Prince Rupert Doily New, Friday, October 30. 1953 Primary and Secondary Rinks In Crucial Mixed 'Spiel Play ROUND-UP . i -'"d . T.ot nioht in the 7 p.m. sec-, Six primary rinks take the lee MARCIANO, BRITISH CHAMPION FIGHT FOR TITLE NEXT JUNE PARIS ( AP) Rocky Marclano, world heavyweight champ- -ion, will fisht the British champion, Don Cockrell, in a 15-rtund title bout next June, Al Weill, the world's titleholder's manager said today. The metch will be held either in London or the United States, "wherever we could get more money," Weill said. The manager made his announcement of the heavyweight bout after a one-hour talk with Jack Solomons, Britain's boxing promoter. "No final decision on the matter will be taken, however," Weill said, "until I talk with the International Boxing Club manager next week in New York." tonictht at Fringe Rupert uun-onauiy vy. "b ------- , u, Rink to stUle the quarter Jek; Newton beat Dominate; . final.? in the Annual Mixed bon- Matthews beat Dibb. spiel which bean Monday. Serai- In the 9 p.m. primary draw, j final? and finals of the bontui'U EyOjfson beat Munson; Wakley, will be clayed Monday and on beat Shier and Osterberg fceut. By GAYLE TALBOT . NEW YORK (AP) It sounded far fetched a c- -iple of spi'ings ago in San Francisco when the lisiness manager of Tokyo Giants said in all seri-ci sness that the time was coming fairly soon when th?re would be played each fall a "true world series o'c baseball." j ' "hen that time comes, he said, tables. Already, he said, the av- tiu winner of the American, or erage player in his country was s-cMonal playoff will face the several inches taller and pounds c i- mDion club of JaDan as a heavier than his pre-war coun- Tuesday regular curing will be- Taylor. gin. Boxer Injured Slated to play off tonight are rinks skipped by the following: GLACE BAY, N.S. O George (Riickabvel Ross. 32, f ormer Anderson plays Rudderham; Ford plavs Eyolfson and Wakley meets Canadian middleweight boxing Ostrberg. The draw is for 9 p.m king, broke his back Thursday in i in the secondaries at 7 p.m.j a 45-foot fall from a power pole XWM m n : tter of course for the world terpart. ; t;t,'5. He said this would have1 "Before the war," he said, "we ; to wait some years until the new ! were too sma11 t0 Plav asa;st ton'.Bh'., Stewart plays Meig'jen; at a nearDy reserve. Warren meets BerS and Newcon His doctor said he would be oiay, Matthews; at 11 p.m. it's in a plaster cast for about six Ddsnceman Johnson Shines To Give Habs 3-1 Victory .ichnson V5 MJore; Aston vs Tay- montns. your DIB leaders, uur piium-isi : had littie speed and our batters ! seldom hit anything lonRer j j than a single. Also, we had only rr!Wp tp:inK fn those rinvs Now I lor and Shier vs Manson. Piay started Monday night oa! pit t-war generation of Japanese b v s have learned to play the p-. ne. ' 'hese new boys, he said, got a v ly from the old Japanese diet c-: fish and rice after the war a vi were filling out their bones wi'h red meat and fresh vege- pretty heavy Ice but with the! fZX third-ulace tie with Boston Bruins. ! freezing period lengthening all By The CRnRdtnn Press There's nothing in the National Hockey league constitu Canada PacTters presents we have two major professional leagues, the same as you, and i the class of play is improvin!? . The match penalty to Lach re- 1 tlie tims thc ice-shpeta are get suited fro ma tangle earlv in the ' tin keener all the time . tion entitling a player to over- each There is reason II season. aCl3UU. lO no llu ILa.u ,. i ,i. rr. . j TORONTO .... r.ime nav. nnr n Montreal s lum cccnmi no. r,H n tt,v tu t., tv, a i .i a few years." . ; Johnson' puts m a claim today, amen centre was injured. He'.-vpnt J.;hnspn'.s rink defeated j Grant & Newton Laad 10-Pinners The conversation keens comiiif ' s 3 v e "'"'- cmergeu, Kwinging ins suck at ; M;-dpih"s; Anderson beat Stew- back as we read the daily des-, arm' Armstrong and the big winger art; Rudderham beat Meighen, r,uoi10 fmm jnwn Prh K,-Vv ! The Canariiciis were in dire lifted his own stick to ward off Moore beat Thorn: Ford beat Iran and Newton with six j ,, ,-.: A irrf,n imt-e straits last nisht when veteran the blow. Lach's sentence, thp ' 1 -lrner: Aston hunt Warren: i h i richer, rnbusi. full-bodied... VtffrT?-. blended to satisfy the usee of ,r British Columbians. Try it . . , ' you'll like Captain Morgan 'JtlV'i- ; t Black Label Rum. .m( i ' SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA "pop" vtmvvvt 1U1A VJitllll.. BHU l. VtMil Jl d ' " " "-- I nts lead the Men's Ten-Pin tuiit'i Linn ciiL uui wiiii n umu iiiaiiu pcnuiiy 01 uie year, r voii-cn ceat ter5; Manson D?at All-Stars are winning practically awich iM-iialty after a stick- carried a 5100 fine as well as a F.ittorick; Shif-r beat Dominata; all their games, true enough, but they are being given a surprsing run for their money. vling league as of Wednesday jlit with a one-point bulge r Elks and Imperial Oil who tied with five points each. winder Geoigs Armstrong of the niatlcally cost him $25. i b-nt Matthews: Taylor beat Dibb.! Toronto wapie ieais. iney wire! ine janaaiens went into the1 . By Wednesday the Winne.n, We were especially stnrk by a y Transfer and Moose are I correspontient's comment on one I leading: 1-0 at the time, but they game without regular centres were continuing in the primaiy were fast running out of centres. Dick Moore and Jean Beliveau event and the lasers went on in game which the Lopats won by both out with injuries. i with four points apicre and MP trail with nil. :ity Transfer notched four tits with 2405 pins and Im-ial Oil had 2218 pins to gain ! point. Mooe defeated the i very low s'ore. "For no apparent reason," the account said, "the Japanese team kept changing pitchers." JAMES - LWC5J , ' r MELtON RUM TENOR 9 SmaM Oak Coiii . if tonight CFPR - 7:30 i this advertisement is not pubushed ok pispuYto ir mt uouoi co , BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT Of BRITISH COtUMliA the secondary event. 1 On Wednesday night in The rim try, Ande.son oeat Johnson; Rudderham beat Moore; Ford! beat Aston. In the . secondary.: Stewart beat McLean; Melghen! beat Thorn and Warren beat Turner, - Sain Johnny The linescore showed five had So Coach Dick Irvin called on Johnson, a defeucc-m?.n by trade, to fill in fo:- Lach. While Johnson was still getting acquainted with his wingers the Leaf's Ert? Ncsterrnko tied the scoiv, ofta-tUng Kenny Moj-dc'll's first period goal. That set the stage for the third period, in which the trans Hits Daseoa! I.CMP, rolling 2371 for 4 points seen action though the Amei-i-t- the Mounties' 2097. Grant and i cans hadn't had a really big tn-i; wton rolled 2531 with a handi- 1 ning. Reading between the lines, o 3 of 93 to gain 2 points and we Would say that five different i: :s rolled 2517 for 2 points. i Japanese pitchers were given an ' Don Arney of Elks scored opportunity to face some of the planted blue-liner took charge. able honors with a high single j best hitters in the world, and j tje fired two goals, both on pass- ' Viol thoir,n Klu 1 ia ,'ri tr o 222 and a high Uiree of 576. I something nhnut. nitchinp- in thr The week before Bob Rudder- WALNUT RIDGE, Ark. ( AP) ! Johnny Sain, right-handed New York Yankee's curve-baller. yesterday retired from baseball to , operate an automobile agency here. j Sain, who played in the major ; leagues for 1 1 years and in or- ganized baseball for six years j before that, won the opening ' game for the Yankees in the ; bm of City Transfer collected ! process. From the Japanese hih single and high triple i standpoint, that could bs the im-ti'nors with scores of 210 and j portant thing at this stage, and 71. , let the victories come later. es from Maurice Richard, that gave his club a 3-1 victory. Still lakins his regular turn on de-ence, he helped limit the Leafs to a single shot on goal throughout Xh'd entire period. Jolin.ion's pair of goals gave him more points than he had jver scored in a single year and EMJOV 1953 World Series, in a relief ! only one shy of h entire output ,.0i,, e mailed ids resignation ! Pulpmen Take All Honors As Mens Loop Pace-Setters n nu . 'fiiVi i a in iniee seasons as a Montreal t0 tne yankees this week, defenceman. j Tne 35-year-old hurler. who ! The victory 'jousted the Cana- ' got his start with the old Boston ! diens into a four-point lead over Braves, played with them until ! the second-place Detroit Red ! 1951 when he was sold to th? ! Wings. The Leafs stayed in a i Yankees for $50,000. I Local 708 continued their games of 781. vv nning ways in A League of Armendo DeRe chalked up t! i Men's Five-Pin Bowling high single of 320 and others 1; ip this week, downing Phil- rolling better than 300 were Ray 1 tt-Fvitt in three games to Billings, with 301, and Joe t; w four points and remain at Giordano, vith 305. VALUES FOR MEM ti e top of the 12-team circuit. The pulpmen rolled best three t;. mes of 3102, had high single In B League, Vic Menzies had high single of 3ul and Doug Jui-stad lolled best three of 677 Nelson Brothers had best game ( 10S0 and Jim Ciccone paced -t)? league with high three of 1032 and also high three of 4 V ... A J'- " . f I ;V V'V' Vf,-, f,-.frv 1 -.'.. t' v. vr - ;i 'k " i.;'. -rP xl fig jji .f. v ..K' t I'll - . ,-l ' .....4 v'-v- ,; . i :i is . , . . '-' ' -'it. w A''. ' r4 ' '' CICARETTE .... Mtmamku - 2741. Following are results: r 4C . AM i ; 1 1 MEN'S SLACKS Dressy Slacks of all-wool Worsted and Gabardine. Greys. Beige, Blue, Pick and i 1 ' I" ! Pick. Sizes 28 and 36 ....Up To yj Q y2 FfTx' ADEN'S SPORT JACKETS A clearance of Eisenhower , - . "rr Stamps Trounce fdmonton 8-1 plover "" . fr0m ttina"r becou.. ftoyer'. 'n" A League Local 708 4, Phil-pott-Evitt 0; North Star 4, CiTRA 0; Art Murrays 3, Thorn Sheet Metal 1; Short Circuits 2, Moose 2; Family Market 2. style and long gabardine I fA I A. f fcxa Tivt mm "John Player oJors" ea th pockog it fn guarertw Hut vary clgartt is Hioolh and fain. Thare was only one game play M Cook's 2; 537 Taxi 4, Northwesl- jackets ' w a cc in the Western Hotkey League i construction 0 ACME CLOTHING STORE i.. ur.sday and Calgary Stamped- B League Savoy Hotel 0, Rues ran away with tiiat one, tak- pert Motors 4; Deuces 3, Can,a-i- $ an 8-1 win over dian Legion 1; Nelson Brothers I," monton Flyers. 3, Jaycees 1; LCB 1, Kaien In- rhe victory moved the Stamps ciustries 3; Overwaitea 3, Don t; a high-scoring club,! -Tuns 1 i 633 Third Ave. W. (NpxI Sin,Fr S-,r r.M ! M W -r--95a M , i mm mm mm n-x m w tii1 fr TitTrvTTwr9'"" -.r, c. iy two points away from . -. . .. who P"" - - -nv.-TT-jm t,yyn- . , . , -,..., , , lmllm , . . m I -auc-tcpping Canucks, v-:re idle. V onhht. Cmuck3 plav host to !' -ittle Eomfcei", only club to tie ti j Canucks this s;a;an. The ci '.y game Vancouver ha? so ;1i i- was to New Westminster V ii'.nef.dav, 4-3. Saskatoon olavs! :mm . - s.v, ' wis wmasmf 1 KHL LEADERS n -ibel, Detrcit 4 II :we, Detroit 4 Ti offrion, Montreal .... 4 I.'.idsay. Detroit -2 I- .hard, Montreal C m-.tead, Montreal 2 ndford, Boston 0 standing: Montreal wort eight, t two, tied none 16 points. oints: Reibel, Detroit,' 13. joals: Richard, Montreal, 6. Issists: Reibel, Detroit, 9. Shutouts: Sawchuk, Detroit; I.'Nell, Montreal, 2. Penalties: Lach, Montreal, 3T ri nutes. I -A W jWW. fr.Oi.-r '. i W " . :";:';'' i mni or turnout for www lough, wf.roi!d viuallf gola ploolf of oOPorluml.M Fo onior " . r MWrlFffHll'lur , Fr 4 A " ft ' ' ' " ' ' oidiort. To orv. with Ih.u .old.or. ,ou ,! b. ,., kind. Oof or ... 1,1. row Iho H'ono"! i s-ZT I ft!'' i -.,' C il , tf r o.rl and HI. Infantry ofl.r. yoo a whol. world of tn.ndih.p,. No oldi.r .yr (oro.ll (ho comrade f f .' ' - ''" ' ' y it " ' V y ociin,i w.opon, ond n.w tkilli. rou'll Lorn roll ihip hi Cndf in It.. Arm,. S.ldl.rln ll o rirPPIJ , c, 3L?? t j ' W V'- y , , , '"' Milnitrori. Toy' bo proud lo nrv ,(. for mon who con loom In Iruo monino ol I I r I I f ,"'4i,S. ft. , 4 " ' ' "" ,",""r-. loom iplril. ; keep ySlTrar ; r , 15 - i MJi Z? " " tf (ilwf -iiHJS ' ! I Cold weather', no excuse h 4 f'fA ' PlWR UWlH J :, for poor car performance! I . ' 4 JJj , ,S ' Ji? W J f S N ,i See us NOW for a general V V " ' fj -f'Cl HJ:J f Hi, llll j , ana we 11 winterize your car ; I 1 ' u"'0' ri.ty w R 't ? . 4 ""."pik ' opporfuni,. a, ,r iho w,v. oi w todi.. : tOO. YOU 11 bC pleased With I . '., :S for irim fwroins. and ofl-impravorMrif.roima Ih, iKU,jt, and plooionl lorlol oclivilir. rmr ii Our service. '. .,T :. f -.- v A. t i r. ron who iow .odonli.p 0.l ouck promolion. Ih.r j. not ooir bul il dooi offtr much oolii'otlion,- m S4-; I ' "iW ; .. . W. ..??':!? '""l now fo focirrl ond lod olhn. In the Army, nrurifr or ood poy dbd ptplont; 3 "" i& I f I i . , f-; i ' - jgHfiA immir row m amMHon dotamrin How lor holdof ...ry rr; Iho iml modicol ond dtrtil gJR A UnArjfjr I 'iff .yJfjffJr B 'i'$tSk?' ' C" y" '"'VOm' ,"' C"onc.tlolornondoloh.a, - ! , V JUjJtSIUI ClW L t 'i5 fir-J'VYl 5 ' 1 "?'' rou mu., b. 17.0 40 y,r, of o,...kHl.d.d..rn.n.. 45. 1 ; 1 A I ' - .iJjZ ' '4 V Xa$Z? sZSl 3 "jrdl 4f - , Wh.n opplyin, bring birlh eornf.cou or olhor proof ol o.. 1 AUIO ! Jt V''"'"'1fy ! T" S5G LVy P,' iJ 4PPir IdOMT 4Wy - fo, lull Wl or ri.ll Ih. 4,m, .rror.ln, C.-lr. ror.H you. "".. CfirwIrA 0 fk' f 'Alil f No.nPer, V. j ierVICe M ifk IA'A&V IttsV -I , r j ArmylnformationCentre,119AAB.y.,RCA,WorkPointBarracl.,Vic.oria,B.C.,' M Limited ! WHri ? y&Ml - f?. I I t I -i..-":.-;.,,v.: v - ;! . v s,