" I III J l iH'r K j,!t (.an (j.-w Monday, October 26, 1053 . GEORGE DA723 .4 P AUCTIONEER ! Phone Blavb S46 and Red It) llliile lujjian liJoman aCej't ,' -. ' ' ' .1 ik, LAUNDRY SERVICE Shirt Ironed PRESS-WTIILE-YOC-WArr Pickup and Delivery Island Cleaning and Pressing Black 627 744 2nd West (Next to Liquor Store) -r m j " , f J - a ' m t . i . a n : WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 09 Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Dally U 11UVI' - .fr k ,.4 I - VANCOUVER (CP) Mrs Cater- ;ina Jacono Basha, 63, a much-j travelled White Russian, is a woman without a country. Mr- Justice J. V. Clyne has CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOWMEIisi' Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 2r -i. ' . ) At Queen Charlotte Airlines Schedule trips to. Kirimat and Kemano Tuesdays and Saturdays , t Classified Rates n THE DAILY NEWS reiused to interfere with her deportation to Italy. Mrs. Basha, who wants to stay In Canada because "it is so big and I such a small, ill, old woman with only my dog," entered this country last year on an Italian passport issued to her during the lifetime of nor second husband, who was an Italian citizen. Following his- death in 1950, she left Shanghai. China, wher? CFPR RADIO DIAL 1240 KJocycte SPECIAL ON Steel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank ...... $ 55.00 275 Gal. Tank . $ 75.00 375 Gal. Tank $ 90.00 550 Gal. Tank $110.00 8 Prov. Taj Extra Ail tanks made of' 13-gauge steel Industrial Welding Green 884 225 First Avenue BUSINESS And 5 V tSahJect to ChBf) It time 4:30 p n. fly previous giibtirii tion. 8 cenf Dfr word jvr In- dMj' minimum charge 50 ornu. Notices, 60 ftfnxm. Cards of (r,K.s, Df-ath Notice, Ftinral flees. Marriage and Engagement Scunffineuts, $2 00. Display double prlos. CIRCULATION" TODAY 3502 LAST YEAR 3226 PROFESSIONAL No tteiurias 14 BUSINESS PERSONALS I will not accept responsibility " l .'it 35 BOATS AND ENGINES Tnveor ftyndleste of Cnmrii sifted ads inserted Incorrectly she had lived for many years, -nd married Eliis T. Basha, a.i American citizen, in Brazil. Mrs. Basha sought permission' from the courts to remain in this country when Canadian ; Sii r wrong Clarification unlets uon of such errors la received 4 hours of first liuterti-ja. Ltd. and Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd. - T. M. CHRISTIE, Ph. Blue 864 Representative for Prince Rupert, Terrace and Kltlmnt Stewart and Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays Ketchikan Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. r Charter Service it Contract Flying Agents: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phones 476 and 620 18-FT. cabin cruiser, Onan ID-hp. engine, 12-volt lighting system. Bell variable pitch pro-pcllor. Phone Green 469. (254) 12-FT. plywood boat, brand new, with ears. Suit 10-h p. motor. Only SOO. Phone Blue 192. (tfnc) immigration officials informed' her she was to be deported be-' cause her passport expires No- 'vember 4. I LANDSCAPING and gardening Rock walls, rockeries, rock flower boxes, lawns and fences Qardcn Weping Free estimates Phone Red 806. t260pi WE NEED your old tires. For a liberal trade see .KNUTSONS TIRE SALES & SERVICE, 811 Frascr St. Phone Red 548. THF. ELECTRICIAN-D Guyatt House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 th Ave. West Phone Red 165. (265) KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST ' ' Vant ad i replies 'f ore holding replies ifthe following News Superior Court was told the Italian embassy in Oltawa knew' nothing of Mrs. Basha 's case1 and that she would probably not be allowed to land in Italy i because she now is the wife of i an American, from whom she ii estranged. i 527 3rd Ave. Phone 211 36 ROOMS IrOIt RENT ONE light housekeeping and one sleeping room joined)- Suitable for two nwn sharing. Green '. (254) COMFORTABLE,' heated "sleeping room. 338 6lh Ave rl. Black 910. (253p) TWO rooms, furnished and heated. Close in. Blue 433 (253) HOUSEKEEPING room. 4th Ave East. Phone Red 879. 251) PLUMBINO, automata oil heating, Kheet metal work. Phone 543. Call 630 6th West. Letour-oeau. (C) ft o boxes: 807 828 Replies must be oiled for in person Select and Mail Your Overseas Christmas Cards . EARLY! Dibb Printing Co. I IF YOU WANT A ' OINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OH CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Hi. Blue B39, M. J. SAUNDERS WORLD'S FINEST CLEANFtt- FLF.CTROLUX. Phone n;Ue 70 for Parts Sales Service. c KILLED BY TANK i LULWORUI, Errand (CP) A ' Centurion tank on its way to an army exercise accidentally crashed an automobile and killed the car driver, Reginald Gottrell, 63-year-old plumber. j lEl! (OWING EVENTS MONDAY PM. H:(M) Supper Herenade 7:00 Cbo News 7:16 CBC News Roundup i 30 Pacific Pianoforte 8:00 Presenting ... J 8:15 CBC Symphony Orch. 9:00 Pre-Forum Broadcast J. 9:30 Cafe Continental 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News I0:15Provinclal Affairs 10:30 Boh McMnllln Show 1 1 :imi eatlier; Musical MusterplweH ;.1o M.l, mi MUlnlfllt 12:00 -Hlgn-oB TUESDAY AM. 7:00 B. C. Fishermen's Broadcast Mnok-al (iiM-k 7:30 CBC News: Weatber fttrort 7:3.T Munlral ('lurk 8:00 CBC News; Weather 8:10 Here's Bill Oood H:l.i Morning fteiotinnM S:Sll Keronl Album 9:00 BC News and Commentary tl:I.V Musical March-Past :30 Morning Concert I 9:8!) -l ime Uignal 10:00 Morning Visit : ( S Hlderx of the Purple Sane Hl:30 kelNlrfl and ConiMile 10:4& The Jimmy Shields Show 11:00 Your Oood Neighbor Kate Altken 1 1 :1&- Kindergarten of the Air 1 1 ::w Message perl.Ml ll:4ri HcandifmWiin Melodies P.M. l:lm Horn X Years Tl KMin 1:16 CBC News , 1:2S -Interlude . 12:30 B. C. Farm broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 1 :4( Today's Guest 2 :0O B C. tk hool Broadcast 2 :30 Trans-Canada Maunee 3:15 Ket-nrds tnr 'nu 3 45 - Yesterday's Favorites 4:15 The Barney Potto Show 4:30 -The Oriole's Nest 4:45 Bleepytime Storyteller S:imi siimk (siolaliiiiiH Mallse 5:15 International Commentary 5:20 CBC News; Weather Report 5:30 At Home With the LennlcKs 6:55 Have You Heard? - ' . " . V t A . j" I. f ' FOR- RENT Room to share. ,Mrn only. Red 471. (249) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. ,0. Furk, atone Building. Red .93. (20m vVILFORD Electrical Works? Mo tors boucht, sold, rewound and repaired. ' (tf) I M v.- 37 KOO.rfS A.SO rtOAKD 4iidian Ifuwa card party, ,r 28. 1 -4 jits. Cubs, parents and i, ds party, St. Andrew's HMral. Friday. Oct. 30, 7:30 i.iAll welcome. I -- - - wul Auxiliary Halloween 01. 31. H. G. HELGERSON LUStTEDl, ''' REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 90, Evenings Black 891 3 : ROOM aiTd board for working man in private home. Phone Red 140. (249) Luxury Stecmer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 pm. For KETCHIKAN DRESSMAKING and alterations. Reasonable. Apply 2110 11th St. ,267) ROOM and board for working man. 536 6th Ave. E. 250pl ti.nlian LckIoii Ladles' Aux-t Fall Hazaar,- Nov. 4. 41 -r nit ' MAGAZINES, Uuveie. News SUutd. fcddle c) 39 HOMFS FOR KENT 1 ? - i SI Lt .if SCOTT McLARESl CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W Prince Rupert, B.C. ' 1 Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 FOUR- ROOM self - contained -r NEARLY everybody u.ics M. s foi'mT suite, central, fuily furnished. Furniture for sale. Hox 819. DINING PLEASURE WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service 4 l;a Music Trail Concert, -.day, Nuv. 4. - - ft.m.iKC Sale, PR. Business I' utrsMiiiial Women's CHyb, V Open at 9 a m. Opposite i Oiit Shop on 6th St. ti n Aniiual Banquet, Re- Daily News. (251) For reservations write or PAIR of glasses on 8lh St. Own-er please rail at police station (24U) 40 HOMES FOK SALE in 654 I call City or Depot Office, WARTIME four. All newly deco Prince Rupert, B.C. 16 LOST nice Day, Nov. 11, at 1:30 rated, i'hone Green 785. (2511 4r' e 4 V ' 5 I. SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe J PRECISION 5AW FILINC AH Types of Sows Sharpened 1 115 1st Ave. W. Phone BUS 40A Houses Wanted lo Buy ion Remembrance Dav Tnii avrtitncHl ti Ml publithed ot 4tfpUyc4-W Ikt Liquor Cntrat Botri c kf At GtnuMnl WALLET, containing passport and papers, by Dutch Immigrant. Urgently needed. Finder please leave at Daily News. (250p Nov, 11, at 10 p.m. - 0HA. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 13. BY a private party A two-bedroom house, with or without furniture. Box 828, Daily News. (254) t- Today's Stocks of the U F A W.U. Rum- 45 PROPERTY FOR SALE BLUE and grey budgie bird, answers to Pretty Boy Jimmv. Phone Green 42tt... : . . iitpi (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston (Jo. .) !t and Home Cooking Sale, f - --. UE Fall Bazaar, Thurs- November 19, 1053. FLLLY equipped machine shop 19 Help Wtd.Aiale Female and property or building and property, 1st Ave. E., Prince Rupert. Apply Blue 411 after 5 p.m. , (24p) i Fall Bazaar, Friday. No- '." 20. 4 : EXPERIENCED steno with some knowledge of bookkeeping. This Is a permanent position for the right person. Apply in writ 46 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ii Purple Fall Bazaar, Elks J. Nov. 21. ing giving age, marital status , ,r:-,rr, ; - experience and salary expected j OPPORTUNITY for married VANCOUVER American Standard . Bralorne B. R. X. (asked) Cariboo Quart. Cronln Babine Giant Mascot Indian Mines Pioneer Premier Border Privateer Reeves McDonald Sheep Creek Silbak Premier Taku River "... ' 13 3.05 .04 .93 .06 .50 .04 1.50 .05 04 1.45 .5i .11 .03 T.M. Fall Bazaar, Novem- J6. to box 830, Daily News. (249 1 nui n.iug inuii iaj inac rAii . money operating nine self-contained suites. Only small in- Aid Ba- Red Phone jbyterian Ladies' I November 26. vestment needed. (249) 984. Chrlst- "d Church W.A. Moale, Dec. 3. 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER with payrolfex? perience and typing required. Permanent position. Apply In writing giving age, marital status, experience and salary expected to Box 835, Daily News. (251) 47 AUTOMOBILES tiiedral Fall Bazaar, Satur- '50 STUDEBAKER. good condition, new rubber. Phone Blue 639 after 5 p.m. 251p) Vananda 4lVj Spud-Valley (asked) .... .04 Silver Standard .85 Western Uranium 1.10 IURTI1 1941 OLDSMOBILE, radio and heater. Cheap. Phone Bit-more. , , 1 i .? (260pi S Sil-Van .... Dorreen ... Estella .25 .06 s .30 RELIABLE housekeeper, non-drinker. Room and board in exchange for light housekeeping duties in modern home. Box 836, Dally News. (254p) TON-Boin to Mr. and i.f 1 Beaton (nee Mary J'.umi of 784 Thurlow St,, 1940 CHEV. 326 7th East. (250pi Oils A P Con , . 32 SS- CLASSIFIED Central L.educ JltpiBKUROOM. 4irrtR(V 1nd S-Btecl' Home Oil . DIRECTORY 101 7.60 1.00 8.75 .lOVi ARI) op THANKS to ladles Of the Cn.nrrfinnl. sectional suites, carpet 9xl3'i, coffee and two end tables, washing macliine and trillght lamp. All in excellent condition. 1742 2nd Ave. West. Green 2115. (248p) !,. fiiuncil wish to thank all , Class. No. . . . S3 ...47 ...31 ... 3 ARpncles Wonted . . . Automobltpa " " --- V 1r- , ! BLONDIE Treosure Hunt in the Suburbs " ' By CHIC YOUNG , , , 1 1 j .. 1- IF"! ( (wkats'twz brought 1 ? t " BLOt4DlC-l ju in the Ihuhrv--. --sv ' WGKXo:--( i . ,, PpOMrLnVlMD MATTER JXSWEEP.NGS AND LtSGETT3 ' , ! the diamonds) ill have1 I 21'. ( ' FOUND VOUR y s T threw the L caSi -T - 4 : ' ; '.-J . MISSING V7- (JOSIFTTHE j (A. N DIAMOND.')- .2 ;-7 DIAMOND N-OL' -f" OUTOFMyra "VACUUM- KAArA)MWSy C4? C1 fy THE : G,j4 ( ITS IM VP 1 t ,, KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED : By ZANE GREY i ' !'' i'" 1 ISiflf ysgs w BNER TEyet Hove t , ... , By ALCAPP i' EHEAk l, 'J': --'Ki Jwvoo.juub.'? ascot Vrf hi ene... ic-, 1 PfJA- i peb-'fachy , . i.- . TIME what Pip HE VO, Chain! ) FEEuM tf. I rfM ( NOW COWS ON v i 1 W SrK:-f''r:- CLEAN UP THAT OUfj-iziil JK&) :K MflUT VSi sISJ , ... m '00, J 1 Pl !i ' " " ';f ' Okalta Pacific Pete Royal Canadian .... TORONTO Athona .: Aumaque Bevcourt ..... Buffalo Canadian 1 Bicycles. Motorcycles FIVE-PIECE Kroehler sectional mirths 08'4 .11 .34 .16 l iunds for the Over 70 suite, excellent condition. 1742 Bouts and Engines Sft "'na banouct Snd West. Green 2115. (2541 ' ' v' f" Funding Materials 2U Business Ijorntlons 41 Business Pergonals 14 (It) 29A SEWING MACHINES HtitSOAL Lawn nv,t..n t,,m JALES, Repairs Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 804. . (O C M & S 25.00 Conwest 3.86 Donalda .45 East Sullivan 4 lu Giant Yellowknife 8.35 God's Lake 99 Hardrock lOH Harricuna .13 Heva Gold 05 Duvex 30 Joliet Quebec 23 Little Long Lac -46 it FOR SALE MISC. Z t,0K bowls Please pick 'P After Nov. 15 they 'l-W.ied of. Phone T. ' 3oJ. -C.N.R.A., J. Mc- (250) MiHrit0ct- 30- LPn ENCYCLODEADIA Britannica 1951 edition plus two yearbooks. Like new. Box 815, Daily News. (259p) GIRL'S standard bicycle, only used three times, otherwise new, $40. 747 Taylor St. Red 168. (2491 film Boys. Admission $1.00. 1 (251) Lynx Tact AIcnhnli. w.s, .09 1 2 1.60 .37 1.40 .43 pO. Box a Madsen Red Lake .... McKenzle Red Lake Macleod Cockshutt Moneta W'SINRSS PERSONALS Business Opportunities 46 Business Property 44 Cards of Thanks 8 Coming Events 1 Cottages, Campsites 38 Deaths 6 Electrical SO Educational , 17 Engagements 4 For Sale Miscellaneous S'2 For Rent Miscellaneous 33A Found 15 Fuel , 27 Homes for Sale , 40 Homes for Rent , 39 Furniture for Sale 28 Help Wanted Male ., 18 Help Wanted Female 20 Help Wanted Male, Female J Rooms for Rent 88 In Mcmorlain 0 Information Wanted II Listing Wanted ' 43 Lodge Notices"'. 3 Lodge Funeral Notices 7 Funeral Nottdes , 10 Lost ;i. K 18 Marriages . f . . C Music. Art and Dancing 13 Musical Instruments 20 Personnl ....- 13 Property fnf TBale : . . 45 Rooms and Board 37 Salesmen and Agents 21 Hltuntions Wanted Male 24 Situations Wanted Female 25 Swap Trade . . ". S3 Teachers .,.. ... 22 Wanted to Hent 42 Wanted MtMelMuwouR 34 Negtis U Mour cla.fie ad in this Noranda 64.35 at th. v; rut it r-""uiHli:ui BIX Louvlcourt STILL a good selection of popular records on sale for 6()c at Rupert Radio & Electric- (25(li McCLARY combination range, good condition. Green 697. (251) SMALL-SIZE office safe. Can be seen at 712 2nd Ave. ( 253 VP iut o con- . UJ3 cost 15 $1.35 1 1 t.i u a $lsn .lonsecuuve days And remember, you l'lu,ne TJaili your "ur aas J-st call (tf-nc) .13! i 1 18 .36 .161:. 465 6.50 75 -37 'a 1.70 .26 1.54 1.93 Pickle Crow Petrol Oil & Gas New Senator Shciritt Gordon .. Steep Rock Silver Miller Sweet Grass Oils .. Golden Manltou .. Latidover Oils Riit Athabasca Nesbitt Labine E,nal m; WOOD and coal stove, Fawcett. Phone Green 183. t25U) S4 WANTEIJ MISCELLANEOUS jwii V; '" "'),'s for Mining, i nvllie I.s!andi Vanc3U. i: at) T Co Ltd fCanatJlan Ll1ul CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (c) Kriegspiel is a scientific game of German origin hi which war tactics are imitated on a small ROOM and board for working .nn nnn.HHnU, Clnio ill ifhone8 Storage V- scale. Box 834, Dally News. (25i) For action try Classifieds to Nain Hunters Are Bagging Their Limits Here ... . Season Never Closes 1 5 l