rTiuce Kuperr Dony iNewa Tuesday. January 29. 1032 n (J2 F El JOHN H. BULGER OjtlittmlrLst BLACKWOOD on (CLOSCRE TIME 18 a.m. on day or publication) Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards vl Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announwments $2 00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE l'RICE. tOritb MARGARET OPTOMfm; Room i STONE Bun.; nioM BLUE 55' PO.Boxi By EA5LEY BLACKWOOD Ik-fender Must Challenge Trump Without Stalling When you are the opening leader, you can't always be sure whether trumps represent your best opening or not. But when either defender does determine that trumps mut he attacked, he must act i i REAL ESTATE MOVE IN TOMORROW $2000 cash, balance as rent, gives you immediate possession of tins four roim bungalow. Full price $3300 00. Seven room house, four beri- rooms, large livingroom, clin-! ingroom. one bedroom on main 5 floor. Full cement basement. 5 Hot air lurnace. laundry tubs. e 5 Price $75u0 00. Terms arranged, Exclusive with 6 Armstrontr Agencies Ltd. 7 7 Phone 342 Black 197 Eveninus 7 i 2i-i 8 g 8 IIOlSES WANTED TO lil Y 9 WE HAVE a client with up tO 11) $15000 00 cash for s three or 1 10 - have basement and furnace. 10 ll:liO Armstronjr Ajjeneies Ltd. Phone 342 Biack 197 eves, ' 25c ' 7 8 8 TENDERS 8 StALED tenders addressed toi 8 the Secretary, Synod Office.! 900 PO Bux auS. Prince Runert. s B.C., will be received up toj ' 9 ; noon. February la. lio2. for; r in without delay. One tempo 1ji lv.car a tri.'M and that might be the game. I going trick for declarer. Mr. Abel had little to go on selecting hus opening on to-' day's hand. For no particular reason he finally decide don in;'; of clubs. TAKES IN SITI ATION i Mr. Champion won this Lick. with the jack and looked the . situation over. If he had cashed t another club at this point or relinquished the lead to Miss Bra.sh in either of the other two plain suits, the optimistic con-1 tract could have been made. In other words Miss Brash would have had time to ruff two her losi;: clubs on the board. But Mr. Champion made the right decision as usual. At trii k two he switched to a tru-no. Miss Brash won and let the lat club off the board. Mr. Cham-i pion won and led back another CARPENTERS Hit U oi roue mw Ald n our jrckiua ntkclitn. tftfi0 it,, fllil.B 4 (('. 1 Tir'U Ml iuf, 1 t PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 fk;;ott flack Box 1011 Station B Altent: Bus Tenninal Island City Builders John F. I ... Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.: 10:30-12 30, 2:00-0:00 Eves.: by appointment only ' 21 - 23 Bi sner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 -3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B C. ?hone J47 P.O. Box 374 Colussi's Music Store AgenU for the finest Ui Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210- 4th St Ph. Black 3R9 GEORGE RORIE&CO. ACCOUNTAN TS ft AUDITOR3 Besner Blwk Phone 387 P O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanene Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Slrfet Phone 655 WE KENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS. CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. - . . MAC , SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMIT SERVICE CHANDI.EKS STI DIO 21&-4II1 Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prtnco Rniwrt 15 : 10.45 no n.a3 :45 m. 110 15 J5 t. i i " I' toe purchase of M.V. Western j U1 Hope wl 'ch can be viewed at . 10 tne Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard. Length 42 feet in between perpendiculars. OA.'!' 46 feet, Beam 11 feet. Draft 5jJ feet 6 inches. Powered by 90 H P. Acadia. Cruising speed : 11 right knots. Lower or any ten-1 p tier not ncce-vanly accepted, i 12 i2ol't ' 12 I 12 WANTED l 'i lli 1 ROUTE BOYS 1 2 WANTED 2 3 Good routes available for 3 right kind of carrier boys 3 or girls at Daily News office ! 4 3 with increased remuneration i 4 after firt of year. j 4 , 1 WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID fir scrap iron, steel, brass. copji.T. lead, etc Honest trading. Prompt payment made. A'.las Iron & ! Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van- I rouver. B.C. Prune PAci'ie 357. i'.f"i jWANTLXj 2 or 3 'yj.n a ;art-Urs:--24:i ( :. H X 2I-.4 1)... v N? ) CAH f.-.r ELECTROL RALES AND Si Cleaners, K,j., Refrwwi Models from : Phone Blue 97o Brick, Kione am!! Tile KiMiiiig j,,,; i k. soren: riione B. HANDYfc HOME SEf GENERAL COST; Building and Rr; kinds ROOFS - Ci!: OIL BCIO: PO. Box 1670 MATTSC ITHOLSTC Phone Blue 12 F 234-3rd At Prince Rup H. G. helg: UMTK REAL ESTATE 4!) Phone 96 Evenfcf Oil Heatino S LAWRIE MACK.-Blue 187 & Complete service It - i burnentnd!'. Stoves, Heaters, S Train Sche For the East Daily except Suk From the East-Daily except Ms SEE EXTRA FREE everv suit H and H LIN the ta 20 SiNth St. John 8u!ge ltd. Third Aveno AUCTIONEER IMione (.re. 11 and Ked 17 WELDING (luvernmriit (Vrtifwd Operators Huh I'resstire Tanks ItrfriKeratum Sin ks and I ire Ksrapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. i35 1st t.. Phone Creen 881 tar w Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders L ( onlracUrs PLUMBING ond HEATING The Reliable and Proirpt Service Ycu Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smilh&ElkinsLld. P.O. Box 271 Used Car Buyers Easing of credit regulations payments may be made oyer 18 months. What this extended term means to VOL' 1948 Monarch Sedan New seat covers, smart maroon. Monthly ' payment was St; 1 00 no$45.00 19S0 Ford Fordor Was S1975.0B Monthly payment before S91.00 n'63.00 BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" W RAT HALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGINO EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES 'hone Green 136 Box 478 Daisy Won't Tell! I' ill vw I I -r v.- : ' South lb..s4- W Norttt (Vir-v keenl S -J 10 4 H -J 4 3 2 U-.Ul) 17 4 West BiVit (Mr VWll (Mr. faaiuuioli) 1 s i a J H J 10 H A 8 T 1 J 1IS3 D Si 10 : C--41 5 2 C - A KK Q .1 ' South (M.K lira. hi S A K j -J i H - C i D-K 4 C 10 U) The bidding : South Wt Nirth I Kast 1 S Pass 2 S Pa-sS 4 S All fus AX EASY DECISION' Mr. Champion's decision in this deal was rather easy to make. Naturally he critici-scd Mr. Abel for not opening a trump, pointing out that such an opening would have enabled the defenders to lead all three trumps off the board, thus winning eventually four club tricks and the ace of hearts for a two trick set. Some of the situations requiring a trump lead are much more complicated than this one. I want to show you a few of these in the following columns. !T . DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Shipping ard General Moving, Packi;is. Crating, Carlaji and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and 68 STEAM kR Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN ht:i)m:.sav mumgiii Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or Call CITV OK DtPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, BC. BLONDIE AWVQl N( EMENTS Catholic Card party. Februarv I.ulliirun T, a. Fi bi uary 9. I l.O U.K. t ulllHifi s Day tea.' February 13. at hum,; of Mrs i Jens Muntiie. ! Legion Card Party. January 30. Women': : Hospital Auxiliary : Vaa mine Tea; Februarv 14. i V. F. A. W. U. W. A. Valentine ! dance. Otkifeii, '.' Hall, Feoru- ! ary 22. Conrad P.TA. -Sadie Hawkins" dance. February 15, Conrad Street School. Annual Ma.-;onic ball. Friday February 15. United Cliun h Leap Year oa-' February 28. i St. Patrick's Tea and Ilnme-cookinn Sale, Catholic Hall, March 20. Card party and drawing or raffle 8 p.m. Legion Auxiliary Swn,' Sal, Apni it. Jub's Daughters Easter tea. April iO. . Women of the Moae Sprin: Bazaar and Tea. April 17. IN ME.MORIAM In loving memory of our dear aunt, Mra. Marcia Harlan Kelby. who passed awav January 28. 1951. Nothing can ever take away Tne love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps you near. Ever remembered "by sister Ro.-e Skokun and family ' of Winnipeg. .ltd PERSON L RELIABLE mother wi.l care fori cr.i.dren. 2063 Seal Cove Cir- i cie. t2Spi j BE SURE to see MoRae Bros, ad' on paze :.rirc oi .:..v s paper. l.c PRINCE RUPERT H .' i D:r P.i:ii v'l.'-s b- u'r.an. l o 'j s ; it ILL CAKE if ; plv -li A-. t,' i I ' HELP WANTED MALE I'AN'TED rfelt.tble man a. Raa.eiBh Ix-aier A fine op-1 ( to ' m into a prufit-l a.'j." 0 ..;.! v. here Ra'Aieiyrij Pfe.i tie's have been sold for; v - - Experience not neces-s.rv. Write Raxleishs Dept WG-A-106-153. Winnipce. WANTED Bov for Sun Route. S'-cticn 2. P.'ior.e 540 or Green 707. '25c MALE OK FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED payroll clerk for construction company office. Tins a temporary position. Phoi.e Red 503 for interview. 1 25c EXPER I E N C E D stenographer d-siris office work. Phone Red ( ' 876. , 1 ,; . - (23p WOKK WANTED WANTED Part-time work evenings I and week-ends. Red 860. (25pi FOK SALE FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rues, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) BOYS' and girls' ski slacks, all wool, best quality made, all sizes, priced very reasonably. B. C. Clothiers. (tf ) FOR SALE Reconditioned fur coats $25 00 and p Fowlic-Ruttle Ltd., 3rd Ave. i45c FOR SALE Kelvinator refriger ator, bargain. Phone 60 be tween 9 a.m. and 5 p m. i25cl FOR SALE 40 ft. diesel trailer. Phone Green 968. 29pi . FOR SALE 8 piece walnut dining room suite consisting of table, six chairs, buffet and china caDinet. Also walnut tea wanon, one china cabinet, imitation hardwood finish, curved glass front. Phone Biack 511 or -all at 704 atn Ave. West. i29p) FOR SALE Wick burner oil range. Green 923. 26pi CAKS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1947 Fleet line Cliev sedan. Excellent condition Phone Green 832. I2fip FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth convert, ble, 5 pu-sengcr. Can be seen at F('u,e'.l Motors. 28pi FOR SALE As is and where is, 1948 Giievrolet 1 ton panel truck. B.C. Licence No. C31-fil7 May be inspected at Bob Parker Lid Bids accented by R E. Mortimer, phone 88. (24c) RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycle Subject M Change 1 TUFSDAY 1 15 John Fi.-awr -JO Inifrnauumil Comty. m Pmno Piayh'ivi oo Mr. Glencdnr.i'il .10 4 s Junior Ch.imljT uf Commerce, UO CBC Ni's i IS t'nc News Roundup j :iO lA-icmler sqUitif Ui iitimil..y , W The Nalion's Busily 15 Tne Commodores lost 30 Kt-cord Album 90 Cliut'olin Trails ; .10 Xlusical Prranl 00 (11C News in 10 I'BC News TTinsxintinpnt;il Traveller 30 N,:turrie Weather Report ftud Slcn-off , six WEDNESDAY ! 00 1 00 C BC News 10 Here's Bill Good , 15 Momme &hk Murninu Devotions ; s Little Coiu-ert ' BBC News and OommentAry -is iislc for MoleriLS i M0 Mormm; Concert lime Signal rut M'rniu visit B..rry Wivxl Show ' Tins Weeks Artist i of Mu:e:il Kitctn-n 1 KilHlrrt-arten oX the Air Roundup Time I Weather Report Message Period S Recorded Interlude Scandinavian Melodies Mid-dav Mi lodies j C BC News ; PnwTam Kesttme ! to 30 B C" Furm Br-v-dcast 55 Rtjrded Interlude 1 (JO Allernoon Concert 45 Our Chief Problem: Comty. OO B C. School Broadcast 30 Records at Random 00 Tea Time t.'itli the Sttrs 15 Mimical Program SO x.lo Oeet 45 Novel Time ii Jimmv Kh.ielils S. Ill's 15 Plallu Pops Maevie Mu-rt-'ins 55 C1.C News 5:00 R;.lnde Ku Klux Klan j Now Vanished ! 1 EDMONTON a The "Alberta realm" of the Ku Klux Klan, which had its hedyay in the early l&ios. appears to be out of business offieiaily aiier a long period of silence. The current Lue of the Al-terta Gazette lists it among societies liable to be struck off the reenter for failing to comply wih she Societies Act. The formal title of the Klan is "The Invisible Empire Kniehts and Ladies of the Ku Klux Kian, R-alm of Alberta." Nothing has been heard of the KKK in Edmonton since August, 1937. when 250 Klansmen and their followers held a picnic at an Edmonton district beach. Fiery crosses were burned at that time. The Klan was incorporated under the Societies Act in Alber- ta on Sept. 17. 1932. The last correspondence the province had with the hooded knights was Feb. 20. 1933. Under the Societies Act, or-; ganizations mus register 'he address of their official headquarters, hold annual meetings, and submit, reports to the pro- : ivmcial registrar. The Klan has failed to comply , 'for the last 19 years. If nothing i heard from them in the next four or five months, the "Invisible EmprVe" will cease to exist as far as the official records of ; the province are concerned. j The Ku Klux Klan began a! membership drive in Alberta in ! 192S. In November of that year, j a Calgary man announced that; two branches had been formed.! in Calgary and Edmonton. Other branches were later formed atj Vermillion, Red Deer and La-; combe, and Alberta Klansmen i held a convention in Calgary in March. 1930. A Laeombe blacksmith was victim of a tar and feather epi sode the same month ly newspaper launched an edi- torial compaign against the Klan jand Eald he was threatened with ;vioience in an anonymous letter bearing the Klan's symbol a maple leaf, a crown and a fiery cross. But nothing happened. A cross was burned in Edmonton July 29. 1930. It was 50 feet in height and burned on a cliff overlooking the North Saskatchewan river. Newspaper accounts said it could be seen from nearly all parts of the west end of the city. ' , Two years later a fiery cross was burned in the race track enclosure at the Edmonton exhibition grounds and the fire department was called to douse the flames. Originally formed secretly in the southern United States in ! voted, the KKK was revived there in 1920. Although suppressed, it is still seen occasionally in the south, holding conclpvps and burning crosses. For the MEAL that REFRE' BEST OF FOOD FOR TAKE OIT ORDERS PHONE ! trump. After thus exchange . there was no way for Miss Bra.sh avoid the loss of another club trick and the ace of hearts. To Consider Hospital Aid j 1 Request by the Prince Rupert General Hospital board that the city make a "substantial donation" to the modernization fund which is $$13,000 short of its $75.-000 objective w.il be considered in the estimates. Aid. Georee Hills, finance chairman and civic representative on the hospital board, said at, council meeting last night lie felt the city had a -moral obli-ga'ion" resiardu.g the hospital. Although some members o( the council might not agree as he did not vuih the method by which the campaign was con- ducted. he said the city "might huve been faced with a $75,000 bylaw " The request to the council by D C. Stevenson, hospital administrator, stated that the S13.000 which was short of the obiective actuaily meant that $39 000 was lost. Provincial and Federal governments each contribute a sim ilar amount as raised locally for hospital improvements, said Mr. Stevenson. ADVERTISING IN THE ' 'DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS BUSINESS FOR YOU W1LF0RD ELECTRICAL WORKS Motors and Generators Rewound ond Repaired motors BOIT.HT And SOLD New anil Keliuill Generators 6-12-32 volis Box 1307 rh. Blue 391 BROADWAY CAFE For New Construct and Repair Work rap ca.-t brass, cup- per. .baf.era. ar.a raa.at'jr.. P.. :.- 543 C J: 623 flth Avenue West. City. uf WANTED room apartment or large houseneepir.g room by a'o.-Kine couple, case in. Box 273. Daily Nes. 25pi : i.osT .vn roi xD '. LOST Saturday between Post Office and top of Fulton Street bunch of kevs. Reward-Box ' 287 Daily News. '24p' $1 REWARD for boy's brov .1 shoe lost from car. Phone Green 587. 25p) FOR RENT FOR RENT Room and board. Biack 890. (2iipi FOR RENT Semi-housekeeping room. Men only. Phone Green 894. ( 25p fOR RENT General Electric. fiuor polishers. $1 ' per day. Phone Blue &02. Pacific' Electric, (tfi '; FOR RENT Comfortable steam j heated room ftr gentleman. Phone Green 8D1. itf-nc) ' FOR RENT Sleepirik room close in. Blue .433. i25ci FOR RENT Sleeping room. Red 8(30. (24pi , j ; W ANTED TO RENT : WANTED 2-room apartment or larue housekeeping room by working couple, close in. Box I 278, Daily News. (27pit WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 room i house or apartment, by three ; adults, non drinkers or smok- j ers. Phone Red 860. I2ipi I WANTED TO RENT Hou.- j keeping room or small suite by j ; WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4 room , anartment or house for nuiet Christian people. Phone 190. ACCOl'.NTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income - Tax specialist. S. G. Furk, Stone Building, Red 593. 20m LAND REGISTRY ACT Re. Certificate of Title No 220G-I to I -ots Ninp ) 9 1 and Ten 10 Block Tweniy-eiKht (2ttt, fcer-tion i8, City of Prince Rupert. M.ip 923 WHKlttAS satislartory proof of lows of tle above Orttlicatp of Title issued in te name of Will mm C. Baiiy has bt-rn tiled in this office, notice is hereby given that I shall, iit the expiration of one month fro.n the tlateol the lirt publication hereof. i.siue a Provisional Certificate of Title in Hen of Uwt Certificate. tmletM m the meantime valid objec- dated at the Land Registry Office Princ Huiwrt. Be, this 2(ith day of nullum j. ntiii, ry u. Anrtrow Thompson. Deputy Registrar of Titles. GREER & BRIDDEN 1 Phone 909 215 1st Ave. W. 1 Chinese I DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open S p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For OuUide'Orders Phone 13S (yXI COMING UP ) '7 KlSS w ? i ill kzrx,. By CMC '' I I II 1 COW'No LP AM? K153 Jf""- K'E GOODNIGHT? TXvES, DEAP