1 Naval Officers Plan Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, October 26, 1953 cad nr ; 1! ""Si-iS! IT; to HMCS Chatham Masquerade (254) Elks Hallowe'en Ball, Oct. 31. v . Hospital Extension Fund Drive Nears $10,000 Mark f Canadian Navy Sons of Norway meeting, Monday, Oct. 26, followed by social. (249) t HMCS tnauiam Special to The Dally News Hospital Fund drive which start ill include Lt. Cdr. SMITHERS Close to $10,000 Is expected to be reached with wind-up of the Memorial Wing OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 593 lien, staff officer gi, who will survey hot the proposed m squadron. fen. an aernonau- will arrive next nd leave Tuesday. Other officers expected are Cdr (L) O. Meseck, command maintenance officer from Hamilton, who will inspect Chatham buildings for repairs and U (Ord) D. B. Perrins, staff officer ordinance, also of Hamilton, who will Inspect armaments, both scheduled to arrive tomorrow and leave Thursday, and Lt. (ND) A W. Collier, deputy command training officer who will discuss training problems with local officers, arriving Wednesday. Another officer expected some time this week Is Lt. Cdr. (SB) Mofford, manager civil engineering and maintenance from insian urricers ed In May. Objective has been set at $15,-000. Sponsored by the Bulkley Valley Branch No. 53 Canadian Legion, the fund will assist the Sisters of St. Ann In their portion of the construction costs of much needed hospital accommodation. The fund presently stands at $9,108.84 with several canvassers still to turn In their final receipts and some pledges a lerrace Kinsmen V - - ! - :. ' . . J r, Li . 1 " . - ; ' ; ., C I : tV 1 , fi- c ! -' . '4. 1 iskji, . 1 ..... ,"!(.- 'at "ff ' ' n "' . a J s ' , a '1 ! . i. r t -. I. .7 :( :.;h; x r mam Special to The Dally News Q i - . - JOANNE BESSEAU, a Toronto high school student, has been chosen Miss Toronto Argonauts and will represent the Big Four football team in the Miss Grey Cup contest , at Toronto late in November. Originally planned to cost- .A WJ a chin blamed Society. Makes $2,000 at Tea TERRACE Installation of officers highlighted the Terrace Kinsmen Club's annual banquet and dance here in the Civic Centre, with Ernie Robin taking over the presidency. Guests from Vancouver and Prince Rupert clubs attended the affair at which Curley Barbour of the' Rupert club presented a gavel to the Terrace group, received by past-president Jack McLeod. . A president's pin was presented to Mr. Robin and a past-president's pin to Babe Rougeau. Other officers Installed were: Fred Stewart vice-president, Par $80,000 the addition will now cost $150,000 to meet regulations for concrete and steel construction. The provincial and federal governments are expected to pay two-thirds of the cost by hospital grants. It is hoped spring may see start of construction. The present three-floor 40-bed hospital built in 1933 by the Sisters of St. Ann of Victoria has been overcrowded for some time. As many as 72 patients have been 2el(erbach 'i tec lor VANCOUVER (CP Henry J. Mackin, formerly president of Canadian Western Lumber Co., has been named director of the sorawling Crown Zellerbach FRANKIE FABBRI, 14, hasn't shaved himself yet but he's an assistant barber in his father's Winnipeg shop. Frankie learned his trade In Florence, Italy, and has been a barber for four years. He recently arrived in Canada. taken care of with the average well over the intended 40. Corporation of the U.S., it was announced iiere. I tw"'"'11''1'1 l,MI "W-'-' DISTRICT NEWS V 1 '.J j Robert J. Filbefg, vlce-presi-INS AND OUTS j dent of Canadian Western Lum- PRESTON, Eng. (CPV Prison ber since 1944, will succeed Mr. authorities of this Lancashire Mackin as president- . r The New ker Mills secretary, Hal Windt treasurer, Ernie Shave Bulletin editor, and directors, Charles Agar, Al Davis and Jack Williams. The group enjoyed a turkey dinner served by the Rebekah lodge, and dancing wound up the evening. city warned warders that they The top executive changes during the winter. As soon as transportation Is available supplies and material will be flown in for the resumption of the work on the property. may be locked out of jail on their follow purchase of Canadian mights out unless they're in by j Western Lumber by Crown Zel-the 10 p.m. deadline. I lerbach this summer. in: STEWART- An enjoyable cribbage party was held in the Canadian Legion clubrooms last Wednesday. Mrs. D. Norton won ladies' first prize, Mrs. M. Burnett taking the consolation prize. Mr. Sam Klrkpatrick won the men's first prize and the sweep with Mr. Al Lawrence bringing up the rear. The men led the ladies with a total score An appeal to all citizens of British Columbia to aid the work of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada was made by Lieutenant-Governor Wallace. Because of the urgent need for medical research to find a treatment for this crippling disease, which has ruined thousands of young Canadian lives, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada devotes its entire efforts to research. A careful handling of funds has enabled the Society to make substantial grants to research from very modest revenues. The Lieutenant-Governor spoke at the fall bazaar and tea, which launched the 1953-54 campaign for research funds by Vancouver Chapter of the Society. Research on this disease started a year ago in Vancouver, Is being supported by a grant from the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada to the University of British Columbia. Research revenues will benefit by more than $2,000 as a result of the bazaar and tea at the Canadian Legion Hall, 2177 West 42nd Avenue, Vancouver. 3. SPEED S.R. Wall, RADIO-PHONOGRAPH MODEL V-566 Qeli lfew JPod Under the direction of Mr. E. Carlson a 13-by-21-foot building is being constructed by the Northern British Columbia Power Company to house their new dicsel plant. The building is situated on the southwest coiner of Columbia and Fifth streets. Cost of i af 9988 to 9588. Supper was serv mi The Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited has announced the appointment of Stephen R. $nderful draping ed by the ladies of the W A. Al Phillips was In during the week from- his Tide Lake prop y Choose NX IV FOR DEPEMDABLEr utilized in the of a flRure-flat- find of! the new Installation Is reported erty and reports a new Walters as manager, Vancouver district sales office, replacing John D. Runkle who has been transferred to new duties at Al- hlRh grade ore. Mr Phillips and ircpe dress. Soft to be about $30,000. bodice flows i his associates Intend carrying on extensive development work sleeves and skirt into slenderizing "w"" $12.00 M,"th Warttft Fin st 3-speed Record Chongir ' ... offers thrilling "tru-to-tif" quality from all your records.' Powerful1 6 fube AM Radio with world-famous RCA Victor "Golden Throat" tone system, Comocf Modern Cabinet . . . exquisitely finished, yet completely practical in -. design. Portland Canal Lodge No. 1213 Loyal Order of the Moose have a committee busily engaged getting ready for their annual ban can's head office in Montreal. Mr. Walters, a naval architect, hag been associated with the Aluminum Limited group of com- fan all-Canadian ,.;ibie here in Amateur Night Contest Soon thc kpanies since 1947, having joined quet to be held Oct. 30 in Moose Hall. the organization In London, Eng YKL.l r'., '"?7 ' DROP IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION land after some years with the naval construction department of the British Admiralty. He has CKWOOD on McRAE BROS. LTD. CWL Holds Tea, Sale at Terrace , been attached to Alcan's Van-j couver district sales office, a territory which Includes all of Brit- At Terrace TERRACE Fail and winter activities are in full swing now at the Terrace Civic Centre, and President O. A. Kaulbeck and the directors are busy making final plans for one of the highlights 1 - Sai jf sii. "The Store Tha't Service Built" " Phone 6 or 36 TERRACE The Odd Fellows' , lsh Columbia and Alberta, for the hall here Saturday was the scene Past two years. of a successful tea and bazaar,' sponsored by the Catholic Worn- i of the season, an Amateur Night, en-g League tASLEY BLACKWOOD Sales of home ware and a iaj ntagcru iiuvcuiuci ij. First and second prizes, gift i certificates valued respectively at $10 and $5. will be awarded in Expert .Mr. Trtiex In Also Vincible Mr. Truex is only one of the finest variety of games featured the afternoon and evening sessions of the annual event, and many prizes were awarded, including a four age groups, nine years and lu i.i if- J.. ,.i.. .. ..1..,,- t ,,Um if I under, 10 to 12 years, 13 to 19 doll and wardrobe to Miss M and adults, and similar nr.mn. fi-et r,-i., x I"- "vim, Bi.u a v " I years vears a 'Ht' hasn't Pone set OVer 50 points in i prizes will be given In the old- s3?;0nd Mrs. Darbv. third Mrs! I t!me Iiddler contests to be staged' van Beurden, fourth J. Therlen, Fl'hw Vi-.nrl Vi,- tn.ioV. nf a fahlp t hflt iinis nana knows now much 01 a iaoie i-naiige, each contest group ,flfth F Xetrault and sixth j Other activities at the centre Magee. : Include badminton, basketball, 'its badly In a match. Mr. Dale South dealer Both sides vulnerable North (Mr. Malrr) B J 10 5 ' H 10 $ O j j. : va?v iff;!- i f ; as .no game . for j . his partner "falle'd ' ' - ... tv ' t i 1 ; T ! roller-skating and eight bowling alleys in lull swing. ' The directors, at a recent ln, turned down a request from :4he Pare ntil-jacher -Association 'hat sale of candy at the canteen i be prohibited. , fry strong bid on! -Kund. . OverMr- XT - A Jlle SDllde hlrt hr ; 'ril paid one no trump 'ids Instead, h- (Mr. Il.ilr) 8-- 7 3 'J H 8 4 3 I-A J 10 8 2 C K (Mr. hmiiplim) A K 4 H - A ((6 2 D-7 C Q 9 3 pass, hoping for This Week- Kwr than a part- Mn III (Mr. TrurO S- 4 9 8 H K J 7 The Prince Rupert Music and Drama Association will meet In the Civic Centre, Wednesday, October 28, at 8 p.m. 1 hit advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. jMr. Truex figured inxjni'nts were not beyond the one M be pretty weak. '"'d hand himself U K Q C- J 10 7 6 t The bidding: Soillh Went Nirlll Paw 1 C Pn-a Piwa 1 S Pa 1 NT Patm Pom All pass IT'S TIME r(l likelv that Mi- li r.nil 1 D Fiu 1)1)1 fair high card Oh, WHERE is my wandering ad tonight? M" place to hark TO INSTAL STORM WINDOWS The fall rains are here and winter is not far behind. Call U3 today to Instal storm windows in YOUR house. ALL TYPKS OF WINDOWS AM) SASH MADE TO ORDER GREER & BMDDEN LTD. the king and queen of diamonds all three of them winners or potential winners. But he had to play something on the 11th trick. If he dropped a diamond, all of Mr. Dale's diamonds would be good. He discarded the club and Mr. Champion cashed the nine spot, then led to his partner's ace of diamonds. The best that can be said now is that Mr. Truex hasn't gone set over 1100 In 1100 years Phone 009 215 First Avenue West sound business investment, we hold membership was at one no f Mr. Truex bid. wded to fall in I Mr. Dale doubled. f;'s the defense f iled but at the v developed on Mr. awaV from him at l he start, he f to win- jl'ion opened the and dummy's 10 fn played the acc the board and f the four. Mr. Dale 2"'1 club and re-Mr. Champion nut-en and quite fid there was no I cashing his other f 6"it. Mr. Dale ? m many as three l"d indicated wlll-l1 lhat suiu p'liminn i-oi, i That' a fair question and deserves a factual answer. When you buy newspaper advertising you have an investment in every copy of the paper that carries your sales message because the circulation of the newspaper is also the circulation of your advertising. So, what you get in return for your advertising dollars depends on the newspaper's circulation, In order that you may buy space in this newspaper as you would make any SUFFERERS in the Audit Bureau of Circulations, well known ,' to advertisers and publishers as A. B.C. Only pub-, lications with paid circulation evidence that peo- , pie want the paper-are eligible for membership. ' At regular intervals one of the Bureau's large ' staff of experienced circulation auditors comes to ' our office to make a thorough audit of our circu- lation records. The FACTS that he obtains as aj result of the audit are published in A. B.C. reports' which tell you: How much circulation we have; Where it goes; How obtained; How much people pay for our paper, and many other FACTS that you need in order to KNOW what you get for your advertising money. It's never necessary for our advertisers to ask, ''Oh, where is my wandering ad?" They grt the FACTS from our A.B.C. report and KNOW. Ask for a copy today. Stop tniserahlt Sinm ufferinir now with Novo Sinus Remedy. Careful medical testa show that Nevo completely eliminates sinus auffcnni in almost all casea tven chronic casea, and thou which havt had recourse to surgical drainRga. Safe for children and adults. PACIFIC PHARMACO CO. LTD. M4 Water Rtret. Vanrour S. P.f. to,. L, --"illllU Ipd the 10 nf t RETREADING r Pounced m ihi . : f n nd cashed tun. I The Audit Bureou of Circulations it a cooperative, nonprofit association of 3,450 advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers. Organized in 1914, A. B.C. established a definition for paid circulation, rules and standards for measuring circt 'a SECTIONAL REPAIRS three spades 1 Pade Mr. Truex it of clubs and ' WHEELS BALANCED WE FIX FLATS All Work Guaranteed tions and methods for auditing and reporting circulation FACTS. Ml . LINDSAY'S CARTAr.P Akin r-rr. a r-r iti. 15 :tf: C. DH1 . ..O The Daily News Tires are NOT a Sideline with us We Specialize The GENERAL Tire Dealer KNUTSON'S TIRE SALES & SERVICE lv. Established 1910 W ' PACKING . . . CRATING " " ,ORWARDING . . . STOHAtiK i itcrl w'ied handling local, Nation-wide and kivr . World-wWe Shipments. Wlni EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" lCBU-AIHed Van Lines Ltd. r ' Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. VULCANIZING RETREADING Fraser Street Red 548 A.B.C. MPORTS- FACTS AS A BASIC MEASURE OF ADVERTISING VALU! 811 r, l If