Seattle Holds off Big Calgary Rally Indian Jack Jacobs Hero r".inic fuMCi I Luny I itvtj Holiday, November 16, lfbi 52 Of 30-24 Bomber Win j Bv The canudian Pres. ( lost 24-12 On the round it was i In the 1950 Grey Cup final Balmy Beach 30, Kitchener 21. I dead-panned Indian Jack Jac-, Fotball fans still remembPr i obs was taued the goat" whn vividly the 1950 cup final when I In the only other Western Hockey League fixture duriiv? the week-end. Victoria Collars took advantage of a weak Seattle defence, whipping Bombers 6-3 The week-end action left Vancouver six points ahead of Cal- By The Canadian Press .Seattle Bombers jumped to a 0- 0 lead, then staved off the Calgary offensive to win 7-5, capping the 4-0 defeut Calgary 1- uftered in Vancouver Friday End the 3-1 loss at New Westminster Saturday. gary atop the league with New Westminster third, five poiii; behind Stamps. One point separates Royals and Bombers and the same margin holds Victoriu in fifth spot. Saskatoon is sixth, one percentage point behind Victoria, and Ectnonton is three points lower, In the cellar- In Western Iiiternutionii Hockey League week-end wtlon Nelson Maple Leafs, down -d 5-3 Winnipeg Blue Bombers lost the ( Bombers, called "the greatest: ! now-famous mud-bowl 13-0 to team ever to come out of the i ! Toronto Argonauts. Unless the ; West" and featuring the highly-; North Stars Lead Local 708 Loop unrjredictable haoDens. he will puujici-seu jacoos, came up with a miserab'..- effort in the mud North Stars moved into too and Art Murray's are tied for by Spokane Flyers Saturda' spot in "A" Division of the Men s second with six each, and Royal roal.ed bacK w.ltn a 7j' . and slush. Jacobs, despite a strong defensive game, was jeered and heckled. the Five-Pin Bowline Leasue last Hotel, with three, are in week as Local 708 dropped two cellar. games to Family Market. The Last season, Jacobs threw 34 touchdown passes, a record in pulpworkers had led the league me western ipague, but he was ; slnce opening day October 19. over Flyers Sunday. Both games were played in Spokane. In Kimberley, where Tnil Smoke Eaters visited Dynamiters, things erupted In the last two periods, but when it wa. all over, the 2-1 first period score was the way it ended In the Okan.agan Senior Am- have a chance to toss the epithet into the teeth of his critics at this year's classic. The capey old pro set the stage for a return visit to Toronto Varsity Stadium Nov. 28 with a 25-minute performance that swept Winnipeg Blue Bombers to a thrilling 3Q-24 victory over the Eskimos at Edmonton Saturday night in the deciding game of the best-of-three Western Conference final. The only obstacle to Bomber--' late-Noveniber journey to Var Wings, Leafs Tied In Second Slot loct and Your iriitmos Cc: EARLY! Scores in A League, however, were down from the previous week with Tom Sedgwick getting the best three-eame total of 694. iirylal-c" ui, 4uurw;r uns year and played practically a full-time defensive role. He was used on defence the first two games of the finaj series and for 35 minutes of the Saturday game Then, with Eombprs behind 12-6, coach George Trafton inserted the former Green Bay Art Olson scored best single Detroit Red Wings emerged eame of 338 i with two wins over New York lateur League Saturday' George I Attar's Vernon CuniirilHn-! mirooci Philoott-Evitt had hiuh three Kangets; 3-2 in New Yulk Satui- cKnorl In 4Kn IVi..J . 1. .j I llllllllll1 of 3034 and Art Murrays scored day and 4-1 in Detroit Sunday, in rrlo i-,kf victory ovrrKa top game of 1132. National Hockey League play. v". Keloid s blanked V , fhioo,. ni-.u Ha...irQ ricfooioHJ "nllclon vs blanked Kelowna sity Stadium is Toronto Balmy Beach, Ontario Rugby Football Packer into the quarterback slot TTi v,.i tv, moai i ,-, i i i ui...i.. . in d LfaBue. Jonii ru.Kcr-- """ - .t nu- fist- tieaJ Satuiday and gained a 2-2 !P and Jonn McUougall scored nipeg Saturday. lengthened the lead to 18-6 on ; EARl WALLS of Edmonton and Toronto (left connects with a left to the body of veteran Joe Kahut of Portland, Ore., in a heavyweight match at Edmonton for the Pacific Northwest title. Walls. Canadian champion, is mentioned as a prospect for a world's title bout with Rocky Marciano. Walls knocked out Kahut in the second round for his 24th KO in 32 professional fights. Walls is ranked 7th among world contenders for the title. Bombers' triumph before aja touchdown set up by an in- "!K" ee 01 uemP "a";JC T , ... . sell-out 16.000 crowd at Clarke terception of a Jacobs pass, but lnlBh lnree of 8 and Nelson :-asu ouimay. Mixed len-Pin Leoquo Tnrnntn Mini. Taqfe Monlrorl tne Dig lenow woman t be de-1 "" u,. n" "'sn nied , game. Boston Bruins 2-0 In Toronto , hiuh mrn'i thriHi tli,n Hnrtu-iu ' Stadium was the highlight of a week-end that decided the fate of the favored Ottawa Rough He reared back and fired! ln last week s l-riciay nigni Saturday and tied the Bruins 1-1 Hi(h women's inKie. jen sharp.., the Big Four and three touchdown strikes. com-imlxed league, Mildred Wide set n Boston Sunday. I'M; hinn womn thrre, Bev Mat- Riders in Kitchener Wutiarlrin Flllt phmpn I nlptr1 Id nf 9n nnucttc t- OOrt thp DaCP for I.-.fitpc with hltfh . tj i.. i n. 7 v w...... .. (j... vm . w .u u.. ,u, t. U ( ' - " - O"- 1 flH 1 Jf H 1 i f 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 Hfl 1 M KtfllllI1 Mansons Take Loop Lead in the ORFU. All were shunted j yards, 'and with two minutes to ; 8me of 277 and best three or!pjace along with Detroit. They to the sidelines for another play it was a tled-up game Hiiih imih slnulf, Dumlnra, 6S0; hth team ihi-ee, TlnymiU's, 1H94 Lucklrt 2. M to M 3; Tinymltea 4, Four Aces 0; Tlmbrrticlu t, lmi-Inoa 3 7 cm C-U.1UW loppea ui men are two polnLs behind the lead-with hU 265-game and George , ing Canauien3. The Bruins are Wicks had high three of 6G9. ; ln fourth spot three ponU bc. Northland Daiiy scored high hlnci Toronlo antl Detroit. three, 3075, and ResiduaLs had , i the top game of 1075. : .... inq Millers 43-39 dgi Eskimos were within striking range for a field goal or 'single point when quarter Claude Arnold's flat pass was intercepted by Dave Skrien on the Winni year. Tiger-Cats whipped Riders 18-8 at Hamilton and Montreal Alouettes trimmed Argonauts 27-8 at Toronto. Tiger-Cats now meet Als in the best-of-three final. In the men's Sunday ten-pin Remember W hen peg 10 who dashed up the touchlines to the Edmonton 50 1 league, Bob Vuckovich chalked; and there lateralled to Tom up best game of 213 and S. Morln1 War'ren Wright's great colt ! Tne Dutchmen carried a three-point lead into Toronto i Casey who hot-footed it over! had high three of 570. Albert! Whlrlaway established himself Heating H Manson's Omegas took over the learl in the Senior B basketball circuit Saturday night when thty defeated a desperate CCC.300 Club squad 43-39. In a top-notch crowd pleas.r, North Stars edged Watts & Nick.' erson chalked up five baskets ersons 59-55 m the Inter A en-; pnd North Star replied with six & McCaf fery now lead the league ! winter-book favorite for the for the Sunday for the second game oi i the Edmonton line with nine points; Woodbutchers ' Kentucky Derby by romping the total-point ORFU final and ' game-winning points. a ei CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 Be Planned counter and Sea Cadets trim-; plus four completed free shots. NHL LEADERS Efficie McKay and Art Helin shared tnrougn tne mud to an easy win in the Walden Stakes at Pimllco 13 years ago today. Whlrlaway went on to win the American triple crown ln 1941 the Kentucky Derby. Preakness and BeU mont Stakes. A PUs. 14 20 Better Curling Conditions Seen As New Unit Installed Prince Rupert Curling club, ; last Saturday of the draw next now in its second year of opera- spring. Thus the social plans of tion, took another progressive the mixed league curlers will not step over the weekend when a be upset. refrigeration unit, designed to i This week's draws for the Gor- med Bulgers 35-21 in the Junior opener. Manson's now nave two wins in as many outings while CCC end G & A both have one win and one loss records in the early senior league- The game, a slow one compared to the rousing Inter-A offering, saw Manson's coach l)y The CiinucM-.n Pr, G Howe, Detroit 6 Lindsay, Detroit 6 Reibel, Detroit 5 Geoffrlon, Montreal .... 7 Sloan,' Toronto 3 Richard, Montreal 9 Sandford, Baston 2 point honors for North Star with-15 apiece while Ron Chria-toff and Letourneau led the clothiers with 12 points each. North Star committed 13 founds to Watts & Nickerson's 19 North Star scored on 13 of 33 free shots while Watts & Nickerscns netted 3 out of their seven chances. In the Junior opener Sea 12 12 9 12 4 11 An expertly planwi, iiH system pays ( 111 a frw yi-ar Ur crciiti r tomlurt lla: mud's bftlfT hnl! Ihe family. Phone 174 Bill McChesney screaming his Standings: Montreal, won lust 6. tied 123 points. head off as CCC players robbed ! Cadets '1 Bulgers in every but the second. The nmi, r.f rPhniinrt nt hntii I quarter remove moisture from the air in mild weather, was installed by the club membership. A crew of volunteers gathered don Hardware trophy are as follows : Tuesday 7 p.m. Hi Ford vs. Green; CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and MrBrlde Street ends of the floor.' Only the jailors took the f irst quarter 8-3 SMITH & ELK sharpshooting of Ray Sprin at the rink to place the 1,000- (2) Meighen vs Rowbotham; i3) lost the second 5-10, took the third 5-4 and the final 16-4. Rowe paced the jewelers with 7 pound unit in place. A platform ; Butterick vs Eyolfson. s Eolnts; Howe, Detroit, 20. Goals: Richard, Montreal. 9. Assists: Howe, Detroit, 14. Shutouts: Sawchuk, Detroit, McNeil, Montreal, Henry, Boston, Rollins, Chicago, 2. Penalties: Mortam, Chicago 40 minutes. who notched 18 points gave the jewelers the necessary edge to win. Down 10-4 in the first points while J. Christoff led the LIMITED 259 Third A had been built in the rafters! 9 p.m.: (1) Moore vs Berg; 2 above the centre ice sheet and ! Matthews vs Barbour; 3i Rud-the unit was hauled up and put ' derham vs Thorn. .,o'r.r r-r-o o v,b. ..nJ Sea Cadets with 11 into operation just after noon i ttv,ini.viia 8LONDIE Slatta and Our-, three field goals without reply .Referees were by the Omegas and ended theiv second quarter only three points Junior League down- j BULGERS Twaites 2. Rowe 7, The third quarter saw Man-! Gmy J- Juhnfon 6- J- Jhn-indn mo ,h,D jiSon 2, Tom, Halverson, Lambie Saturday. Designed to prevent dripping from the rafters onto the ice, the machine consists of an intake To- fan which forces air through a ' 2. Watmough, Marshall 2 only the uncanny hook shots of; tal 21. Stol'crs' High-Sign By CHIC Y0UN1 I ARE VOU Y Y YUP-JUSrASl I ARE VOu"5C I JUST WANT r I WJ L'WrLIUE k' i PEAOV SOON AS I COMING, fT0 5HARPEN '( HOvWCi EiihEKJ : now pop?)(light mv pipe -,pcp?I S this pencil ly-SyT K Am. $ k ' & & i set of refrigeration coils. iture condenses onto the coils and willvoThelp) r 1 ME WITH MY (OKAycoN, ! HOMEWORK POP? 'AyST PUT ON MV SEA CADETS Ilusvik 8 ill- M r iff i 7 1, A ' .f v.. . i-S I - r I .7 ) ianky Art Olsen who notched six of the Manson points In thit -stanza kept the jewelers in the game. Gcing into ihe final quarter, Manson's held a four-point freezes. A ciock setting then automatically stops the fan and ell. Newfield 2, Flood 10, Iveson, j Christoff 11, Lugrin 4, MacLeod, i Franklin Total 35. lead after three minutes and ' inler-A League 7 p.m : il) Peterson vs Miller; 2l McKenzie vs Turner; (3) Holliston vs Laurie. 9 p.m.: i3) Sieber vs George-son; (2) McNiece vs Warren; ( 1 1 Parker vs Shier. Thursday 7 p.m.: Ui Kellouph vs Wak-ley; 3i Aston vs Robertson; i2i Greene vs Gordon. 9 p.m.: i3 Rowbotham vs Bird; 2) Eyolfson vs Johnstone; (1) Berg vs Garner. Friday 7 p.m.: (li Barbour vs Oster-tag; 3) Ford vs Thorn; (2) Meighen vs Miller. 9 p.m.: (3) Buterick vs Turner; tl) Moore vs Laurie; (2) Rudderham vs Sieber. The value of Canada's pulp and paper production ' exceeds CCC scored four field goals to 1 NORTH STAR Morrison 6, Manson's three. Manson's were Nickerson 7, Tait 7, McKay 15, edged 13-12 on point play in Black 3, Helin 15, Turcotte, Don-the last canto but their slight ' aldson 6. Total 59 lead proved sufficient to give ' WATTS & NICKERSON them the win. j Wesch 4, Christoff 12, Smith 4. nitpn ,.,itv. in nmntt Sedeewick 8. 6, Le- ; the refrigeration unit and turns i on a heating unit, melting the j ice which drains from the pan to j the outside. The clock then i starts the cycle again. ' The ice was scraped to remove t the nubbins of ice buiit up by j the dripping, the sheets flooded ; again and good curling is how 1 expected. No curling took place j last week, consequently the men's schedule will carry on i from where it left off. The mixed league, however, will carry on ' as scheduled with the games ner-up fo Spring in the Manson tourneau 12, Forman, Sather 7, Enridge 2. Total 55. Senior B League ByZANEGfcl KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED scoring while Thompson and Christensen tied with 10 points each for CCC. The pulp millers i CCC 300 D. Scherk 9 committed 13 fouls plus two ' Scherk 1, Thompson 10, Cam-technicals. Manson's collected , ercn 7, Christensen 10, Dumas 14 fouls, of which five belonged 2. Total 39. i planned for last Saturday, No uew fcAvf; ' j .- ,s tion. MANSAN'S Bill 3, Hartwig 5, ; vember 14, now scheduled for the to Danny Bill. CCC sank 11 of 0 : i4 16 free shots while Manson's phUcd the same, number in 18 Ratchford 1, Olsen 10, Spring lft. Webster. C, Walsh. Total 43. APTONE .ftU'Vtf JrafinV'SeV tti4 Mi lltsU n ' Mtw . i A beautiful soft flat finish Oil Paint in manv attractive colors, that can be used over Wallpaper, Kalsomine, Plaster or Wallboard. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ijfage: for: a., thrilling finish to i Willi . i; he Inter A encounter which; I Mi m. f ' I r' I saw North Star trailing 45-43 1 VfBSt Ofu r73 going into the last canto. The ; bottlers led the play 15-8 in the ' VANCOUVER (CP) Saskatoon first quarter on the baskets by i Hilltops, led in a blazing scoring Rod Tait and Ray McKay. The ; spree by a pass-pitching quar-clothiers came back to take the terback with icewater in his .second stanza 18-15 with Norm veins, smothered Vancouver Blue1 Sather collecting six points of Bombers 50-3 Saturday in the their total, and Bill Donaldson , sudden-death Western Canada netting six for North Stars. The junior football final, clothiers went to town in the' Their overwhelming win mov-third quarter backed by the bril-'ed them into the Canadian final liant work Oi Letourneau who in Saskatoon next Saturday sank four baskets Fouls made against the delending-champion the difference in the exiting Windsor AKO, who defeated Veronal quarter as Watts & Nick- i dun Shamcat3 25-11 at Windsor. Ll LABNtR . Yes Sir, He's Her Baby . ' AL? C"uCi,i!.'-TMET iABlt I Lr-rlinfr """I I -MKiMTMABl ) NOT PtHSONAULY' -AMAHAiMS ) f HAWKINS DAV PBE-DCK- V. jUiL"' T U,','r-, IT'4 MAH NIECE, I s T GlT TH SHUN CAl N'T COME THUE1 y OV-BOMlfcOBV ) 1 14 VO' J ( MARILVN MONSTER Wir VI --ON ACCOUNT NObOOV J lVlA KIN.'.'- r IN TH' S I S-GOT HER EVEL ANVT",f 1 KIN OUT RUM US .'.' Zj? . , ' rXACt? SjNYORELI'L $HE.NAN1 7 THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By L- $5te& Just Good Horse Sense You may not bc able to buy a feed of oats for a nightmare, but you can afford to buy an economical used car at Bob Parker Ltd. z ' ARE... ACE TH06E rj'i;) platterv will get JJ NO, I WON'T. NO come KJWNT j Mif green y USEFUL HINT No. 12 V m Z) The quality of peai hoi m no relation lo fh tiz: I No f 4 and 5 con b as i lender as tho small sizes. M ) PftYALClTV CANNED FOODS 1 OPP THAT SOAP flOtf ANO ACT OUSHT TO GEE 4 10U NOWHERE, I6S DuSTV TALBOT NOW IP VOU HAVE NO PAIN TtZ liltem't'l IMrklip Practically now . . , only 3000 miles. No breakdowns. Psychiatrist insteap of YOU- LIKE A HUMAN BEING.. PONT PEEL SiSHT... AM VOU PO IS VELLVOuB I ONION 6TASHEPAV,jyiN M TUAT UAMOlCEKHlEP? 'aJH J't CCMIN8 HERE IDSETiNSULTEP AnvWhEkE EXCEPT IN 3!t Ford l iiiipe Carefree dependability OM.V for a buyer with young Ideas. ifln.y '.Vt lrprHt Sedan fnve while you drive ONLY . . . payments that coo- don't hurt. i!o..J YASCONO ur eso, woulp ONLY $18 15 ONLY $1600 T-j-v LUNSS i ,lVrf ATM OU M'NP LEAVING? Til Ford Sedan Feel proud in . . . rtdea like a buggy. this baby mm. wi Low Down Payments Easy Terms YOUR FOKD, MONARCH DEALER BOB PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service" U- a r,