Li- 4,. . fl : Woodbutchers Record High Singl nvprtharlnwprl hv Chasm:..' J. e r w Wnnfihulhr wuvuuubciiciB art (alrin . . are laitinir a w..Vi ail R& n. . Argos, Riders Score Victories In Big Four By JACK Sl'IXlVAN Canadian Prcsa StaB Writer Tt'o lucf. oa n'pll t.hat nnhnrlv in Vessels Injured As Bombers Thump Eskimos By The Canadian Press Saskatchewan Eoughriders and 5eaffe Takes Double Lacing I From Canucks, N.W. Royals By The Canadian Press Victoria CoiiBars settled for a Scatt e Bombers, on their last ul tie ln New Westminster, Ed-sweep through Canadian terri- monton Flyers visited Saskatoon tm-y boosted themselves into and the Quakers 4-2. third place in the Western , , , ... 1 When the smoke cleared' the Hockey League, so two Canadian teams visited the United States Canucks had won their eighth city during the week-end and same with one tie and no losses, returned the compliment. I to le the league with 17 points. 188 handicap IM. butcher, b,?. ARSENAL ASKED TO MAKE 15-DAY TOUR OF RUSSIA LONDON (AP) Sergei Savin, the big boss of Soviet soccer, today disclosed plans for an annual exchange of visits by top Russian and English teams. As a starter, Savin, who is visiting here, has Invited Arsenal, English League champions, for a 15-day tour of the Soviet Union next year. "If Arsenal are unable to go we have invited the Football Association to send any other team," he told reporters. i Arsenal and the Dynamos, Moscow's best team, played here in 1945. The Dynamos won. 4-3. verbal beating these days since they were trounced Friday night by 8hearplns of the Sulphite Workers Local 708 Mixed Bowling League. Although the carpenters Dioke the league record i or high single game they still Wpit fc " - art ... uica wun 270 McDougaii led thTL western Canada knows which lost the Plnt " Shearplns "'Pie with mi Z'tA rollpri hi.h Jl "wbuiJ Winnipeg Blue Bombers start Canadian major football along the playoff trail Wednesday club will travel to Toronto for the Nov. 28 Grey Cup final be BIG SEVEN cause no one east of Winnipeg Vancouver Canucks led off -aigary, idle during the weeK-Saturday, defeating Bombers 5-1 end-is second with 13 points, and New Westminster Royals ad- I Seattle is third, New Westmin-minlstered a 6-3 drubbing Sun- ster fourth, Saskatoon and Ed-day, j monton tied for fifth and Vic- mother WHL week-end action, toria last. i -.4. -'. ' , I Results; " 3 Tiger Cats 3. Handicatt , ""macs 4, Spark, Boom Cau 3, Powh when they open their home-and-home, total points Western In-terprovlncial Union semi-final in Winnipeg. The teams battled right down to the wire for second place before Frank Filchock's galloping has the foggiest idea who will be waiting for them at Varsity Relbe, Detroit Stadium. The way things have Howe Detroit been going, the Big Four should Oe0ffrion, Montreal conduct saliva tests. undsayi Detroit The Western Conference hits , oimstead .Montreal o 4 4 4 2 2 A Pts 5 13 7 U 6 10 8 10 8 8 Road Trips Fatal to Detroit; Boston Dumps Leafs, Hawks Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, October 26, 1953 me piay-ou wan nus wee uau Sandford, Boston 0 8 8 the Big Four race ts normal Three player tied for seventh that. U vprvl.hiiiD is all fouled By The CauatMun Pitcs with seven points. Riders, won it by one point as the j WIFU ended Its 16-game schedule Saturday night, Saskatche- ' ' wan tying the cellar -dwelling Stampeders 13-13 at Calgary and I Winnipeg thumping the first-1 STANDINGS I . , " ' 6 , Hi .t j , 4 League's only Ame Spokane Flyers, blanta muie niaii une Buai in any game u If you were a National Hockey on foreign ice. I humbled League coach with a home cn- ROAD RECORD GOOD I by Montreal Aloucttes 39-11 the gagement coming up, would you in four out-of-town trim Hip week previously, took it out on WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Snow Togs Standing: Montreal, won 7, lost , tied 0, 14 points. Points: Reibel, Detroit, 13. Ooals: Richard, Montreal, 6. place Eskimos 17-8 at Edmonton. I klifS Pur,. t.... Edmonton's loss mav have cost ! face Detroit Red Wings or Bos- Bruins have broken .wn nnrt i,,.. Hamilton Tlucr-Cats with a 17-5 the Flyers more than wounded ; ton Bruins? I variably scored two goaU or ceunt at Toronto on Saturday. tusiaui. neioei, ueiroil, . Kalii.,l., t . Shutouts: Sawchuck, Detroit: trim Zi, nride. Their star halfback from mi, Pink tho k. urines ..... fiuo.tiino nm more. more. Ana uuawa nougn Kiaers, me iinNelLn.n'' A-ain during the week-end Pwcrnouse or me Big our on McNeil, Montreal. 2. AhV'no. ?;ifn.- Paper that looked second-rate Penalties: Richard. Richard. For Boys ond Girls '7.95 ?8.95 and up. Montreal; ' wok bk ZZT..hl' vmr and were shut out l-o Saturday 7" J1 TrTh; AiV,nr 5 Y.T" WAn'' aonm- loron" HBHL M humbUii tm! V s 8-3 m Kelowi by rim. the hnm Canadiens. nrt Sunday " J i" they at Kw Montreal r , Sundny. , V K'ZOT'.SSr of a flock of An unidentified Eskimo spokes- Jcaguc records, the most power-man said Vessels suffered a frac- f ul scoring machine ln hockey tured muscle attachment on the j today and you'd be right SnUthehWlFUafyinaLable H C'-se the Bruin,, a coi.ection The spokesman charged that of -voun?st: and oldsters, a the Bombers "deliberately set out i ,p,',m that hxsn't won an NHL to injure Vessels" and other ' tillc ln '3 years and you'll be members of Eskimos. He said sorry. All Ages. TODAY to WEDNESDAY ows or 7 . 9n Selected for quality with an eye toward economy. All colors, too, I T . ' m. ' . . m t ' ! n f onto Maple Leafs 2-0 I The Ab and Tlger-Cats now tadlngs 'lth " P'nts t0p,the Meanwhile, the Bruim whipped artl Argonauts and Riders (k- ift i ot To . ec" mivpH n J Ur; 'ollow 'h 10 each. Next Satur-beat the Blatk Hawk.? 4-3 Sun- Montrcal) Hamilton. in the only other league acuJ, nf Ity. the Car.adiens edged New 34 yarfis gained on the ground York Rangers i-l Stnday to and only 100 yards in the air. I WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE ALSO PLAHSG "Rogue River" with RORY CALH01H PETER GRAVIS capito: 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Vessels was "kneed" by Winnipeg In four road appearances this guard Buck Rogers. i .season the Red Wings have lost Bombei coach George Trafton three games and tied once. The and president Karl Slocomb most powerful scoring machine quickly issued denials. t ln hockey today hasn't scored World Championship fright MARCIANO JASTARZA Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results cling to a two-point lead over! The Bengali were outplayed the second-place Wings a Bos-; nun Daalyt ft -v al0"V. Unkktl 6 V.'rV Wli'lrnmi'lrl J"13 , .T, ni4 tons double victory moved the 'practically enough time to count n AMMOI'S PMYHBTffll omnia imo a mira-piace tie the house while looking for pass with Toronto. . receivers. Mil n Double Honors in Ten-Pin Loop Taken by Raymond Giordano Raymond Giordano took both Among the ladles Bcv Matson men's high single and high and Joyce Wright tied for ladies' triple yesterday in the Mixed Ten high single when thev both rolled IHtIA wk CAST O tHOUMNMI in rv WI.m-iJt'itll.'f i .1.. R ,U . il;" ""'"'If Ml Pin bowling league with scores 168, and Bev Matson took ladles' PUH HMO-lWHSCitX BETH SCOTI t of 223 and 545. high triple with a score of 443 Cose Re-Elected By Terrace Golfers TERRACE Oreen fee players of Terrace Golf club were up more than 100 per cent over last TO TEH TODAY to, WEDNESDAY "Junule" 7:oo and 9:30 ."fcitolen Face" , 8:15 only year, it was disclosed at the an A Famous Plartn Tholn A nual meeting.. Present member-hip lists 77 men, 43 women, 14 juniors. The meeting, which adopted the National handicap system. PRINCE RUPERT CURLING CLUB ilso re-elected Art Case president for the second year. Other offi SPECIAL GENERAL Dominoes own team high single with a 700 score and team high triple was captured by Four Aces with 1814. Results: Luckies 3, Tlmbertlcks I. Dominoes 2, Four Aces 2. M and M's 3, Tlnymites 1. Betty Hyndman, Dyke McMillan lop Mixed Loop -petty Hyndman of , Thorn Shf ct Metal took double honor Thursday night in Group 1 of the Mixed Five-Pin Bowling League with a high single of 261 and a high triple of 672. Men's high single was taken by R. Billings of Northern Olass with 256 and high, three, was captured by Bob Shearer of Hirrrsffic mrfrjjr hu Shoes took both team high single and high three with scores TO CONSIDER: cers are Jim McConnell, vice-president for third year: Milt Alger, secretary; Mrs. F. Oavan, treasurer; and O. Martin, P. Cyr, Len Orr, Ernie Shave, C. Agar, Mrs. D. G. Little, directors. if Possible Copital Expenditure of opproximately $2500 for purchase of a Condensation Unit in the rink. Cut down maintenance costs and unnecessary repair bills ...ask for Marvelube M.S. the heavy-duty motor oil that gives long-lasting protection against gummy engine sludge. Marvelube helps keep your engine clean because it's highly detergent It fighti bearing corrosion because it's anti-acid. This tough, free-flowing oil keeps your engine young longer! For. dependable all-round engine protection, ask for Marvelube-Canada's largest selling motor oil! General Meeting S:45 p.R. Executive Meeting 7:30 p.m. ' BIG OPENING SYDNEY, N.S CT Ernest Hoban and Ernest MacDonald started, the deer hunting season near here with quite a bag. They rettmied with -bl-bw-Tr weighiftg"300 pounds and two smaller ones, all totalling about 700 pounds. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th CLUBHOUSE r of 1120 and 3033. MSTWeavij Dubj) ( 1 "4 4 , T l( 4-' m H il !1 f v'-'i;t?,'-5;Vr! "'" r. ,.t ft. 1 r . .a i. ' 0 Jr. ' t- '-. !' - r '". - "t , . V.- i -e-- THE FARMERS' PAIR INDEPENDENT 7. ..AND PROUD OF IT n (oil KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune-up . . . and we'll winterize your car too. You'll be pleased with our service. W In Group 2 Jewel Lindsay of Canada Life took ladies' high single with 286 and Dolly Nelson of Hcadplnncrs won high triple with 683. Dyke McMillan with scores of 260 and 754 took men's high single and high triple, honors. Hcadplnncrs won both high team single and high three with 1225 and 3515. Results: Group 1 Windy "6" 4, Northern Glass 0 (default!. Hams 4, Harold's 0. High Gold 4, Chats 0. Hill s Shoe Store 3, Whalcn's Lucky Six 1. Eby ii Sons 3, Thorn Sheet Metal 1 Bob Parker 2, High Green 2. Group 2 Shcnton's 4, Dally News 0. Fwhlon Footwear 4, Hi-Jack-crs 0. Mlxups 3. Orphans 1. Fowlie Si Ruttle 3, Pushovers 1. Headpinncrs 3, Canada Life 1. Esquire Men's Wear 2, Shamrocks 2. Superior Auto Service Canada's largest selling Motor Oil j . S S O) ; If $ifm tllarvelub; MOTOR OIL 2ea ijour ' . . . for Ja( All Styles and Colors as low as '$1:95 Fashion Footwear ""VC HUvr ou" IMPERIAL 1 f&W L NORTHLAND DAW ffS--flW Arti:W rtffft'W twrftlP dtttlftcfl9ft 4fIMttttf WOtf ItVtft nadRMM Mwowiwai. Hi-rtuM mm m tmwttm tm mm hW tinw 'i r.' Phone 18 NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN 5-