, I. , . , 4,v- ..... i Mi CLOItCr L'.llll'!, AUCTIONEER Ph.ne Black 846 and Red 13,. V-DAY TIRE SALE Ml FROM IOC. I 7 '.: i j w 4r r f vf DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS FIRESTONE CHAMPIONS $4.95 BOO X 13 Plus Your Old Tire SUPER-SERV1C 32 FOR. SIL; Misc. 47 AUTOMOBILES 13 PERSONAL CONTACT Alcoholics (S,M"lu " ,,, 4 30 pm pr.vlou. "1 Anony-:TWO bedroom unfurnished mous. P.O. Box 343. (132) 1947 CHEV sedan in good shape. Apply to 1428 6th Ave. East. (1211 per In- '". ...rf ner word 14 BUSINESS PERSONALS t " ' -L -harfe SO nnlt , minimum 50 cenU. rue w LEGAL NOTICE house, good location. Adults only. Centrally located unfurnished apartment. Adults only. For information and particulars Phone 57. O. P. TINKER and CO. LTD. (121) a Iatli At the corner of 'Mid anil '!nI where tlif wnff U "id to hum. n n..jW.OTWr.i.!, ...mmm "wnjr .mui.iii.i.immn ni. i.p nj mmvm'm'mmmmmmMimm i "'- - l I ' 1 !' ) . . ; j 1 Nsl-I'-- ru"i nnd Eitgai:emDt zoo. hif prlo. GARDENING and landscaping. lawns, evergreen planting, rook walls, fishponds, patios and rockeries. Free estimate.,. Red (126p) C.WtKIW NATIONAL RMMVIVM, WKKTKKV HKilON gE'ALED tenders will he received at the office of the Chief Engineer. ...,.a C t: i. But acci-i t rMFon.lbtlltj 1 Wlnnipe. Manitoba, until two (2 GENUINE Seafood dinner THE ELECTRICIAN D. Cuvatt. pre- ,Sei inn ii:-" - r 'clock. Central Standard Time. !n the afternoon of Thursday. June pared by seasoned chefs. House wiring and electrical re tui.K ci.-.".'; " Cost f Kutii error, is rec-iBo pairs. 149 9th Ave. West, i-honei whatever you think it's worth. loth. 1064. for the construction of Red 165. (114)lFlrst United Church next Fri- 200-ton Ice House at Endako. British Olumbiii jday, May 21, 5 p.m. (119) THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guvatt ANT AD ! I: 1 f IP P iris K J --V" House wiring and electrical re-. EIGHT-FOOT pairs. 149 9th Ave, West. Phone' suitable for Red 165. (13!i dinghy. Also . ... , Green fiflH plywood skiff, car top or boat bed chesterfield. I 1 ') M l REPLIES UHiMNEY rleanlng. Oreen 773, Odd jobs. Phone I MANTEL piece. Cream color. 343 Mr. J. Kemp.sler. 7ln Ave. West. (120p 1 SUVANTr f) iVflSfH I M ii s :rc holding replies following News es: WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER -KLKCTROLUX. Phone Blue THE LITTLE THEATRE urgent- j4 the Plans, specifications, and form- of contract may be wen, and form of tender obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, Winnipeg; District engineer, Vancouver. Division Engineers, Prince Rupert and Ram loops. Assistant Division Engineer. Prince Crnrvf, CNR. Agent, Burns Lake, and CNR. Aent at Terrace. B.C. Tenders will not be considered unless made on farm supplied by the Railway and accompanied by an accepted cheque drawn on a chartered Hank in Cannda in favour of Canadian National Railways, equal to fivo jM-r cent of the total amount of the tender No bid bonds will be accepted with tenders for this work. The lowest or any tender not ' ' ncf-pssarily accepted. j. r. McMillan, Vice-President. .' , Winnipeg. Manitoba, May 17th. 1H54. (M-J7, 18. 1! in THE C.RIMXKSS of the business at hand Is rcueci-ed in the faces of the principals ;U7U for Parts Sales Service, i y wishes to borrow Tartan I (c)i kilts, trousers, blouses and vests, I r .for the staee nrnrturl ion nf On. 3,942, 943, 948 PUBLIC ACCOUN'lriVT Income pretta Rripadoon. Please contact VMiC. must l rUIK. Hrppn 74 or Pl..elf ono rii McCarthy-Army controversy currently being aired in Washington. These candid studies were made as the sensational hearings stretched in to the second week. Top row, left to right-Senator Joseph R. McCarthy; Army Secretary Robert T. Stevens; H. Struve Hensel. Assistant Secretary cf Defense; bottom row, left to right) Roy M. Cohn, chief counsel to Senator McCarthy; Joseph . We.-ch, special counsel for the Army; and Ray H. Jenkins, special impartial counsel to the Senate Investigations sub-committee hearing the dispute. Tex pedalls.. ?.. G. Stone Building. Red 893. fed f:r m person , ' 1119 8PENCE Sc Matluk, Painting Contractors. Phone 1D1 days, Blue 881 evenings. (120) i WANTFD TOP MARKET DEADLINES PKICKH PAT!) for urnm Iron. 65 Russians Deny School Military Training 1 tl Ifl'lKTMV if'P t - .- - WILPORD Elortrical Works, Mo-'s brass. pprr. load, oto. lorn bought, sold, rewound i Honost promnt pay-i and repaired. i'n)imrnt mado. Atlas iron & Metal ' ! Ltd.. 250 Prior fit. Vancouver, SAW Filing All types of saws.'B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. (Hm Prerlsion Saw filing. 215 1st- - Ave. West. C'ASil FDR Scrap, enppv, hnos. bntteries 1 WILPORD Electrical Works deal-- radiators. Phone 13 Call Gld' er for Ekolite Srjundrrs. 6th Ave. Wist (c) I nu --i He: Cerlincate nf Title No. TUiM-i f . f I If" I l F II jMcr.iBut Plavground exercises Like urills ".VIIKKKAS RatlstKctory prKf oil ( .or at jv a newspaper to i? accurate production actually help you to th' niu.vt for your dollar. ak that nil Display .:.-: cur.y be In our ! fay 4 p i. tw pub-.a days in advance loss or the abov Cert!'Uate of Title ! Editors -Joic When Bill ThH iJvnliltlMnl It Ml pyblitttcd er itpUytr1 bf lk Liquet Conltel Boanf w by the GevtrnmcfC el B el..). Col.'! no . ROOM and board for WILPORD Electrical Works deal-! working man, Box 951 er for Ekolite Sounders. UMt , News. Issued in the name of Minnie Hansen has been Illecl in this of I ice. liollce is hi-rehy given that I shall, ut. the explritliun of one month from the date rf the first publication j hereof. l;.sue a Provisional Certili- j rate ' '1 tile in lieu of said lost i Certificate, unless In tho ineantime . valid objection be made to me in; yoimt; Dailv (118pi :itr n.iy tin1 ad is lo Boss, Canadian Press staff writer, returned to Canada after five months in the Soviet L'ninn, he hroucht notebooks (rammed with sidelights on life behind Uis Iron Curtain. Here 4re some extracts from his handwritten records which the Russian censor did not see. nr. of a necktie. - 1 Here is what the newspapei t "Most people are wearing them said about speeches made at th? now," he said. "Pretty soon we'll ; lime of the March elections: j ! have invented them." Assistant party secretary Poa- i The censor wouldn't let melpelo": "Long applause." j tell that story when I tried to: Lazar Kagano.ch: "Thunder- ; from 1 ous applause." I I send it Moscow- I . j Nikita Krustchev; "Thunder-' j If the Soviet Union decided to 'us and prolonged applause, ev- : go to war, Western military at- erybody stood." . j taches in Moscow think they Clementi Voroshilov: "Long; ; could give eight days' warning to j and thunderous applause grow- ; ' their governments. ing into an ovation, welcoming TRAVEL TOPICS fcddie'sl (c) MAGAZINES, Novelties. News Stand. idiino for Classified CARS? Bob Parker's of course. (120) ;r.e will remain the previous pub-lav. (It) writing. HATED at the ljind neistry Of-! flee. Prince Rupert. B.C., Utta 24th : day of hebruarv. H,.f)4. All. J ANDKKW THOMPSON, lleputy KeHlitnir of Title., i (1I1C j 35 BOATS ASit KNUINF.S 16' RUNABOUT boat with cabin. I 5 ii.ti. Wisconsin, air-eouled engine. Accommodates six. For in-.spection at Vivht Club see Care- j taker or phone Black 837. (120p) 18-FT. CLINKER dingy. As new. I Tony Crawley, Green 391. ; di7p NEARLY everybody uses W SEEING ENJOYING BILL BOSS Pr:ss Staff Writer By Canadian 16 LOST OMIMi r K.N'TS But one of them wasn't too ! shouts of 'Hurrah ana everyooay sure. . , j stood." "In a couni.y where they con- centrate divisions of troops fori Rur:ians love'ue cream. Even Today's Stocks Every Soviet education author- j ity I talked to denied there is. military training in Russian elementary and high 'chools. But t nnuqh fnir-mindr-ri nhservers in WHITE face female bulldog. Answers to name "Bin!?," Finder please phone Red 650. 31 tOOM AMI ItOMtl) (Teurtesy S. f). Jchnttot. tjo. i.td.) 'Utiim Home and School Sale, May 22. 6th St. I .quire. nearly-new sale, May 1TWO (renttemen; rliurinc bcrt. anything ' from a .parade or a funeral Lo. lha ouwiiiu; .a a new, : store, we'd have to be pretty ; TlWfiscow tiivfrmid nn tliey have good to do it." , in sub-zero wcath:r, women treot-V'-ndors .s,ianJiit corners selljiig cones and iee-cream sandwiches. There are also indoor stands in subway stations, stores and theatres. But sundaes are unknown. "You use chocolate syrup with your ice cream because its fit- VANCOUVER American Standard 11 Beaver Lodge Uranium .52 Eralorne 3.30 Cariboo Gold Quartz.... .82 : seen schoolyard exercises resembling cadet drills to make me doubt the Russians. Conscription in the USpiR starts at 18 and is basically for BLUE budRie bird within vlein-j phone Red 718 after 5:30 p.m. ily of 1st Overlook. Black 2136. or call 3005 James Apts. UlUp) -?-1 HOUSEKEEPING room, suitable 19 Help Wld -rtale temale for one or two men. Close in. '.TTr.; ', ',7-TrC Phone Green 448. . 12()p ELDERLY couple to take charge, . .. ttrt Spring Bazaar, Because Pravda is official mouthpiece of the Communist party, the phrase.3 It uses lo describe reception of Red leaders' M iti;h or kknt of smull apartment In re-:39. ; ri,m Missionary Tea, (122) TM. baaar May 27. said speeches Is a. safe key to th'ise j vor is not as good as ours Phone (117) turn free accommodation. Red 684. While Eost This Summer CRUISE " '"" Tho Beautiful Sagucnay ond Sr. Lawrence 5 to 8 days. CONSULT Y'OUPv LOCAL TRAVFL AGENT Crawford Moore Travel Agencies Cronln Babine Djreen Etella Giant Mascot Granduc. Indian Mines (ask).. .05 three years though It may be 07 longer or shorter depending on .17 '-i the armed services' need for 3 I particular tradesmen. 3-10 j University students are ex-Oi'z i nint from conscrintion but must leaders' popularity with official lone Russian, winch snows tne ! effect of Russian propaganda. SMALL furnished apartment June 1. Quiet adults only. Also unfurnished 3-room apartment. Phone Blue 292. 1II61 dom. warty-new Sale, May DISPATCHER for radio cabs. Night shift. Steady employment. Apply 99 Taxi Co. Ltd. 118) Pioneer 1.73 'i 'ira. May 22 HOME. . OR SALE 40 Spring Saddler, Bassett Both Decisiomd By Underdogs in New York Bouts i Church W.A. J'rif 3. ' attend military lectures and drill I as officer cadets. They go to I military camp fur two to four j weeks during summer vacations j and may qualify as reserve of- fireVs. Premier Border 05 Puvateer 03 Quatiino , la's Reeves McDonaldL .... 1.50 Sheep Creek .. 70 SUbak Premier 10 WHY PAY RENT? $1000 down and move right In.j Newly painted ten-year-old bun-, galow. fully furnished. Large' living room, two food bedrooms,: 20 HELP MitNTLu f'EMALE BTENOGRAPHER with shoi t- hand experience required mediately by Albert. & McCaf- bdii's hake Sale, June 5. wriin Fall Bazaar, No- fery Ltd. Phone 118 for i view. in("-- cabinet kitchen and bath. One (1 16) block to shoppine end the bus.! , prirp(i t0 seu $3200. ranked second, arming, lijh'.-weisht centenders. . . . Khilfi used superior soe3d an? a solitt r'ght lnr.d punch to offset Sdriiers left-hin'd punch- NEW YORK Featherweight champion Sandy Saddler and . Percy Bassett, th3 "Interim" king, had. ' better stick to the 128-pound cIe.'s frnm now on. tNCCKMENTS ; 25 Situations Warned Female Phone 620 21j Second St. to Mrs Thomas J. Oow-1 Soviet claims to have invented almost everything aren't accepted without question by every Russian. A student commented that certain practices previously considered "bourgjois" are now re-apnearing. One is the wearing -V " i .;"' 1 t ! - n : . ;.. .... , .-.('' . J- ' - . ; - . !; ' ,1 ,.1 1? -.: V i f .... et The champ expected to romp"8 and roughlnj tacti--s. Zulu Sil-Van (ask) 10 Silver Standard 73 Spud Valley 02 Vz Vananda 01 4 Western Tungsten 58 Oils-Anglo Canadian 5.10 A. f. Consolidated .32 : ' Central Leduc (aski ".. . 1.93 Mercury - i '.; ' ("' W the engagement of WOMAN wants housework by iiishter. Pegey Joyce, to' h h,. ri.h. pi msii 5 MINUTER TO TOWN I Solid 5-room bungalow, close to schoolx and city centre. Large living room, family-sued dining heme against Hoacino Khalfi, a : eta. at li-io-as cn.-e. w,n ar thrte-to-one underdog, Monday ne Phased over Bass.Ht. . . ' w McDougall, son of - . - :rma inA li.. T.v, ftr T mln.1 rVilMruti flfiua f5rprr two good bearooms ana n'sht at St." Nicholas arena and of Guelph. Ont. The 281.. ' .. '110,ihfitli Huspnient with hot water BUSINESS , And PROFESSIONAL Mn ... i,lost a split, decirion to tn,e fleet heatinsr. $2000 down, balance ai' 607 . V. "will take place on June' 'r".iWrrr, iTiVtirfKj" X'W.iited turoh. -.PABY. sitting. 'y6ol .Red S.:iXrt "f -J--yf mt ' i i'. naiWArsnt-Oiuly 4f00. nAD.i-i DIAL 1240 KilocjcWs PR 26 Ct'ILMING MATERIALS Armstrong i,ft'neics Ltd. 342 Eves Red 958 (1161 Wp&i 0 .'mtntwej jnv, v.J . Bassetl foiina himSdlf fn yi over his heed against, Orlando Zulueta at 'Brooklyn's . eastern parkway and lost' a unanimous verdict to ine clever C.ban with tho snapping left j.ib who is fW!D OF THANKS LTD. PHILPOTT EVITT Si CO, ' NiivV Ft'i?. TANKS 5.S9 Cak Tar.k 1 110 ,00 (Subject '. Thaiieei IIIIIUtKBIICBll TUESDAY Supper Serenade On Stnue with len Dobhie frp thanks to all who Phone 651 or 652 I'othe lute Peder Wold's .INQUIRE about our budRCt plan Fund, and to those for your home Improvement. .d- ii y ' , " I 12 imk St"1 M'( J 1 No down payment. $100 to $2000. Pacific Pete 9.75 Royal Canadian 09 '; TORONTO Athona 081 Aumaque 10 Consol. Discovery 1.88 Bevcourt 22 Buffalo Canadian 18 Consol. Smelters 27.25 Ccnwest 3.30 Dcnalda - 45 Eldona ' .20 East Sullivan 4.00 God's Lake 70 PM. 6:00 6.30 0:45 1 :00 i UliWers. fa l Rlllh Wick WOULD you like to make over 10 interest on your money Three-storey house. Revenue $190 per month. flus large suite for owner. View. Will accept family dwelling or car as part payment. Terms. Phone Red 297 after 6:00 p.m. (120) INDUSTRIAL WU.1KNU Oreen 81 ' - .2-1 1st Ave. B. 8 to 24 mos. to pay. ui Canada produced 6 882.003 pounds of wool In 1951 but Imported 69.000.000 pounds. FILL 27 7:00 7:30 8:00 15 8:30 0:00 Try Clean, Hard. Hot BRIQUETTES In Your Fireplace, Cookstove or 41 BUSINESS LOCATIONS Broadway Cafe Mrs. Rowe DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avenue East, over Rupert Battery Shop. Phone Blue 126. Furnace ! FOR RENT Offices in the Stone $24.40 Ton Delivered Building, modern, steam heat-ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD., ed, centrally located. Apply Your Agents for MeLeod River; Room No. 3 Stone Blglg . or Hard Coal 'phone Red 5S3. (118) Fast Passenfcer and Freigiit Sailings from Prince Rupert (All times Daylight Saving To Vancouver Friday and " Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Kitimat Friday 8:00 p.m. To Kemano Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Stewart, Alice Arm Saturday 6:00 a.m. To Masset and North Quern Charlottes Thursday 6:00 a.m.; May 6, 20, and June 3. To South Queen Charlottes May 13, 27 and June 10. Passenger Reservations Freight Bookings LES SMITH Prince Rupert Agent 'J'M Langholm. j 'i Machine Shop, Mr.! Is H Ha n. Nils Gimder-Parkvnld. Mr. Biorn ' and Mrs. J. Christen-and Mrs. Carl Strand, 5 Fishermen's Union, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rasmus Holl, Mr. and "Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Mr Hendricksen. Walton Ed Grundvold, C. Rosang, Mr. L. ', 'Mr- and Mrs. Arnulf ,.7" and Rusty Baldwin (ml nins,rand' Mr- and s7n..,p- Simundson. Mr. - Ht Jensen. A. Olsen, 1 9:30 10:00 10:15 10:30 I 1 :! l:::(MI A.M. Hardrock H'i Harricana 23 ( Heva Gold 04 Duvex .15'', Joliet Quebec ; .32 Little Long Lac 71 Madsen Red Lake ., 174 McKcnzie Red Lake .... .3814 Norwegian Program CnC News CBC News Roundup Leicester Square lo Brondwr.y The Nation's Business Canadi'ina Fighting Words Let's Make Music Chileotin Trails CBO News In Search of Islands rtuirllmc Rhythm Weather KcfM.rt Miivh-al M:islcrpleccs SIri.-oIT WEDNESDAY BC. Fishermen's .'l.oadcast Musical ( lock CISC News: Weather Mie-icul ( lock .M.irnlns llevoliolK CISC News; Weather Here's Bill CKmkI Breakfast Club Leftovers BBC News and Cemty. Aunt Lucy Laura Ltd. M tV'AM I.ll HI li!'..VI. ONE- or two-room apartment or FOR your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace Coal Foothills and Bryan Mln. Oas "Pacific" Propane. housekeeping room, for Kirl. as soon as possible. Ap OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 PHILPOTT EVITT to CO. LTD. ply Box 956 Daily News. (117) 4-BEDROOM house, good district Phone 651 or 652 iiiz) " BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 20C s. H .,1," Y"u' 28 FURNITURE FOR SALE - -"oniiM-n, Mr. ana Knntonn .... ... . d09 Third Avenue Phone 568 2 year lease. Contact Office, Mill Division, Cellulose. . (120) 'ft 0 A, Mr- "icker- A 1 serving B.C. since 1889 " Clayton, n l Mini. ' "reH- : 'X'rsnn Mr. and Mrs. 3-PIECE chesterfield suite, combination radio, just like new. Vacuum cleaner, new. Occasional LISTINGS WA.Y1M) 43 , wirs. j. wick Mr. CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone 632.' chair, small rugs. Miscellaneous Mr. and 1 01m MacLeod CocushuU .... 1.28 j Negus 11 'a Noranda 67.60 Louvlcourt 17'2 Pickle Crow 1.17 Petrol, Oil and Gas 50 Shcrrltt Gordon 3.80 Steep Rock 8.20 Silver Miller 1.17 Great Sweet Grass 1.18 Gulden Manltou 145 Can. Chem. & Cellulose 7.50 Landover Oils 08'4 Rix Athabasca 1.34 Nesbitt Labine 1.44 Boreal 2.05' Ocean Visitor MEAFORD, Ont. (CP) First n fossum, Skipper and Articles. Suite 3, 510 McBride Apts. Call evenings. tl20p) J wn 1 r- n. ,j Civic Centre Association of Prince Rupert PRESENTS THE NEW CIVIC CENTRE DARK wood dining room suite W rarKVoia, Mrs 11 C Hans Petersen. O. Mr anrta"d Mr Richard 'I Mr, rs' H- Ericksen, buffet, jacknife table and four chairs. In cood condition. Apply SELLING YOUR HOUSE? We have several buyers with cash for houses up to $15,000. "You'll do better at" ' II. Holircrson Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance 216 6th Street Phone 98 or F. Wilson, Black 197 Eves. (120) 48 ''BUSINESS OlPORf UNITIES 7:00 7:1". 7:30 7:3,1 7:4.T 8:00 8:10 8:15 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 9:59 !0:00 10:15 10:45 11:00 11:15 1 1 :! 1 1 :4!i P.M. 12:15 12:25 12:30 I:.' :.-.:! I :OII 1 :30 8:00 2:30 3:15 3:S0 , 3:46 3:411 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 . 6:10 1448 8th Ave. East or ureen aa. (118) IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS Ed n. ', , Sanson, Einar -re, Zr V,asm". Mr. lbert Lindseth, Mr, r came Phone (116p) FURNITURE for sale. Blue 247. Come What May "ir:-.e sip.na: Mfimliiij Visit The Happy ClanR Musical kitchen Your Oooil Neighbor Kindergarten of the Air Message INtIimI Mel's KKehetl CUC News CBC Showcase B.C. i-.rm Iroadcasl Interlmle Keeords f.ir Vml Record Albtnn B.C. School Broadcast Trans-Canada Matinee Brave Voyage Ilocttow.i CBC News B.C. Roundup Vocalta' and Stock QuoUitlolls Jubilee Road City Under the Ice 29A SEWING MACHINES ocean ship ever to enter this Georgian Bay harbor was the for ans u: ' "rnpt. Mr, and , - -ausf n. Mr CLASS B chauffeur with current :,Vm' MLar.d mls- motorship Luclana of Kiel, Ger SALES Repairs Rentals. Singer Sewing Cent:t. rj.cne 864. id many, which delivered 200 tons model car to operate on a well-established taxi stand. Apply (n person to 99 Taxi Co. Ltd. (118) of steel piling for pier construe Mr , mrs- O. '5(IMr i J?: N- Johnsen. jWwire ,or,i.Pn' Cous,n 'ly Avli 'Seale. Ruth nilri k?:1' Jack and Hn. FOR SALE MISC. 32 CIVIC CENTRE ADULT MEMBERS ONLY Profit by an evening's fun for $1.00 Wednesday - 8:00 p.m. - Wednesday SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERER ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. w Prince Rupert, BC. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 tion. , HUGE TREES The Sitka spruce trees of the British Columbia coast may reach heights of 250 feet. RADl6Tphonograph combine-1 194!) RTUDEBAKER Sedan with tion, mahogany consol. One radio, top , nd't'n; .f slumber kins .spring-filled mat- paint, new rubber $1100. Can be CJ'1 Neli H Oiaf nd Mrs- O. Stega- O r e c n, New Hovly Doody Mansion House Proceedings International ' Comty. tress Annlv 209 6th Ave. East linanceu. Kay U20p) U17) Floats. 110 after 6 p.m.