I'T" Prince Rupert Daily Ncv. Tuesday, January 29, 1952 r : " ; til ?rns of this clfy." City bases Its case on the claim j that Northern B. C. Power Co. i Would Fight Power Hike Cost of Living Bonus Offered I,td. has not lived up to its orig-i mal agreement when granted I lhe POBer company a "reason-fruiichlsc to supply city power, j able length of time" in which to and so has no rir.ht to apply for i negotiate with the city to con-a change in rate structure. I lir)ue supplying power after Second contention bv ti e eit.v!Pany s franchise expires in 1954. Sharp criticism was levelled VANCOUVER All civic will be offered a $27 a month letter from the company asked1 Vhl. . , ."7. . 1, !i , j-. t 'hi '; I las'. ni;;ht at tlie l'ublic Utililivs is that the increase asked te too fur time, pending final result of i cost-of-living bonus, it was an- ! Coiriniis-'ion by I rince Rupert oCoca( (jid JoiislmislrcSS tne PUC hearing. I nounced yesterday. yesterday. It It w would cily solicitors T. W. Brown, KC, C.iy Clerk R. W. Long read 'revcral letters to council review in connection with a public hear I Jh i amount to an overall outlay of 1 $1,500,000. British Columbia Power Commission, which also has ere loin ing regarding rate structures of ing the hearing and the city's Nor hern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. ' case. M '. B'own in a letter read at ! The letters, from Brown & city council called it a "viola- arvey. called much of the "so-.i.-.r. of ratural justice'' when ca"-'d evidence" introduced at fillers Ki'turn and Make l A recent copy of the San Fran i Cisco Chronicle prints an ar i i m .. . - ss. .- m- a - Mrs. Gene Autry Compares Blue Bonnet Loves Its Taste I " it ion j tide on Toastmixtresses Clubs, of fthich organizations 350 are scat- pur nffi.lal vviKimiH nr nnupr me neaiiiig uuiiseiisuai asser fillers of Prince Ru been invited ( negotiate with the city regarding future ptm-ei, wrote that the matter would h( 'discussed at a meeting next week. Both power suppliers have been asked to tender on supplying future power hers following a referendum at the December wis ' ... Iv lit repaid oil; vmk f'lr outstand- developed Into an international f . .',fc- rnuvriiieiii.. she bestowed upon com par v physical assets and "u"a " l-"c J""c' unipany, and' the PUC decision should l-c!;s v i'hout a city representa- I ,. h ing present Mr. Brown favor the Powet company, an ap-expects an "adverse decision" by Pfal snould be launched imme-tiie Commission and urged the dtely. ctv to nn.ipai s.irh a result, of A special meeting of council .miner as they spent tir metropolis while on elections. A 56-majority which voted in favor of asking the Com will be called as soon as the decision is handed down, council decided. In the Chronicle story appear ! .even portraits one of Miss Laura Stephens, daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. M. M. Stephens, prominent pioneer familv of Prince Rupert. Miss Stephens, who ha bun living in San Francisco for some years, is secretary of the President of the Pacific the hearing. Ti.- solicitor also indicated that the PUC would disregard mission to "take over" was not considered conclusive by city to attend supreme Richmond, Virginia. local Wil ls landed in Miss Stevens, on be-Celane.se Corporation , il which she Is a , linns oliicer, took w' A Meanwhile, council granted j council. the points on which the city ar .A'ii asainst an application for rate increases by the power com- in KITCHEN GADGETS ire and oruanized l;nsr ' Association and rinds inclinable siuhlsce- 'ifo ln tllp California city of In-well as hoypilality i tere.'t and progress. : iiimcn'. ; Cake Icing Decorators Can Openers Kitchen TooU Cookie Cutters Strainers, Flour Sifters, Rolling Pins -27 Bread Boards, Chore Girls Vegetable Brushes "Ve fe"l that a court of appeal would not approve of the meth-r.-t taken by the PUC to date," read the letter. . Victoria legal firm, representing the city at the final s,!,ces of the hearing, said "it sc'mcd clear that the Commis-s i n would probably grant the Increase in whole or in part . . ." :". B own urged that $1,500 to $? WiO f ost, nl appeal would be we" invested, should such a decision be handed down Aid. George Hills sa'd: "V. e must protet t,h public, r s.iy we should ake the adice of our iuwyers a:'a f.Uck with the . i:e. If ve mi.s an appeal, it ;r : J nit ney w -i! saved for the ina-.imi.sires.ses are of all axes f" tn young women Just starting their callers to executives who have made their place ln the v.crld. They represent all occupations, and all have one thing In common- they want to become better public speakers. Th-ry do this by prnparlng forma' speeches which are analyzed bv the club lexicologist and an cvaluator from the Speech De-partmen of City College of San F anci.sco at club meetings. Each member takes a turn at presiding over the meeting. And so, the members are learning how to express themselves in formal speeches, on forums and pane! Anfpfr tin nivit:ilmii troni Mrs. ' M'tm Anlrv. ;tll;iH lil.l'K. KoSNfcT MkT cnniH' witli urn spmwl at iny prifR. I.ikc tlte WctiTii Wars wife, vu 1 love X (ft- tli'h'-.ilc. htmnv-swf't (lmm of ('iinii'Us fiitf-fjuiilttv nil vcqt'hiitfi iiKirHi-iiii'. on II apf r''iuU' Um lioNN;f s v'ltntum. Aim! you II w'l. ('(HHP it rr;il iroiiitint' S Imv lin'l Iinnkt ittitl tfH ' all 3" Flavor Nutrit Mit! Kcoiiwin-! Use it in . wwiktii, im vt'nctatilcri, &.i a dcliioiil iprcaii. Ui.t'K lioNNKT inarnarinr in wtld in tw tyjw; rfjuiar woiHHitv packsgp witi clor w:itir atitl also in tlie fantoii Velluw iuik bag f"r f"-,t, ewy color 'h"lr .pii'ivKi'wn to, s. vkiio is on an offl-1 . the ri'v in connvc-lanui i C il'.ilose, the iicis las'. i'ls;ht ten-! d"i ghtful omphalic!- in tlx Broadway .iiold Wlialcn was I. on behalf of the v.il appreciation for : which Miss Stevens :inmy had so kindly giru while in New hell al.-o spoke ap-, to Miss Stevens and i did manner In which L t w :":". j T Mm urn is fashioned of one of the THE ZEBRA-STRIPED evening skirt many new rajon fake fur fabrics. W if ' r If fH: 'trim Local a ru.ed lor tne party's discussions, extemporaneous and impromptu speeches. n d PERSONAL of lhe cvoiiiK was For Your readers i dio i to Miss Stevens .our j.;1'c:" braceiet th" r its-oj-arms of SBaBOUHBanWHHBi At S p Washer Old Miss Stephens' brother, El-wood, of Washington. DC. will be In Prince Rupert in May making a holiday visit to the coast, lie has been long located in Washington, practicing law there. N')t long ago. he gave a,n address, representing on that occasion, the Washington bar. :uc ol Canada wan 3. H. Hliu k, treasurer of Columbia CdiuloM Co.. New York, alter a brk-1 visit here on official d utiles, left by 'air at the end of the week for Vancouver. 11 old Arriva li Volunteers are asked to help renovate the gym in Annunciation School starting 7 p.m. 25ci Women's Canadian Club 7 ! VfW Emm vprnvrnfi I I Any Aqe Moke Prince Kupert Ross McPhee. H. Hilles, G. A. Donnelly, Mrs. O. Gillett and R. Foster . Vancouver; H. B. Thompson, Prince George; Morris Taylor, Quesnel. Lois Stevens of New York, publication relations officer of the C'elancse Corporation of America, who has been here for the past : week on official business, will sail 3ourti en Jalfe, or meeting, Civic Centre. January 30, 8 p.m. Speaker: E. T. Apple-whaite, M P. - (ltc) Special meeting Construction and General Laborers' Union No. 1427 in the lounge, Civic Centre, January 31. 8 p m. All laborers should attend this meeting as it is to your benefit. J. H.-Mair, IVU .vens i native prov-. in the centre. Miss 'jteven.; admit-it she Irul done had .stir' l-J Ivi'srlf and i d vt i much Uiut tin- Prince Rupert I Daws of Job's nianlian Council was sa u iy lhe belhel's icila Bennett. , tlie dinner A! 'X Mit-I moving pielures of 1 ncnid,..", th vl-ll k and ti'r loiir-hour . miid Ma .hattan ls- Condition sunnier V PLENTY OF BRICKS Tlie largest brickworks in the world, amid vast clay beds 50 miles north of London, England, turns out lO.OOO.COO brick-i a week. on This New Acting Secretary and Treasurer. Thursday night by the Prince ; Geo, ge for Vancouver enroute ! ' back to 1. .adquaiters in lhe cast. ; I Gordon Root, public relations oliicer for Columbia Cellulose and Canadian Chemical Co., is i arriving in the city on the Prince Geoigt tomorrow fiom Vancouver and. alter a few days here on I26ci m Fourteen tables were in play at the Saturday ntphl Moose whist touinaincnt with the following winners. Ladie? Mrs. M Romuld, first. Mrs. Ii. Giske, second. Men A. J. Cruxford. first; Oie Stcgavii;, second. Pool was won by Mrs. J. Richards. In the kitchen, serving re-frc.'hments. were Mrs. Alice Good and Mrs. Irene Munccy. uiii; , cliiM'd Willi 111 put .si of EASY Spiralator EASY SPIRALATOR WASHER, price 196 50 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE 50 00 YOU PAY ONLY 146.50 With the new exclusive EASY washing action there's no rubb'ng no tangling no friction, yet not a single a tide In the tub can escape this gentle washing action. r .4 I. ! 1 ,;' v -U-i tV-..it i Si ,'r s . ; 6 11 hiSMui ! ' kl S ' 'ill. , . . - ! I 1 ,. 1- ' I ' I'll" , r! , V'l ..'1 hv-V v, . ; i; . C "" f t J l a V. at " 5 1 1' ".;, 1 . '''if I ' 1" . ii- 1 iff" i ' tt ' I r.ions V. T': pie.srnt n'siili -s the ,'jirls, a iri'iits am! friend.s. 1 Jf'w-rit oliicial business, will proceed by t a n lo Edmonton. Miss Helen White, who ha been speudiiiK a month's vacation visium; hero with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. William WhMe, Eighth Avenue est, will oe ii a.'11'.a' nexl e. k on her return to Montreal to resume her nur-103' trainiiti duties at Royal v...vc.na ii.n.ital. Banks May Stay .per Vice Open Saturdays DOWN PAYMENT Only Including Sales Tax Streamlined modern styling; finely engineered, oil im with mersed mechanism; new. super-safe wringer Fully sul Here L Lr jmmwMtikH mmim ' release and ajustable pressure. "instant safety guaranteed. There is no indication that ,.,,, , w I(,:ihv' Measurer bank branches in Prince Rupert will ko on the five-day week oy South American companies closing on Saturdays, It was re- tho Ccianesc "Corporation les Away BEDROOM SUITES 4 PIECES Vonity, Bench, Chiffonier and Bed. All new and better suites $-fl fiO.OO -ill marked by a local banker today. In fact, he gave the opinion that, in the end, It would be only branches in the downtown sections of larger cities of the coun- McHAE B 4 ONLY ot This Special Offer i.ildMin, one time if-cuiiMil In Prince id away recently in O'iiiUil, victim of u f r Amc.iea, and E. Jensen, assistant to liie conipl roller of th'' Celanese Corporation, have been spending the past week in the 2lty visitirg the local plant. They ace sailing Thursday night op. the Frlnrc George io: Vancouver enroute back to New York. From ; Old friends hi try that would close under fe.l-rt will learn with cral legislation which gives death. Gordon & And I banks the authrolty to go oi' erson Limited a fiveday week. There Is a good deal of week-end banking busi ; Piince Rupert, Mr. coin iniicd in the Phone 46 ness in F nice Rupert, it Kointcd out, and to close the banks on Saturday would Incon At 4i ill Lv""'' K ' insular service at vent inilly , he went' "motive business at luiiKlon, and It was. ty he went to Seattle a?o. lie was man- j used truck deparl- venience some business iicople It has been announced that 'ome downtown banks in Van- ! eouver will start closing Satur it days as from February 10 butt ii'tal Motors ill Seat- ne of his death. 1U-i mid a Shiiner and il tl-.e P.csbytrrlan may stay open later on fridays. It is understood some of the siibur':an branches ln Vancouver will not cUksc Saturdays. Jilji h. ' VI A- was tlie former i irnii . mm mm L Ss' 1? d ii ; I 'f tiranl.. who went lo ' i III PRCUD EMBLEM The white pelican Is the stale emblem of Louisiana, emblazoned on every automc'olle !i:en.sc. dry w iiiii'o Rupert In tho I 'd, before her mar-! 'iih the Forest :f in Prince RuperL , ''"filter of William' "'llier.s and sister of 111 s ti i ' 1 1)1 I SERVE ) H'l V". jW.--r J 'll i V"-7l 1 I Mipatrlek, also of ''' Donaldson Is also daughters Mrs. "'h 0f Seattle and II :'oii of Everett. 3- SI n Si NtKjl Keep snacks "Ffash bi'i'ti ,CPI Believed to !l";iin'.s oldest polo c"l. Charles Miller the aue of Hi r-,,i x. 1 wyuoy DRY withHand-e-ujrap T Uli !ht the line points of it Duke of Wind- ears HEflVV UIRXED PPPER famous since 1750 You cn prepare ptty dainties hours ahead yet scrvt them crisp and 1p.1l.l1n3 ''in- Simply covtr pjrly tnacki with Hnd-e-wiap to ktcp iHtm l'h. "oil aUvc slavery tins M, vi77T7 (.' U)ND0N DUYCiTnT nd ppttllin3 in moment you w.v.n. Keep Hend-t-wrep handy in your kitthen! rtT??iw SMful family brcukfant Scncrom bowlful "rt of crisp toisly '"SHAM , .u .,, lh natural l..i,,.. y .heir, you back to IUf,t berausa of "your diet. If. tKe '"'.y-to-eat cereal that nd iron . . .. , it i i r. r- " 1 it iiitiiiii ii twi hi uuiuti i Mf'lf"" - 1 g" ' i s7 1 1 " 1 1 'U'B,'" """""IIL-" "' 'tiv - bsm?Si'i FASHION FOOTWEAR - " "y uun i t voit trv i'.iillinn .'', Irurs iittii'kly, i-ilffiv. o .ur, you'll like ' you're not nn. STONE BUILDING i 1 "This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control lJoatdot In I,'M . Ja BBUU by die Government ot Hntuui wiiujiidui.