...!'' . . SATURDAY SERM0 PsiiKe Rupert Deity i3ews i i i 4? As I See It Bv REV. H. O. OLSON teach th rfc.Li . Saturday, September 12, 1953 --. God. Oo with you, St. Paul's Lutheran Church "Train up a child In the way he should go and when he Is old he will not depart from it." (Prov. 22:81 BY road that lead, ...s. in;!, your Uf tv. . independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbu' ilng of Prince Rupert aad Korthtm and Central British Co.'Mmbia. Idjiber ol Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 'Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. J. P. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY. Vice-President His weapon. Th account closes Nation of the truth Willi mc abiiiting wuiua, w le , ' juui tniiQ J devil leaveth Him." Likewise to- 1 J0" to God and he ,J Man prepares himself for his life work with years of study in schools and colleges learniig the ways of his business or profession. Competition in the struggle for survival compels him continually to improve in knowledge of his business. The church, by fhe use of the Subscription Rates: tiy irrler Per wek, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year, $10 00, tiy mall Per month. "76c; per year, 00. aay, me oniy menus oi uvercom- tuh-h m Ing Satan who seeks to lead . "P and (five you tn people away from God Is to use amonts ail those who God s Word. The same is true in ned " There is 0,.)r dealinir with all temptation. InIOod- Jesus Chrit :. ., kUtnorlzed as sttor-.d class m sit by ti.e Oftlce Ltpariment, PM's Trip to India IT IS NOW DEFINITE that our Prime Minister will' visit 'India and Pakistan next January. Ps. 119:9 we read, "Wherewithal Without Christ people u shall a young man cleanse hia lost- f" ''-r I believe great good will come out of this trip. It will take we are bles;d by fcj measured .against the back-eround that the French unci hnelish were for centuries tlv place at the precise moment when relations between the two Bible, is the only institution that provides instruction and learning for life after death. The reason, of course, is that it teaches the Inuired Word of God whlfh Is our only source of strength with v. hich to overcome r.nd handle the temptations of life. This reminds us of our respon sister nations have at last be '-1 'voiia's bitterest and most pn-11 1 sistent enemies. Their Innumer Eun to imorove but are sti "hcu oime. jesus iM-.i come and learn of is meek and lowly nj'j no one aside that it J come. Your church jl open. The Wora g, 0,. pounded for you boM lug and also in nil able wars were alio hittrmixid It M way; by taking heed thereto ac- cording to Thy Word." The only way to prepare your j child for the temptations of this life is to fill the heart of that child with the Word of God. Teach the -child to know the Bible, to love the Bible, to use the Bible, to live God's Word by faith In Jesus Christ. Fathers and mothers, pray with your children; thej; will never forget it. Permit me to il 1954 may well with reliirious hates to evervi Next year clinch a real peace between the : way as deadly as those Ideolo-two ' countries. I have alwaj-s gies which Row divide, say, Kus-thought that Mr. St. Laurent is ! Sia and the United States. Sunday School Wt sibility for the young. Let us remember that all young people i must make decisions In life. They It is on this background that given of their tinwtotJ children of Jesus nfih.1 the one statesman in the entire world who might help provide the spirit in which a genuine understanding between India must make a choice for good or ! evil. One man has put it in these leads to eternal llle (J one should measure the progress that has been made in Canadii. I words: "At the crossroads, one INDIA and Pakistan have d- niigm enng U) Uv hi in life and in the tenur life make a choii ( Jesus. Amen. ! and Pakistan could be ap-I proached. elded to try to live separate!) 'r " 1 'fid His vitit will precede by a few At the time of their birth, as lustrate. Two parents had adopted a little boy. They were putting him to bed the first evening. Soon the daddy asked, "Tommy, do you know any prayers?" He prayed. Then the boy turned to his new daddy and asked, "Daddy, can you pray?" Many boys and girls wonder and ask the months the crucial V-rte in modern nations, their peop I DIRECTOR Srvlrn In ail HiurHwti: had chosen the tavern Instead of the church; one had picked the gang 'on the street instead of the Sunday School Class; one had selected the dance hall instead of the church; one, the movies instead of the evening worship; one, th detective magazine instead of the Bible; one chose to steal instead of to give; one chose to lie Instead of to tell the truth; one chose to swear Instead of to pray." "God breathed into l.ifin the breath qf life and ma.i became Kashmir. THE MORE I saw of India and Pakistan the more I was struck by the similarity of their great problem with our own right here in Canada. Their problem is more gigantic, but no more real. We Canadians are far too wars of modern times, despite the frantic efforts of both governments to stop such fighting. Later, over Kashmir, the armies of the two countries also fought and might fight again unless the Kashmir question is solved soon. inn i:m p.m. snmir . 11:1s rtYt u lb,,,, AM.I.U N mini 4111 Ave W, Dinar Holy Communion i Sunday School 1 question, "Daddy and Mother,! can you pray?" Some have never heard their parents pray. You are not preparing your child for life with its temptations unless . TOO WELL KNOWN eastern Canadians are mentioned as possible appointees If Prime Minister St. Laurent decides to name opposition members to fill some of the Senate's 12 Canon Btuil 8 Proton j It Is on this background that Opportunity For Parents SUNDAY we move into one of the more ON .significant weeks on the calendar. It i,s "Better Parenthood' Week," a period in which Parent-.Teacher Federations seek more members fur the movement which is doing so much to promote i eater interest in the school life of our children. As most parents probably realize, it is not enough to dispatch children off to school every jiiorning without giving a thought to what happens to them for the rest of the day. The youngsters in that moment are entering another life in which there are influences that will do much in shaping their character. Purpose of parent-teacher associations is to gain a better appreciation of that life and, by developing co-operation between parents and teachers, ensure that nothing is omitted that will add to the children's welfare. Benefits from this are achieved in nu.ny wi.ys. The parents are helped, not only by gaining an insight into their children's training, but by being-acquainted with the many sources of holt) and information available to them in handiiii their family problems. The schools are better off because through this means they receive the support of community efforts to promote interest in better schools, child health, recreational facilities, vocational guidance and the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Finally, but foremost, the children are better off. This year the goal of the B.C. Parent-Teacher Federation is 40,000 members. The objective is a modest one compared to the number in B.C. vho have a vital stake in children's education and character development. It is hoped that parents of this district will make the most of this opportunity to take a more active part in a project of such merit. First Presbyterian Church' modest about our own national e en a two weeks' visit of our achievement. Here in one cpun- Prime Minister might work won-try peopi' of , two former enemy ders, ; J a Jiving soul," Every soul !s Jour- vacancies. Thomas L, Kennedy. hkst mpTi-i 5lh Kir, E at Tout, Mlntntrr: Hcv. Prl 74. itopi is former premier and , ' neyingto aji eternal home. Every 4 i m 7 races and two rival religions n rri,,il 1 1, t-a niiictaf 'if ' tl IIKST TOtHHVTIIi 4th Avnii KT IE. A. Wrli! tario. Hon Saniupl .Oooeilj v1i, was, postmaster-gqr.eral for a,' time in the Bennett government was first elected to the House of Commons in the 19H0 general election. HH-T I'MIH O'lfl filh Av.n For in the Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent the people of India and Pakistan ean see living proof, not only that people of different cultures, and tongues, and religions can live together. They can also see how, when two great communities do agree to live as good neighbors, a good man from one country may win not only the respect but also the affection of the other group to a unique degree. 10- have lived side by side, on a basis of steadily growing understanding and respect. The noted wrter from France, Andre Siegfried, wittily wrote that the true state of affairs m Canada is "modus Vivendi without cordiality." But that is not as true as it used to be. For almost two hundred years now people of French and British ancestry have lived together, at times thoroughly disliking the fact that they were fated to do so but gradually getting lifc i.s a. tiip.frohi the cradle to the' Kja.ve.fc' trip that has many temptutious. Yes, the devil calls, the world beckons, the lust of the flesh pulls. Every person has the privilege of choice. Today there are hundreds' of young people who are In misery and utter despair with broken lives and . characters because they chose the wrong way. I am reminded of what the Apostle Paul said to young Timothy: "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing from whom thou hast learned them ano ihat from n child thou. Six-Cent Increase Recommended Prawr Stm-t Sr. Capt. and Mm C Sunday Srnnnl 13! B st. nun ii Cth Avnnr at Wtm-PanUir: Rer H 0 When India and Pakistan look j at Canada's Prime Minister they ! no longer need ask themselves j "Can it be done?" They can see J We extend a cordial invitation to vlfitors to worship with us. 231 Fourth Ave. Fast. Minister; Rev. E. A. Wright, D.D Organists: Mr. E. Smith ' . and John Currie. to dislike it less and less. But the far-from-perfect coexistence should always be iu mr. 01, iaurern, inal 11 nas been done. ihast known the H61 Scriptures Sral Oitf to make tr.ee i SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1953 Sunday Srluiol II which are able Evening Prayrr 1 Morning Worship 11 o'chx'k. VANCOUVER (CP) A conciliation board has recommended wage increases of six cents an hour for some 4.000 woodworkers In British Columbia's northern Interior.- - Joe Morris, district president of the Interriaticnal Woodworkers of. America (CIO-CCL), s:id KK.ii in ntrti Sunday ScIkxiI il REFLECTS and REMINISCES Kay Monilnx Wonhip wn Sunday School 12:15. Evening Worship 7:30. Minister at both services. "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy." 02 fllh Are I ft P.it.ir: Kv Leonart A Two young men, obviously ini Next June In Ontario occurs j.4ntr It to twill nninn ' mom - wise unto solvatMVn througn faith which is in Christ Jesusf Prepare your children for the choices that are theirs to make in thir. life. In the Bible we read oi how Jesus was led Into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, who is ever present today trying to lure people away from the narrow road that leads to life. Three times Jesus met the tempter. His weapon was, "It is written." The Word of .God was nn 1 1 , , . , tuuaj iv 10 uim cu union m 1 -'""';' w 'IN. p ;. ' ' r ' ' ... - . ' "V- , j, , V, , ; - , . '. .I.,.'"-''''-':--' - I " -'. c - ' Hi, "it.,.. ; " ViV ' Mi. . :,'v ) ?". -fir,, .v "I '-i'f. . . 5 I , ' 5 I. T.r-r -, ! conversation, were crossing Sec-'.ond Avenue the other afternoon. jOne seemed bent on giving in- J : . , . ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL CHURC T; 7. .' ana m? bership will accept the award will n not be another for 96 years. . iin a vote that is expected to The point to remember, how- completed by the end of this ever, is this: it lasts only one 1 ,iT tormation. as he kept pointing here and there. Scripture Pasiuqe or Joday minute. i The IWA had asked" for an 18-cent-an-hour increase. He that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father. 1 John 2:23. "You see that brick block," he observed, indicating the Court House, with its spacious lawn, ornamental trees and cenotaph. "That's the hospital. Want to . SUNDAY SCHOOL BEGINS AGAIN At 2 O'Clock Tomorrow Other Services As Usual Last year '19521s" the average sized Canadian household was 4.0 persons. We consider it needless to explain who or what the 0 stands for. , go over?" The conciliation board award also recommended three paid statutory holidays, maintenance of union membership, ' and changes in grievance and arbitration clauses In the contract which will affect some 100 firms. OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. A.ucLeoo Not; unless I have to." A EARI.V STRT FIRST UNITED CHURCH ni. non. v.. u. riowe is tne one aecessors always have been and Edmonton is reported to have Cabinet Minister Parliament Hill without recourse to any distress I money available to meet the knows who has always been right selling his statement carries re- j $2,500 000 cost of new city ha'l rvt:l y ajui uctiMun ui puiu-y , assurance oniy Decause oi nis ; prjnce Rupert has need todav hi! h Viae Avar tnlan TViot I. In.n..n.ni,.n t,. I . Anyway, it has an allurinj sound1 Canada will have a population of 15,000,000 in shorter time than we think, according to Ottawa judgment. There's still hundreds of thousands overseas who Would not mind settling in Canada il Canada would pern.lt. And she might, ton a builrtinp alfhnntrh it rt&H I r.it ; TT a' '49 Ford Coach $1350 '50 International H-ton $1250 '41 Chevrolet 5-pass. Conne $395 "'5 aonuv-.aicu wii.i laiiuic. r ui not lnat De l3rge. yet jn 937i about the only thing that could a bit of earmarking would have 11:00 a.m. Murning Worship Sermon : Kept The Faith Anthem: Come, Children, Join To-7:30 u.ru. Evening Worship Sermon : I Feel So Inadequate Anthem: Prayer Of Thanksgiving COME AND WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOLS: At First United, Beginners and i at 11 a.m. Older pupils at IMS-At Conrad United Hall all at 11 1 been harmless and possibly pro gressive, by this time. Dollars Urged j To Aid France -WASHINGTON (AP) The United States Security Council was reported Friday to have recommended that France bq given several ..hundred .million more American dollars, to Jjak a new drive to end the bloody to say, he has always been right up to the present. Government circles are hoping devoutly that Rt. Hon. Mr. Howe's reputation for omniscience isn't going to fail him at the present critical moment. Some hundreds of thousands of wheat farmers in the Prairie 'R Plvmntith - f be much blacker than the outlook for the disposal of this year's wheat crop on the Prairies ir the outlook for the disposal of next year's wheat crop, if it should be of normal volume. A certain husband, we're inform'""!, whose wife made use Cigarette Tax h of his i...rc sJt.ieit' in 'cans In fact, about the only thing provinces are devoutly hoping which is completely certain about has. discovered , t. .-.it a powd,.'!! V.ivi nuiiiciess 2 u.tiUJ.U;U.j; putt can make (Reyters) Greeks Indb-China-war. w jiiuermi snoe nintn? Sedan $650 '50 Plymouth 7;"';se.4qh ,.:,rr... $1450 '49, Austin Panel $950 NKW INTERNATIONAL Il.tU'-TON TKl'C'KS . t . JUST ARK IV EI) SUPERIOR AUTO" SERVICE LTD. FIRST-, BAPTIST' CHURC wil) pay moW -for thetf cigarettes to help the 85,000 homeless of fThe U.S. funds would epahia Fiance "to "transfer" nine batta- linnet n t HA.ro t m ll ft 1 t-l-l VM t thi .same thine. j the wheat outlook at the present . As MintH iTrde aiid CoJiio is hfiatf U8imoiWli:iju)iad merce. the sagacious Howe has ; are really going to test the loyal-charge of the marketing of Can- 'ty of the Western producers to-ada s wheat. When he says that i ward- the Canadian Wheat he's confident that this year's Board. crop wUl be marketed as its pre- j Dominating factor in the mar- OUIt RECVLAk SIRVKES SUNDAYS And then we 'might ask wha about the pessimist who bought that century plant on approval? the earthquake-stricken Ionian Inf,0.clllna ipad B ,new camj islands under budget proposals paign against the Communis 10:00 a.m. Intermediate. Senior, and announced by Finance Minister, led guerrillas. chiltlrfn i- keting situation at the present i moment is that wheat elevators Savings banks report not only Constantine Papayannis partmcnts of Sunday School meet; 'In the United Kingdom are jam- years of age and upwards. 11:00 a.m. Morning Service. is.ti ... u,. .,,!.. c.h,.,l tw Nitiserv. BCBiT"1" ' packed to caoacitv. The latest record sized, but an Increased number of deposits. By this, is it meant people have money left at the end of the week? .-,.,'. "V, . . 1 I uwH is thnt H. uill hp nf 1pq and Junior Departments: children from 1 three months before they will be in a position to accept any more One out of every four chil- "ihinmpnls fpnm flhpnnf! Tfwon c 1 . ....... u. nrtl V. 1 A FAMOUS SERVICE TO EUROPE HOUAND-AMfftlCA LINE'S "extra touch" it evident everywhere! Holl ond -lamed immaculate shtpkeeping; ceniuries-ieosoned heritage of seamamhip; warm hospitality; tongemol fellowshipj Iriendly, in On ' that timp thnre i n vprv nn. uwis tario receive no milk. Most of j : tical 1 possibility that they will n i mil ' Ml iiir-ir i'tttt rtr " ' -'.: -jj I 1 " y Vl-Cjij NIEUW NIEUW AMSTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, f " r a it I mighty mighty flagship flagship of of the the Holland-America Hot- Trp-30 2 TaiT i I I lond-America tina tine fleet, fteet, brings new graciousness t I y7si!l I I lo to lile bfloot bfloot. Seven Seven passenger pot- V -.leTV' nV'"7VA Ja I I I ,en9er decks, ,eck' ,w0 two i"of indoor - 1 , x- ? l f I 1 swimming swimming pools, pools, acres ocres ol ol age. -' , 1:30 pm. EveniiiR Service. MONDAYS fi:4: p.mClilldren's Church; children from 8:0t p.m. Young People's Society. TUESDAYS 7:30 p.m. nihle and Prayer Hour. , the kids would be In age groups where parents are given the baby bonus. The report does not say a word about how much beer is consumed regularly by the parents. ! replenish their bins from Russia or Argentina, ratner than from Canada. The decision is said to depend solely upon the price which Canada is prepared to ac-, cept. do. Cinema, shops, night clubgymnasium, solarium, sumptuous luxury. covrieou service,- Cortlmental Cuiiine. "Vfiri n ' I I "room "room to to roam," roam." things things to to : . 1 Right now Canadian wheat is moving to export markets at only a trickle, as compared to the volume which is normal for this time of year. That's the differ CAMP li UVtK . . 1 RrGtI THE FALL TERM hi '- ' ' ; -I .1 ence that the disappearance of KYKOAM ond (MAASDAM, THE REGULAR BAPTIST C Britain as a buyer makes. Canadian storage facilities are near their capacity, including the storage facilities on Canadian new twin thriftlinars. Smart, sleek, modern, they Introduce o new concept in tourist irov-el - virtual run-of-ihip privileges, ond atr-conditioned comfort throughout. Here budget-priced ocean travel in Outboard Motors For the provdest catch you con make . . . INVITES YOU TO JOIN THEM W WORSHIPPING GOD cti mviKir. Uk WORD, oni farms. If no Canadian wheat moves to market during the next three months, as now seems certain to be the case, the storage problem will be a major one. attains luperb perfection I egulor soilings from New York to SOUTHAMPTON, IE HAVRE-ROTTERDA' by ' famous NIEUW AMSTERDAM, VEENDAM, MAASDAM and flYNDAM . . . Direct lo ROTTERDAM by cll-first-clost motor-twins WESTERDAM ond NOORDAM. Frequent slops et Cobh, Ireland, SEE YOUR TRAVEL AOENT QPDV.Kir, THE SAVIOR The financial problem will also be a worrying one for the pro 11 a.m. Church 8cheul .'. . a class for every 12:15 Mornlni Worship "The Family's BP1' Two pononolfy condwetrd CHRISTMAS SAILINOS to Soolhomoirrn, Im Havr, (toKcrdam by MAASDAM Now. ?5 frem Netlfox (Nov 73 from Nw Yorfct; ftVNDAM t)tt, 12 Ifom Nw Yofk, (alio Hop at Cobh, Irtlentfl "Wow! This fireplace warms up tn a hurry!" ducer. So far no initial payment for this year's crop has been an 7:30 p.m. Service of Song and Sermon nounced by the Wheat Board Ore1 et.terrlfk performance, all fishing features and tern cost in fhe 5 e.p, (Ita Sportster outboard motor. Neutral tlulch, etaw mtlirn, fto.hlne speed in e dekrue, ocenomical motor. See H NOW. Owe dektae 153 Bio for ae ".. RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 Third Avt. W. ' Phone 644 "The Almost always in the past the We are beisliiiiliift a series of messages on -tl AFTER 27 DAYS of wandering starvation, sickness and torment by insects in the rough bush country around Moose Luke In northwestern Manitoba, Robert Buck, 18, Is shown while recovering in a Winnipeg hospital. The Metis youth, who speaks only Cree, said he did not doubt for a minute he would find his way back to civilization. oi the Bible." What are the theological an J .y1. MONTRCAt MONTRCAt TOROnitO TOROnitO WIN The Personal Property Floater policy covers nre damage to fur coats and protects other personal property If damaged by fire, lightning, wind, explosion, etc. This INSURANCE Is low in cost. Call us today before you're lost. "Ifioood WINNIPEO VANCOUVER 591 Burrard St., Vancouver 1, B.C., PA. 5431 ings of Redemption, Incarnation ana ujj fe been a sveff-rvn ifiip' ' at price has been announced before September 1. There's even a report in government circles that no initial price is going to be announced until the wheat actually starts to move to market and the future can be more A warm welcome awaits you 1 DIRECT TO ROTTLRDAM for ai Uttl at $130 Past"' ' FROM MONTRKAI. 6IBAJAK Oct. 2. FROM NKW YORK OROOTE BEER- Nov. S. 828 6 Ave . . . , ; , Phone Blue S2J Invltea You To ioln The in The turkey, now bred commer, I en modirn Nthtlandi Govrnirinl Gnrd toed, loman.h,e, clcanlintti Cabin bilt Comllor I50. DIfCtOIE -Gf NCHAl OF SHIPPING IMinittri von Vs'k.' n WolrtlMI, The Hoeue-HOUANU AMEBICA UNE, AetnK. clearly foreseen. That would ; cinHy in large numbers, formerly leave the growers really holding liTTTrati .-rt f was a wild Dird in Ontario. jthe bag.