 1 PubHshed every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Uiih News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. II lliJ'f- VOTE - for - V0 H. M. DAGGETT Alderntonic candidate for the one ycUr For trartsoortation Phone Green 915 i - 1 y;v Canada Acts Her Arc THE APPOINTMENT of j a Canadian Governor-! General was only a ques-j tion of time. Hy omi what all other self-govern-j inp; parts of the British j Commonwealth except Ceylon I had al.-eauy done we are at j Ion-? la-st acting our ae. i You iiiiKht arnue at what age a b:iv hnn. be weaned" Irom! tl.r, K,..i. anH tint ..n thp H,-.tlp t The National Anthem HAVK lnt'ti iluinu: some researching on the WE matter of jti.-t what is the national anthem of Canada. There is always considerable controversy when the subject is discussed. Often the issue is raised by u-ii.ii:atin.s v.r.der:!:, v. hat is the rieht thintr to do. ML:, ONLY ONE PR0MIS To continue to work for the Best Interest of Prince Rur, VOTE FOR X I T. NORTON YOUNGS and at what ae taken off the; I":' Oddlv enough the difference of Opinion is usual- bottie and put on .noon-feeding , , ' , . , , , i The over-riding fact Is that iy iK'iween iwo nyn.ns neimer 01 v. men are auinori-tativelv Canada's national anthem. sooner or later vou have to come to it. ' ! i " Many have the idea that "God Save the King" . mdiculous as were some ofi I'XPERTI'RBKD by the omiiuius aniiearanee of their ever-present armored-car escort, members of the I .S. Tin Mission -i Malava srmlr and wm for a picture. I.cd by (Jeneral Ihnmas t.. W ilson neeirel the mission, whose i oer im-iuhrrs are Mr. (.roree I.. Weaver. Mr. Spencer S. shannon uid Mr. liaelrs W. Merrill, is visilin Hie ruhher-and-tin-rieii roaulry M lTich is iuirsled bv lne runiniuniM bandits. lor over three vrars the Rritisti luve hern leadin? liie war ajainst the t nmmimists. who sweep out W jungles t destroy homes, kill workers ;md man.1;ers ami destroy industry vitai to the west. .u.. l i, t,u v,;t- ; :.. .- "" iuru.?um,Su ixH'" is tite luiumuu uniiicin. v'ut- mum il ir r vu- To the Electors Victoria Report . . . by J. K. Nesbitt the last vestige of colonial sta- i tus. one used for the appoint-1 ment of a Canadian widower was even mote absurd. i Seme of the w ives of French-, Canadian M P 's objected to mait- j ir.o w hat they called "le dip" or I curtly before tle wife of the Governor-General. Weil, if they feel that way about it, why do it? The tie with the throne is not so weak that it cannot survive the skipping of such customs anyway. I noticed Prin:ess Elizabeth requested Washington ladie-i simpiv to shake hands. ray . . Reflects and Reminisces Is It Coalition? Government Seems Safe-Political Manoeuvring Prince Rupert Having been requested by a large number of Tiupi the City I have consented to offer myself as an Ab Candidate for the TWO year term vacancy In u,f by-election. Your vote and influmce will be a.wir frrectt-d that every endeavour will be made by me toss the interest ol this City in giving a progressive civic i tratlon. VICTORIA. Premier Johnson and Attorney. The weather man was on the , , , . ,i ,it iv, .,,.,,t.,,t airsundavnmhtandEavePnr.ee General U ismer seem determined to call the piesent mg taie of the now-noted Cana- ,Rupen a useful lesson in trying liberal government at ictona a C oahtion govern- dian social worker, Kay Gome. to unoersiana tne ainerence oe- - tween cioudv and overcast, bhz- ment because there , , s one straight ! I oalitionir-t r,;,, , ,i Laooi Kay was at a swank girls ada." That, of course, is because these are the two sons which, for some reason or other, have come in recent years to be the most frequently sung in the west. Often there is compromise by organizations which will sinjr both, one at the start of a leathering, the ether at the close. Rut the National Anthem of Canada, according to Encyclopedia Dritannica 1!H., is really "The Maple Leaf Forever." , In the eastern provinces of Canada, particularly Quebec, "The Maple Leaf Forever" is more generally sung today as those who may have listened to the broadcastings of the Royal Tour last fall will recall. But "Cod Save the King" ami "O Canada" have become so firmly entrenched that, even if people really knew, they would feel it out of place to drop them and sing "The Maple Leaf Forever," even though it would lx? quite projer to do so. Cf course, the most of people, ' influenced by tradition and sentiment, still like "God Save the King" arid would consider it almost treasonable to suggest that it be eliminated. ' What harm could there be if we sang all three? Minister John Gates) in it Mr Wismer. who's a great - school in Toronto il think it "ro '-' " For thre is a decided un- the Pr:n- was Haversai. when between them The far: ces.s Patricia came to visit there. n.. oirv u-rt ..I h. . -,rfiiv of there being a "looseners m FOR TRANS PORTATfON THURSDAY N! say.s that, seems quite saie. hand at explaining PHONE GREEN 917 H. F.GLASSEY Candidate for Alderman i lor some tvmon the Premier Johnson m sure oi a vows had seen fit to ask Mr. Wismer aamit 22 for liie combined op- Xt) re.sisjn and that if Mr. Wi-smer position. In a showdown vine, imd ten pals in the House who the Sneaker voles, which would o; so sore they resigned too. pive JohiiMm 26 in a House of w-il wouldn't it still be a Coali- 48. So -there's no possibility '. as' veeather wortis ' is only too Lrue coached to to how they were lh o'her ku.d curtsy when presented. But many when Kay s turn came she 01 "rK as wej. treated Nie royal and lovely lady exactly a- she would have treat- prt of Cairo, win-i.. Sltep-etl anyone else. That is. she herd t Hotel once stood, is m bowed, normally and politely. rums. Otlier buildinps, of note. There was momentary eon- els, leir before fiames and riot-sternation among the lookers- ftiit Slierjherti s was an establish-on. But the understanding ment of international renown Princess gave Kay a specially lavorite haunt of correspondents, warm personal smiie. and the .mis passed without disa-ster. . . . ,. . Churchill arrr.-ed m Southam pton Monday d.recl from a bu-v NG',V THAT Vincent Massey ha two weeks in the United States berime Governor-General he an(j Canada. He nuried a col t. !,on government? That, of a defeat on the fioor 01 tti-coarse. is quite right it would House something every govern.. n:!l be a Coalition government, ment dreads. But the present situation here This observer of the political is a little different. The who!" s-er,e rather bitterly regrets thai Tory win? is gone because Mr. the politicians of BC. hive been Ansoomb was forced to resign paying more attention to their und tne Premier must have own business the last few known that's exactly what moi.th than to the business for would hJ.p:ien the minute he which they were eiected the pitched out t:.e Muiister of F:- people's business. Employing Oldsters 'i.i be awe ail party politics. abeard ship. g$ he dieesved bui- !ianc ana tne Tory leader. i. is tm ja.-i. s our juues nave itiwavs ttirs concern'r"g tile Ca"o riot- iii-.-it.-i tan, iiic t ivtui w- .....v .. ..... - beta. Of course Mr. Massey bnoe in Ena'and a'cab'net ir- hi b'- to get the private we. the people, through our u-r -!. in .-h.r nht w.' ...i. mix A nn'-ar i-n.it Coalitionists elrcted repie.sep.tatives. get it re gHxi laoor is eiEferJWs? EVEN" ir Priix-e Rupen, whe scarce, the' ace limit is being in J h of mmiii and B. M. ri:ten in our Lonsuiuuon : drawn. : Yesterday a man of 61 vears reported at the mm w t ' v. x 1 H 111 I- O, ca- the hu.-iey-bu.-iey of poa- joon. Fuuy employed, day and tics, although he wad Liberal rght! itatajnai chairman. Or.ce. I remember, he did t; Pib! shwhan has tervene to stand by rr.e. when I .ve lhe ma!.f,.r ar w's unoer very hot te. nuon. but. if he should, one I huti Been very acuve in the wor.df.r$ no. mach ne d nav.to JtH 9nUr' f:m ask Vincent Ma,sey for himself. lo 1933 1 ,S? ,hen Waff This buying Canada. Vuu know, eoitor- wi foreign affairs far . neces,ity be quite a tne Toronto Giooe. As the great Jeal depression deepened into dias- ter I had worked hard to devise to Ther-" are tr-re( "'' 1iK the a plan fight unemployment Maclr.tvre of Mackenzie Into that there than be an election the raoir.et Welch in finance, every four years, to the very M.icln:yre in public works. day, some Rjrt of system ? Litis If t.-iis hap;':r.s. tne Premier tne American system. -Until we couid i-ay oi.e'-tni.-d of the gov- tia that we are in for constant eminent are oat-and-oat Coa.i- political manoeuvring. No one t.oi.is'-s. so doesn't tliat mase it will eve.- know for certain when a Coaiition goverr.ni'T.t? It there'll be an election, and we would help to make -Coalition always fase tiie danger that a Government" si and more con- political party could remove vtnctr.s. anywav. from offtie a man whom the No one knows how lon the public elected session will last. No one ever doos I'-'s time our whole pnlitloal Daily News office that he had been refused a "job aC common labor by a Iota I institution employing large numbers of that type of labor Ix-cause they dil not make a practice of employing anybody over 4.. We wonder, again, if everybody did that and it appears to be getting an increasing practice, what en a na'inal For mnnlht no.ei to Oe DUia in I'ruioe if r. of course. But its mt?nty un- "i-up van Kireauninr.i a on is going to tectmi ot the men even in the prime of I worked on the plan, the basis announced iust week As far liKfiy tne Conservatives and the t ft, fir" W ( -. , ' f , "9. ; iiie vtitn consiticraiiit e-rience and still capable of which was that we should " " 'an say CCF i,.t t;ie government g-t set up in Canada a -mixed econ- wil' re, but there is a live interest a:,y with any man oeuvres ie- on-.y." That is. private enter- m lhe cno.ee and f n.e may iv Mt-t-d to niurile the opptxsitlon. pri.se would be encouraged to do ' their Ptiiu-c Ru- There are now 19 CCK ers and even-thing that it couid ami rr's original ho el looaMon was lories in -oprsitKn and that would do. But if as and when ot- Second Avenue, almost oppo- aa,., up t.j lot of political private enterprise fell down on ae F"ln Street This was aoout f,ijbb.irnness and ieti-;.itiV ia.. - If the trend is in to lie that direction we will eventually have to he giving okl age pensions at 45. Of course the ultimate of it all would be a system whereby the people Mow will have to he providing reasonably lull em- . The city received a fountain instead. The GTP had ploy ment nubli; entemrise d a handsome host-iry. but would step in and .suply jobs t"1"- her of the am- at did not come supliorting the people over 45 who, unless they are , fcr ail who wanted "ana needed i"' ar"jt to die off, will he automatically retired and ade- n' heart 0( the M wa4 'liiateiy sustained hy the state. Then everyone will See ihe bank about it a permanent National Employment Board at Ottawa which Came, in time, the regime of a 3h- Henry Thornton, and citizens would always have ready shelf oi plans lor all sorts of 'ere quick to call attention to Besides, the liberals want to ( make an imprevtion with the people befwre an election. Thev can only do so by legislative ' action. Hospital insurance has lo be ironed out, organized la- ; bor mast be satsitied, there ' has to be colored margarine, the three per cent sales ta taken off all but luxury meals, Wie Workmen's Compensation Act must be amended there are a duien mattery on wnirti the government must act in order to win the puhlir's goodwill. With the three Coalitionists supporting the Johnson government (the public will have to figure out whether it's Liberal or Coalition, no one here cant. th-nss like St. Lawrence Sea- th railway promise not yet fu!-way. Trans-Canada highway, filled. But. if he ever relinquished Saskatchewan river power and railroading to entertain the pub-irrigation development, and sin- 1,c- there was no lack of acimir-ale central heatine Dlants for 5bl? spots on which to build. He Want to transfer money to some" KEEP WARM ELECTRICALLY. "ELECTRIC HEATERS" be looking forward to being 45 but the people below 45 may no longer be happy for they will be having to jrive half of what they earn to keep the older people living in idleness. But why have a policy where huge quantities v of useful work and experience would be lost to the state by which it could well be used ? After all, the older people have to be kept. Then why not keep them in usefulness? who.e towns and cities. even half-way around the world? Any branch of any tharteiwl bank in Canada will do it for you. couldn't but admirc the snit mid view ot the harbor. And time wags on, time wags along. F.vurv dnv nil cnrt rif rw-onle fll'C I1J-H1? the Premier's party in the House I HAD NOT told anybody high up in the Liberal party what I was going to do. for I was afraid me of the big business fellows might try to stop me. Finally I resigned ms job on The Globe and started the campaign. The daily papers gave it a big play with eight-column front pa?e headlines and 600 won radiant 1000 watt radiant Quebec Member Passes Away -' j s i - --- i - i sorts of banking services . . . making slarmvUo nmlilnft .-lionilOU nTTf! neitlS I FARNHAM. P Q. CPl A Go. -aelin. Liberal MP. for Brome- 5 75 7.75 10.75 16.20 19.50 so forth. But I soon came Un-' MUsiqucl- Qu"bec- dwd Sunday safety deposit boxes, buying travellers He was former mayor of Farn-ham, Quebec. t 1000 watt radiant . 1100 watt radiant . G E. cheques, collecting trade HUs, arraiij!inS der fire from reactionarieis. But not from Mr. Maseev. He voluntarily gave me public support. He a?t?d as chairman when 1 spoke to the big Liberal business men and gave me such a cordial send-off that none of them could kick. Jet t ere of credit. You will find all these and other LOOK A NEW 1NGLIS WASHER With features no other machine can offer. Save SM.ftO BUY NOW AT 159.00 RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC "PROTECTION AGAINST INFLATION" Ask your tftwactmcnt Dealer for r above folder and proipectw of convenient services at any branch of a"! FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1952 As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Log Fireplace oo 4Q.55 IV watts letterbox! chartered bank. Next time, any time, "see the bank about it". rTN:"wi5L ' 1 - m till VNIIFR NKW MANAGEMENT Northern B.C. Power Co. Bcsrvcr Blk. Ph. 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. One of a series byvybur bank Editor Daily Nws: i With a Social Credit Govern- ( ment at Ottawa, what the one ' cent does for the delivery of the postcard, a million dollar stamp , could do for a million dollar mass home building project In Prince , Runerr i No tax for the stamp, no In-' Datum. t , C. W. REEVES , mil SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's only modern rooms with bath Fraser Street Phone 37 Dibb Printing Co. ULViN EUUCCR ltd.