1 , F Prince Rui-ctt Doily Jt,w. I ' Wollocc's Dcpf. Sorc i:,i ..j, iviuj 0( . Cabin Cruiser Now Demonstrating Latest Device For Scanning Seas Celco League Bowling Prizes TODAY AND WEDNESDAY MAN IN THE ATTIC In the whale-catcher Nahmint and proved successful in locating whales. Another set installed in the fishing boat Pacific Sunrise was used last season to find herring schools with good results. IIKLP IN FOG The instrument should be of VANCOUVER 0 A 40-foot cabin cruiser, the Miss Honeywell, is here showing Fraser river fishermen and tugboat operators the latest device for scanning watery depths. She is equipped with the "sea scanar," a development of wartime Asdic which was Invented by British peientists to locate submarines bexw the surface. JACK FALANCE - CONSTANCE SMITH Also "MAN CRAZY." NEVII.E BRAND - CHRISTINE WHITE Adult Entertainment C rru r i - ' T-r i I I great assistance to Fraser river tugboatmen, especially in fog, for it. gives a true picture of SHOW TIMKS: Man Crazy 7 8:10 On the secret list for a long I surroundings below the surface, time, it Is being developed com- it will give warning of shoals, mercially to locate schools of snags, bridge headings and chan- TOTEM A famous ViytTs Thealre Given Winners ' The grand roll-off trophy for the Celco City Mixed Bowling i league was presented to the Miller Bay Wildcats at the wind-up banquet and dance held at the Canadian Legion Auditorium, j Making the presentation was master of ceremonies Jerry Lord and sharing in the trophy ' were players Maxime McFad-den, Albert MeFadden, Mary j Havward. Jack Sedgewick. Tony ; Wade. Betty Wade and Nancy j Hunchak. Guests of honor for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice. Mr. Cook prtsti.ted the Oeorge Cook Tronhv to Rult s. the winning "A" Division team. Sharing honois on the Cook trophy were players Bill Collins, Jessie Collins, Clare Marineau, Mamie Marineau, Don Llewellyn, Daisv Llewellyr Inez Park- Man In Attic . 8:20 p.m. nel walls. flsh and giving warning of navigational hazards. One of the first commercial sets built was installed last year por MORE I Fun In The Sun TODAY Lost Times 7 - 9 p m EDMUND O'BRIEN - AUDREY TROTTER k "MAN IN THE DARK It has a vertical range like an echo sounder, and a horizontal range of 1.600 feet on an arc of 240 degrees. Like radar, a picture lights up on an Indicator screen, but there Is also an audible ping which has a different freauency for different objects, making it easy to distinguish between a school of fish and a buoy. , Popular Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN -, h "I'lay" Cli.l lies do niiikc a iliffiTcin c. Wallace's are a !:' n:i 'he :i !'vt to bring J'cm the latest. See Wallace's " .stuck iic.v and remember H p tliere's nmre arriving every clay. '.1 ' ur- ... . , if WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service CUS KYLE (left), captain of Calgary Stampcders, stands ready to accept the Edinburgh Trophy for the Stamps' after they defeated Quebec Aces 4-2 in the final game of the East-West hockey finals at Calgary. With Kyle at the presentation of the newly-inaugurated trophy are Al Leader (centre i president of the Western Hockey League, and Frank Currie, Stampeder coach. .Calgary won the sixth game of the best-of-nine playoffs to win the series five games to one. (CP Photo i j house and M. HerU.jk. Leagi-e treasurer Llovd Rice j rsented the "B" division tro-. rhy. which was sponsored by the CCC 300 Club, to the winning j Timber-Tics sextette. The play-j era ' were Carol Brentzen, Reg Phllllos. Mildred Wide, Bert WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE For reservations write ol call City or Depot Office CHOP SUEY. . . 'I . . . CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone f3 f Prince Rupert. B.C. Edsars, Irene Lindsay, Joe Long, u !t m r. r s :s e i a 1 1 All the rhvtlim mance,..the son i 'ry Daily Nts Classifies and the laughter 4 BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE America's Dancing Years unri irson and Tiny Carlson. . who Is now In Vancouver. Individual trophy winners were: A division Men's High ; f veroffe. Bvron Lofgren with 200; i Ladies' High Average, Marv Po. tuk with 203; Men's High Three, Byron Lofgren with 791; Ladles' i Wlrrti Three Marv Postuk with 756; Men's High Single, Bill Mc-Chesnev with 371 and Ladles' : High Single, Shirley Olnn with 311. I B Division Men's Hlr;h Aver- ' ( By EASLEY BLACKWOOD james Stewart june allyson Ttin 'Forcing' IMay Can Also Work For Declarer Most textbooks discuss at some length the mat glehh Miller story age, Joe Long itn 195: Ladies' I ter of "forcing" declarer that is, leading good High Average, Mildred Wide cards in the side suits to make declarer ruff until ljis trump length is reduced beyond the danger with 171: Men's High Three, Don i Fraser with ' 728: Ladles High 1 Three, Mildred Wide with 109; ' Men's High Single, Jim Wright j with 320 and Ladles' High Single, j May Murray with 301. i m point. Ckuus mu( huh mat nun nt 9nd Am Mwiwl "CrMh ' (mm VZ-&t riANCCS uncfodd toun iimini iint nurt the nooiimins , There is no rcipfin whv th's shouldn't work both ways. thouph the textbooks arel strangely silent rn the Kubicst of declarer forcing a c'efendi-r. Mr. Masters, found it necccmry t th dealer Nrithcr sl'lr viilnrrnbtf Nurlli (Mr. Mull') 8 K J 3 H 7 6 D 8 6 5 C -A K Q 10 4 Viv l.jiol ( r. ii;ntiiMi ) li Hnili) K (141 H 7 1! K J 4 II. A .1 10 S D Q J 10 4 r K 7 C-l) (I C- - S 7 8 5 2 Si.iitll (Mr. Mati-rs) a- a q io e a H 8 3 2 D A 0 3 3 C J The bidding: Knrth Enst South Wc .t 1 C 1 H 18 11 3 S Pa-is 4 8 All Pavs CAPITO Shows 7 - 9:25 . Added Cartoon - News to use that line ' f l)!;'" n today j deal. I i ARiilnst the four .spado con-j tract Mr. Clvmninn led thf kin-; j of hearts. Miss Brash elcctei to ' overtake with the ace nnd re-' turn a club. Mr. Clvmipioa! A FAMOl'S ri.AVKRSTllt;A Nine Homers Scored in WIL By ThP A; :,ic-lHl.('ll Pre: Western International Leaaue pitchers are generous with thj home run ball this season. Only three games were played Monday night but nine home runs were listed in the total of 68 safe hits counted In ball parks at Calgary, Trl-City and Salem. Four homers were In the short-fenced park at Calgary, where the Edmonton Eskimos trounced the hometown Stampcders 10-8. Gus Stathos, .first ?oan up for SPECIAL PRICES EVENINGS Adults 75e; Students 50c; Children SAT. MATINEE Adults 50c; Students 50c; Children squirmed slightly in his chiir at thLs development. Whenever his partner makes an out of the or-i dinary play he immediately .su--1 pects it of being an error. In m ' w t i i I fact it is an error to him until proven otherwise. ! HOW TO I TSKT IMKTNKK -'V-'f i' , l' ...Jilt, v a 1 ,.vf' .. .,.'1'" I . 'v " ;. .. '( -.. ' ; . V ',-"!' ..-..'.. 'I ;..t ;'.!., X 'v... 3 s it.- , j . , ; v y- ... , it w 1 . : ; - . rC IP; ' 'c. fhqfc a question we all have to play carefully If he now found four trumps In one opponent's hand. He won the sec-end trick with the jack of clubs and led the acc and brother spade. GETS BAD Nr.V KIDDIES This endearing trait is one of I Caigary, lifted ond out of the ask ouiteJves! the successful methods of throw ARCH-PAL We adc it at Imperial tod. : And the answer iff to BeftUhdi RUNNER ing partner off his game if you're interested in accomplishing that. Actually, Miss Bra.;h'a club shift was a good shot as it eliminated Mr. Masters' only entry to the boaia outside the trump suit Itself. Mr. Masters realized he would I park, and Andy Skurskl and i Larry. Manier of Edmonton and Dan Lundberg of the Stampcders matched the feat, j At Kennewick, Marv Williams and Dick Oreco homered for Vancouver In the first Inning to set the Capllanos on the way to an eventual 9-8 victory. Len i Tran contributed a four-masier I for Tri-Clty In the eighth. Joe Joshua and Tom Perez found the range at 8alem as Victoria racked up a 12-3 tri everydol for play and L . - in niir- annual rPhrti-r- Here is where each Imperial dollar, went lacf year. CUSHION HEEL ARCH SUPPORT CUSHION INSOLE He gut the bad news when Miss Brash discarded a small heart on the second trump lead. Winning with the jack of .spade j he now abandoned trump:; and cashed the ace .of clubs. He was tareful to discard a heart Instead of a diamond from the closed hand. He could not afford to have dummy forced with heart leads. When the ace of clubs held the king was played and the last heart discarded while Mr. Champion ruffed. This reduced Mr. Champion's trump holding tr; one, the same holding as dummy's. He returned the queen of diamonds and Mr. Masters won with the ace and led a low spade to dummy's king. The club suit then furnished rnough diamond discards to maKt me contract. '53ft went to buy crude oil and other raw materials . p. , umph over the Senators. Victoria won the game early. The Tyecs scored five runs In the second Inning and never were threatened. Snug heel fit, lots of l " In cfllors of: h 11 I 1 ' i. i V Ruby, Plaid. Blue, Green, Brown, Red, Jade j&w went to operating costs ...including pay cheques Sizes 4 to 2. Priced from $2.69 to $2.95 FASHION F00TWEA RARELY PRESENT I IPSWICH, England 0 A j mother who had admitted ttu-.t her six-year-old daughter had been absent from school 362 j ' times In 16 months, was fined 15 shillings. I -fo our employees. . Rope Mishap Fatal to Boy CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C. (P Separate strangling mishaps took the life of a 12-year-old boy and put another in hospital here. Dead is Edward David Hutchinson who was found hanging by a rope in shed near his home. Lourdes Hospital said Eddie Quatell, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Quatel of the Indian reserve near here is In improved condition. On the seriously "ill list Saturday night, he was rushed to hospital after he was nearly choked to death when he apparently became entangled in op of tne supporting ropes of a swing. RCMP said the Hutchinson boy was found by his father. Elwood. when he arrived home from work Just before six p.m. All attempts to revive him failed. He was last seen alive about 4:30 p.m. 10 was gobbled up PI in taxes ... and this doesnf n, SEftA rt J . 'WW i ihrlndp. 4ho nrnwinria f-1 r 4 was used to replace worn-out FREE SHOW SEE YOl'lt FIGHTING NAVY IN ACTION A Colorful Travelogue of Canada THE NAVY FLIES" Scenes from , ISLE OF CAI'Itl - MT. VESUVIUS - ill KMl I) A . HAWAII CIVIC CENTRE -8 p.m. MAY 20 equipment. TheiesU4.--';i A. INLAND WATERFOWL The double-ercsted cormorant which Inhabits some inland lakes Is about the size of the loon, blacki.sh In color. was dividends to our shareholders -for the use of plants and equipment bought Sure of a good welcome ' BUCHANAN'S mACK&WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY j with theit money. OlicSic lctiS in ENJOY Joyef ' f Canada's Mildest. X &s!M23 Cigarette ' 50HhW By Appointment to tK lat King Corg VI IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Distilled, Blended and Bottled i" Sc0,ln CONTENTS J6!4 OUNCES f tu,. . . : . ' ... ....-i.vJbitt ms Huvcriisemeni is not puousnea or ui'i-. - f liuiiiJ( Cwitrol Board ui bj the uovernnicnt f l"115" t