PROVINCIAL LIE.1A3Y, t'j! .fe " tomorrows ' lis TIDES vicrsaiA, 3. c. Sunday. January 3, l'J53 , r 1 ,o.Mfc Hturoaru nil"- Doil, .. 0:34 17.6 feet 1 12:00 20 8 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER S" VDelWery 18:50 6:00 3.5 9.7 feet feet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLIII, No. 1 . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 195 PRICE FIVE CENTS I Phone 81 1 1 ! .'Ms . ' i c r ivin i : : AD . . ; ft -' - u . .'S.-: ,.' It- 1 ".'I ' t. 1 ! lAei i I 1. i n r fflffll Disturbance In Tehran r':1 r h tfc;: W. ., , . ? i r . m ' -:M "-it f; i if ' -r, i j j r. i i Broken Up j TEHRAN (Reuters)1 Two truckloads of troops raced to Tehran Univer r-. Accidents Fatal To Five in B.C. By The Canadian Press ' The New Year's week-end already has brought ' violent or accidental death to 22 Canadians. A Canadian Press survey today listed 10 death in traffic mishaps, including three in one Quebec province crash, eight from asphyxiation, two in a fire, and one from a heart attack followed by freezing, and one from drowning. The toll by provinces: Quebec, 9: Ontario 5; British Columbia,) Separate motor accidents In ' 5; Nova Scotia 2; Alberta, 1. No Nova Scotia brought, death to fatalities were reported from Mrs. Jean Roblee, 27, of Sprine- Newfoundland, New Brunswick. ' ville. and Harry Gilfoy, goal-Prince Edward 'Island, .Mani- keeper for the senior Stcllar-toba or Saskatchewan. I ton Royals hockey team. 4u. it'. IRE.UKN BATTLE a fire at a central Toronto rooming-house In which one man died and five iliers were injured during the holiday season. A ) overheated furnace was blamed for the fire l.ich caused damage estimated at $8,000. ... sity today and broke up' ' ' V1! Prince Rupert Residents Enjoy an anti-British student demonstration Several students were arrested. There were no casualties. Demonstrators forced studei is to don black armbands n "mourning" for the resumption of diplomatic relations between Iran and Britain last month. Foes of Oen. Fazoll-'h Za- ayest; Most Orderly New Years In northern Ontario, Mrs. Theresa Vincent, an Ojlbway B.C. TOLL Five persons died accidentally Indian grandmother, was burn- i ' iS ft "J in ariusn coiumma Tnursday ed to death Sn a vain attempt nignt ana Friday as Canada s to rescue her three-year-old .it New Year s holiday was; He wouldn't wake up Jo tell merriment, topped off with a of the gayest, but "best-j where he lived. cold plate turkey supper, jvcd" this city h;is sorn for Only oiher person Iniled was Another big crowd gatherci f years, according to report jta Juvenile, charged with break- at the Elks' hall for the annual s police and sponsors of the: In and entering, and even he Elks ball which attracted h-y dances and parties held j was In the "spirit',' of the sea-1 tween 250 and 300 revelleis. The pushout the city. I son. (cabaret-style party was' direct- i car accidents were report-1 Police report that Harry KncI- ed by Hugo Kraupner, Art Mur-ovcr the holiday and only j son. Ml. Third Avenue West. I ray. Lief Husoy and others, and man spent New Year's Eve came home early New Year's lit also wound up after a tur-dil for being drunk. Police , morning to find the youth ! key supper d him sound asleep i In the sound asleep Thought to have At the gallv-decked Legion "l thr lr;,Vnd "!Kh!S m "h le "qTr Bf,er en" Hall, Fred Reich directs opera-were unable to follow their lerlng the house, he was still tlt)lls whlle, 75 cotJI,les mR(ll, hedl's regime had called on the population a month ago to weir black armbands. Today's outbreak was the first response. Anti-British leaflets published by the Pan-Iranian party, whose leader, Daryoush Forco-har. was arrested today, were distributed among the students. f v. I 1 : i I r (' '-' I ' i west, coast province welcomed grandctughter from a flaming I'5- 1 cabin three miles west of Blind Three died in gassings, one River. in traffic, anu one drowned. j A traffic accident 40 miles Only traffic victim was Mrs. ; northwest of Lethbridge, Alt.. Laura Marie Doyle, 81, of Port i fatalry injured Stella Yonick, 29, Coaultlam struck and lv nf lrtue Aira Hnjured near her home. Henry I '. Nordquist of Hammond was . charged with manslaughter miClulAJtM f case 1 01X16611 UlC Year's policy of sendins " """V J""1" rnvea. Me , merrVi dancing and having They said: "British, get out of oor country we never forget cruelty and-robbery." '.'-Authorities believe today's outbreak is a sign that opponents of the government of all colors are grouping around the dking drunks home to bed wn .,,tuu.u , .ysr in ju- nosy fun with a variety of venlle court ourt Monday. Monday. ! i,. A iiuincuin ivci n biiij )jai i; iia.a , IV- , - -s ,r;'" . : 1 '' WiiMf , i .,p m up- -v-.. r i and enjoying a turkey, and ham cold plata buffet. An aged man was , found drowned on Lulu Island, near! International Airport, Friday,' and RCMP were withholding his name until relatives could be notified. Police said the man OI.U COUNTRY . OOTBALL Firemen also pnjoyod a' carefree holiday. There were no' fir alarms and no ambulance call" to mar the div. his New Year's -aw the wid- I outlawed Tudeh (Communist) party in the first serious resistance since Premier Mossadegh was overthrown last fall. About 30 Jaycee couples par-tied at the annual Junior Chamber of Commerce event in was found face down in a ditch. Pat, Law, aboui 53, and EU mCM (Cm-ReMiirs ftf me. ! - varuty-of - club . naitiM. in the Commodore Caffi, arranged In Ceremony For Hirohito , TOKYO i At least 19 persons' were trampled to death and 30 were injured today ns an estimated 700.000 ' subjects swarmed around the imperial palace to extend New Year's greetings to Emperor Hirohito, the newspaper Asa hi said. zames played In the United some years- Hundreds of people 1 by Mel Burrison and his dance stepped out in evening garb to tdom today are as follows: committee. Another 75 couples HANGING HEAD-DOWN is the black bear of the certified weight of 585 pounds, a new Wisconsin state record, which was shot by :d Strobel ( above I of West Bend, Wis. He fired three shots from his .30-06 rifle before the beast fell, The bear was kilted in ihs Land O'Lakes country near Lake Donahue. Sutherland Girl First Child Born in Rupert in New Year aooui seven major parlies In the city, while others enjoyed the ever-popular house parties. Pillon, about 38, were found dead in an east end room Friday, victims of a gasplate which they had apparently forgotto.n to light. Victim of a gassing of a different type was Mrs. C. Stuart, 75-yea.r-old baby-sitter who was enjoyed a bang-up party at the ' Rupert Club where president Bill Stone was In charge, with Joe Scott and others arranging entertainment.1 At these nd otiier partirftj Including Valhalla Hall and the Aero Club at Seal Cove, com- . mittcemcn said "all was order ENGLISH LKAGIE nmMiiN I :l A Mori Vlllrt O (Hban-(t rtl'p-r 22 nunutii! ttue U (mjt. .it kp.ii i .shi-nifid uniu-d a. rdiff Ciiji 1. Wulverhamplon plp'it-rs 3 Alhlriic l.'nhpliu'a 1. i'tp!pp I. tlp.ltpin 'A'antlen-irs 2. inriipvii.r City 3. Kilnilrrland I. itiiili-,li.irmi;li 3. TolU'iihum Hot- mmn Kyodo News Agency saldTTv? At the Prince Rupert Shrine I Club's annual ball in the armor-j ies. 270 people tripped the light I fantastic and joined In the midnight uproar wtth noisc-I makers, jumping for a cascade I of balloons released from the overcome by coal gas fumes vast throng got out of ind at from a fireplace. The three jebout 3:30 p.m.. the deadline children she was attending j for sieninn the imoerlal reeister Young newcomers to Prince and Mrs. Jack Paul, J440 Eighth Rupert are the proud parents of Avenue East. Little Miss Paul MniKhcMcr ! celling and then quieted down was was born born at at 3:15 3:15 p.m. p.m. yesterday yesterday j D-'rri Stuart, 9, his sister Pen- End offering best wishes to ly." They all repot ed no fights . , . no nasty Incidents. ':li- L'uiUtl I. in the Rupert hospital. She and j for a cold plate supper served HiKl'lerDeM Tnwn 1 I hv Jnh'M VumbWvt rill-,. tori l,v .i.-nipputli Mr. Bnd Mrs. Alex Mitchell. i . f. i J ' V 1 Jl I ii.pv; U' '; hi t. , t v .' ,- t . ' . .! ,r T , v 'J , f 1 lr f ( ' . '' '", ; V- : c ', 4 r- V. r t I'D' , . j'' "p 4 ,'.. " . -WEATHER- 'M lll.iliiwi. il :. IT. 4..11 NliTPll I IMMION II 'murium 2 r.iiilirrhitm Unlt- Uun Doswell, president, and i i Vic Orant. vice-president, play- j ciuj;c, , tii iu uiuuici vsuuii, a j rlirOIilLO. were unharmed. i The crowd swarmed toward Asphyxiated by gas In a Que- I the gates of the palace grounds bee City apartment were Mr. (as police tried to bar the en-and Mrs. J. Delphis Drolet and j trance at the deadline. Thou-their granddaughter, Oervaise sands who had not yet had a Chevanal, 6. ' J chance to sign the register tried A collision between two cais I t0 Pu,sn, through. Men. women near St. Felicicn, Que., 60 miles and children fell under the feet ' Forecast ed host. Bill Allaire was chair-1 man of the dance committee' North coast region: tjale warn- her parents, too, are doing Well. Babies Saved In Home Blaze VANCOUVER (CP) Five babies, all under one year old and a five-year-old girl were saved here last night when an aged couple carried them from a burning house. this year's New Year's baby. Miss 1B54 in Prince Rupert is a five pound, two ounce baby girl,' born at 12:44 p.m. New Year's Day. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. James Sutherland, Elizabeth Apartments, who have been in Prince Rupert only a month. . , . The 24-year-old mother, and day-old baby are both "fine, thank you," and father, a welder, has fully recovered from 'his floor-pacing stint at the Prince Hi'icit General Hospital.! The lucky parents and baby will be showered with gifts from local merchants, receiving everything from baby clothes to milk west of Chieontimi killed Mr OI lne onrusning crowa and Mrs. Almas Perron of Ship- I x, The English-language Japan shaw. Que., and Cyreas Fraser . umu 8aluu and Bill Sheardown headed the Ing continued with showers of decorations committee. I rain or snow today and Sunday. At HMCS Chatham's drill j Occasional clear periods mainly hall, the navy staged another along the eastern Charlottes A ball, attended by some 300 peo-1 little colder tonight. Winds pie. Green and white streamers southerly 20 except frequently 40 canopied the hall for the event, i In exposed areas. Low tonight, and a wall of green boughs! high Sunday at Port Hardy 35 added to the decor. The group j and 42. Sandspit and Prince enjoyed dancing and general Rupert 32 and 42. in nopes that the emperor of St. Felicicn, and injured 10 might make a public Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Fisherl told police they carried the children in relays to the back other persons, including seven children. Oerard Villeneuve. 70, was found frozen to death near Beauharnois, Que., and police said he apparently suffered a heart attack while returning home from a neighbor's New Year's party. LEADING CADET LLOYD MAGNUSSEN, above, hivs the honor to be one of ten Royal Canadian Sea Cadets to be included on the forthcoming Australian cruise of the HMCS Ontario. Magnussen is the B.C. cadet who left Prince Rupert last night on the Camosun to join nine other cadets In Esquimau base of the Canadian cruiser. Only one cadet from each of Canada's 10 provinces. i ck))iirn Itnvrra 2. IMnruIn 0 "V Hull city I Kulird alter pl.lillti-pt. f(,; . ry (i.iiiily (). BHsUil Hovers 1. '"mstrr Hiivrr! 4. K'.itu County 1 limn 4. Brriuford 1. xli Uniutl 7, Leicester City 1. tnn Town 2. Plymouth Arsvlc I. tllliKlinin Forest 2. Swansea p 1. jlmni Atlilrlle v. ErerUin. post- u f"K t .. . i' . pft Ham United -4.' 8tolce City 1 Mi alUT 84 mli.Jtrs. tosi. SCOTTISH I.EAGIF. I'll IMII tnlci-n 1. Celtic 0 "If 2, Uundrr 0 ikirk 3. Kan Kile :l miluin A, 2, Hll)rtilnn n pin.! 4. Atnli U'pmuMis :i. '"il of S. 2. Partli k Thlnt.le A n h Hovers I. St. Ulrren 2 'ppers 3. Stlrllnii A 1. Ill IWKIN II "wo R 1. Klimsrnock I 2. Cowdenbeath 1. ' V. 0. Motherwell 3 ilirnillne A. 6. Dumbarton 1. rlr t. Jnhtutone I. "Hon 5. Arbroath 1 porch when flames, believed and bottle warmers, free taxi from an overheated furnace, set rides and cigars for father to fire to the basement of their hand out. ; home. Letters of introduction to the ! Fierce Maori Tribal Dances Precede "Crowning " of Queen ROTORUA. N.Z. I New scnted their addresses. Each merchants donating the prizes were scheduled to be presented Ex-Resident Of City Dies Word has been received here of the death In Victoria of J. C. Bradey, former district engineer and longtime resident of Prince Rupert. Funeral service was held in Victoria this week for the old-timer who had lived in this city for about 20 years. He left here October 4, to make his home in. Victoria. Only surviving relatives are in southern England. FAIRBANKS, Alaska i A to Mrs. Sutherland at the hos- Zealand s Maoris today brought gifts for the royal couple . U.S. Air Force C47 transport pital this afternoon by the Daily niarneu uieir umcmi welcome and at the conclusion oi ner re- j crashed at Mark Field at Nome News. to the Queen and the Duke of ply to the welcome the Queen Thursday killing two of the four Another young lady missed by Edinburgh by "crowning" them brought a roar of appreciation persons aboard. I just two and a half hours the paramount chieftains of the ; from the assembled Maoris with The plane crashed shortly honor of being this city's first Maori people. the words "kal gra koutu." Fare- after taking off at Mark Field born in 1954. She is the eight Some 11,000 Maoris from all well to you all. on a cargo flight. pound, 10 ounce daughter of Mr. over New Zealand spent last - Nu n s Park 4. Htt nhousemutr O. essel Limps B.C. PLAN FOR FEDERAL AID SAID SPURNED BY OTTAWA VANCOUVER (CP) Vancouver newspaper, in a frontpage dispatch from Ottawa, said Thursday the federal government has spurned Premier Bennett's proposal calling for $165,000,000 in federal aid for a 10-year development program. The proposal "has been politely dropped in the waste basket," the story said. The paper's Ottawa correspondent, Stanley Burke, said the only thing that might be salvaged out of the scheme is "limited" federal aid for forest protection. This was the least costly of the three proposals made by Premier Bennett on his recent trip to the capital. "The other two proposals-r-salc and extension of the PC-; ! and co-operation on a highway program are considered dead, issues. ' , -'-. - r nlght camping out on the Ro-torua race course which was transformed Into a Maori village. To do homage to the Queen I wards Port 3i j a i s . 1 HIANCISCO 11 The Ore hnrl traveller! mnnv rlavi BULLETIN VANCOUVER" Bodies of Lee Prcstvvick, his wife Hazel, and their 15-year-old daughter were found in. their Burnabr home today. Police termed it a double murder and suicide. A nistnl was found beside the body of Mr. Prestwlck. emianentp. Sllverbow limp- The Maoris' ancient tradition1 ward San Francisco under wcre observed In the welcoming guard escort totlav after "fell O' s ' r-J J L -4 Pa- ,1 her holds were flooded In a Attended bv Prime Minister n collision with a frelnht- "I the northern Call for I by two successive challenges. 7,82!)-ton ore carrier, warriors brandished their spears ixmnd from Portland. Ore., within a few feet of the Queen, SOIlle 45 Crew members marl frlirlileillnir vrllnplp- inri U.K. Dailies Loud in Criticism Of Queen's New Yea r Honors List rd. collided lille last night atumnpri their hare feet nn the 'he Manila-bound 7.600-ton grass. k4 va rr uumrauo aooui iio , Tn,s was lne traditional chal-north of Sun t rancisco. Ienge lafle m the past by Maor)s Colorado s foieueak was ,!, . mii.. (.ik. .-. ,, .,,1 . . . I wiu:n m, vioiKoiK viiwc Byiiaii.iicu , , , but .she rcpoi ted no dim- (V,i ino . Mirror said that, though he wa once minister of slate and mln Ister of education, "he provci to be a man of great promis but of meagre fulfilment." The Influential London Time commented: "The ideal honor names mean something to the public for what they are dolus now." Turning to the list of new barons, the Mirror asked why Leslie Hore-Bellsha, 60, was included. The former war minis- Mf Co -. .-VlAf ar Siherbow radioed that the WAR DANCE ' :.- . V -"R ' appeared halted early Once accepted Into the ground, A passing tanker, the J. N. the Queen was met by a fierce LONDON .(Reuters) Several national newspapers have heaped criticism on the Queen's annual New Year's honors list, which announced the awarding of titles and decorates to 931) of her subjects ranging from high politicians to a humble bricklayer. (See story Page 3.) - The nmsM-circuiaUoii Daily Mirror devoted its whole front page Friday to adverse com- "'""Kill, the Colarado and ceremonial war dance performed iionrri eutteis. accom- by 140 Maori warriors. Then 150 ter, minister of transport and list provinces neitner yawns no minister of nutional insurance cynicism. It s an ideal that ha lost his parliamentary seat in "not lately, or invariably, bee: Til,,,,,, mmm ,. ,.l,-1 m 11 the Sllverbow to San Maori girls in flaxen native attained.' the 1945 general election and u. nresa sang tnir welcoming song. 1!7 J. Kaiser's Permanete ! The Queen was escorted to the the Conservative party of which The Daily Sketch called th 1954 list "painfully anemic," In stead of being the "climax to 'ship Co. of Oakland oper- dais where a seven-year-old girl UNIVI.IISITY OK MANITOBA researchers hav 3 developed a new method for dating of archaeological and human remains as far back as 40,000 years. Complex electronic apparatus tells the age of any carbon-bearing matter human bonss, fossils and vegetation, within 10 years of actual existence on earth. Dr. R. W. Pringle, (ri ;hO newly-appointed head of the physics department, tflth an assistant, Bill Turchinetz, are in the laborator? with some of the equipment. ment on the "curious honors he Is a member did not even list." It said , the list "honors I bother to find him another, the past" and gives "no recog- It nlso asked the same ques- ne ore ship and the Color- of the host Araw tribe presented ' oned by the States , h3r with a bunch of flowers. great Coronation year" H shoul; tiltion for some of those who.s-. 1 tlon about Richard La-v. The have been. Senlcr chieftahiS then pre- ( u it re YnrK.