.J.'iOViNCIAL I I . 7 jJt I PROVINCIAL LIB3A.H, I vXJ 1 K A VS 113 ORMES "'DRUGS . ixiu';,' DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Greet Horthwest" Phone 81 I v ! f ! VOL. XLI. No. 24. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, ANUARY 29, 1952 PRICE FIVE CENTS Another Douk Burning II r t msrvrniKD CABS t r NELSON fc Royal Canadian ! Mounted Police are trying to de J : ; termine If Doukhobor terrorists started a fire which last night I change Eden Seeks Agreement Over Suez Three Hundred Million farenf.Held i r . . ... For Killing Illegal Entry Charged Against Strip Dancer destroyed a one-storey community hall at Brilliant near here. Oasoiine-soaked sacks were found near the ruins of the hall which vas owned by orthodox Doukhobors. , The building was destroyed in 1950 by Sons of Freedom fire trets Mia want to Britain JlINOTON. DC. LONDON Foreign Secre-1 raiders. WINNIPEO A verdict holding a Winning couple responsible or bludgeoning and strangling their seven-year-old foster-dauKhtcr was returned Monday nlirht bya coroner's Jury. Witnesses told of strange Jeancttc Wilby Claims This as Home Town Held in Miami G'lucuion, ocan ui uij commission, dis-, mday night that ex-1 atomic secrets "bene-! he united States" has. tary Anthony Eden said today that Britain wants to reach an If, . W ' Would Support Great Defence Program Original Hid Cut in Half . WASHINGTON, D.C. (Canadian Press) udtiicc mVAiIGT EftlCCfS agreement on me MIAMI (Canadian Press) Jeanette Wilby, 10, 1 Suez Canal which "would meet 1 A i,d out with canaaa th-j what information , $;()()(000,000 aid grant to Britain "to support i', say ' Martha Louise McCuiiough. Her j a rrince nupen-Dorn giri wno cuci a strip tease aance Makes Protest ?! United Kingdom defence program" was announced j iMter the name of "Dark Venus" in a Miami Beach ' colons ?hat Brian's ofto ?o ii,i Immediately arose Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, night CiUD, Was arraigned Monday on a criminal jn'eB0Uate with Egypt still stands. and his wife. Lillian, 51, were xdiunue might involve : Monday night by Mutual becunty Director VV. Averen ;;L'lS?dcMrIHarriman. Funds from the new $7,328,03,)76 mu- charge of falsely claiming United States citizenship She already is being held with. LONDON ( Russia, protest-in? for the second time In two months against formation of a ! Middle East defence command, charged last night it Is a western ! attemot at the "encirclement of t ,st ndvanren aesiBn ui tUii security act win De useci aimosi entirely ior raw ; out bond by immigration au- Apartment Fire Kills Seventeen "unmTst'ates in the ; materials and components" purchased up , to next j thorities who ordered her re-. turned to Canada. bomb project. , Tulv 1 . i the Soviet Union and her Corn-Using' , ,,, 'n-.fu (CP) wH.Hm o.c.h MINNEAPOLIS Charges Red Jointly charged with murder. The body of the girl was found last Friday surrounded by religious tracts in McCullough's Elmwood district residence. A heavy squat bottle was found nearby. A statement given the police by McCullough was read at the Inquest, revealing how he and his wife allegedly beat and Urangled the child to death "to li ive the devil out of her." -an said that "lnter-of information with i,B hni.n marie in the Britain had asked for $000,-000.000 pleading that, because of ...... ..- ii,.,i Vancouver Ship Fire looked Had for While for Danish Freighter VANCOUVER (CP) The 4.666 ton Danish freighter Scrampore weeks, first with any 1 her current financial plight, the iince the United States British defence program might Burma Strike Wednesday at a night club. j overTd today i The Soviet deputy foreign min-. I Douglas P. Illis, immigration f'tT I agent, said she claimed Mlnne- four story buslneSg apartment! iepreser.va.ives of the United iapolls, Minn., as her home but house rJed by flames Monday. 1 States. Britain, France and Tur-; added she was born In Prince Flre' chiet Reynold Malmquist I key. the four countries sponsor-; Rupert and entered the United sald hls men expected to find I 'ig the middle east proposal, to nergy Act was amended nave l0 bc curtailed unless United ; to permit of somewhat i ! gulng M u forlhcomlng. PARIS (CP) Russia charged j today that two American gen- iriea exenaoKc oi uwm-Uh "frindlv nations." ovaies hi 01. viucenvs minn., in the bodies of thirteen others; lne iuic.Bu .v-c ...J- k omir Energy Commls- eign relations committee that.'erals are commanding a shock was endangered Monday by a S 1949 Uire which smouldered lor morej she said she claimed U.S. citi- f emphasized, however, I without a grant, "It would be j force of Nationalist troops poised ire letting down Its bar-; n(,crssar (or the united States Mil Burma for striking against from the tangled wreckage. That nan nour t,.t.-.a;a a..u many are missing'. Jthem identical notes. Braving thirteen below fire- j "Formation of a middle east men worked throughout the command is aimed at encircle-night In the glare of a blazing ment of the Soviet Union and batterv of flood lights. Missing peoples democracies, and is fur- Elizabeth on Her Way Again than two hours in the cotton-1 zenship on returning from va-laden hold. There was coughing cation in Cuba last June, from acrid smoke over the water United stairs iU muav ue I that "sec t T'w , to i educe its defence program by j Communist China, sndtha" 'more than twice as much." In i Jakob Malik, Soviet United Na-hiiu accu- adequate una mai the me nc , ! tions tions delecate delegate, made made the the accu is "beneficial to the the light ol the ract, mat met satlon after the United States LONDON (CP) Princess Eliza- front area. Firemen prevented the flames from spreading to several hundred tons of copra stacked in are six adults, two teen agers ther widening plans for prepara-and nine young children. .tion for wa'r," the note charges. f tates. ' British are now producing more had formally denied it had aided beth and the Duke of Edinburgh military equipment man all other j Chinese Nationalists in Burma, arrived at the week-end from a 67 Dead In Cairo the adjacent hold after they had A' still prohibits giving on. he said, on the de-fabrication of atomic hined It is considered particu-! colonels and twenty seven ma- leave Thursday for Nairobi,! loca'd. the llame by aiming a larly important that such re-1 Jors were also attached to the Kenya Colony, where they will spotngni into me ounamg cur fiiii tir.n in iu defence nroeram Chinese Nationalist troops which si.end a week before embarking! taln or smoke. In Ot.iwa the significance be- Prince Rupert Ship Loading Found Fast and Efficient Grain loading on deep-sea vessels in Prince should not have to be made, he, took refuge in Burma after the from Mombasi for their tour of Assisted by the captain and anninineemeiit at Was-that there has been an .use" of secret atomic And $1(10,000.000 Damage In Cairo Burnings said. " fall of Chiang Kai-shek. Australia. first mate, the firemen blocked the smouldering flames by lift-! ing scores of 500-pound wired ! M.. Hacrlnian added that, as ; CAIRO Five more bodies I the arrangement for a , PMt is believed to be that trm.H n., ihp Brant. Great Britain had agreed bales of cotton to the deck bc WPre ound m the British Turf pkUert is more efficient and considerably faster than Johnson Walton Ltd., agents for chlb and shepherd's Hotel today. . ' ... . , . ,. , the vessel, said damage done to High sources bring to at in Vancouver, a well-known grain loading specialist to supply an equivalent amount; in sterling Currency to maintain 200 tons was not extensive. 1 87 .he total of dead in Sat her defence production program More Austerity in Britain; Imports Further Slashed 10,000 Civil Servants Out States Information ex-i be uf importance in the United States hydrogen 'Meet. :g feature of It Is that said here today, following departure of the French freighter Jean L. D. with more than 300,000 bushels The blaze is believed to have j urday's rioting and buring by started from the sparks of an 1 mobs. acetylene torch used In the hold Fire brigades still play hose of wheat. fiver's unique heavy wa- i by workmen repairing a ladder. !on ruins. Flames still flare from Housing Plan For Air Forcer Stocks - LONDON (Canadian Press) Groat Britain wiT Today's I slash imports by anotner $150,000,000 a year in anj B Jmi 'ir nr atuin-spllttlng nu-naee is likely to serve In t"'vs its rhrxlrl frrr a or the H-bomb project, latlun Canada gets In will be used In the vor jiroject and may. In iittMi Co. Ltd.) Shepherds. The dead include J. McLeod Boyei, Canadian Trade Commissioner. Business sources estimate fire losses will amount to $100,000,-000. Cairo, still under martial law, One Body Nov Left Only one body of the 36 people who died in the recent air crash n! SandsDit Is still unrecovered. OTTAWA- Central Mortaac and Housing Corporation announces a $8,000,000 project i.0 effort to solve its money troubles, Richard Butler, Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced today. The freighter was loaded iu 17 hours "and we could have done better than that," said S. "Sandy" MacDonald, stevedore superintendent in charge of grain loading for Empire Stevedoring Co. Ltd. In Vancouver, average loading time is 26 hours, he said. The Prince Rupert elevator is, equipped with three ".shippers." Most loading facilities in Vancouver have only two spouts. A m out to be new facts provide accmmdation for Royal, . - - - - I With cuts announced last no- was quiet today. Ambulance Rates liveries of value to Unit- Canadian Air Force training sta-s in the H-bomb project tions at various points on the Canada is Interested In prairies. About 870 units arc it miHht advance her J planned and the estimated cost tary studies. ,of each Is about $10.01,0. Strong squads or soiaiers ano ; rcmp here said today six more police patrol the streets where 1 boclies had been found washed charred debris from dozens of up on the beach yesterday, fires still stay untouched. Barb- j ki,1Cp Rupert based RCMP are ed wire barriers keep crowds ! conducting the search. slight breakdown in one of the vember, this would represent total savings of about $500,030-000 a year. In a statement, heralding more austerity for n e a r -bankrupt Britain, lie said the allowance for foreign travel up to next November will be cut from $50 to $25. It is the searchers' belief that back from major damage areas. Tanks and armored cars patrol the streets. hcount Alexander Named VAM'OIVKK American Standard 26 Bralorne 6.00 ' , B R X 04 , Cariboo Quartz 120 Congress 05 Cronin Babble 54 "2 Giant Mascot 98 Indian Mines -22 Pend Oreille 8.50 Pioneer 182 Premier Border 34 Reeves MacDonald 5.60 Reno 04 Sheep Creek 1.67 Silbak Premier 63 Vananda 18 ',4 Salmon Gold 04 Spud Valley 20 Silver Standard 2.56 Western Uranium 3.45 Oils-Anglo Canadian 9.50 Calmont 2 20 C & E 17.00 Central Lcduc 3.10 some of the bodies may have been washed from the plane wreckage which is reported bioaking up by continued heavy seas and tides. It was believed that all but 13 of the lost crew and passengers had been able to Here Increased A substantial boost In anibul-inec rates was approved by city coiiuril last, night, following a requ.-.sl by Prince Rupert Firelighters' Recreation Association. Local rates arc raised from $5 to $750 a call. Trips to Port Edward remain at, $10 but Miller Bay calls arc Increased from $7.50 to $10. City will deduct $1 Ironi each call to cover collection cxpensvs and losses through bad debt. Money from the calls goes into the firements recreation fund. City supplies the ambulance and TIDES - Wednesday. January 30, 1952 itish Defence Minister 0ND0N (Canadian Press) Field Marshal lint Alexander, former Governor General of ia mid one of Britain's most famous soldiers, aincd today to assume the post of Defence Min- Butler suid that Britain's i economic plight is so grave it ' threatens the stand of the free, world against Communism. "If we are to maintain cur position and Independence and stand on our own legs, we musti pay our own way," Mr. Eden! said. Tobacco Imports will bc cut '., and restrictions placed on im- j High 3:50. 21.9 feet leave the wreck which crashed 15:54 21.1 feet into 15 feet of water off the Low 9:53 4.5 feet Sandfpit airstrip January 19. 22:05 3.1 feet Seven passengers were saved. shippers here delayed loading a few hours. Mr. MacDonald arrived here to supervise loading for Pacific Stevedoring Co. Ltd., a local firm. He said the local men and elevator operators were "very efficient" both in loading and lining the ship. ' The Jean L. D. was the first of three freighters to arrive here this winter unlined. The freighter left early this morning with her cargo for Japan. The first French ship to dock In Prince Rupert, the Jean. L. D. was built in Dunqtierque 15 years ago and during the See-und World War pluyecT an important role in British convoys. She made more trips than any other freighter In the fleet and was awarded a military medal for meritorious service, said Capt. J. Batas. Only one of her crew still ou board who sailed with the ship during the war is Boatswain Eu prom Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Alexander will take over f rty of clothing, shoes, toys, is. ministry March 1. Mean-ChurehlU will continue js. v its upkeep, but firemen answer fruit and games. ; culls on their own time, About 10,000 civil servants will j By comparison, Vancouver be dismissed and will have to rates are $8 for calls within a find Jobs elsewhere, probably In I Jt" hold the post, huri'liill returned to Ijhi- Home Oil 167 Mercury 27 Mr. Nine Dead in River Rampage 4.25 f'sday from his visits to Okalta More Defence Orders For British Columbia Minister of Production Sees This as Canada's First Province in Expansion VANCOUVER (Canadian Press) British Columbia can expect an increase in defence orders five-mile limit. i defence industries t'tton and Ottawa. sixtV-venr-nM liorr. f Ti T'i'ar II. wIkinp irrunrl xtrnl.. MARIETTA, O. (CP) Tile ram (I Hie wav for the defeat City Urges Crash Boats paging Ohio River, which has Axis in North Africa, re- rloodcd out 8 000 a,rcady pef- "fey night from his Can- 24 09:,4 21 'a 20 ' 74 22 ...200.00 ... 4.08 ... .49 20 Royal Canadian TORONTO Athona Aumaque Beattie Bcvcourt Buffalo Canadian ... C M & S Conwest Donalda Eldona ist afler holdini? thp no- sons and caused nine deatns. Prince Rnncrt will seek to have rlin inir the cominir vear. Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe said in Twelve Dea d in ' years. 'S been replaced as Oov- was held down a bit yesterday , crash boats located at Port by freezing temperatures. But. j Hardy, Sandspil, and at the i, iiw. riuor : water landing field here. Such' an interview here Monday. He said British Columbia had received defence orders totalling more than tncrai by Vincent Mai' l native born Canadian reiircsem tnc crown in from reaching Its expected crests, many persons who hud $50,000,000 in the last nine months, further contracts To line up ''loiice mlnist.rv iniviini. plunncd to slay in the upper floors of their homes were forced to evacuate for loss of heat. gene Lc Henatr. On one occasion he was 19 months without leave, sailing continuously. The freighter is operated as a tramp and on her previous trip made 14 calls which took her completely around the world which lasted nine months. Alter a short rest she sailed again lust November. The 6500-ton tramp freighter arrived here from Japan. Says Second Officer Auiaucl Vasseur: "I think we arc about the only ' Alexander had been cx- and see what British Columbia Industry will bc able to produce. T. N. Beaupre, executive assistant to the minister of defence Weather Synopsis Fiji Hurricane SUVA, Flj 1 . Islands (CP) At l"ea.st 12 Fljlans and Indians were killed jind hundreds Injured in a 150-mile an hour hurricane which rlppeu across these South Pacific Islands yesterday. This ls indicated In incomplete casualty lists. This battered (.upttal city on Viti Levu, larg-est of the British a request will be forwarded immediately to the Department of Transport, city council decided last night. Referring to the recent, Sandspil DC4 crash In which 30 people lost their lives, Aid. Darrow Gomez said some safety precautions should be Installed at airports "in case of another accident." "Accidents can happen anywhere, even in Prince Rupert. If production and director of small A series of Pacific storms mov hm .,. .. It Is estimated 30.000 workers "s i v C. "nscrvative evl !C P''Uo" govern- not get to their jobs. . ls ' tun ned to uower last ' Production lo.s.ses are expected But it wa7p?edic7c to rl' ",t0 hundred of thou-rause of the Prime Mln- ,salKls of dollal's-'P- or seventy-seven and "Areas where floods hit the ss of his other duties hi hardest were rrom Stcunbenvlllc, ing from the southwest toward i industries, is accompanying Mr. Howe here British Columbia arc expected to cause fresh to strong winds and East Sullivan 9.10 Giant Ycllowfe 11.40 God's Lake 38 Hardrock .12 Harricuna I5 Heva 10 Jollet Quebec 51 Little Lung Lac 71 Lynx 11:! Madsen Red Lake 44 McLeod Cockshutt ........ 2.75 Moncta 36 Negus 70 Noranda 83,50 Louvicourl 28 Pickle Crow 1.57 San Antonio 2.50 Senator Rouyn 20 Shcrritt Gordon 4.55 Steep Rock 7.25 Mr. Howe said that British Columbia is Canada's first province ship in the French merchant rain along the coast both today '"tt some one else. ; south to Wcllsburg In West Vlr- a plane should -crash here, we colony's 322 islands ls without ni' xaiuler ulsu has an- Sslnla, where more than 2.uuu neu and tomorrow. Cloudy skies with in expansion. "This is the brlgnl-only a little precipitation Is j est spot in the country and it has looked for In the interior. ! everything," he said. With the continued flow of j '""' eondng the rrlmef'-oiii' their homes; Wheeling In I have to depend on .slow moving ncw8pttp,.r8, electricity or Indus .... . ."'fc' llx- mill. .. fiOihn:il.y fts rescue vessels. tt.. n navy which is always on the run. But we meet a lot of nice people and I know we will take with us a very pleasant souvenir of Prince Rupert. "The kindness or your people, is mast gratifying," he said ti ia! activity or radio service. s official residence 0ih West Virginia where 2,000 more "Because lot.s of Prince Rupert Pro-rty damage is believed to totul about $3,000,000. Tlie King will elevate ! worc chased out and in Marieta 111 !l' rank or viscount to where another 2000 were cvacu-'"'n. atcd. mild Pacific air into the province, temperatures will remain mild In all sections through both days. Regional forecasts valid until midnight Wednesday: (iAl.K WAitNINO Mayor to Attend Course at Ottawa people fly in and out of here I think It is to our .Interest to see wluit emi bc done to get greater . a Tcly measures Installed ulnnx coast airports." Council agreed with Aid. Gomez and authorized City Clerk R. W. Long to write to DOT-chief inspector of airways for further Announcement Lot Sales Library Asks $6618 Grant Legion Gets More Control ; Approved Lots in Cemetery details regarding safety meas- Prince Rupert Public Library will ask for city grant of $6,618 this year. The request was refer- President of Iceland Dies REYKJAVIK. Iceland Sveum Bjornsson, President of Iceland, died yesterday at the age cf seventy-one years. He was first elected in 1944 and was re-elected in 1945 and 1949 for a four-year term. Canadian Legion was granted Nortli Coot Region Gale , M whrte was authorized continued. Nearly con- - ; warning attend (,j n.0,i Fed-row. city council to a tluuous rain today and tomor-by Continuing mild. Winds jeral civil defence orientation Southeast (40) becoming south! course at Ottawa from March (25) near noon today, increas- 3-8. The offer, made by the Fed-ing to southeast t40 and de- eral government, is open to can-crcaslng by morning to south didates In official civic govern-(20). Lows tonight and highs to-!ment positions of target areas, morrow At Port Hardy, Sand-i All "out-of-pocket expenses" spit and Prince Rupert. 40 w' li t-a reimbursed by the gov-und 45. eminent. . ... WJVkK The Milk Board Following property sales were m.p(. decision to announce re- approved by city council Monday , the dropping of retail night: . . ! icd to I he finance committee for BLIND BEN t FACTOR consideration In the estimates. Louis Braille, the French In- Following trade licenses were '"-e controls followlag a Lot 18, block 30. section 8. to 4 here vesterrio,, i,.. nh,, tii 50 plots in the extension of Fair-view Cemetery Monday night, and 50 more will be held In reserve. Loyal Order of the Moose will be allowed to purchase 50 to ventor of the Braille system of granted: T. J. Gowan, jeweller, " noraaiively stated that Lot 7. block 1. section 2, Drinting for the blind, was him- and D. L. Jones, cleaning ana ' mtpntlon tn rimn th n v Mnrtimer on hphalf of Ken . I plots. mothproofing upholstery. A i nelh F. Harduia lur $100. ' self blind at Uie age of. 4.