,.4 SELF-CONFESSED IilkOSN USES! SENTENCED -.t..jtav -I I y 4 t- - iCoiitiaued I torn t-dSf served consecutively ilt previous ventence on tt' count. It was the.! that Pah. looking through the keyhole he leave he asked him not to open saw a hand at the wash basin i the door. hoi. 'Ing the eyedropper, a sleeve ' I told him to wait," Paine said. said he couldn't agree with Re-check's story about the blood test and that if he had wanted to get ! Walls Wears Big Time lolled up on an arm and a right "I took one half nf the 'can' anT pa-py from the rtnm habit hi maBinuaw: v mice 11 ne COl hand resting on a forearm. He ' wailed for it to hit me.' Then I would have left the bathroom in-also saw the injection equip-; look the other half ." 1 stead of standing and watching X f . unaer cross examination fame eaine take a nx. Me louna ite- merit re-wrapped in toilet tissue and again hidden behind the un Civs ! . fsfiiii i0 UVci Layii -vn e seni io me b.u. Penitents "They have set up a nyi: cure guys," Payne said, "i to get off the habit and my only chance. They nothing at Oakaila," i)e bitterly. check guilty as charged. , After Paine had been sentenced he told court that he had led a terrible life since he had first said that he didn't offer Recheck a 'fix.' OWNED PARAPHKNALIA "During the day I had found out that he was 'off the stuff," wash basin. When the two men were accosted and taken back to the bathroom he and his fellow By The Canadian Press taken to the drug habit. He said T 1 T L 01 '7 1 t"a one friend had felt that . i Pa told he ronrt tri him both men. Arms of both men. Paine ne told t the court. I told him ( ,omethin worth- re said, showed signs of recent !t I 'was wired' and that I was! &l "VT" 1 FORD'S FIFTIETH i 2 innnit tn ha l'A a fv ntap T tn H vu. 1 KDMONTON. Canadian heavyweight champion Earl Walls set himself up as a contender for the world boxing title Friday night, knocking out pudgy Hex Layne of Salt Lake City at 1 :03 of the first round in their scheduled 10-round outdoor bout. to for him to to arrange go the, police that night that the paraphenalia was my outfit and injections. Cross examined by Recheck, Const. Harrison said he could not identity whose arm he saw at tha wash basin. a sanatorium where he could be , cured. , . j Later, he said, a newspaper- i man had befriended him and 1 had also hoiied to help him get that, Recheck didn't have a fix. It was bad enough for me to "be on it" without getting him V Testifying under oath for him The tall, rangy Nsgro smashed self. Recheck said that after i started again. , i "'it one tremendous right hand from j BWay 4 pounds to La a 5 i flurry of infighting square to ; favorite . he jaw. Layne fell like wet a j His title nf Pnpnc NortnwPst n ldld, lW"Ch ?ste champion was at stake when he coming down from Tulsequah Brought to the witness stand nine, he had been drinking in a again by the prosecution in re-Prince Rupert beer parlor when I buttal. Const. Jensen stated that ANNIVERSARY SALE 2 Weeks Commend Saturday; June COME IN ANI TKST-Dl OI K I'SI I) ( AKS TIPTOP I r off the drug habit. "However," he said with a wry smile, "before any of this could hnppen, Conj-t Jensen appeared on the scene," After Const. Evans had testified in regards to the break-In at the tobacco store, Paine told the he met Paine. They stayed to . ... UKu im,.u uic flred h,s bj5 bJow V ihere was no doubt in his mind that the marks on the arms of both men were caused by recent i.uuni, gether on the night of June 23. e had met Paine again In a m i S " If i itifeiti null f The front rows of a crowd of beer parlor and had returned to injections. He said that. Paine "I won that one for Canada," he said in his dressing: room. "1 hit him with a left hook anil a straight right hand." WII.LA McGl'IRE, world water-ski champion, and Kathy Darlyn, Florida citrus queen, turn on a curve in a double slalom run and churn up white-topped waves at Cypress Gardens, Fla.. nearly 10.000 surged over collapsing press tallies as Wall's hand was raised in victory. Foi Walls it was the start of Paine's room. Paine left, and had told him that the paraphen-after a short time Recheck left alia was his but considered that the room to go to the bathroom. I hr was merely trying to protect Outside the door he met Paine ; Recheck. !he biir time. His promise to The blow could be heard bilng Edmonton a world title . ciooviu tu ,ii , end they entered the bathroom Asked if he had anything fur-i together. !ther to say, Recheck told Mag- 'TOOK TWO SHOTS listrate Vance that he didn't know what the outl'ome of the - "When I was ready to leave,", SPORTS ROUND-UP By GALE TALBOT Condition Guoronte Bob Parker ll court he had to steal to keep up the drug' habit. He refused to ! state where he bought the heroin ' capsules but admitted that one i cost about $25. Told that the stolen articles from the tobacco ' store were valued at $183 he said that he "had peddled the stuff wherever he could for ! about S25." He pleaded guilty to the breaking and entering charge. Magistrate Vance sentenced him to a year in prison to be ; i could place the city in line with it came as Layne, coming out Toronto and Montreal as a box- i of a crouch, stepped toward ing centre. Walls, his gloves high. Walls. 25, stepped into pro j Layne never saw the glove as ranks from his hometown of, it moved, landing on the right Windsor, Ont., and has been i cheek to topple him over on his fighting out of Edmontoh for the : back. last year. Weighing 192. he gave j The Mormon Bully Boy, who he told the court, "Paine stuck; a ""i urc iun uk his hand under the wash basin he had had c'uUc a battle on his NEW YORK (AP) It came as a painful ex-land m-odueed the namnhenniin ihands SERVICE STATION "The Home of friendly 9 M.KRIDK at SECOND A the satisfaction of i- ' ii. r i...ir kneu.' u-hnt va n-nc oninw rfrt' "I have ing," he told the bench, I i , - ., , . , , , . , i"nd said, 'Oh, oh. Let me outi""01 of here.' Paine said don't open tnat slr"'e 1 lert Drln 1 have th. ritvir Thio ur.t t.u been able to keep away from holds victories over former champions Jersey Joe Walcott and Ezzard Charles, said afterward he expected the loss to move him out of ratings as a ranking contender for the world heavyweight to learn tnai meir uioi, casey Stengel, couidn t take it any better than the next manager when his club w ent into its protracted losing streak. The boys were stunned when j Big Trout Near Record minute. Paine took two shots ! tiruKf! and but for tnls Incident: and then put the stuff away II would have bppn back at my was only let out of prison lnjjob at tne mine and away from April alter a drug conviction and ! e""" Thinking of OIL HEAT? Investigate ui uase siammea me aoor on face(j Anything ' Ducky could 1'v.iuwii. first h h hif "ui, :l naa.Kepl. 011 turrand1No alternative mem alter aropping tne game of the series In Boston !.- ,.. ' !MMU lo slay 011 . Kecneck and then refused even to talk ' cj,) in summing up, magistrate Recbeclr tniH ..f v,. i Vance said that he had no alter- the marks on his arm were theinative b"tto a"',Pt the evidence lUKUNTO CP-Jack Oldfield of Layne currently is rated as nearbv Bolton recently caught a Piehth contender. Hj pick-d up speckled trout in Thor lake, north 30 per cent of the gate or $:o 000 of Sudbury, which may set a j whichever was greater, and a Canadian record for 1953. promiae of a rcmatch with, 6Q The fish, caught with a small days at Salt Lake City Walls red-eye higgler, weighed 7 mcKed up 20 per cent. The take pound? when weighed by offi-'lWas not announced, cials of the Ontario department, Onlv a half-dozen blows were of Const. Jensen who was an ex- result of a blood test he had He taken in Ketchikan ,hi. hi, " narcotics mauers way aown to Prince Rupert from ' Tulsequah." The doctor un there 1 1 BASEBALL Vv LTHE NEW, DIFFERENT P ' landed- Walls came out fighting that w was after u it had u twen with them when he finally did emerge. Prior to that, talking had been Casey's strong point. No pilot in history ever enjoyed a more idolatrous press than Stengel has had in the last four seasons while his Bombers were running roughshod over the American League. It does seem, at that, that he might have taken his first brush with adversity in better grace. Casey's relations with the press may never again be quite the same. and OIL HEATING SYSTEv Hollywood In Slight Lead Hollywood is a half game in front Saturday in the Pacific Copz-t League r.ce Bfter nosinp out Sacramento for the fourth straight night, 3-2. Los Angeles knocked over Seattle in the Rainiers' park, 2-0. The Angels got a masterful at the bell, moving in close to score with long left jabs. Layne stunned Walls with a gutted and gilled. Oldfield estimates it weighed 82 pounds i wncn cr-ught SAVES SPACE! SAVES OPERATING EXPENSE! AT TERRACE CANCELLED for SUNDAY, JULY 5th moping ngnt ana smashed a had made two marks, he said. H; asserted that he. hadn't taken drugs since he left prison and had come north to get away from the temptation in Vancouver. During cross examination by Mr. Brown, Recheck said that he didn't hold a match for Paine to heat the capsule or anything He tust watched. The world record for sDwk erf 1 t v,. i.u SAVES INSTALLATION COSTS! Rossoe "Contour-Heating" Incorporates a new baseboard t! of low velocity register, designed for outerwall installation , . , , ji ouun julb i.u nie tan- rZ-TVS. r' WhPn D- adian tier's mid-section his Cooke of Fort William pulled one only solid blows weighing 141,5, pounds from the. Walls won the Canadian title N. nit on river. Last year's larg- from Bern Escoe in 1952. Most est in Ontario weighed eight of his wins have come by either S ?yI nC f Prt He was stopPed three time" in Arslr.:: m tho Nipigon. , bouts in the United States. Baseball men are saying that Pishing performance from Ed die Chandler who had not been Brought back into court to tes the Ralph Kiner-Hank Sauer bring greater comfort, larger area available for modern livt: able to stick around to the fin-jtify on Recheck's behalf G?orge combination of Chicago Cubs is League Play Resumes Tl'ESDAY 6:45 p.m. at Prince Rupert GORDON & ANDERSON vs COMMERCIALS ..-.i in i., jiit-viuun games. raiuc spoKe SWlltlV and freelv Describing the and greater heating economy. NO MORE DRAFTS! "Contour-Heating" automatically prevents all direct air bla caused by conventional registers. Instead, a gentle flow v-nthroom of his hotel he said 1 1 "Wl wnen Recheck wanted to i Yankees Blank Athletics; Braves Nudge Dodgers heat is distributed evenly throughout the home. No mor ct 1 the greatest one-two punch baseball has seen since Johnny Mize and Ducky Medwick were ranging up on pitchers for St. Louis Cardinals back in 1937. The comparison is flattering to the Cubs' pair. Medwick hit .374 that year and hammered 31 home runs. Mize's figures were .364 and 25. Pitchers who suffered at the hands of Medwick recall him as the most phenomenal hitter they ever floor drafts! No more cold corners ' Your home is litera Vr' Dale Long's home run over the right field fence In the sixth inning after Tommy fiaf-ftll had singled and stolen second was the payoff blow for Hollywood. San Diego evened its series against San Francisco at two games each by downing the Seals. 8-3. Three Seal errors contributed to their downfall. Red Adams registered his seventh win of the season as he hurled Portland to a 5-1 decision over Oakland. Red gave seven hits but no two in any one inning after the first. 1 ; il wrapped in a blanket of warmth. Con Be Installed in Old Buildings As Well as New Place Your Heat Where Needed Most with the Nrw "Contour-Heating" OIL HEAI v and SIDING WORK IM-xleiipil mill X :l ri r iKt l r-it liv KiitwH- Mfe. Co. I. III.. Ihr I'"1" NurtliuiM'M I-hi-riM M.Hiir;MiiirtrM ir limit? llenthiK .iiiliiim' wif h Bv BEN PHLEGAR ' Associated Pres Sports Writer The old baseball legend says the major league teams out in front after today.'s games will win the pennants, but what's in store for the last-place clubs? The record books don't hold much hope at all for the cellar-dwelling Detroit Tigers. Things are only slightly brighter for the lowly Pittsburgh Pirates. Fivn times in the seven full seasons since the end of the Second World War the American League team in last place on July 4 was still there when It was all over in the fall. The Iwo exceptions were St. Louis Browns of 1949 and 1950 who scrambled up to seventh. In the National League the record shows three out of seven stayed In the basement; the Pirates of- 1947 tied for last after being last all by themselves on the Fourth, and three teams escaped. The most sensational rise, of rourse, was that of the 1914 Braves, last to first between July 4 and the season's end. The Braves of today, who now call Milwaukee home, may be in a position this time to test the "first on the Fourth, first at the end" legend. They walloped Cincinnati 11-1 Friday and climbed within a single eame of the idle Brooklyn Dodgers. The Dogers meet the Pirates twice today while Milwaukee entertains the Redlegs for two more. ..The third-Dlace St TnnU Martell Sets Tourney Pace QUEBEC if' Veteran Henry Martell of Edmonton Highlands loomed today as a possible threat for the Canadian Professional Golfers Association championship on the strength of a practice-round four-under-par 68. A COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES AMI TYPES TO Sl'IT YOl'R SEE!) DUROID Major League Leaders Bv The Canadian Pross Before lndiilling Oil Heat, It Will Pay Yon Tu liivi-slifi.il1 Colour-Fast Shingles and Siding "Contour-Heating" Exclumve Distributors for B C. NATIONAL An v The tall, smooth-hitting golfer II Pet. f'VlT tlROyal ischoendienst. WESTERN HEATING 306 61 106 .316 224 49 75.335 semUfinals ox the Canadian 1 ri,; 0,. 4 Carasiwere swamped by Chicago aruf.hamplonship there in Baumholtz, Chi "?35 37 fftfjn ;.'....... . .-. ..IFurillo. Bku, - 229 36 74 .52 Phone Phaser 1V I 23 LIMITED r(i:tH Camliie !t., Vancouver, B.C. Myn. i l I'OX TOIMV fok I t l.l. , Ml OIII.KUTION aifli ten it .n.uic wtia me urst 01 Thomson NY 282 37 90 .319 KTICI l.uts cubs 10-3 and four-place Philadelphia , thumped New YoiJi Giants, 5-1. New York Yankees won their second straight. 4-0 over Phili- Our firm, your LOCAL contractor, has been -named an APPROVED APPLICATOR for DUROID PRODUCTS Our PRICES and INSTALMENT PAYMENT PLAN are competitive with ANY outside contractor. See us now for free estimates on application of DUROID color-fast, durable shingles and siding for YOUR house. GREER & BRIDDEN (Um-oI Denier Franchises Openi HI Western licatine Ltd., 5G38 Camhle St., Vancouver, B.C. inursaays leisurely rounas by most of the 50-odd entrants whose warm-up was interrupted by a driving late-day rain. The rain was expected to make the greens lightning fast for a friendly four-ball competition in which professionals will team with amateurs from Quebec district. Forty-seven pro-amateur teams will tee off. The 54-hole medal play cham Send me, without obligation, particulars about your hp i "Contour-Heatinj;." Runs: Schoendienst. 81. . Runs batted in: Bell, Cincinnati, and Mathews, Milwau-i kee. 66. Hits: Schoendienst, 106. j Doubles: Baumholtz, 21. Triples: Bruton, Milwaukee, 7. Home runs: Kluszewski, Cincinnati, 24. Stolen bases: Bruton, 14. Pitching: Burdette, Milwaukee, 7-9. 1 000; Smith, Cincinnati, 5-0, 1.000. Strikeouts: Roberts. Philadelphia, 91. AMERICAN AB R H Pet. NAME I Babe Zaharias : Coming Back , TAMPA, Fla. (AP) Women golfers who play for pay were given notice today that Babe Dldrikson, greatest of them all, is coming back. Mrs. Zaharias. who recently underwent a cancer operation, said "I'm going to lick this - thing" and announced she will play in the Tarn O'Shanter tour-. nament to be held in Chicago Jater in the summer. , , The greatest U.S. woman ath- ' lete of the century returned to her Tampa home during the week-end an disclosed Thursday ; that she is playing golf daily to strengthen her legs for the big ; tournament. ; She said she played five holes ' Tuesday, seven Wednesday and , " nine Thursday. She carded a 37 for the nine hnle.s she played at the Tampa Golf and Country Club. Kell, Bos Vernon, Wash Sudcr. Pha Umphlett, Bos Rosen, Clev 212 37 72 .340 285 46 93 .326 256 27 83 ,3?4 222 23 71 .320 261 44 83 .318 delphia. A's and Cleveland stayed six games behind by whipping Detroit Tigers 8-'2. Washington defeated Boston 9-4 with each side guilty of four errors. Everybody by Eddy Mathews got a hit as the Braves snao-ncd an eight-game losing spell. Jim Wilson stopped the distance-hitting Redlees on four hits., but one was Ted Klusze-wski's 24th home run of the season, giving him the league lead. Bases on balls killed Cards' chances at Chicago. Four walks interspersed with an error and four singles produced seven runs for the Cubs in the eighth. Randy Jackson hit two homo runs with the bases empty and a single with the bags full. Whitey Ford had one of his better days for the Yankees. The young southpaw, who has an excellent 9-2 record despite ,some mediocre performances, gave up Just two singles to the A's who hit only seven balls past the Infield. He struck out three and walked four. Frank Shea won his seventh game against one defeat as the Senators won a ragged contest at . Boston. The Red Sox committed three errors on the first four Dlavs of thp came pionship, which Pat Fletcher of Saskatoon will defend, startf today with an 18-hole round Two rounds will bs played Sunday. A dozen or so post-entries arrived to swell the 33-man field announced earlier this week. The post-entries Included Fletcher, Gord Byrdson of Toronto Mississauga, the 1948 champion; Jim Swarbrick of Montreal Marlborough, Bob Cunningham of Toronto, George Harrison of Sudbury and Ray Marshall of Arnprior, Ont. Fletcher and Stan Leonard of Vancouver, four times winner, arrived Thursday and both shot a onc-under-par Zt on the first nine. Leonard took a six on the par-4 first liole but quickly recovered. 3 Runs: Mantle, New York, 60. Runs batted in: Rosen. 60. Hits: Kuenn, Detroit, 97. Doubles: Kell, 21. Triples: Minoso and Rivera, Chicago, and Jensen, Washington. 6. Home runs: Rosen, 20. Stolen bases: Rivera, 13. . Pitching: Lopat, New York, 8-1, .889. Strikeouts: Pierce, Chicago, 75. LIMITED . I I "DiiEss -Phone I 909 ' 215 First Ave. West I I phone '. -J 'former Champ Seeks Divorce SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Mrs. Ethel Catherwood Mitchell, for-i m?ly of Saskatoon and 1928 ' Canadian Olympic champion, . Thursday filed suit for divorce from her husband, Byron. She . Charged extreme cruelty and adultery. Mrs. Mitchell, 47, won the -women's high jump for Canada at the games and was described in accounts of the event as "the "" most beautiful woman at the 1828 Olympics." 'She married Mitchell, a former University of California - rowing star, in 1932. A Full Line of... TENNIS EQUIPMENT THE SPORT SHOP Al Rosen hit his fourth home run in four games for Cleveland as the Indians turned on the Tigers .who had beaten them two in a row. The consecutive-game home-run hitting record Is six. One man was aboard when Rosen connected. Early Wynn scattered six hits in posting his eighth victory against five losses. Representatives Richard Sephton, District Agent, 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. R. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert, B.C., Will Robinson (E. T. Kcnney Ltd.) Representative, Terrace, B.C.' I -v.