Government Decision on Air Cargo Cattle Start 200-Mile 'UNKNOWN' ROAD LEADS DRIVER TO SECRET BASE Iil the United bUies lat Vfa, . , 140.000,000.000 cubic feet more'e natural ga wa. injected lntr.C cra, b u storage than w- 4 Prince RuDPrt na. .. Trek to Quesnel Service Vital to Air Development QUESNEL (CP) A hrrt f i Monday, October ALB UQTJ ERQUE, N.M. API John B. Oflbble of Albuquerque became lost on a visit to the airport Sunday and wound up In a top-secret section of Klrtland air force base. OTTAWA (CP) C. H. (Punch ('the question at length, bit ; In a speech prepared for the ' drive from An? Vf" Ciekins, president of the Air Prime Minister St. Laurent said AITA annual convention, Mr. 40 mUes ' , '. .J1 " 7 ,: Industries and Transport Asso- recently there Is still a differ- Dirkins said that on the rabinet ; Blll ke channel In th t Nation, said today the pending jenrt of opinion. j decision "hinges a very vital ;area to Q J lne cn; BA ..... u u.itoivu i ninmn;n - utility mr Hie lULUrt llir nilt Pacific Airlines' application for THE WftKincB .... , cross-country cargo service 1 ;ha.s 176 flying and aircraft! e lame are eft route to the i manufacturing companies on its , annua' Quesnel sale, set bock a membership, including CPA and week this year to fcive Anahim l Dredging "Mai" to the future of th xjuntry's air development JiA. ranchers timp tn fi,-iu appnea either bv h t or roller. Dries qU1 quioklv , flat finish. Questioned tor two hours after hr asked someone for directions, Oribble showed air force police a back road" he took j to the base. "They said they didn't know it existed," he ald. "There i wasn't a fence or a gate or even a sign saying 'keep out'." j Tradition Toppled LONDON (CP) George Baker, placed his old school tie with i sixth-form grammar school pre-spotUd bow tie acquired In Can- feet who toured Quebec and On- j ada. He admits It' not the tradl-' tario this summer with a group itlonal school He, but prefers It! of 40 British schoolboys, has re-! to any other. j The question was: can Can- before rounding up iheir steer's ada now support more than one for the long trek-air service in certain areas, or j e. A. Winder, secretary of the air services of different types ; Quesnel Cattlemen's Associa-between our larger centres of tion, said he expects 1 000 ht -id population? !in the sale. THOMPSON Interfered With Radar VANCOUVER (CP) A controversy over dredging operations at the entrance to Vancouver harbor Hunrlf the fall foy sea S COMPANY limit,:) ; Mr. Dickins, a former e'.-n bush pilot and one of aviation's most colorful pioneers, r "called in his presidential ad-tress that Transport Minister Chevrier at last year's annual Meeting of AIT A "announced intention to permit limit, 'i! :jtnpetition in certain areas." CPA- has upplied for a licence tj run a Mont real-Vancouver i argo service in competition 'ith Ti uns-Cuiiuiiu Air Liiit-s' ombined passenger-cargo service, which has been given ex-t usive cross-country rights. The tjderal cabinet has discussed son developed S.ituiday night as an aftermath of the collision between the SS Carien:i anil ! the Princess Elizabeth. At the same time shipping officials said a "radar blind spot'' beneath Lions Gate Bridgt may have been a contributing factor to the collision Friday which tore a 35-fout hole in the port . . s- w' bow of Union Steamships' 1.500-ton Cardena and caused minor damage to t he Canadian Pa- . cil'ic Railwav's Elizabeth. i i The eollbion occuued whilo the ships, both using rad?r, were passing beneath the bridge in the thickest fog of the season. Captain Thomas MacDuff of the CPR's BC. Coast Steam 7 - ' nV ' ''v "Will you always live at your ships said the Dlind spot covered ; a ladius of 100 to 150 yards from the bridge clue to the effect of ; ' the steel span on the radar's electrical impulses. One high coastal marine authority aesciib?d the dredging ; ordered by the federal govern- IS - '". 1"' S. d .:t-. j. r. ; present address?" MOVIE STAR ROBERT TAYLOR enjoys successful hunting - -at Delta marsh, near Portage la Prairie, Man. He shot three plump ducks on his first visit to the marsh. jinent as "extremely dangerous" to shipping, and Captain Erij Suffield o. Union Steamships said: "I believe a contributing factor was tiie dredging operations because they cut down the channel to half its width." He said the dredging should have been carried out in the summer, rather than in the late fall when the fog is bad But Captain Ian MtTavish of Straits Towing, which contracted as tenderers for the dredging work, said the equipment was in the middle of the narrows and represented no "menace'' to shinning because vprspU I in tsoss uemes No one really likes moving, although most of us do move at one time or another. Bennett Claim " On Finances ' VICTORIA KP Former premier ,,.'.3yron I. Johnson broke his long .ilence on British Columbia af-airs Satufday to deny Premier When we da we hope it will be to somethi j normally keep to the right in such narrow channels. approaching our idea of a "dream house". Iks is likely to be pretty expensive. This doesn't apply, of course, to those few peep whose taste runs to an igloo or a tent. mm f For a K-:.;'16?I friendly H it 2" J, " . J, k. .-', 1 OT ' ''-1 " ' 1. -"I- V 1" v i ' A- f -4,. !.;- y' j mv If you are one of those people who want to omi - v. A. c Bennetts claims on ' "provincial government finances. He issued a statement describ-; n? as "utter nonsense and not in keeping with the facts." a . claim made by Premier Bennett ,. at the opening of the B.C. Social Credit League convention in Vancouver. Mr. Bennett claimed it that time that, before Social Credit entered office, the Liber- il.s proposed borrowing $28,000.- 300. j "As premier and minister of I finance during the Liberal term," j -. Mr. Johnson said, "I know of no ! decision to borrow any money i Jrior to handing over the gov- j ernment. All tha treasury bills ! , owing the bank were paid off be- j fore the Liberal government left i office." "Mr. Johnson said the1 Social! Credit government put all the j ":iirpluses left by the Liberal gov- eminent into eeneral revenue. "The pay-as-you-go policy for 1 Jpe first year' at least wax nnid I J v? - -' ok I : ' " ' rkfK t .' - .' ,i . s&y :i" ' ' r. . r ' lJ ' . x S VS , . . . V," : ' " v . t ' ' ''''' ' 4 , - V v ' I ; ... '.'j'' ' i ' ' . their own home... or want to, move to a bigs or better one... or even to be ready to move if you have to, shouldn't you take steps now? Not everyone wants to save for a house, of course, There are probably a thousand and one tliinfl you want. Saving is the way to get them. To save there's no surer W3y than with Canada Savings Bonds. It's the safe, convenient and systematic method. NAVY RUM "A staunch old friend" ' pS amviiUi-Iuiwls taken wr VJfcftl aftSit; when it ntlverta.wTBiini vi not pubilfhed :w fllspmy hv the- Llquw-control Board or hy the Government ot B ..-h CahimMa. , wstuned office. "It is now necessary for them to ! I "ind new revenue to take the ' place of money left by my gov-', . Srnment," Mr. Johnson said, hence the many hew taxation Firestone ollls passed at the last session. .WINTIR TIRE They're ectsy to get through your hvh investment dealer or through M Company's Payroll Savings Pit Better do something about it toty Week-end Deaths v,1 rhe Cannrlti.i Prci ,. i St. Boniface. Man. Senator J John Caswell Davis, 65, -chair- . . man of the Senate committee on - talacious and indecent litera- iCture. Lausanne. Suityprl a nrt Prnf Factory Method NEW THREADS New Tire GUARANTEE . Maurice Lugeon, 83, one of the - world's foremost geologists ' Hollywood Robert G. Vig- nola, 71, Italian-born movie di-; rector who directed Rudolph Valentino and other film favo- " rites. t Brandon, Man. Lt. Col. S. C j-McLennan, 56. secretary-man-'ager of the Manitoba provincial exhibition" and former officer commanding 26th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery. '".'.. I-os Angeles George Engcl, 78, former boxing manager , , whose charges included Harry , 3reb, a former champion. j v... BOM CANADA SAV BOB PARKER LTD. f A FULL 'The Home of Friendly Service" Phone 93 NOW AVAILABLE FOR CASH OR IN INSTALMENTS INTFRFT s Fif H YFAR J LfOR 12 YEARS! Remember too! Canada Savings Bonds are always cashable at full face value (100 rents on the dollar), plus interest, at any CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBride Street .-"t t . ..u - ... . y 1 . ... " a- . ' 1 'Jl "v. -T 3 .