Highly Successful Conventions Reported? iOL irie' 0 BOLic l 1 niltlllT bUoy fflore victors 10 Prince Rupert delegates, returning home today from the convention at Smithers of Districts 6 and 7, Order of the Royal Purple and Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks respectively report a highly successful session. ? More than 200 attended the banquet winding up the conven DINING" PLEASURE Smithers members performed tao i floor work. j Loyal Lady Mrs. Garnet Hull J of Prince Rupert was appointed district historian and Prince Ru- pert Honored Lady Mrs. Nicholas ' Gurvich filled the associate royal i lady's chair for some of the ritu- alistic work. ! The convention was honored by the presence of Lady Eliiu- I ' beth Deane of Vancouver, su- George, Burns Lake, Smilhera and Prince Rupert. At business sessions of both Elks and Royal Purple ladies, much progress was noted in the reports of delegates on the activities of their respective lodge.!. The Ladies of the Royal Purple created an impressive effect as they performed ritualistic work in their long white dresses. The Initiation was exemplified by Prince Rupert delegates while in SPARKLING NEW , SURROUNDINGS. tion which attracted delegates) of both lodges from Williams Lake, Quesnel, McBride, Prince j Uj " -- ,..,..... -. j Commodore Cafe J me CPR uat- on ...jiUdyBiitter- ;lttave,led exums-!helM " .an curios at hei L'wi. AH our cx-jjrtat interest to e Indian bas-iory oi how ?ttwname and .' as named. U was mis history i to lier at An- of Com-Tuesday -Cbimber nlht ; n'oaint limuie. Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, May 18, 1954 i preme life member. The Elks' meetings also heard reports from the various lodges i on their past year's activities. Tony Woodland of Williams Lake I was named district deputy grand exalted ruler, replacing Len : Evans of Smithers. The Smithers lodges played : i ... " .. r New Canadian Couple United At German Baptist Nuptials A beautiful wedding ceremony I Delicious refreshments were in tiie Betnel German Baptist served by the bride's mother and church at 5 p.m. Saturday united grandmother, assisted by the in marriage two popular young groom' aunt, Mrs. R. Weik, and "new Canadians," Ingrid Pat- , Mrs. Fred WUlson. zold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The - bride's mother wore a Gerhard Patzold, 1041 Eleventh rustling full-skirted mauve print host at the Saturday night banquet, followed by a social evening and dance in the Elks Hall to complete, the successful convention. Prince Rupert ludees will play host for next year's joint, convention, to be held on the second Saturday in May. tbe waili. covci- jsures. so um 0pen uiuu eu- AvpnilA Tract anH Vimn Wailr ' noon, shaving the place tliled and so from II juKl be smiling son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weik, Schwaigern, Germany. The young couple walked up the aisle to wedding music rendered by the church choir to be II i..i:i.t.kiAik.n Photo bv Van JutCT studio. GAKRY ? KSSENDINE, m famous British , actor played by Ian Dobbie, left, is shown being slapped by Joanne Lypplatt, portrayed by Pat Hickson after she has accused him of being the lowest of cads In Prince Rupert Little Theatre's presentation of "Present Laughter." Two gentlemen on right indignantly berate the erstwhile Essen dine of having an affair with Joanne, the woman they both love. Joanne happens to be the wife of Hugo Lyppiatt, Essendine's backer, played by Bob Chidwick, far right, and mistress of Morris Dixon, the actor's producer, played by Ed Harrington, third from left. Spicy Repartee Wows First Nighters At Presentation of Fast-Paced Comedy ry exhibit U Scott lias been jtihe new display joined in wedlock by the Rev. A. Hart before an altar decked afternoon dress with hat and gloves in delightful contrast In a soft daffodil shade. Her corsage was of white carnations. Following the reception the newly married couple boarded the. train for Vancouver" and lower mainland points for a three-week honeymoon, before returning to take up residence at Miller Bay Hospital, where both are employed. ' The bride's "going-away" costume featured a ' smoky blue gabardine tailored suit with scarlet accessories. and tlial anuum rest t everyone. display win be n tree and ex- with pastel snapdragons and tulips. The bride's frothy white ankie-length gown was of delicate French filigree lace, daintily embroidered on the bodice with tiny' seed pearls. The skirt art inncDica io jii interest, also By DICK AYRES dream world where the only re Joanne, the common denomln- t organizations, such Interest In ' We and in the love-making lwl"S T women.jation quad- A small but appreciative aud-! ience was given an authentic, 1 ' matters "., ' .. ,.L B , 1 1 " . "ly . plicate l. The only con Bureau Is also intimate glimpse of London's wrest and many I theatrical world and the fab- .ttivcd from people j ulous characters thut inhabit It have Essendine, a cad to the end, admit the accusations are true. Joanne then tells Essendine just how low a person he Is, slaps him across the face and stalks cut. She misses the fact that the actor hasn't hard a word she has said, but has been con t solalion Essendine received from !life were the plaudits of the j paying customers who ensured a play a "long run" thereby paying tribute to his never-j waning ability as nn aetor. All this was depicted perfectly featured yatds of blue-white I ' nylon net over rustling satin taffeta and lily; point sleeves1 and a high neckline of nylon net were additional fashion high-; lights. The young bride's flowing chapel veil was secured by a shimmering tiara of seed pearls. Her bouquet was of fragrant American Beauty roses, and her only jewellery was a triple strand uit us during tne j last nignt, wnen the Prince Ru-' iiope our Bureau; pert Little Theatre presented. OTtfit to our mcr-1 Noel Coward's laugh-packed j j tie so kindly don-1 "Present Laughter" at the Civic j j renture as It U ; Centre. ; nelp and pledges j m true Coward tradition the i centrating on the fact that his backer and producer, who both Is now a fact j laughs came one-a-niinute, i still depend on him, have booked lE to visit. by Mr. Dobbie. From the opening scene where the idealistic Daphn Stiillngton, played win-ningly by Gayle Lreman. is given overnight shelter in the Essendine "spare , room" to the final scene when he is confront him into a theatre not to his liking. Both Mr. Dobbie's and Miss Hiekson's performances were outstanding and their clipped English accents were sufficient Stage J sometimes oftener, as the life and loves of Garry E.ssendine. famous British actor and playwright were unfolded. Prince Rupert is Indeed indebted to Ian Dobblc. star of the comedy, its director and also u director of the Prince Rupert, Little Theatre. fdkd again 1 You probably use aluminum foil in your own kitchen as a handy material for wrapping food of all kind. Now from California comes word that aluminum foil is being used to wrap ready-cooked enchiladas. Lover of this highly seasoned Mexican dish can now imply pop them in the oven to heat, then serve them In their aluminum containers. Food and aluminum go naturally together. From the hygienie milkers used in modem dairie to the utensils in hospilali and your own home, aluminum is prized for the way protects the purity, color and flavor of food. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (.Mean). Sal Let ed by two cuckolded friends, only his patient secretary Monica Reed, portrayed by Nina Yoiinr-man and his ex-wife Liz,, acted of pearls, gift of the groom. Mrs. J. . Denning, cousin of the bride, was matron of honor, in a floor-length gown of soft nvlon marquisette, featuring a full skirt and low ruffled neckline. A tiny pink veil was caught in the hair with a garland of pink roses and long pink gloves completed the ensemble. Her bouquet was fashioned in the Colonial style of pink carnations, white 'mums and blue iris. Harry Wtik, brother of the groom, was best man. to give the comedy the necessary t British touch. Lurk of English hv riiriil P.rpnt'7j.n Iftinu u,liin nrrin imi'i lit i(in in fKo rnniinHnr attar, whose mar-. .-at Munro of Win- If for nothing else, apart from ithc PquiV()(.atjl) 0;(l rv is acting ! ol th- cast was noticeable but Ills sparkling performance last. act this week, was and when he Is r.ct. i didn't detract too much. Eosy Terms enjoyable shower j I'l KC DI'TIVE HU E it the home of urn b. ITft. F"i. dpi x 1 I Jtise. Carol Brcntzen as Liz, Essen-' ' dine's wife turned in a creditable job of acting, being sufficiently blase about his entanglements Whether M rtica exp-rienecd the same ".sptr" room" dileim 15 years before Is not stated hut, the audience fathers from the fact that she his no lllus'ons about her employer, th?.t she must hav done, ..... Store your precious furs in our protected, controlled temperature vaults. Call 914. Bill Scuby Furs tt and her moth-Stther. were pre- I , Following the ceremony a 1 quiet reception was held at the ANDEESOM ! Phone 46 torsages of pink hnmn rtt tHa hrtrtn'a no ran t c i the hunnree was Light, Mr. Dobbie has given those Prince Rupert residents' who haven't had the opportuniiv j of wide travel, a sample of the; legitimate stage. ! POLISHED n-.UFOKM N( F. Mr. Dobbie. in-port ray Ini th -egotistical E.ssendine. who In turn was Noel Coward's takeoff of himself, eave a noPsher1 performance. He had the exact amount of superiority for the tenlus that Coward is. the sani' hi? ' career: ' Eighteen-yrar-old ! torated chair. jautiful gifts were i saily decked in by Miss Oall Tha bride's table was covered with an exquisite white cutwork linen . cloth, the work of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. A. Raudsepp. The table was centered with a daintily dressed bride doll and long white tapers. The' toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. Hart. ituch refreshments n the hostess. i t5 U WITHERING LOOK One of the best bits of acting turned in w;.s b: Miss Yourv:--v.n. when in the finul scene she is leaving the disconsolate Fssrndine prior to his departure for Africa on tour. Having refused a drink and a cigarette from the suddenly lonely actor, she answers his offer of "some fort of a game" with a ltok that iu included Gall diffidence of stars who try to w .j'.r--' ;m eise. Jill Welse, avod having to think for them- SlVrlry Haup.an, as the Swedish maid, somewhat of a nonenti'y in th first two acts came Into her own in the third Set and received a well-earned ovatien for her conversation, in lyrical Scan- danavian, with Essendine con- j cerning her spiritualistic tend- j tncies. Robin Bird as the man-rr-ant played his part well as did Con Fraser as the crank student phvwriEjht Roland Maule, who wanted to shire "the Fs-;.fm'ine atmosphere" so that ho could wrfe about it. an Elizabeth An- tptves off-staee. and the amoral (CON ffl Payne. Joan hnwtnu oi-crntori In the world Tomlinson. Betty n1 reward. Bea Lillie. Gertrude Kith Hadden. Pat ijia-renre Tallulah Bankhead Cole, Marge Long, flnd jack Buchanan. - i is prire!e-3. Also well-acted was th- ser.c , reggy ruuen m the first Dlace Mr. Dobbie rj. Mr. Dobbio and Pa' plavins the role of knows Ccward. has seen him act oeiwei n In hie nwn nluvs a srorp of times Hickson RUGS and BY-THE-YARD You simply unroll a Congoleum rug, and H lief perfectly flat in a coupls of hours. With Congoleum by-tha-yard, it's almost at easy. Writ for free inifruction sheet. Remember Congoleum also gives you a wear surface equal to 8 coats of the finest bated' enamel and the most colourful, up-to-date Congoleum patterns ever offered. The Gold Seal i your assurance of satisfaction. Essendine's bicker's wife Jo Bob Chidwi' k, as Hugo Lyp- anne Lvnpiat in the second act. j niat the actor's backer, and Ed Miss Hickson turned in a mag T of the Harrington as Morns irn oacser nificence piece acting as seductive interloper into the: were convincing in the r roles happy-go-lucky ensemble of Es-! although the former could do to Jnah men I relax a little. Elizabeth Morti and knows the world and era the comedy depicts. In the S"cond place, Mr. Dobbie, with his "receding hairline, perpetually clad in lounging robe and Idling expertly at the piano, almost looked like Noel Coward. All Mr. Dobbie had to do wis to learn h's lines nn'l nn'. th-i over to the Civic Centre audience. That he did, without a doubt. wn received her sendir,?, his ex-Wife, his produc er Mori'is Dixon and backe; COME AND TEST OUR 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a rood economical car try our A-30 AUSTIN. A complete car with a low prlee of only M495, thai Includes foam- rubber seals, leather upholstery, directional signals and heater-defroster unit. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE lllnejs of Utile Curde, (ormerlv of 1. who h:is hepn Hugo. .I'onne deelris to crash th'.' charmed circle. Clad in a sheathlike evening gown designed to sway the determination of a Otneral Hospilnl undercoln-; ailment. WORLD WORLD "H Old Sn n r I i n LIVF.O IN DREAM ; stronger-willed man than ts-Struttlng about, posturing and isendine, she turns up at his mor. as Lady Saltburn was adequate. The set and props were well-done and established the correct atmosphere of aflluency for a 5ucccssful actor's studio. ' For those who enjoy a good "belly laugh" from rleverly delivered -lines and mirth-provoking situations, "Present Laughter" will be repeated tonight ot 830. Since the comedy is a British play, It might be more fitt ns tonif hl If the national rnthem is not cut ofl in the middle. - . and Mrs. J. M. wl from this city quoting from byeeon- pi. ys in. studio after losing ner irom "wje in J.inuarv. vhich Essendine h id aci.ee ir: 0001 m y 10 ... i - . twtn I,-. ,.. .. .v, i.,..n o,.inr afraid of to use the "spare room. ine old. He lived in a growing i . " i. FOR BEAUTIFUL, TILE-LIKE WALLS FOR PENNIES 2u Invite Audience INSTEAD OF DOLLARS! II 1 v scene where Essendine realises : why she is there and feebly i fights a losing battle was mas-! jlcrfully played. ! , SHOW DOWN j j Another hii'll point came in th" complicated climix, when (with the ad.iring Daphne hidden in the spare room, and a mad student playwrite lodged in his ! office Ev-endine Is faced by an outraged Hugo as the man who seduced his wife and by Morris i as the man who had stolen h s i mistress. Congowall, in a wide, range of attractive col&vr, vfTert all this AND SEEYOUR ays "'"Itcrmatli of last night's hilarious stage preset i-"t Laughter" In the Civic Centre, was a cast-fe .se.ssio,, on stage. . , "titatre director and slur of the show Ian Dobbie, HOUSE FURNISHING- r" the play Invited the audience to coffee on stage, the extra economy of installing it yourself. Simply unroll, cut and cement to the wall. Congowall' exclusive patented backing assures trouble-free installation. Write for free booklet and instruction sheet. DEALER Hmc players and audience got together on :d . the stage. was mobbed by enthusiastic Rupert people (8ratulate the actors and repeat laughs over bits x SOON! J 1 the readers comedy presentation. Promises the coffee session will be repeated final showing. TO ll-ar Arlhur Laint; erul Leader, at a rally, , B.C. Lib-; June 2p.l. .1171 : CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED 3700 ST. PATRICK STREET, MONTREAL 'GORDON AND ANDERSON (ETCH I KAN OUTH RALLY Fhonc 45 Federal Block C. W. L. Membership Tci,l Thursday. M:y 20 from 2:30 to' 5 pm. nt th" h'm of Mrs.j rh-rlcs Balagno, 325 5'.h Ave.; West. 'H71' AND Jnn9 GIRLS' QUARTETTE from the louver Bib!e Institute GORDON'S HARDWAR Phone 31 1 McBride Street nl FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALL ALASKA MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY PHONE 268 Call at our Uptown Off ice MacKENZIE FURNITUR mm. . MAY 00 n m. ,llr"n"' slides li'iiclinK school life SS M- RIDGEWAV. Canadian-Japanese For Over a Quarter of a Century" , . Phona 775 "A Good Place to Buy , 327 Third Avenue I his iiltriicmcni n nol punnjn u ditnlavcd hv iht Liquor ( onool Board Mission of BrKiik or bv ih liovernnieni Culurnbil