riniLC ruei t Luny iNfe'nj Saturday. Januaiv 'i. 19M GEORGE DAWES Ck AUCTIONEER ; Phone Black 846 and Red 12. j Mrs. M. Jones BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE ' Dies Aged 46 , Mrs. M. JONES on Page ONE .. Mrs. Margaret Jones, 46, resi-' , dent o( this city for the past 10 By F.ASLEY BLACKWOOD Don't Go Overboard On One Type of IMay Periodically, Mr. Muzzy develops a crush on a certain type of blav and uses it constantly even : DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS when another n play i would ii i i t a i j. work to better advantage. Currently he is in love with Trail "Kids t , , , iii ii i . i -wi Bite auu iicj iiuauauu, tftiiu nun listened to several lectures on the subject from MrJRobert. came to Prince Rupert rhnmiiirm v,ii,ini)ii)ii. i V 7 7Z ; , j about ten years ago. Mr. Jones way t0 re-enter the partner's , h t, r trtr. "THE DAILY NEWS" "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3445 Lost Year 3206 CFPR SALESMEN AM) AGENTS i agood" maTT " is hard to find . . that Is why we are willing to make this unusual offer (or right salesman to fill our vacancy In the Prince Rupert area. it. it. Against Against the the final final contract contract three no trump Mis. Keen her fourth best spade, the trey. f.lr. Muwy. assuming wh it considered to be a profes- sional look, promptly playid the from the board. Mr. Dale won with the quern returned the suit, knocking j uuuuuy 5 ai r. aiuve liu'IU" was no way to mr.ke rune tricks without establtxhinij the din-i nond's, it was ne.-ess.try to let Mrs. Keen in -with the ace of that suit unci .she ran off three quick spade tricks to' put the i contract down cue. "Y0Ur rirht n)y Is the ace of i ..pudes on tlu' fir; t trick, Muzzy," j,;lid vr Ch-.nipion i .. .. ... ... , . . .. Frankly, the type of man we want ts worth from $8,000.00 to $14,000.00 in a year . . . and he deserves every dollar he gets and more. The kind of man wc are looking for Is: years, died early this morning after a lengthy illness. She was the wife of William A. Jones, 1435 Plaza Street. j Rnrn In Poland Jnnimrv 14 I 1908, she came to Canada at the ' age of three, and lived for many at Hazeirtdge. . Manitoba, later at Winnipeg " Besides her husband and son she is survived by her father, Prcd Kusfcy. 1hree brothers. Bill. John and Michael Kusyk, tvo sisters, Mrs. Joe Cherlan and Mrs. Anita Oakley, and several nieces and nephews, all in Winnipeg. . Funeral arrangements will be announced later. . ' FOR THAT ,' EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY : Luxury Me a me r Prince George SAIL3 FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN ' WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service For reservation! write or call City or Pepot Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. ' . L M m m. w - - would have won if Dale had ' PETERBOROUGH, Ont. (CP) held the ac' A diamonds." j Three muskellunge weighing 29 "The act- itf spades at trick pounds apiece and more captur- one will win n.i mal.tj'r who hns'ed top honors in the 'PeterbJr-1 he ace . of diHinoi.tl.s," replied cuRh Examiner's 1053 fLshliij Champion. , ! contest. "Mr. MU-V di.ln't pet it. "If I OeorKe W. S--ott of Corapolis, I Ppnn nad tne blg:'est musk'e-' win the first trick," he s-iW - what's to prevent them fro 11 ! 30 '2 pounds, taken from nearby I'innim. fe st. .,H h, o i Bewdiey in Rice lake. Denzil Lo- CHOP SUEY . . . . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 FROM DDIKJfT RUPERT . TO JASPER and Intermediate stations from Prince Rupert: 8:00 p.m. Convenient connectlotta ftt Jasper fur poUiu t-.L 'axU All times shown are standard. For ii.formallon. call or write. K. L. ROBERTSON, G.A.P.1)., SJ8 3rd Ave W., Prince Rupert, Phene 2fi0 BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 5YJ-3rd Ave. Phone 212 C 9LING TRUCK UNE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Rmithers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connectior.s Phone 632 Investors Syndicate of Canada Ltd.. and Investors Mutual , of Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph: 381 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prince Rupert, Terrace and Klllmat fF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS SCOTT McLAREil CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. W. - Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box SY4 Bv CHIC YOUNG . L 1 THEY DON'T ( r--iO I'llTF WHEN THEY SNEtZt By ZANEGREY the holdun. having a South dealer Hnth sides vulnerable North r- champion) logl! c k e 2 Wet Kast J11 j o""''' ; H Q 4 3 H J 10 7 5 o A 3 t d 8 ft 4 . j c- J ft 7 c e 6 4 3 . J'H , s 10 9 7 4 1 h a k e d k j Q 10 The blddfA South' west North East INT Pass 3 nt ah p..ss American Wins IIICI IVUII WW i gan of Brillian, O., ranked sec- Lnd witn a 30-pounder from p'"p(m lake and Gerald Brobst of Djylestown, 0., tnna wun a 20-poundcr, also from Pigeon lake. I BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Felt Like One! I GRABBEO UP J AM . - MV wiFES -r"- , LITTLE BITTV ?V"S. HANDKERCHIEFS , classified Rales lWn tlm. 4:80 p.m. day pr.Tlou. u " puBllrauon. 3 wnt per "n"1 P" 1n" iharg. " o; minimum L,wh Notice, ,.,. Marrlase and Bn(igement '.n..nrpmMl. 2 00. iixciai Display double prl. 21 W wl" not accept rM!F"nlb11lty 1. eliuiitned ads inserwa ,,11110.1 Ion ol ucb erron l received . WANT AD the . REPLIES . We are holding replies to the following News ad boxes: 807 8)7 828 850 852 854 865 878 Replies must be , colled for in person COMING tVENlS ' Henry v Sunday, Jan. 17, i Oil im Civic Centre Auditor- urn. MelliDcrs only. 113 rtK,VM.'.l ! KIPI'LINO fulls on slippery lee avoided by waring ice creep- f .Sirups unaer anv uwiwrm, 1 postpaid. 3 pairs it. creeper- irnps-K. Hnuwonnge, vue. i lip i ;0TACT Alcoholics Anony mous. PO. Box 343. it) I ((.-OPENING Merry Morning -Ktndcreiiricn. Jan. 4. Mrs. VJIand. Hi ri 8fl0. iltpi ITBtSlNr.SS PERSONALS (0ING SHOPPING? Why not leave 24 your car at SUPER-SERVICE for a LUBRICATION v job ; ; ." while you shop? - ' 2cl 'HONE 18 your Northland Dairy, ror doily delivery except Sun- Jay. By looking after your milk vour milk will look after vou. Ken it cool. All milk guaran- m, (Hi WANTED TOP MARKST PRICES PAID for scrap iron, eel. brass. Conner, lead. etc. u, j, . - iSSfl..5?di??' P"? wP "u. iit.ii tx. ivit-vai 250 Prior St. Vnnrnuver. BC. Phone PAcific 6357. (H) UNWANTED HAIR ' diamonds'" i "Rpa,! it out" snapped Mr ! rjhampion "If the outslandir" ,VIJaiits tn!lrip, me are diviriH uiviueu 4-t i-d, you vnn h nave -,w 1 nothing to fear in any cae. They can't win more than three! .spade tricks against you. But if j lvlrs. Keen had five spades, then Dale has only two. And at least enc of Dale's spades must .t$ 3:1 honor, becau.se if Mrs. KceW ftlt! started with a suit' huarted.- by ""8. n.neen. jack, Kfif?, -Wtm'.d htive lea the km?-n?t. triie trdy. VOn that reasoning," M:: Champion continued. ; thc play uf tne are of M-id' s at trick one Wl11 block "'f sult- At ,nck tw" yu lf ad 11 diamond and Mrs. Keen wa..v'Uh tic aec. Now if she lays down the king of sPades 1L 'f11 c'!',op Dal;; s quefc!1 your 10 will become a sec- tti vi ocsjjjijt-i in iiir ftuii,. 11 mil- leads a low .spade, Dale 'will win with the queen but will hive no BLONDIE .r,.i , RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Chan(e) . AATTmtlAT P M. t on CBC New ' fl-os Huckty Broadcast 7:30 Organ Music 8:00--Share the Wealth . 9:00 Hit Parade 9:30 The Musle Do 10:00 CBC New 10:10 CBC News 10:15 MucUonald Hotel Crch. 1)0 Dixieland Concert :M Ueather KejHirt Miilf-al lulerile4'e Mm.Ii 'III Mlilnlclit Mtll-i.tl bUNlMT M. SO- tiifltnl 9:00 HHi: News and Commentary 9:1ft Th Qlleallnn Box ::0 Harmony Harlxir :00 B C. Gardener 10:1ft Just Mary 10:30 Way ot the Spirit 00 CBC News OS- Capital Heport :iO Keliiilnus Period 00 N Y. Philharmonic Sym. Orrh, 30 Critically Bpeaklng , 2:00 riddle Joe'a Yarna so Jake and the Kid 8:00 CBC Newa 05 k the Weatherman :U Weather Foreeaat 8:1ft UN on the Record 30 Winnipeg Symphony Orth. 4:30 DlstliiRuished Artists , (HI Sunday Chorale 1 6:30-Chaniljer Muslu ' HO -Htage 54 - ' i 1:00 CBC Newe T:lo Weekend Ilev'.iW T:20 Our Kpecial Speaker 130 Little Symphony Orcn. 00 NBC Bymphony Orcb. :00 Serenade 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBO New ' 10:15 Of Space and Time :L7Re"n i MONl'A-: ... , . 7:00 B C. 'lshermen'8 Broadcut 7:1 .Mllilc.tl Clock 7:30 CBS News: Weataer Ilrport ? aluvlral clock 7 4S Morning Devotions ' 8 00 CBC News; Weather 8:10 Here's Bill Oood 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:4ft Ijiura Ltd. , , 9KK) BBC News and Commentary 9 IS Aunt Lucy . . 9:30 Come What May 9 59 Time 8iknal 10:OO Morning Visit 10:15 The Happy Gang 10:4ft Musical Kitchen 11 00 Your Oood Neighbor 11 :1S Kindergarten ol the Air 1 :30 Met.ae Period 11:4.1 Mel's Kitchen , ' PM. 13:15 CBC News 12:25 CBC Showcase 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:5S Interlude 1 :MI Records for A'Ml 1 :.1n Record Album 2 :00 B C. School Broadcast ' 2 30 Trans-Canada M.itlne 8:16 Brave Voyage i 'Kf. 3 :30--Hoedown( ,''"" 3 45 B.C. Request Roundup , t ; ; 7 TV.". .av :30-The Thunderbtrd Cxifte s .1:0.1 Slink (imitations . Vmuli 5:15 Tnternational Commentary 5:20 CBJ News; Woathe.- , 6:80 Rawhide 6:65 Have You Heard? . SCREEN FLASHES Films to be shown at the Capitol Theatre during the month of January are as follows: ' Jan. 4 to 6 "Half a Hero," Red Skelton, Jean Uagen; "Air i T Zvv - I HOW DO WOMLN l rfa '-: . (MANAGE VJ.TH UrOtVjh.v ? It -C THESE LITTLE ,vi (veani iOmukc it -O WORSE. 'ALL MV OU HAVE J ( WANOKEPCMicFS I - M V I s rilll If A COLO f 2 E05 IN TlE - w .v,.:n' -s' vf,-' -s-- Get Own Mink TRAIL, B.C. CP) ine only ; for lor "Kids" rink of its kind in Can-, of ada has been otlicialiy opened ' lea here, A $140,000 arena, with an ice he surface of 147 by 70 feet and room for 1,200 standing specta- five tors, will be used by children of public sthooi age for. public and Stealing ana nouney gaiura, "i The larger Comineo arena nearby will be used for senior hockey and adult skating. Dr. H. R. Wright, pres.uent of the Trail Projects Society, pre- ' sented a key to Gordon Bentley, one of the children who will use the arena. Bentley turned the ; key over to Mayor E. G. F, etcher, ! who In turn handed it to Park commissioner Mike Laiuiucci.; Thp Parks commts.sion wil oix r- , .. ate the rink lor the city. , Trail Union ! 1 Bid i Rejects i From CI0-CCL I I TRAIU B.C. CP Members ;of of the Trail local of the Mine, j Mill and Smelter Workers' Union j (ind.i nave turnea - " aown an 01-; 7 , , I iki hi rejuiu uie grefs 01 L,aoor anu me uiini.'.s.s tf Industrial Orianizution.s. , The Mine-Miil union w.'S ousted from the CCL and CIO in J950 for allegedly adhering to hc Communist party lire. I Al Kim? nresident ot the Trail local. announced the decision. I Mr King's announcement fo!-'i lowed a bid from Charles Mil-1 lard, Canadian president of the United Steel Workers of America (CIO-CCLi that the Trail lo;al leave Mine-Mill and join hU organization. - . USWA was defeated by Mine-! Mil) in a certification vote in 1952 I t. iiioeH' ffor fiinu.ori nJ nouncement of Mine-Mill locals at Butte, Mont., that they were j quitting Mine-Mil! and applying to the Steelworker.s for union charters. OC SOCCER bCORES LONDON (Reuters) Results of soccer games played Friday in the United Kingdom: DIVISION I Bolton W. 2. Sheffield V. 1. Newcastle U 2. Blackpool 1. Sunderland 2. Aston Villa 0. DIVISION II Blackburn R 0, Derby C 3 SCOTTISH Ir'VGtE DIVISION Alrdrlconlans 5. Hamilton A. 0. Celtic 1. Rangers 0. Dundee 4, Aberdeen 2. East Fife 1. Ralth R. 1. t Hibernian 1, Hearts 2. Partlck T. 8. Clyde 4. St Mirren 6, Queen of 3 3. , Stirling A 0. Falkirk 1. n i DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather's no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune up . . . and we'll winterize your car too. You'll be pleased with our service. Superior Auto Service Limited TODAY rVV,a 7 LAUNDPV V -rv i - f-y' "... pP - w Ll 1. Over 40 years old, neat, i 10 1 1 conscientious. 2. " With previous selling ex perience. lMI 3. Owns a car and can travel for a week at time. A Our top men In other cities all 8 over the country are making from $8,000.00 to $14,000 00 in a year. And ... no Investment is 10 needed. Our commission checks are mailed weekly and In advance. 1 1 We take care of all deliveries. 11 collections and service I li If you are really serious about P.M. making good in a new field, 12 then you are invited to write a 1 letter to me personally, telling about yourself and your experience. 2 All replies confidenlhil k Vice President. Dept. E-l, P.O. 8 Box 88, Station J. Danforth, Toronto 6, Ontario. lit) 3 ft 2S AGENCIES WANTED t DININO room suite, chrome kitchen set, fridge, washing machine, stove and other furniture. 1520 Second Overlook. (1) 8 9 SITt'ATIONS WTO. MALE MARRIED man with many years' office experience would j like to buv a respectable bus! ness or bartnershln In business, j No restaurants. Box 879, Daily 1 v, ,9,! i F'OR odd Jobs end complete j Janitor service, phone Green 773. ' ' 9p) 294 . SEWING MACHINES 1ALES ReDalrs Rentals. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (c) 32 FOR SALE MISC. LOT at Oona River with 58-foot shed, circular and bandsaw, 1 lathe, grindstone, with gas-power. Steambox, boiler, tools, half material for 30-foot boat. Warm home for small family with year's supply dry firewood. Ready to move into. Worth . more .1 .tnnn man aiuuu, uui liny icuaunuuic offer ionsidered. Owner leaving const. Apply boat Felsen, float east of Drydock, or address J.H.L.L.,.Box 311, Prince Rupert, I " "''S, I eludes one Simmons full- panel metal bed and Slumber Queen spring plus spring-filled mattress. Complete, $50.00. Al! In good condition. 1183 Ambrose Ave. i3c) SSA FOR RENT MISC. SINGLE or double store with balcony. Excellent show windows, suitable for merchandise or first class cafe. Situate In traffic centre. Reasonable rent or lease. Apply Prince Rupert Realty Co. (it. FAWCETT pot burner, 1 year, $145.00. 527 8th Ave. West. 2p) S4 WANTED MISCEIXASF.OrS , . . Cash for Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Cnll 630 flth Ave. West. c) 37 ROOMS ANl BOARD ROOM end board for working man. r-none mac hi. oi ROOM and board for working man. 937 3rd West. (303p) 39A SUITES FOR RENT COMFORTABLE two-room basement suite. Also one sleeping room. Apply 336 6th Ave. E., or phone Black 910. (3p) BRIGHT, clean, unfurnished apartment. Adults. Black 277, Summit Aptsi (2 1 THREE-ROOM suite, partly furnished. 621 Fulton. 3p) THREE-ROOM apartment and bathroom. 633 8U West. (6p) 46 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE First class cafe In Dawson Creek, B.C. Liberal terms. Box 878, Daily News. (11) KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED wished awav . -wiui ACA:-j";.'ic?:r yM:s jw y!T lTlBNR ByALCAP : AH'MONL-yAilMPLE jSPESHOLISTir DR.CLAUDE BRAINS EQOT , Jxr w,t ,, , ' r ,iiv,T. Tt , i f V T-1 sSr Jki? -((our old jJtZZ, 7Tt ahukMthis IIbSaSe- ' iQ fc n; 1 THE HEART OF JULIET JONES gy 5JAN DRAKE , v-?UTrf ITLL6E TVPICALOP THE V thENLLI" WJ ) SSfJ -t '.-( f mv I Ik-K POtt MJSTV 10 APPRECIATE THE I MUSMND S H0ME,PWPPINe S ' , S amitupb TITKET COB ' y - ( TO CAN?V AMP A PITIFUL V GOOD LUCK. J V- ARE VOU.PUSTV i . LStft. At V' V T,0F ROSE FEVER.'.' CCTOR.' M j . I AV'ilT'-' Cadet," Stephen McNally, Galliii Rnespll Jan 7 tn 0 "Desert PIXO, a remarkable discover, the ae. Free Information at .-or-n.er Laboratories Ltd., Ste. '. 679 Granville St., or write '0 Box 99, Vancouver, B.C. ,ihp NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited, Distributors for Mining, Sawmill, Lodging and Contrac-lors' Equipment. Inqi'trles tn-"led Ornnvlhe Island, Vancnu-1, B.C. (U) ELECTRICIAN D. Guyattr. House wiring and elsctrlcal "pans, ho Ave. West. Phone Red 165. (12) WJMBINO, automo'x oil heat-mg, sheet metcl work. Phone 3. Call 630 0th West. Letour- (c) WWLIC NOTICEThe city will mpty septic tanks on request Post p,ice. O. E. Beaton, Sunt .jf Works. ( 1 ) world's" finest cleanerI- RtECTROLUX. Phoni Blue CT;for Parts Sales Service. - (c) 10 ACCOUNTANT, income "Jx specialist. 8. O. Furk, Jwie Bulldinii: Red 563. (20m' bW FILING All tyoes of saws, -necision Saw filing, 215 1st vc. West. tlO GILFORD Electrical Works. Mo-,.tors bought, sold, rewound and Paired. tf ) ' Wilford Electrical Works I'cnler for Ekolite Sounders. (12) Magazines, boveletes. Mdle'a News Htand. (o) CARS? Bob Parker's of course. NEARLY everybodv uses 99. 20 HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERT tvpist for financial statements. Steady work. A. p- Gardner ii Co., Red 879. (2) Rats," Robert Newton, James Mason. Jan. 10, midnight "Iron j Crown" (Italian). Gino Cervl, I Elisa Cegani; "Yanks Ahoy."j Jan. 11 to 13 "Flight to Tan-1 gier," Joan Fontain, Jack Pal- ance. Jan. 14 to 16 "So Big, Jane Wyman, Sterling Hayden. Jan. 17, midnight "Big Night," John Barrymore Jr., Joan Lor-ring; "Once a Thief," June Havoc, Cesar Romero. Jan. 18 to 20 "Ambush at Tomahawk Gap," John Hodlac, John Derek; "Glass Wall," Gloria Grahams, Vlttorio Gassman. Jan. 21 to 23 "Vickie," Jeanne Craln, Jean Peters. Jan. 24, midnight Red Snow," Guy Madison, Ray Mala: "Okinawa." Pat O'Brien, Richard Denning. Jan. 25 to 27-"Underworld Story," Dun D u r y e a. Gale storm- "One Big Affair," Dennis O'Keefe, Evelyn Keyes. Jan. 28 to 30 "Seminole," Rock Hudson, Barbara Hale. Jan. 81, midnight "Strange Door," Charles Laughton, Boris Kar-loff; "Stars and Guitars,"