Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, July 4, 1953 RiiMacI to :hnr " ilv ' 4 M t V . - Costl Repairs I ANTKRBUIt Y", England (CP) The historic Churches Preserva-i lion Trust. inauurated by the Archblt;hop of Canterbury at the j end of la-st year, has set a target of 4,000.000 in the next 10 years for essential repair work on 10.000 of Britain's historic parish churches. ' Dctorolivt Cokt LONUON (CP-Ori the ay the Canadian National Exhiy. tion at Toronto are two Corona! Hon cakes created by confection er Jack Bryant, who denned m wedding cake of Elizabeth aim Philip. One of the cakes Is en. circled by an Icing sugar Coronj. tion procession. Taft Expects House to Reject - Ikes Foreign Relief Request TiMl.lY . JOHN WAYNE - DONNA REED 6:50 - 9 in "TROUBLE ALONG THE WAY" Sunday Midnight Only f STANLEY CLEMENTS ON TUB hi SAME PROGRAM "WHITE "DESERT LIGHTNING" PURSUIT" STARTS MONDAY TWO FEATURES liORY CALHOUN - DALE ROBERTSON In "SILVER WHIP" ALSO STERLING HAYDEN - JOAN LESLIE in eign nations . during the next two years. He asked the right to fix terms gift or sale with the treasury paying the costs, including delivery, and said this should be separated from the long range military and economic assistance progres of the Mutual Security Administration. Republican chairmen of the Senate and House Agriculture Committee promised to hold early hearings on the White House request, but tentative plans to adjourn Congress July 31 and powerful opposition to the proposal indicate slight chance for its approval. . Democrats blasted the Eisenhower request as a "blank check" and "give away" of more than $3,000,000,000 worth of farm commodities now held by the government under its price-support program. HELLGATE" '..7 , . ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ONLY 1'lus .NEWS Times Silver Whip ........ 7:00 - 9:5(i HelUutc : A BILLY MAN'LEY, EIGHT, OF ATLANTA, CA., W.1I never have to buy gasoline for his automobile. It's electric. The compact auto is powered by tn electric motor used to raise and lower landing gear on U.S. fighting aircraft. The car cruises ar jund the neighborhood at a speed of from four to six miles an noun and can be driven backwards. The power comes from a battery that supplies juice to run the car six hours. Cost of construction? About $30. i ENDS TODAY BRODERICK CRAWFORD in 7: - 9: p.m. "l,AST OF THE COMANCHES" ' WASHINGTON (AP) Senator Taft (Rep. Ohio) said today he expects' Congress to reject President Eisenhower's request for blanket authority to send government-held farm surpluses to friendly foreign nations. " "I don't think there will be ny such general authority Riven," the Senate Republican leader said in an interview. The agricultural" people are gainst it. They have their own ideas on handling these surpluses. There are many proposals." : And Taft hinted the White House request may have been an effort to separate the farm surplus problem from the $5.-S18.no0.nno foreign aid bill pass ed by the Senate last Wednesday. I ! Eisenhower asked broad au- ! thority to use government-held farm products for famine or other emergency relief to for- lit WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT Z For Boys And Youths m Yes siree! Right . here in little old Prince Rupert. J Right here in Wallace's. A complete boys' and youths' J department equal to any city store. : WALLACE'S J DEPT. STORE BLACKWOOD on ' ' inuncntE GREER mum 1 SO IIUUU iio mm mi iclge By EA5LEY BLACKWOOD RADIO EIAL CFPR Uil) kocyclea BATUUUAT P M 4:30SHlvitt!tn Army Pgln. 6 "00 OK Hunch UHtlg 8:16 Stu Duvis 8:30 DRd Tuylnr 6:45 Rhythm Pals 8:00 CBC News 6 05 8uludo:t Anituft 8:30 Soiree a Wu-ut c 7:00 Hit Purudo 7:30 P.ay Norns Ijumli-t 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8 30 Musical Program 9:00 The Homesteader 9 :30r- Western Hit Parade l0:0O-CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:14 l.loyd Arntzen: Folk Songs 10:30 Easy Listening li O0--Weather ltevirt 11:03 Fish Arrivals 11:06 Club 1240'' A M 8:30- Sunday Morning He.itttl rf:00 - imtr News aeH o.Mimicntajy 9:15 Th" Question Box 9:30 The Concerto U 59 Tunc bn;iial 10:00 B C. Oardt'lior 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Way ol the Ktrit 1 1:00 -I HO New 11 :03 -Caultol Uiort I I :30 Helilotis Pel Ir.d 12:00 NBC Summer Sym. Conccrta I'M 1 .00 An ImifK:cht Ahroad 1 :30 CrltlcBlly Speaking 2:00 Kiddie Joe 'a Yr.. 2 :30 European Music Shop i. JO CBC News :0j Ask the Weathermun 3:12 Weather Forecast 3:15 UN On the Hecorii 8:30 Distinguished ArtlsU 4:00 Sunday Chorale 4:30 Chembcr Music 5:00 Winnlppi; Sunday Concert 8:00 "BIB Train" 45 People. Places and Things 1:00 CBC Ncw 7:10 Weekend Review 7:20 Our Special Speaker 7:30 Little Symphony orch. 8:00 Howard Cable Concert Band 8:30 From the Operas 0:00 Bill I ad Timu 9 30 Vesper Huur 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 The KestorHl ion 10:30 Leider Recital I ll uu Weauitr luport and Ulxn tfl i MONDAY VM ?:00- B C. Fishermen's Broudcist 7:13 Musical Clock 7 30 CB3 News: Weather Itupor' 7:35 -Musical Clfjck 8:00 CBC News 8 lO-llerea BUI Good 8:15 Morning Huiik 8 30- Mornljii t vutloi.a 8:46 Little Col.ciTt 9:00 BBC News and Cuinnieiilary 9:15 Musical Varieties 9:59 Time Slgha-. 10:00 Morning Visit 10:16 Musical Pr(j'lani 10:30-B.C. Liberal Talk 10:35 Recorded Interlude U :UO Klnuerijarten ol too An 11:1 Roundur Tnue 11:26 Socred Tark 1 1 :3o Weather Kiport 11:31 Measa u Pei : od 11:33 Rcc. Int II 4f Ucaiidluavlan Mi-loUlca PM. 12:00 Mld-Dav MeljUlcs 12:15 CBC News ,l"J.b Prrfbm 0u b I 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcaj... I H -6 Reo Int. 1:00 Afternoon Concert 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Trann-Canada Matinee 3:16 Records for You 3:48- B O. Request Roundup 4:15 Maxlne Ware Show 4 :30 The Mystery Horse 4 45 Recorded Interlude 4:55 Stock Quotations 5:00 The Good Old Days Prince Albert National Pnrlt in j Sa.sketchewan Is one of the con-' 1 tinent's largest rookeries of! I American white pelicans. tooiurrt CATALOOI tunoHoer WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! Dibb Printing Co. COMPANY Senator William Knowland (Rep. Calif ), who has been acting as floor leader while Taft is recovering from a hip ailment, defended the president's request but opposed adding it to the foreign aid bill. Knowland said Eisenhower expected Congress to write in "proper limitations" and would use the requested authority only for emergencies. The Faraday Society was founded in London in 1903 to per-D?tuatc the name of Michael Faraday, electrical scientist. Low Rail Fares to EDMONTON EXHIBITION JULY 13 to 18 ONE WAV FARE AM) ONE-HALF For Round Trip Minimum Fare 30c) TICKETS ON SALE From all stations in Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia (Vancouver, Prince Rupert, and east) JLLY 11 to 17 And on July 18 for trains arriving Edmonton not later than 5 p.m. (Standard Time) RETURN LIMIT: July 20 If no train service July 20, take first available train. Pull Information Irom any ARCtit. WSJ-MO NATIONAL Tw'o liO.sers I In Mishandling of Hid When a bad result occurs and Mr. Muzzy is in the game, it is automatically considered to be his Farmers Hard I Hit by Flood j In Manitoba ! DAUPHIN. Man. & Federal ' and provincial governments arc being asked to investigate the ' plight of farmers in northwest-' 'ern Manitoba, hard hit by flood- J ing streams flowing from rain- I drenched Riding mountain, Duck mountain and Porcupine moun-1 tain. 1 j The Manitoba Farmers' Union in a published statement said ! farmers In the area hava suffer-' ed more from the floods th;in the ! victims of the Red river flood of 1950. . The MFU said the situation is worst north of Swan River and west of Riding mountain. Water rushing across the farms have left gullies as much as 14 feet deep. W. J. Ward, federal member of Parliament for Dauphin, said a survey showed one-half the farmers had been able to sow onlv 10 per cent of their crops. He said most of that will not be harvested because it is under water. ' i CAPITOL I'AMOI S Pl.AYKRS TIIKATKt MONDAY TOTEM A I anioui Players Thratre mmMmm-m mn mi iiiin.i.i " V :. 'VitT li ( ' tJ Cartoon WmJ VA-'. 'ass thc'IJuck South dealer Neither side vulnerable Virth (Mr. Muz?.) 8 None H J 10 7 a D 9 7 5 4 v C 6 8 4 2 W n-t (Mr. ChHinplim) (Mrs. kern) S K Q 10 8 7 5 S-J 9 8 4 3 ' H 8 6 H K Q D Q 8 8 3 D - J 10 2 C H C A Q 8 tU1lllt (Mr. Ilt'iiisilr) J? A 2 H A 9 4 3 D A K C K J 10 7 3 The bidding: South Wrst North Ensit 1 C 18 2 C 3 3 8 NT 4 S 6 C Dl. All paas no further entry to dummy and Mr. Heinsite was forced to give up two trump tricks and a heart trick for down one. He fixed a wicked eye on Mr. Muzzy. "May I inquire," he said with mock, politeness, "how you round two bids on that collrc-'ion of traxh? I admit you had a void suit and four trumps nhieh. incidentally, were so small they should have ' been thrown back. But why not let )fie four-spade bid come around to me? I'd double and I had four defensive tricks in my own linnd." Mr. Muzzy silent and Mr. I'einslte continued. "And besides," he said, "hearts was our spot. But you never Rave us a chance to net, into it." Here Mr. Champion entered the picture. "And may I in-riuiie," he sneered, "why you rlidn't make five clubs on the hand? .What good did it do you to throw a diamond from dummy at the first trick? . Just ruff in dummy and take the club finesse. Then ruff your ace of spades in dummy and lead p no) her trump. "That way, you get to lead clubs twlep from the board and all you lose is a club and a heart. You can't make five hearts because mv partner could win a club and a trump trick and I could ruff a club." "Exactly what I was going to sny," lied lyir. Muzzy. OPTOMETRIST Fred E, Dowdie Room 11. ttoiie Building Phone Blue 503 MEN MAKE 0M MAN struck a match to see if the gasoline tank in his car was empty .. . !T WASN'T fault. And it usually is. In today's deal, however, Mr. Hcinsite, the brilliant "post season" analyst, overlooked the fact that he himself could have done something to avert disaster. Against the five-cjub contract Mr. Champion led the king of spades. Mr. Heinsite won In his own hand with the ace. discarding a diamond from the board. He led the deuce of spades, ruffed it and returned a trump. Mrs. Keen played the eight, and the 10 in the closed hand won. Very fine, except that there was STAKES it was could LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established llllU MOVING ... PACKING ... CRATING SIIIITINU . . . FORWARDING . . . MORAOK Experienced handlinjr Un-vX, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipment. 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" AgenU Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone KO or (18 (,r. 2n, an park Ave. palled a strange bulldog on the head to see if it was affectionate . . . IT WASN'T speeded up to see if he could beat the train to the crossing... HE COULDN'T r- j r Hi i 1,1 1,, 1 1 n i i i rtmmMbmmmmMinwimM nwa i mm:,mmi i mitiiirijimaiu.A ' I pvtt time and money. It't tk modern comfortbl wy to travel :" mr 0I1 MAN touched an electric wire to see if - charged ... IT WAS i -f-i.nv'' i 'j V. " Ail your trtvel sent or phone 795 i Wfct i KAi,r.i, iii.0,nfli Jl . .. n-r ;k . . I .1 W 9 . ? f Ski! I 5Mt IVtHi cut out his advertising to see if he 1 1 YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT THE COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE . BEST OF FOOD f I NEST OF COOKING FOB TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 - Broadway Cafe save money... HE COULDN'T CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES 1 Wallace Block Phone 620