II: M Fl II. i! kiil U.j.1, J y " Friday, October 30, 1953 tisenhower, Dulles Doubt Vatue of Proposed Talks on Peace With Red Premier Malenkov Americans Demand Probe Of Reports on Red Atrocities For Extra Value T JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Ebenhower, at his press con ; Premier Malenkov might bring ference on Wednesday, sought to ' WASHINGTON ( AP ) Presi- world peace. 4. yT '. .:! ' df lit Eisenhower and State Sec- As Is obvious from repeated minimize the value of personal petii-y Dulles seem to be trying to i public statements, they regard diplomacy: A value which has fid the free world of the Idea I the idea as a vain and dangerous tended to grow in recent months, SALE Viand'AoS For Christmas Giving FAMOUS WATCHES Bulova, Hamilton, Elgin, Cyma, Mercury and many others. can charges. The announcement came as the U.S. disclosed it will present further evidence of Soviet com-1 pliclty in Communist torture to ; wring germ warfare "confes-1 sions" from captured American' airmen to the UN's 60-nation ! that a top-level talk with Soviet ! Illusion. in part because of the repeated UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. (API American delegates took ur-1 gent steps today to bring the' United States Army's document- ; ed report of Communist atrocities in Korea before the United Nations Assembly. i The Chief U.N. delegate Henry Cabot Lodge announced the move Thursday night, a . little See our many other Gift Item ONE-THIRD Off 0 If MAINJVIM 3 Your Friendly Jewe lie! political committee. Lodge's swift reaction to the atrocity report caught his associates by surprise. American experts went Into an Immediate huddle to write an explanatory memorandum telling the UN why they thought the report should be placed on the assembly's agenda. more than 24 hours after the army war crimes division issued its account of the torti're, murder and starvation deatlu of 29.815 persons including many Americans. in Korea. AIRLINE GOES TO RESCUE AFTER NOME BAKERY FIRE -ANCHORAGE. Alaska iAP Alaska had a breadline 600 iilcs long Thursday. ' It was set up when an early morning fire destroyed the only bakery in Nome and an emergency request was made by ' radio to Anchorage for 600 loaves. Alaska Airlines held up the morning flight while a local bakery hurriedly packed 300 loaves for Nome. B.C. To. Spend More Money . On Alcoholism Research proposals of Sir Winston Churchill for an East-West talk between chiefs of government. Eisenhower has been asked questions about the possibility of such a meeting with greater frequency perhaps than questions on any other subject. Dulles, similarly pressed for his views, has also had the problem as a diplomat of trying to dissuade ' Churchill from pressing the matter to a conclusion. j ! In the past, Eisenhower has been inclined to take the positive N-n thot he would be glad to . "T''i ; l' i T.u'J.-ii'. wiUji v jitU: no any good for peace. tV!, icndoii to press a some-v:;H more negative argument sr.vini? the United Stat&i U always ready for negotiation but is not interested in talks without evidence of Communist goodwill. I MOW The report, documented with blood-curdling photographs and eye-witness stories, touched off demands from shocked American public and private figures - L rv SAVE UP TO Sea fffic&f Cycb -matte rA Mill 1 r A nrr CHARLES HEBERT, 54, has been appointed Canadian ambassador to Belgium and minister to Luxembourg succeeding Lt.-Gen. Maurlqe , Pope', named Canada's frt ainba-" ' t." ?T?iin. Mr. Hebert pn ious!y h:ti been nmbassa-c.ir to Mtx.'O. A mitive of Montreal, lie jomcri the exter-. r.'.l affairs department in 1946 as counsellor at. the Canadian embassy in Washington. ACCIDENTAL COIRTESY PYECOMBE, England f Police, investigating a theft from a store here, found a real clue. It was a visiting card dropped by the thief, who was essily traced to his home. FniGfDAIRE ! for UN action. Lodge's terse announcement j gave no Indication, however, whether the U.S. would ask the 'assembly to pass judgment and condemn: those responsible for I the killings. ' . - Diplomats said tny U.S. de-: mar.d for condemnation of al-i leged war criminals almost certainly would run Into. bitter ! Communist opposition and Russian counter-demands -that Red China and North Korea be Invited here to answer the Ameri f4 t rMxtr-Rifrlgerator Combined! tmmil rincd Yes. the whole family can enjoy the extra sp "d, ronvenlenrr and comfort of air travel AND SAVE MONEY. There's an example of bow it works . . . one parent pays full fore . . , the other parent and children 21 years and under pay half fare, except children under fixe years, who travel free when accompanied ;. VANCOUVER f An increas- vention here. Mr. Bonneer said: J:ir amount into alcoholism re- "It is obvious the government scorch will be spent by the has responsibllties in the en-BrlU.sh Columbia government, forcement and effect of liquor Attorney-General Robert Bonner on the nrovince. Alcoholism is a Eisenhower, asked again Wed- said Thursday night. problem with 20.000 chronic al- nesaay for his views about the Fpeaking to the Union of B.C. cohollcs in the province. possibility of a Big Four meet- Miiniclpalitics' 50th annual con- "We need a good and whole- af 'he highest level, replied dv parents. i'hone 795 for information and reservation Steel Prices Ccuutdiatt (Pacific. - some attitude to liquor and a mat " anytning turned up to . study of alcoholism." he said. "I convince him that the Russians cannot give details of the com- , would go into a meeting in good mitments of the provincial gov- faith, then he would overcome ernment yet, but an alcoholic any handicap or solve any prob-j foundation is the idea which de- 1cm to meet with them. SPECIALS Holding Firm SATURDAY Boys' Clothes and Shoes ' ' rve our support. We must be But he went on to say it would Ktna vnRif (p Aitimoah Americanize PrePared for Kreat expenditure be hopeless to have such a meet- hi least 10 nro- h .1?. h,!. .,m.H mill ! 11 h(n 'e consider the divorce ing until -he knows there is an mll"i couand automobile accident ho.t purpose behind Russian m ce, ecenUv regular inces caused b' 1"ucr- M 15 llot our Interest In it. Indicating he does In the United BUtes are Intention to drinking not think such exists said promote purpose holding firm, the Iron Age Wednesday moderate it In decent today, he reminded reporters condltlons " I 'here had been many examples " . "The Tne steel steel market market actually actually ao- ap f meetines ln the past XJsed SOITHERN END propaganda. l-tS1 J"""? . 'Pi'or &DYS' BOMBER JACKETS '.Quiltfld Urine, fur collar. Regular'ttJ $18.03 '.....-.:.".'?.!...-.....'.... EOYS' BLUE JEANS Elastic waist. Reg. $100. Now, pr. BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS Dominion Erand. Reg. $3.53. Now, pair me Union union oi of South oouin irica , ine presiaent saia ne nas a tlcnal metal weekly. ever r,.0tifinl.tfnt6hi returning competition has i southern . tip . of the African con- for Churchill but no plans to see 6.00 1.25 Jgfjk 2.00 1.95 Lr . him. WAIATI FOO0 FREEZER Autamatic OEFROSTTNG in liFRIOEIATOR . TW. WmsVW New Tool tif 4T4. .capacity Foad Fraaiar a lavalcald rcfrlsralor m Wana'arful Algminuii KolMo- BOYS' SWEAT SHIRTS Long sleeves. Re. $2 45. Now oicu uown, iron nge maintained that the steel market is "fundamentally sound" and the "outlook Is for bettcr-than-rverapc business at least through the first half of 1954." The publication stressed, however, that with three years of gwns-plus-buttcr shortage behind them, steel buyers have become "extremely cost-conscious." Once again they arc rating prices more important LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 69 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Tark Ave. Yav Ikalvas j a Qulckuaa lea Trayi, with Inttont ' Tray and Cwka-Rcltata a Fawarad by Ika M.ttr-Mii.r with j l-Yaar Fratactian Flan ! Gordon & Anderson LOOK FOR THE NAME than delivery, and premium I IIIK tOlll.Hr. IKAVIX htKVILt" prices are "falling like r.rtwccn the Hnyal anu tteimont Hotels Phone 46 ADVERTISING IN THE DAILi NEWS BRINGS RESULT: 3 C r'r"jL!? 11 0 I ''Hi - !' fi'-Vv -52 J . it, TV- 4 j v A'' rV. 1 . . sir ',f' J" I. .4 if. I- ;i'.; '.r I'M. ,. !. .,- ' ' .'H.-C1-' i ; ,, i v, : t '' " j. " it-' S. V ' i t is a matter of great regret... ""--U'J.' SIGNED BY- Alaska Pine and Cellulose Co. Ltd., Woodfibrc Divis!on. that the final offer of the Pulp and Paper Companies'if . British Columbia has been rejected in the'Unioh's Reierewksm., althoutyh it is understood that some of the Mills voted to accept it. In those mills where the forthcoming Government supervised strike vote finds for strike action, it must be expected that a strike will ensue. Preparations for plant close-down are alreadv being made by Managements. This year's wage negotiations were broken off by the Unions, TW y!'tri " (Vrirn-a'T.-.r, r,x.v, T!ic Trrl rrnrJ.p ' i,: ",'1"''! i:-cr..-.;-.. I.; ,-, .,.'..;.. -ly :lV vr.'. whith w ;.cc. ;.'. i by the companies but rijectH by l.hc Unions. Sim., (hen, in interests of continuing good management-employee re'ltUon-:, the companies have made the following final offer: 1. An across-the-board increase of 5c per hour. 2. An additional 3c per hour to Grade A and A plus mechanics. 3. The increases to be retroactive to July 1, 1953. The 5c increase will bring the base rates to $1.55 an hour th" highest in the Pulp and Paper Industry of Canada, as well as being the highest base rate in any primary industry in British Columbia. Should a strike come in the Pulp and Paper Industry of B.C. affecting 4,500 employees, it would be the first industry-wide strike since Group Bargaining began in 1937. The industry and its employees have long served as an example of enlightened industrial relations in which a spirit of compromise and understanding has successfully avoided the disastrous waste involved in lost wages, lost production and lost markets, during th strike action. ': . Alaska Pine and Cellulose Co. Lid., Port Alice Division.1 Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd.; Wofson Island. Howe Sound Pulp Co. Ltd., - V Port Mellon. MacMillan & Bloedel Ltd., ; ' Hormac Division. , MacMillan & Bloedel Ltd., ' ' j-'-' Port Albcrni Division. Pacific Mills Ltd.,; Ocean Falls and Powell River Co. Ltd., , Powc'l River. Elks Falls Co. lid., ' Duncon Boy. n 1 1