1 1 . ni. i i taaajtiaaai fl.l.v. French Mxl ay CFPR RADIO DIAL Logic 1240 Kilocycles Gives Airmen (Subject to Change) MONOAT "Snake" Bar Sleel P.M. LOADN - SOELLINGER, SPECIAL CM Oii Tanks 110 Gal. Tank $ o".9 275 Gal. Tank S "5.oi 375 Gal. Tanl: S 30.00 550 Gal. Tank ...... $!1.03 3 Prnv. Tiix E :tra All tanks rtrtile of 13-Eauge s'.ecl Industrial Welding Green 881 l irst Avenue "I SOT'' i I J , 'Jf ','4 i. , - , ' i S:M Knniier Kerenade 7:00 CBC News 7:15 cue Newa Roundup 7 30 B C. Profile 8:00 Prewntlnt! . . . :ia CBC Bymphony Orch. 00 National Farm Radio Forum :30 Cafe Continental 10:00 CBC Newa 10:10 CBC Newa 10:16 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Bob McMullln Show ll:IHI Heather; Muslial Maaterplrrra l::lMu.le Till Midnight 12:00 Slgn-ofl TUESDAY DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 'a . ... II J 11 ! ' ' ' ' ' " ' " - ' ,4 AUTOMOBILES - THE DAILY Classified Rates n time :30 p.m. day prevlou nubile tint). nvd, 3 cent on word per In- Hin; minimum Jharge SU oenu. "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3618 .YEAR AGO 3164 2 BUSINESS PERSONALS NATIONAL Machinery Co. Um- lteri. nist.rlhutnra fnr Minim, Sawmill, Longing and Contrac tquipmenr,. inquiries m-rlted. Granville Island, Vancau-er 1, B.C. (tf) LAND8CAPINQ and gardening. Rock walls, rockeries, roc flower boxes, lawns and fences. uarcien Keeping. Free estimates, i Phone Red 808. (275pt A.M. 7:00 B. C. Fishermen Broadcast ' 7:15 Musical ( Iih k Si 7:3P CBC News; Weather Beict i 7:3.1 Minimi lliK-k 8:00 CBC News; Weather 8:10 Here's Bill tj. R:I.V Aliirnliii; llrvuthin ::( Keeoril Allium O-EBC News and Commentary SJ5 Miiaieal Vlanh-Pant :30 Morning Concert 9:69-Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:1.1 indent f the Purple Knee IllMil Keyboard and CuiiMile 10:45 The Jimmy Shields Show 11:00 Your Oood Neighbor 11:15 Kindergarten of the Air 13 :ttO Menage Period 11:4.1 Keandlnavluil MeliMliea P.M. l'MHi Horn X Years Tim Hmfn 12:15 CBC Newa 12:25 CBC Showcase 12:30 B. O. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 1:45 Today's Quest 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Trans-Canada Matinee 3:15 Keiiirds for Yim 8 :45 Yesterday's Favorites 4:00 Royal Winter.Falr 4:15 The Barney Pott Show 4:30 The Orloie'a Nest 4:45 Sleepytlme 8toryteller 5:(HHtoili ((iiotatiniis Vik-uIIm 5:15 International Commentary 5:20 CBC Newa; Weather Report 6:30 At Home With the Lennlcka 6:55 Have You Heard? Wood is converted Into pulp by, pressing It on a fertndstone or by i cooking wood chips In a liquor. I I I AOENT8 for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd.. for oxygen, acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Phone 80. (c) WINTERIZE your ttres, 2 In I winter cleat or sawdust tread. KNUTSON'S TJRE SALKS i SERVICE, 811 Fraser St. Phone 548. . (288) ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 165. 292 GENE (CHOO-CHOO) ROBERTS, 29-year-old halfback with Ottawa Rough Riders, hearts th B'5 Four fo"bil! scoring column. A former New York Giant and Montreal Alo-uette, he's Ottawa's nominee for the Jeff Russel trophy. He's In his second season with the Rough Riders. Indefinite Term For Sex Offender VANCOUVER In an ux-usual Judgment for British Co lumbia courts, Mr. Justice J. F. Davey on Thursday sentenced a youth to an indeterminate term as a criminal sexual psychopath. Sentenced was Theodore Steele, 18, convicted of attempted rape of an ll-year-o!d girl. On this charge, he received a five-year .sentence. "I recommend that he be given proper psychiatric treatment and also treatment by a trained psychologist If that is necessary to give every chance of taking his place in society," said Mr. JusUc. Davev : Dally Newj Wan; AJs Get Results Dogwood Knows! West Germany ? Officers with the RCAF's No. 4 fighter wing here think they know why their long bar has a wiggle in It. The story Is that the original plans of the French-designed base, paid for by France out of German reparations as a North Atlantic Treaty Organization contribution, called l :r a snack bar. The French took this to mean snake bar and so it went Into the blueprints. The German builders followed the structlons literally. WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Daily 1 Tkii iJvettiimcnt ii not published or ditpUyet1 by tkt Liquet Cofitol Beard or by irw Govrtmtnt pi British Columbia. HO SKF , LOU KNOW vgHAT 1 1. EV'-M ( THE' SAY ABOUT A.5SS ) 1 "HE LADIES-- 7t: I 1 ' ! S.'V" . A' kt r ri t. BinH THAT fuel- J ; M tOfff TOCOS' v PLUMBINQ, automatic oil heating, sheet metal work. Phone Call 630 th West. Letour-neau. - (c) WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ELECTROLUX. Phone Blue for Parts Sales Service. (c) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8. O. Furk, Stone Building. Red 593. (20m' ALTERATIONS, children's clothing, etc. Apt 11. Aldine Apts.. Ave. and 6th St. (270p) LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING ... PACKING ... CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling local. Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. BLONDIE I - M 8LONDIE-I I' ':( pio vouT I HERB WANTS HR fc'E.J, 17 ME TO PLAV - i BLONDiE ? J I BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING I OK TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL Investors RyntHfntf; of C;mruU Ltd. and lavfstfira Mutual of (.anuria Ild T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 384 315 Third Avenue W. Iteprescntntivc (or Prlnrr- Uuprrtt Terrace autt ' Kttim;it IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, C03 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 . P.O. Eox 374 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws I Sharpened 215 1st Ave. VV. Phone !)08 By CHIC YOUNG (THAT'S bKFOkl- YOU'RE) cJ y CARRIED.' .?TEB Xl S V YOJRE MARP)ED. J ! -7 SILENCE MEANS - --r JUST PLA N Y , By ZANE GREY j 7 ',-' veve tor to mre, rr A By AL CAPP By STAN DRAKE 1950 MERCURY two-door. Phone Black 937. 270pi MODEL A Phone Green 488 (271) Todays Stocks (Courteajr 8. O. Juhnatoa (JO. I,td.) VANCOUVER American Standard .... '.10 Bralorne '.. 3.10 .. B R X .02i2 Cariboo Quartz , .91 Congress 05 Vz Cronin Babine 06 Giant Mascot .47 Indian Mines 04 Pioneer 1.60 ' Premier Border '.08 Privateer .03 Reeves McDonald 1.43 Sheep Creek .... .60 Silbak Premier 11 Vananda 02i2 Spud Valley 03 Vi Silver Standard 71 Western Uranium 1.00 Sil-Van .26 Dorreen . .07 Estella .. .25' Oils- Anglo Canadian 5.00 A P Con .29 Calmont 1.15 C & E 9.75 Home Oil 7.70 Mercury 11 Royal Canadian 1 .10 TORONTO Athona 09 i Aumaque 11 V2 ' Bevcourt 30 Buffalo Canadian 17 Con Smelters 23.75 Conwest 3.75 Donalda - 55 Fast Sullivan - 4.10 Giant Yellowknife 8.35 God's Lake 94 Hardrock 11 Harricana 11 Heva Gold 0514 Duvex 27 Joliet Quebec 38 V4 Little Long Lac 43 Lynx 094 Madsen Red Lake 1.77 McKenzie Red Lake 38 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.35 Moneta - .40 Negus .0974 Noranda 63.75 Louvicourt - 14V Pickle Crow 1.12 Petrol Oil & Gas 27 New Senator 14V4 Sherrit.t Gordon 4 80 Steep Rock 7.05 Silver Miller 72 Sweet Grass Oils 30 Golden Manltou 1.65 Landover Oils , .16y2 Rix Athasbasca 1.37 Nesbitt Labine 2.20 Boreal 2.60 GEORGE DAWES . AUCTIONEER DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW , SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Luxury Steamer . Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service Pot reservation write or call City or Depot Once, I Prince Rupert, B C. OT!VX?fV?C I NEWS" 47 31 3JA FOR RENT MISC. TWO cabins. Phone Green 400. Apply 2000 11th Ave. East. (268) FURNISHED cabin. 425 9th Ave. West. (267pj SI WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries. radiator . Phone 543 Cilll 30 6th Ave. West. (e) 33 BOATS AM) ENGINES FOR SALE Tenders will be re celved by the undersigned up to Noon of December 15th, 1953, lor the purchase of the hereunder described motor vessell, together with gear and equipment situated thereon, belong- lnrj to the estate of Isaac Chris-toferson, deceased: Name "B.C. 83." Length 29 ft. Beam 7 ft. 6 In. Depth 3 ft. 3 in-Powered with a 10-14 East-hope gas engine.. Boat is presently , moored at Port Edward-Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms Strictly cash. Signed G. L. Brodle, Deputy Official Administrator of the estate of Isaac Christoferson, deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (270) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Noon of December 15th, 1953, for the purchase of the hereunder described motor vessel, togtther with gear and equipment situated thereon, belonging to the estate of John Boivin, deceased, late of Bella Bella. Name Mayo. Length 35 ft. Powered by a 16 H P. 2 cylinder Vivian gas motor. Boat is presently moored at Ocean Falls- Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. , Terms Strictly cash. Signed G. L Brodie, Deputy Official Administrator of the Estate of John Boivin, Deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. 1270) I2-FT. plywood boat, brand new, with oars. Suit 10-h.p. motor. Only $90. Phone Blue 192. (tfnc) 36 ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE housekeeping room, private entrance; bed-chesterfield 4th Ave. East. Red 879. (267) 1 37 ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD and room for young quiet gentleman. Nice home. Non-drinker. Write your particulars to Box 845, Daily News- I26pf: ROOM and board for working man. 538 6th Ave. East. (271p) FOR working man, In private home. Phone Red 140. (270) 39A SUITES FOR RENT BRIGHT unfurnished apart ment Preferably adult family. 1 Please phone Black 277, Sum- ! mil Apts. 268p) TWO - ROOM suite, furnished and heated. Three minutes from Post Office. Blue 409. (268) THREE-ROOM unfurnished suite. Blue 393. (269) FURNISHED suite. 621 Fl1l',, St. (267) 40 HOMES FOR SALE VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN Solid four-bedroom home near city centre. Close to schools. All good sized rooms with plenty of storing space. Your terms may suit. Only $4750 full price. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. 307 3rd West Phone 342 Eves- Red 958 "We need listings." (It) 42 WANTED TO RENT TWO-BEDROOM house, close to town. References. Box 853, Daily News. (268) THltEE- or four-room furnished apartment Box 854, Dally News. (tf-nc) 43 LISTINGS WANTED WE HAVE several buyers for houses. Phone H. G HELGERSON LTD. Phone 96 or Black 197 evenings (270) WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. f tf i DRESSMAKINO and alterations. Reasonable. Phone Red (267) MAGAZINES, uuvelaea. Mdles New Bluud. (c.) WATCH for gags and gals (ltc) NEARLY everybody irses 69. LOST BUDGIE bird, yellow band on left leg Reward. 819 2nd West. (267pi HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESGIRL, 25 to 40, with advanced knowledge of sewing. objection to married woman no small children. Salary based on qualifications. Apply in own handwriting to Box 857, Dally News. (266p) SITUATIONS VVTD. MALE; PART-TIME Janitor work. Box 856, Daily News. (269p) SITUATIONS WTD. Female WILL mind children for work Nutlee. BU cen:, varaa 01 iKs, Death Notice, Funeral Marriage and Engagement ,uncementa, 2.00. I-1 Display double prist. No ftelunus U will not accept reapmatbtllty .mined ads Inserted Incorrect) (Iit wrong cjaasincatlon unlm atlon ol mich errora U received i u noun of fin t Uiaertlaa. tors ANT AD REPLIES ? are holding replies the following News boxes: 07 828 846 852 Ltd. 54 Replies must be called for in person Red IOMiXU L VENTS THE :iadi?n Legion card party lo. )DE. Fall buaaar, Thurs-19, Novemrjer 1953. fmja Fall Bazaar, Friday, No- 643. tj'T 2U. Dance, Nov. 20, Elks' ;al Purple Fall Bazaar, Elks 870 , Nov. 21. Exhibition and Tea, High i 1. Nov. 25, afternoon and O.T.M. Fall Bazaar, Novem- 3rd ' sbyterian Ladles' Aid Ba- November M. hfran Church Fish Dinner, 28. Ited Church W.A. Chrlst- Sale, Dec. 3. 224. hedral Fall Bazaar, Satur- Uoc. 5. nstmas Carol Festival, Dec-1 9 (Tuesday and Wednes-7 30 to 9:30, Civic Centre vution Army Home League IS ind Sale. Dec. 9. (280) ! Girl Guide Company In-tionai Dinner, Feb. 13. (280p) 20 ENGAGEMENTS s L. Stacey announces the scment of her second-eld-itatiBhtpr No Velma. to Edwin It riiodcs of Gibson's Landing wedding will take place In !i Vancouver on Nov. 21. (It) 24 PERSONAL ' P0YAL PURPLE , 25 B-A-Z-A-A-R, L , JEXT 'SATURDAY ? (ltc) 1NG to Toronto, leaving 'Proximately Dec- 15. Will iour passengers. Returning 1 Jan. 15. Box 858, Doily 26 (270) NT ACT Alcoholics Anony- "U. BOX 343. (284) OWEN, come for Christmas. " to D;fd. (277p) fTCH for gags and gals, (ltc) B'SINESS P.RSONAI.S our Attention PLEASE! See GARNET HULL at AT MURRAY'S MEN'S WEAR for Your Chrktmnc rode-to-measure suit. rders shoulH ho ; fkic "-I to insure rlpliworu Christmas. luminal Down Payment. 'hi; s arranged to suit. (ltc) Hfflr. r: anfr 5'assled ad In this rate it economical six liitive a "uras lor s con- L ..'r six .mi.. j. Phim. nd femember, you Dal SeL"r s-Just Jail (tT.nel ii . t 4 ( i KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED rW- MfCOefAITMCM 7HtXW Mis? vo riue to rstrr.'DiisK ritEet gum i- sxf ina .wether, a Ho V- Vr f'j.'rr, LI'L ABNER Night Must Foil J i nFrtff-nidlif JiBlliraiUlttWII licPorc . J ; -But maril-vn . . , -while throne SHOwt ., -at the Sight of moonbeam MONSTER - ' WHOCVIMAISETHIS . ': MtivWS, VVI!C:l HE. LOATHES, BUT I ftnif t V L DREAMS.,. a " . COME TRUE., H HOPING CAN'T RESIST. AND MOON&FAM , I frvliLL sweet missapril , that his unbeatable dreams of getting RLThrv phii. IHTAAIkITX; "V DREAMS iMUDHENPRAVS . RACING LEGS WON'T AS A WEDDING PRESENT n f I JC 1 , I J THAT, i WEAKEN AGAIN- f o J (V Aft, VOUNGEST BACHELOR v V Jis' f ff i 1 4.1 1)1 V' I k CT THE i JOV -Lf J --fA f f IN RACE -HAS 1 , . i . nightmares- WT-eH ' V trJr k rV fM w )J , x N- V JTJL, - V , y lllJi SHE CATCHES TVRONF-SUOV.'EP WILL care for children, days. 527 8th West. -271p) RELIABLE baby-sitter Call Blue 127.. 1 270-nc ) BUILDING MATERIALS PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD Phone 651 or 652 INQUIRE about our budget plan for your home Improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2,0()t) fl to 24 mos. to pay. (27Q 27 FOR your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mm. Gas "Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT, EVITT Si CO Liu. Phone 651 or sa (c) 28 FURNITURE FOR SALE CHROME set, chesterfield suite, vanity and bench, aouoie Dea complete. Apply 855 1st Ave West, Suite 1. 267p 29A SEWING MACHINES JALES Repairs Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (c) 12 FOR SALE MISC. COLEMAN oil heater, used six months; washing machine. M3 7th Ave. West. Z7Up MUSKRAT coat, size 16-18 Like-new Call or phone Suite 2, Helger'son Block. '268) 1000 FEET new shiplap, cheap 1913 7th Ave. E (268p) REMINGTON typewriter, $38.00. Green 848 (267p) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES ."'f NO WORE TODAV, j LOCOB-BVE. CCCTC?... "V-" Y .,lS3 jonS...WIPF THAT 7" " ' T'l IE J i ''I -v JULIET.,. UNLESS : A V SEE YCU TOMORROW 7 AU.-KNCWNS F5MALB 6MILS I . I IM, T-fV6BS9e6S i ttORNine... rv. 0" UB UPS.. DUSTY J ' , " " i 1fiL .ANP...OU WAV JZ., I L i- Wt 1 -'-v' TAL80TS PREf SUCE MERE tr - , . 1 V j-4 t W ' T ' B- t-Jf ,r vaawjia 1 EX.J.':i J Jt-4 I