provincial! tlBHASTt LIBRARY J t-oqVISSIAI. r" 113 163 t--:t 3154 VlCTOP.IAt B. C. a OMORROW'S -TIDES Bmiiliiy. July 5, 19M ,Pariric SUrdard Time) r,:14 15.9 feet 1 20:28 19 5 feet. Daily Delivery r NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII. No. 153 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENT8 2:10 5.7 feet 14:00 7.7 leet i Phone r? lif? if aX.,. ji' n 0 " Jv - l l,i dug V- . f r t "' ' 11 " inmMiiin.m.njiiiiim'1' ' ---j ""f f - , -""''-'' r at r... 1 U.S. Pilots Shoot Down 23 MG's Plea For Longer Sentence Refused By DICK AYRES A drama of drugs and heroin addicts was climaxed in city police court yesterday afternoon when a self-confessed user of heroin asked to be sent to the B.C. Penitentiary for two years instead of the 18 months in Oakalla prison farm to which he had been sentenced a few moments before. wiTurW jMi- i ii inr it By Tlie Anaociiited Press SEOUL. The U.S Air Stormy Crossing George Paine, Jr., 27, of Prince j Force reported today that not one U.S. Sabre jet was shot down this week in aerial combat which conclusion of the trial. This morning, after considering Paine's request. Magistrate Rupert, told Police Magistrate W. D. Vance he would prefer to go to the penitentiary for the S 'I IMI. ( ANU)I VN NAVY'S aircraft carrier Magnificent rolls through rought wan as she crosses lie Atlantic after taking part In a seven-week and the Spithead Coronation naval review. The carrier's aircraft were snugged close to the pitching deck. Arrival in Halifax of the Coronation squadron, accompanied by the Australian carrier Sydney, brought the . heaviest oncentration of naval strength In Canadian history. Vance said there was nothing longer period "because a program i 1 i - - V . li cost the Reds 22 MiG jets destroyed, one probably destroyed, and two dam 624 Candidates Nov Entered he could do. Paine, he said, should have made his plea before passage of the second sentence. He would have to serva the 18 months in Oakalla. j Paine, charged Jointly with Rex Recheck of Tulsequah, with possession of drugs, pleaded guilty to the charge yesterday of rehabilitation for drug addicts had been instigated there whereas at Oakalla there was nothing." Paine, who had pleaded guilty to possession of drugs and also to a breaking and entering charge had been sentenced to six months in prison, plus a fine of $200 or in default an extra three months' Imprisonment. On aired in the air ove Korea. n Race For 265 Co mmons Seats Six Allied aircraft were down Official nominations close; each elect two members. ed by Red groundfire and one B-26 bomber was lost to other causes, probably engine failure. ihc f'cld of candidates un " Auk. 10 Dominion election H'tu d 6-4 today. It was shown the second count he had been sentenced to 12 months in jail, morning before Maglstrat. Vance and was remanded foi sentence until the afternoon. Recheck pleaded not guilty and was tried at the afternoon court sitting. Beginning at midnight. Allied an unofficial compilation uy ( Canadian Press. shells ripped Into Communist bringing to 265 the number of members to be elected. There were 262 seats at stake in 1949 and 245 in 1945, the increase thts year being brought about by two successive 'redistribution acts. to run consecutively 'with the previous sentence. He made his request after the Monday, July 1j. in 21 constituencies which cover large, thinly-populated areas. The closing date Is Monday, July 27, in the other 242. Two of the 263 constituencies Halifax In Nova 8cotia and Queens In Prince Edward Island Indications are that the final Dositlons and continued at intervals all through the day. al will top the 1949 figure of South Korean troops who lost ; Other Man Also Gets Six Months it and may surpass the record 954. sot in 1945. Lookout Mountain on the east central front Friday made no Liberal government candidates lead In the nominating called RCMP Constable Jensen race with 229 candidates in 228 seats. In one, Glengarry-Pres Despite pleas by both Recheck and Paine, who were not represented by counsel, that Recheck, a former convicted drug addict, had not taken "a fix" on the late afternoon of June 24, Mag to the witness stand. Const. Jensen said that he and Constable Harrison of the RCMP narcotics squad had maintained a watch on a bathroom in a eott in Ontario, there are two OX HER 102.M) BIRTHDAY, pipe-smoking Mrs. Jennie Majaury, great-great-great grandmother from Lanark, Ont., enjoys her first plane ride at Carp, Ont. She described the 15-minute flight as "absolutely wonderful." The plane was piloted by Jack Ralph, president of the Kingston flying club. new attempts to retake the hill. The 3rd RoK Division has been fighting for a week to drive Chinese Reds off the mountain. Rain and heavy clouds grounded most warplanes, but eight B-29 bombers dropped loads on Liberals in the field. Each was chosen by a party nominating istrate Vance found Recheck convention. downtown hotel-rooming house. They had observed the bathroom There are 189 Progressive Red ariillery positions south of Conservative candidates, 116 Pyongyang on the central front CCF, 19 Social Credit, two inde EARLY-MORNING STROLLER OBTAINS BIRDS-EYE VIEW MILWAUKEE (API Out for on early-morning cooling stroll the man observed a strange-looking vehicle prowling along the curb of his residential street. He drew into the shadows to watch the mysterious goings-on and find out whether anything sinister was afoot. Just then the city forestry crew turned on full power of lis spray wagon which is making the rounds of the city to treat curbslde elm trees. The observer, squarely in the target area, Is likely to be safe from Dutch elm disease for some time. ncL near Kumsong. guilty and sentenced him to six months in prison, plus a fine of $200 or in default an additional three months. . However, no sooner had the drug case been disposed of than Paine was charged with breaking and entering the Grotto Tobacco Rhee-Robertson Meet Again ToJry to Reach Agreement pendents,, one candidate wno calls himself a Christian Liberal and one Independent Liberal. At Sniper Ridge on the central front, the Chinese suffered about 100 casualties in a five- hour probing attack against Al lied positions. UN defenders emerged that "I had a discussion which I feel will be help SEOUL (AP) Truce emissary Walter Robertson hinted today store, 634 Third Street, June 19 and removing cigarette lighters, threw back the assault with The Communist Labor-Progressive party Is fielding the largest number of candidates since it was organized during the Second World War with 87 nominated, lis total may reach 100 bv nomination day. It ran the I that he and President Syngman machine guns and grenades from the transom of a room across the corridor. Prior to taking up observation the witness said, he had found hidden behind the wash basin the bathroom an eyedropper, a burned spoon and a hyperdermic needle. They had been wrapped in toilet tissue, he said and after examing them he had returned them to the hiding place. Between 4 and 5 p.m. on June 24 ' he and Const. Harrison had seen two men enter the bathroom together. He identified the men as the accused Rex Recheck and George Paine, who had pleaded guilty in the morning court sitting. Paine was absent from Recheck's trial at request of the prosecution. At 10 candidates in 1949 and 68 8th Army said. A Communist battalion hit briefly on the east side of eer Ridge, then withdrew. An Allied patrol west of Finger Rhee may have found a way around the deadlock which has stalemated efforts to win South Korean support of an armistice. Robertson conferred for an hour and 25 minutes with Rhee and told newspaper men as he In 1945. ! I i: watches and cigarettes to the value of $183. Told it was an indictable offence Paine was given the option of summary trial by the magistrate or appearing in County Court and electing either speedy trial or trial by jury. He pleaded guilty before Magistrate Vance and was sentenced to 12 months in prison. In the Recheck trial. Crown ful In reaching a satisfactory solution." He declined to elaborate, but said he planned to see the South Korean president again. This was his eighth conference with Rhee. South Korea's foreign minister Pyun Yung Tai told reporters Rhee has not modified his demand for a 90-day time limit on a post-armistice political conference. If unification of Korea is not achieved In 90 Ridge fetl back after briefly engaging an enemy company. Prosecutor T. W. Brown, QC, first Weather May Help Fishermen Highest price for halibut sold on the exchange during the past Police Took Turns Watching Men days, Rhee Insists, the U.S. must agree to resume the war. Const. Jensen said that he and . ope and taken to Vancouver where they were tested by H. I. Robertson has rejected Rhee s demand, a high UN source said, and the resulting stalemate has three davs was 19.1 for both Const. Harrison took turns peering through a keyhole of the mediums and large on July 2. Some 180.000 pounds of halibut bathroom which they .had un Edwards, Dominion government analyist. - The report, produced In eourt and shown to Recheck, stated that the equipment contained a from Canadian vessels were plugged earlier in the afternoon. VOLUNTEER LUMBER, AID GIVEN NEW LITTLE LEAGUE A preliminary game In the scheduled Little League baseball season planned in Prince Rupert got underway this afternoon, when the Section 2 Wildcats met the Conrad Street Sockeyes at Roosevelt Park. Later this afternoon present players and those boys aged 8 to 13 years wishing to play will be registering at the Civic Centre between 3 utiiJ 5 p.m. Hie opening gamft of the Little League series Is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday at Algoma Park. Work on the park begins this weekend when volunteers will start getting the ground In shape and erect a backstop. Lumber for the backstop has been urranged by mill manager W. C. R. Jones of Columbia Cellulose. Northwest Construction Company carpenters have volunteered to construct the backstop. It is expected the ground will be graded and levelled by the Parks Board before Wednesday. During his observation he said with ! small amount of heroin. he saw Recheck there traded on that day. I amlings July 2 Pioneer III, lAmerl threatened to wreck the talks. Robertson. Eisenhower's envoy, talked for a few seconds with newspaper men outside Rhee's hilltop mansion before he drove away. He declined to say whether an agreement was near. However, his statement stir ran) 35.00(1. 19, 18. 14. ('old Stor 1 ';,v Paine, saw an arm fill the eyedropper with water. He returned to the room opposite and Const. Harrison watched for a minute or two. age: Pacific Belle, 52,000. 19.1. The two accused, when arrested, were in a relaxed state, such as Is common to drug addicts when under the influence ; of heroin, said Const. Jensen. . A search of Paine's room revealed nothing, he told the court. 19.1, 14; Mlna H. 63.000. 18.8, 18 8 14. Pacific Fisheries; Hopewell. 20.000, 19, 18.6. 14, Royal; Melville, 45.000, 19. 186. 14, Atlin red Immediate speculation that his expected early departure for Washington would be delayed while he explored a possible new solution to the crisis. Foreign Minister Pyun at- Const. Harrison told the court that during the time he was Five Princes with 35,000 pounds sold to Co-op. When the two men left the bathroom Const. Jensen said that he and his fellow policeman accosted the pair and returned with them to the bathroom. There they seized the injection paraphenalta from behind the wash basin and they examined July 3 Betty L. 31.000, 18.8. 18 1 14, Atlln; Cape Beale, 40,000 18.8, 18.3, 14. Cold Storage; Joan 1 tended today's session. Ann ! while he Insisted that Rhee has not softened his demands, he added: I "The very fact that we are ' 37.000. 18.6, 18.2, 14, Cold Stor Prosperity Key To Immigration Asserts Harris age, wales island no. i soio 20.000 pounds of black cod to Co-op. the arm. of both men. Const. J.'nsen said arms of both men pnowed signs of recent ? kLx'J i Socreds Win ! 2 More Seats VANCOUVER r Social Credit won two more seats, Vancouver Centre and Nelson-Creston, Friday night as returns trickled in from the count of alternative choices in the June 9 provincial election. still continuing the discussions I proves that the talks are not See SELF-CONFESSED Page 4 WEATHER Forecast North Coast Region: Considerable cloudiness In the southern part, otherwise mostly clear today. Clouds with sunny intervals Sunday. A little wanner Light winds. Lows tonight and highs Sunday: At Port Hardy, 50 and 65; Prince Rupert, 50 and 70. July 3 Lois N. 50.000, 18.6, 18, j hopeless." 14. Pacific. Signal sold 45.000 to Co-op. A fisheries department of flrlai injections . He said he had seen similar marks of injection by drug addicts nearly every day of his six years on the narcotics squad. The eyedropper, spoon and needle were sealed in an envel- Pyun is Rhee's closest adviser and is a bitter opponent of a truce on terms negotiated fit Fanmunjom. He has called repeatedly for a march to the said today gillnctters' catches should pick up with improved IMINai.ii KU(lMi;il, who's only 4'2. 1" beginning to nail down a "'"Ml job early. Youngest of four generations of carpenters in his family, Donald daily has taken lunch pall In hand and gone off t'Mvoik with his dad, Donald Sr., 34. general superintendent of Precision Housing Corp., Cleveland. Here, Donald Sr. teaches ""iialil Jr. how to use the rule and saw. Young Don's a regular bii,7wiw on the Job, quickly picking up tricks of the trade from other workers. He refuses to go home in the afternoons for naps. weather conditions. A few chums Yalu River to unify Korea. arc going up the Naas River, he said, but sockeye catches from TORONTO Kfi Immigration minister Harris said Friday night the Immigration policy of the Liberal government is to bring Immigrants into Canada at the time they are needed and in the numbers in which they are needed. Speaking at a York-Humber riding election campaign meeting, he said the flow of immigrants depends on the economic Times Says U.S. May Ship both the Naas and the Skeena have been light. With a total of 23, Premier W. A. C. Bennett's 'Social Crediters need only two more seats, a virtual certainty, to form a working majority. The party is leading In six of the seven seats still In doubt and the CCF leads in one. Meanwhile, the premier re Surplus Food to East Germany SPECIAL PLANE FLIES RUPERT BASEBALL TEAM TO KETCHIKAN One Word, But these organizations had beei At the same time they would turned from a Toronto party climate of the day. II times were good and capital investment was It Tells Story conference. ' Membn-s of Prince Kupcrt's ed here al. 6:45 Tuesday at c o u i Q be i heavy, immigrants h ,wirB,i u it. Jmrin't heenlbrought into the country. 111 -Star baseball team left this j Roosevelt Park. "iwiilng by special piuue flown I Members of the team making the trln and friends were 11(11 for the opposition of many poll-1 Due to the relative prosperity tical writers, our victory would of Canada and the flow of capl-have been greater." tal into the country, there was Counting continued of June 9; no longer much migration of to the United S ates Canadians election ballots in the undecided '"w" by Ellis Airlines so that 'i" locals could fulfill their en- t:H!'Pnicnf , t...t.n NEW YORK (CP) The New York' Times In a dispatch from Bonn today said United States government agencies in Washington and Bonn are considering a plan to ship huge quantities of surplus foodstuffs to East Germany. The government-owned surplus includes butter, wheat, meat, dried beans and other foodstuffs. Through such shipments, the plan authors would try to capitalize on the situation created in East Germany by the work Smibcrg, Don Scherk, Sid Scherk Jerry Ford, Ralph Endridge approached and their consen obtained. Whether the plan sponsor were convinced that Russia: authorities would permit th U.S. to ship food for purpose of psychological warfare agalns Soviet control and domlnatloi also was not clear. Backers of the plan pointer out that if the Russians re fused to permit the shipments they would stand accused o wilfully starving the East Ger mans for political reasons. seek to Improve Chancellor Kon-rad Adenauer's chance of winning the forthcoming West German elections by associating him directly or indirectly with the move to alleviate the critical food shortage in East Germany. The authors hope that the plan would not only embarrass the Soviet authorities but also would contribute further to undermining their control. The foodstuffs would be distributed through religious organizations in East Germany but it was not yet clear whether ILJ.i -"" " jiiujr rvcwniMiu io- "v uou uiiiioi row as part of the i Gordon Cameron, Fred Christen- as hi the past. In Norway, a monunment was recently unveiled Inscribed with just one word "No." The word proclaims the spirit of resistance during the Nani occupation. And you can also say big "No" to everyday problems through Classified ads! No vacancies, no help shortages, no job-worries, when Want Ads enter the picture! For an ad-writer's able help, phone 748. He said this situation is only sen, James Grey, Larry Mathews Al ' Simundsen. Gordon Ford possible because of the stability the Liberal government has gw Alee and Mrs. Bill. W. Smith Vancouver seats which won't -be decided until next week and the riding of Delta. Latest standing showed: Social Credit 23', CCF 13; Labor 1; Liberals 3; and Progressive Conservatives 1. CCF leads in one seat. an CUy.g Fourtn of JuIy ''Hrations. Due to several members of the 'sntilres baseball club being l.i-''"aed on the All-star team, "morrow's scheduled game be-ween Esquires and Terrace has i e" cancelled and will be play- Nick Pavllkis. dunnard Ander en during the last seven years and because of the safe features surrounding investment In Can ers' uprising June 17, The Times son. N. Pavlikls left by the Prince George Thursday but will said. . ada, return with the rest of the team.