ft " ' I ! . Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, November 18, 1053 Selective Approach Mossadegh Overruled in Contention Court Not Competent To Hear Case TODAY TO WEDNESDAY To Tariff Problem Suggested . SHOWS AT 7:00 . S:05 TEHRAN (API The military. The court-martial's five judges Mo- declared themselves competent "HIAWATHA" VINCENT EDWARDS YVETTE DUGAY Also "JALOPY" BOWERY BOYS Court trying ex-Premier Sunday after a week of preiimi CAPITOL hammed Mossadegh for treason nnrv hearings, durine which the got down to the main issues to- j 73.year-old Mossadegh held the day after ruling against his j floor for many hours with bit-contention that the tribunal was; ter, .emotional arguments in his NEW YORK 0! A selective approach to the tariff problem, by breaking it down into smaller components, was suggested today by R. M. Fowler, president of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association. Tht method of dex'ine with Canadian-U S. trade, "the largest single segment of international trade In the world todnv, was outlined by Mr. Fowler In an address before the 40th for own defence Ti A' r -""v 1 A .. U.iiY Presentation of evidence in support of the charges was due to begin later today. DEMANDS Jl'RY Mossadegh contended the shah had no authority to dismiss him. He also demanded a jury trial on grounds that the army court could not try him because he had abolished it before his ouster as premier Aug. 17. The court also ruled itself not competent to hear the case. Fortune-lust! And the Lure of a Geld Goddesso' . -"y...-! r GLENN jSST" 'n Following the court decision, chief prosecutor Brig. Hossein Azemodeh read the indictment charging Mossadegh with plotting against the fhah and illegally dissolving the lower house of parliament. The death penalty was asked. OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 eign trade convention oi me manaer - - ft"1 -?""' JI CKMU LYNN TOTE) Kational Foreign Trade council. It should be possible to build up Canadian exports to the United States to provide gods thit American consumers will need and to do' so without damage to existing American Industries." he said. "Perhaps we could make some Droducts you need from our mtmcia MEDINA TODAY Evening Shows 7: - : pjn. NOW ON! Wallaces 2 For 1 Sale! competent to pass Judgment on Gen. Tahi Riahl, former military chief of staff who is being tried with Mossadegh-Prior to the ruling there had been reports the court was split on the question of whether it was qualified to hear the case. When the shah's messenger tried last August to deliver the royal decree firing Mossadegh, bloody rioting resulted, and the monarch fled thj covntry. The 1 -if - ample metals. Perhaps the many new chemicals that are obtain-1 able from our Alberta oil and gas I could. If tariffs are changed, find ' : 1J j shah's supporters overthrew NIGHT and DAY SERVItt Call a STAr, Phone 112 CAB STAND Corner 5th Street and 3rd Avenue Mossadegh two days later- The aged premier was jailed, and the shah returned to the country in triumph. FATHER ALFREDO BOEDDEKFR gives a bunch of. grapes to 11 -ear-old Richard Timmermin, after they were blessed in the annual "Blessing of the Grapes'" in the Sonoma Plaza, facing the northernmost of the chain of missions established by the Franciscan Fathers in California's early history. With the event the 1953 vintage in the state's dry wine country was opened officially. . WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE j and make new markets In thU country." j ECONOMIC FLAWS " - j There are flaws to be found j in a theory of Independence and I self-sufficiency, Mr. Fowler said, devices which can become expen- sive and uneconomic. j Neither Canada nor the Unit- j ed States had domestic supply of bauxite, the raw material for aluminum, but Canada had the ; essential low-cost electric power and had built a great aluminum Industry. AMPLE Sl'PPLY , T He said Canada supplied 80 per cent of newsprint used In U.S. newspapers and could not only look after Increase but could still provide substantial export to other countries. Yet since 1945 "there have BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE Aged Man Lost In YMCA Fire ST. THOMAS. Orrt. (CP) One man was killed and two others were missing Sunday in a fire at the YMCA building here. Two men were injured and 30 escaped. The body of Thomas Dunn. 73, of London, Ont was found on the top floor of the three-storey building after the blaze was brought under control. Taken to hospital for treatment were Percy Woods, 48, and Oliver H. C. Webb. 63 Their conditions are "satisfactory " FA WCETT Oil HEATERS All the advantages of automatic heating Smartly styled to blend with your furniture FOOD FOR BRITAIN Quality food parcels, including meats, candies, nylons, etc. Guaranteed delivery. For selection ask for FREE CATALOGUE. ' SOCIETY KELENY "MONTREAL" By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Designed to heat by RADIATION and CI! Excess Dummy Entries Can Mean Headaches In recent columns we've been discussing the CULATION. 3C50 St. Lawrence, Montreal, Que. Tel: Harbour 1527 THE ANSVVKR TO VOI R WINTER IIK.UISG PRllBud MAY BE SEEN AT handling of situations where the dummy was short g-fSLS of entries. In today's deal Mr. Champion almost came congress." Leguiators, arguing McRAE BROS. LIMITED to grief because the dummy hand had too many ' independence and self-sufficlen- cy In newsprint, advocated use of government funds and special tax concessions to build new do- 1 SALE "The Store that Service Built" Phone 6 k entries. ; Mrs Keen's bidding looks a little weird, but she decided tt was extremely unlikely that her ; long, weak club suit would be , For Extra Value For Christmas Giving FAMOUS WATCHES Bulova, Hamilton, Elgin, Cyma, Mercury and ' many others. mestic mills. Mr. Fowler viewed this as kawja ,"iii u-iu V2 and V3 off ! of the slightest interest to her "economic isolation" and said that "of the dollars w use to buv goods, one out of every four ! comes from our newsprint ex-1 partner. Spades suited her and ; she planned, eventually, to show j See our many other Gift Items ONE-THIRD Off South dealer ; Both sides vulnerable Virth 1 OIi-h. kmo I K K 8 5 H A K D A C 8 7 4 3 V rt Ka-.t (Mr. Miitrr) ( Hr. Half) 8 None 89 8 4 3 H Q 8 5 3 J H 4 D 10 7 8 '2 r-J 9 8 5 4 3 C A K 4 J C 10 S (Mr. Clmmiihtii) S A Q J 10 7 3 HJ 10 9 8 7 D K U C-None Slhbe Sole! M ANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller --j i i .i i-1, j I , ports to you." j "Perhapa we should adopt the ; classical military technique of . j "divide and conquer." Perhaps , 'the defeat of world trade prob-: ! Irms. like the defeat of armies, i can be accomplished by breaking ; j them down into separate parts , her spade support. First, though, : she showed where her top 1 strength in the side suits wai located. Actually, her methods made it much easier for Mr.! Champion to put the hand in a slam at spades. ! Mr. Masters led the king of I clubs and Mr. Champion ruffed. 1 .95 WOMEN'S SANDALS of manageable proportions. 1 f 1 Wa m pnd immediately saw his prob- 2 s West North East Pass 3 H Paw Pass 4 S Past AU pass ore tin 1 ,.95 BOYS' OXFORDS and BOOTS 4 H 68 lem when Mr- Masters discarded the deuce of diamonds. If he or 11 our picked up all four of Mr. Dale's ,, . f u. . . monds KIDIIEYACIDS RobyourRest.. Man; mIi nw mm k ft fi ftifht'i raL Thtjr him and taw Mama it an 'narraa' whan it aaa; ha their kiantra. Health kidnayi nltcf faiaana ami aacaaa caaa Iraa tha kUU. If that fail anal anawitiaa atay iaj tha aytteaa diaturbad raat ahea fallawa. If aWi't real wefl tat and uaa Dadd'a Kxinar Pill. DaaW a m .95 on eu MEN'S DRESS CXFORDS irumjjs huu men chaucu dummy's high cards In the red suits, it would take his last trump to get back to his hand. The queen of hearts would still be at large and when the enemy got the lead with that card they could cash their top clubs. He continued with trumps and on the fourth lead discarded dummy's ace of diamonds. Next he cashed the king and queen of diamonds and got rid 0! dummy's ace and king of hearts. He was then in the favorable position of being able to drive cut the queen of hearts while hla tha kidnara a that rati taa raat FASHION FOOTWEAR 114 Mr- Champion decided there ro t a 1 n i r rr full Anntrnl nf t Ka were entirely too many entries trump sltuatlon DoddsKldnerPills K : 1 f N etnemi on the board. He determined to ret riri nf them Inst an if t.hpv "This proves." said Mr. Cham- a-ere rtpnee. Hp riUrarrtprt no. I Pion, "that when you can play all' j the cards like I can you don't one, but three of dummy's high cards in hearts and dia-; need aces and kin3- ADVERTISING Helps Keep Prices Down! - Tha LuxutyA V whisky iVxls at a popular n3HL5 CPR Dox Cars Lost in Fire LETHBRIDU?, (CP) Flames swept through a string of CPR box-cars and part of the stockyards at Lethbridge Sunday, rausini; damage estimated at 5100,000 TASTES THAU EVER f Every -piece of fire equipment available in the city was rushed t.n the Kfpnp ' Here's the way it works . . . Advertising increases sales volume and decreases selling costs. The store that does more business can afford to take less profit on each transaction. And you the consumer get the benefit! Mass distribution, through advertising, works hand in hand with mass production to bring more goods to more people at reasonable cost . . . and keeps Canadian standards high. Although hampered by a 50-to-60-mile-an-hour wind, firemen prevented the flames from reaching a pen containing 200 head of cattle. Dismantled Dock To Be Relocated VANCOUVER P Pacific Dry- dock plant in North Vancouver will be dismantled and its facilities moved across Burrard Inlet to Vancouver, Burrard Dry Dock officials announced Thursday. The North Vancouver facilities were purchased last year and the elocation is planned to concen ?ie' msm tAHttrs ukcist I SIUIH0 tVAHHATlO MILK 1 OCT trate ship repair operations In a single plant. Involved in the move are a 12,-000-ton deep sea drydock and a 2,000-ton coastal dock. Patronize our advertisers to get the best values. ALWAYS . . . l IT'S TIME... 1 WMW?sr-J TO 1NSTAL STORM WINDOWS The fall rains are here and winter Is not far behind. Call us today to lnstal storm windows In YOUR huse. ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO ORDER GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. THE DAILY NEWS SltTILLEIt OF tHE FM0Ut" This advertisement la not published r displayed by the Liquor Contru 21S Pint Avenue West Phone MS Uovernment 01 orman vuiuu