fin ice Kuucil Duily Hewv Tueaay, May 19, MAM Use i TO: Buy -Sell -Rent Trade or Hire The BLACKWOOD on f USED CARS Phone MISS WANT AD 748. She will be glad to help you place your ad DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS (J3r icicle By EASLEY BLACKWOOD BUSINESS PERSONALS BEST OF FOOD i FINEST OF COOKING L, FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS J . Phone 200 !' Broadway CaJe ii '49 Anglic Coach $495 '39 Austin Coach $260 '49 Austin A-40 Sedan.. $750 '48 Dodge Sedan $1375 '50 Austin A-40 Sedan $1000 , (Subject to Chntt) NEARLY everybody uses OH. (c CAltS FOR SALE RADIO EIAL 1240 KJocycles CFPR Mr. Muzzy Muffs Chance RE-CHROME bumpers, (trills. ssifu'd Hates 'timP 4:30 pm. day pre-to publication. , , 3 cents P'T word per ;u'n; minimum charge 60 i, tires, 50 rents; Cards -links Death Notices, 'a NutWs. Marriage and ;nlf.i t Announcements, '39 Hudson Sedan $350 WWHWII Ml III' 1 !' S i5 I:;; '51 Austin A-40 Sedan $1100 '38 Plymouth To Make 4-Spade Contract Mr. Heinsite could hardly be blamed for not cominrr in at the five level, vulnerable, with a bid of five diamonds over Mr. Muzzy's four-spade preempt. The fact that he could .have made five diamonds detracts nothing from his decision to pass. etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Lasts years! Send $2.98 or COD. Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (124) FOR QUICK SALE Cheap" for cash. 1938 Ford Tudor. Perfect shape. 037 3rd West (rear). (118p) SACRIFICE Ts50"F,rdFoidur, Sedan $395 '7 I DiMihy double price. . TUESDAY V M. 4:45 Rec. Int. .4:55 Htock Quotation? 6 '.00 At Home With the Lcnnlcks 5 :2f International Commentary 6:30 UN Today 6:46 CBC News; Weather Report 5:65 Huve you Heard? 6:00 B.C. Liberal Talk A. B. Brown i:15 Supper Serenade C M - E C. Liberal Tnlk Weary Wanda ouMm ,,t accept responsl- That hopp;.-ig ii a hr'tax SK r.adi th ode in clomfisd And topt around wild at! ,..., ofiert ads Inserted SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. 3rd Ave. at Park Ave. Phone Green 217 . , uiulcr wrens lor urucss iiuiiiitii" ,i received within DINING PLEASURE WANTED cf f r"l isuaftlan. top condition, $1325 or best offer. Also brand new oil heater. Owner leaving for U.S. 527 8th West, upstairs. (Up) What a mess ne would have been in, for example. If Mr. Champion's and Mr. Dale's hands had been reversed. And In that case, what a mess Mr. Muzzy would have been In .at lour spades. As the cards were, the four- CA.SiI FOU kSolNl.EMKNTS in Scrap; copper, brass, batteries, radiator. Phone 543 Call 630 6th A.e. West (O I OK SALE .... a Cnrlnff Ln ()T tile """B SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS 6 ::i0 Supper Serenade C:40 Social Credit Talk J:45 Hupper Serenade rj:0U CBC ctrwa 7 15 CBC News Roundup 17 :30 Leicester Squurj Uj Droadway a 00 -Nation's Busiuess t:15 Cunadiana e :00 Champions of Sport S 30 Sonits FTolll the Shows P.BC 10:00 CBC New 10:10 CBC News 10:15 B.C. Election l4ibor-Pro:rre3-slve. 10:30 Here Comes the Bund 11 :00 Weather Report 11 :i Music Till Mi4ul:',lit r i.i u. I f i Ti nip East dealer East-West vulnerable North (Mr. Champion) ,B K 10 7 6 3 H A Q J 10 . D-4 C 9 8 2 West Kant (Mr. Ilelnslle) (Mr. IHile) S None S None H a 7 6 2 H K 4 S D A K 8 5 4 3 D J 10 (t 7 6 2 C A 6 5 C Q J 10 4 fcmilh (Mr. Mum) S A Q .III II 5 4 2 H -8 5 D None C K 7 3 Commodore Cafe WANTED For summer months, June-September, receptionist, man or woman, for Prince Rupert Museum. Apply at once FOOTHILL8 (sootle.-w) coal. Phone C51. Phhpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. (cl FOR SALE Double bed, cheap; Rood condition. Forced to sell roring sals, MayJU "mrd imrty. May 21. NAVV 0 4 L spade contract was rhakeable, but as usual Mr. Muzzy muffed it. Mr. Heinsite led the king of diamonds and, without a thought, Mr. Muzzy ruffed. He led a heart and finessed the queen. Mr. Dale won with the king and pushed clubs ,,n" l,ml. rookinrj sole, to the secretary, P.O. Box 755, with full particulars and salary expected. (117) RUM .n,i.ili :s Variety Rho, M,y 24, Capitol The- 12:00- -HlKhMiff iKUNhSIJAY AM. 7:00 B. C. Fl.'heruien'j Bdct. 7:15 Musical Clock 7:3(1 CBC News: Weallitr liepfirt 7:35 Muslcnl Clock to :OU CBC News : 10 Here.'s Hill flood 8:15--Moriiuii; Souk The btddlnt.': East South West North Pass 4 S All pass through Mr. Muzzy's king. Three club tricks and a heart defeated the contract. "Do you think there Is some rpecial bonus for playing the mlsxloiifiry tea, for leaving town. Apply 937 Ambrose Ave. (HOpi FOR SALE Three-piece chesterfield suite, double bed chesterfield, dining table and stools, bookcase, three small tables, Axminster carpet, and general household effects. Ouick sale. Owner going to U.S. Box 678, Dally News. (117) FOR SALE 'Sunshine" de luxe baby buggy; boy's balloon tire btcomcr i. Prince Rupert 1 SAILS FOR f VANCOUVER; nd Intermediate l-orL Each Thursdcy at 11:15 p.m. '! Tor KETCHIKAN REAL ESTATE FOR RALE Five-room house and four lots, fine location, two minutes walk from wharf. Apply or write to W. S. Singer, Masset, B.C. U21p) F( R SALE Modern four-room Anglican r,i iie sale. Land as- dangerously as pos 0rUL. , -J ( 8:30 -Mirninn lxvotlou. sible?" asked Mr. Champion. "I can't make it," argued Mr. .tl. May 30. . run Church tea May 30 ,. tea. .I'"'. 4. Mr. Champion had the an-swei. "Then you'll istill make! four," he said. "If Heinsite wins with the king of hearts, what can he return? If he returns a club, you lose only one trick in that suit. A diamond return will let you ruff in dummy while you discard another club Jrom Muzzy. "The king of hearts, the ace of clubs, every card was WEDNESDAY Midnight, Comfort and Service bicycle; two 5.25x18 tires, new . Kinder buttonhole attachment. Spring! 70!) 5th Ave. West. U18p wrong." house, partly furnished (new furniture I. Full cement basement with furnace. 792 Alfred St., or phone Red 129. (120) FOR SALE Four-room Wartime. Partly furnished. Good location. Reasonable fur cash. Terms if desired. Red 137 afker I Church W.A. ,nc 11. "Not if you play it right," said Mr. Champion. "All you had to :S I.lttle Concert 8:ou BHU News and Commentary 0:15-Musical VarleOiil 0:5il Time biKOul 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Aluslcal Prcwmm 10 :30-B C Liberal Talk 10:35-Rec. Int. 10 45 Rohln Hood's Musical Kitchen 11 :00 Kinuergarten ol the Air 11 :15 -Koiindiip Time 11:30 Wratber Refxirt 11:81 Mcssae Vilio;'. 11:33 Itec. Iut. IFOR SAI.E-Bell piano. Phone League Blue 585. (116p) For reservations writ V , cull ( It y or l -pet onir pi...'.e uupp't. b.c. ' Wanur. (i heart on 1 your hand. Then you couln do was to Discard a the trick instead of ruff- throw your last club on dummy's FOR SALE Three-piece ches-. terfield suite, fair condition: S !?n n m (U7p) ten. June 11, at the f'r.i. M. P. McCalfery, A.;. West. This advertisement is not published mg That way you can be sure co(1 jack 0f hearts" Dale will never get in to lead on space neater, practically I SPECIAL new. Phone Blue 254. (117D) Wnrlim fiiv four hcrirnoms or displayed by l he Liquor Control I Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. tea 1 .45 Scandluavlan Me'.ocles "ctuii Ladies' Aid M.iIim', June 18. through your king of clubs. Helnsite's best shift at trick two is a heart and you should go up ; with the ace and lead back the i queen. If Dale covers, you ruff, i rnrc ciir rr.hV ,.7,.V.' A basement, outside walls cov- .. imp) Pl.j0(1 SVM). ha!f cash bai FOR SALE Household fumi-I ance as rent. rntsoNAi. Clip This Ad NOW! ture, mostly new. Two-piece J Armstrong A.C0nClGS Ltd. go to dummy with a trump and ; throw away two club losers on; the gu-)d hearts. If Dale doesn't j cover, throw a club. You're P M. ViM)-MH-DnV MvtMlUk la : 15 CBC News 12:25 Pranruin Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast I J .55 Rec. "Int. 1 00 Afternoon Concert 2:00 BC. School Broadcast a :30 Trans-Canada Mat Inee 3:00 Records lor ou 3:15 Records lor yem 3:46 BC. Request Roundup 4:15-Olher Voices. Other Places uouoie-DPQ cnesierneia, luil- Real Estate and Insurance information regarding a!)0iits of William A. If unyom knows of :m!lv inform K. T. Leake. A Alberta. Re father's (117) Phone 342 Black 107 evenings i bound to take 11 tricks." (116) LQJt We Will l sized bed and dresser, combination secretary and bookcase, china cabinet, chairs, tables, rugs and miscellaneous effects. FxceDtional values. Apt. 221, Elizabeth. (121pi LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Asents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone CO or G8 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. "That's double-dummy," replied Mr. Muzzy desperately. W Give You Not$1. HOUSE FOR RALE Four rooms and bath. Near school. Phone Black 687 before 8 p.m. (117p) r rem orf your govcrn- '"What if Heinsite has the king Join Social Credit of hearts? FOR SALE Set of trolling gur-dies. 1136 Hays Cove Ave BUT $25 FOR SALE Big 6. furnished or unfurnished. Newly decorated Today's Stocks sum Affairs are your loin ,.!., 1 r'redil tn- (I17p) AS I SEE IT (Continued from page 2l in and out. Cash or easy tcrrrrs. 1402 8th Ave. East. (1201 Juhnntnri fjo. Ltd.) (Cenrtesj S. D. on your purchase FOR ItJCNT HVKSS orroun NiTV ! play of its leaders, cuts through the hesitations and contradic of any "A-1" RUTTE FOR 621 Fulton (1161 "RANT for Sale- (Business & flfe.i:ionaf Phone (119p) I 51)2. Used Car. f SEE "Rip" Choquette I Our Used Car Man A MINKSS I I KSON Al.S FOR RENT Board J for working man. and room Black 660 (118) TWO SPECIALS Looking for something different? See this big four wartime with full cement basement, laundry tubs and oil burner. Copper piping. Fully insulated. Lawn front and back, fenced. Price $5500, includes expensive fridge and oil range. Terms arranged. !N0, automatic oil heat- IlKH metal work. PhonS x.-rw BrMT Tmn.rnnm nnnrt- TODAY Call (1.(0 6th West. Le- Prvnte entrance. Men tions of American policy. China' knows, and the whole world knows where Britain stands re a settlement in the Far East. THERE IS NO USE crying over spilt milk, unless the spilling was due to error, being repeated. But had the U.S.A. recognized the real government of China when Britain did and let her take her place in UN, there probably never would have been a war In Korea. I'MU. (C(- i'lnoih Av Wet lllAnl 1 v,...,. iw ....... JOHN H. BULGER Cj'foinefrtif FOR RENT Light housekeeping WHY PAY RENT? 'INKS, nove".',ies. Stand. Lddle's (c) $1000 cash, balance as rent, buys DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Mont nly Bulletins any :ind of Business forms. Direct mall advertising, etc. 30 - 40 lees than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv ) us your mailing list We do the rest. VANCOUVER American Standard 17 Bralorne 4.30 B R X 02 Cariboo Quartz 1.08 Congress 07, Cronin Babine 10 Olant Mascot 49 Indian OG Pend Oreille 4.65 Pioneer 192 Premier Border 05V2 Privateer 03 ii Sheep Creek 65 Sllbak Premier 11 Vananda 02 Spud Valley .03 ij, Silver Standard 90 Western Uranium 2.25 Sil-Van 40 Dorreen 23 Estolla 47 5 HD Electrical Works. Mo- Bob Parker Lid. "The Home ol Friendly , . Service" wiplit, sold, rewound and this wurtime four. Nicely decorated and pointed. Floors n e ' 1 y sanded. Price only $3300. i.ffl. (tfi room, five minutes from Post Office. Blue 409. (116) 8INGEK KEWINO CENTRB rent portable machines. Phone 864. ' c) FOR RENT Light housekeeping room. 701 5th West. (116) But even if there had been a small war, there never would Armstrong Agencies Ltd. your claislfied ad In this ' at the economical six have been a big one. . . Third Avenue John Eulqer Ltd. Real Fstate and Insurance ' rate is words for 3 ccn- Phone 342 Black 197 evenings Civf days cost $1.35; 15 1117) mr six consecutive days FOR RENT Laree 4-room float IJ1W). And lemember you house. Phone 453. (1181 FOR SALE Two industriil lots. ulione ynur ads Just call FOR RENT Sleeping room. ' ui! News tf-nc) Trqin Schedule STANUAKU TIME For the East 5 Blue 602. (HHl John F L. Hughes. D.C. CmROPHACTOit , His. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-S:00 , 21 --2S Besner Block. . 1 Plione B'ue 443, . . i 'OVR vacation on the 's of beautiful Lake Ruthin the riulklcy . Valley. : Bx 88, Smithcrs, B.C.' WACT:n TO RENT- Dally except Puriday ..IS p.m.. WANTED-I'rc'pnUy re VANCOUVER quire Phone Daily; 83tcrt?;t4fci(fciay,8:50 t hrre-bertiTKiivr House' Blue 602. M (tfne) GAPING AND OARDEN- A. P. Consol, ....'.. -J 'CaimoiH - .....: 1 40 Central Leduc "3.15 Home qjl 8.25 Mercury 15 Okalta 290 Pacific. Pete 11.00 Royal Canadian 13 48 and 49. Block 17, Section 1 next to Imperial Machine Works;. Annly Standard Machine Shop. t i : 'it-' ''' I'AXf i-- n.' rk ANSt KKs"" lWrfRANSrER Lono Distance " CRANCl and PACKINO Furniture! vAnvers FURNTTURK STORAOR Household Effect"! Moved to or from any po'n. in B.C. Phone 950 Ave. aV McDrliie Hack walls rockeries. WANTED TO RENT Smnl! : ii WavpoinU SUNDAY, SS Caniof-un. 8 p.m. ' FRIDAY SS Chilcotin, 8 p.m. H. G. HELGERSONT cower boxes, lawns and house or suite suitable for eniiole with two small chil '!'. Free Phnne FOR YOUR -ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 dren. Phone Green 4116. (1171 LIMITED . i REAL ESTATE & INSURANC2 , T Phone 96, Evenings Black, 899 a'TRiciAN D. Ouyatt. HELP W'ANTKI MAI.fc inng and electrical H!) !)th Ave Wt '""Ri'd 165. ' (138) 'At Machinery Co. I.lm- ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Cainosun, Midnight FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS May 6 and 28 SS Chilcotin, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Chilcotin, Midnight Mav 13 and 27 . FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 I.l'GAI, NOIKK WANTED Driver. Young man preferred. Northland Dairy. (116) TmTvER - SALESMAN WANTF.D Large Canadian fmid manufac-tnrer with branch in Prince Rimcrt is desirous of employ , "'nouiors for: Mining, ""I. 1.0lil!iiic nnrl fun- SCOTT McLAREN .l CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 008-3rd Ave. W. ' "" Prince Runert. B.C. Knuinnienf. innnir. "MECHANIC'S I.IBN RV THE IN !'Hil,(i. Oranvllie Island. ACT" TAKE NOTICF that. Joshua M Kay Phone 347 P.O. Dos 874 J. '""v,'r 1, B.C. (tf) of Prince Rupert. B C . havlms owed ing young man age 20 to 30. Top salary, pension plan. 1 titf rmnr11i.n t lM..t Hiinerl, Motors f ciince lltipcrt Chinese 2iJ, eS CHOP SUEY . . . . . .CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Plinnv 133 u 1 '1., fur oyvfrpn nnntv. TORONTO I Athona 15'l Aumaque 16 Bevcourt 52 Consul. SmelU'rs 24.25 j Conwest 4 35 . ! Donalda 72 ; Eldona 37 East Sullivan 4.85 Oiant Yellowknll'e 10.00 God's Lake - .81 Hardrock :... 17 Harrlcana - 10"2 Duvex 38 Joliet Quebec. 29 Little Long -Ic .65 Lynx 12 Madsen Red Lake 1.50 McKenzie Red Lake 3G"2 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 2.41 Moneta .43 Negus 15 Noranda 68.75 lie, the sum of 404 70 (or a period of mer throe months for labour and nrtd all woUlln unnnliPH. mnlrrhils bestowed oil a 1W4U LMWitp Cartage & StoraKe i.iuf i,v,r scdnn. 1051 Licence No. 5?719 Fnclne No. D'jriC30:lOC. Berlnl PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws 'i-r' Sharpened "!-',,,s 215 1st Avr-. W. Phone MS group insurance, Hospitalization, splendid opportunity for Advancement. Replv giving full details of age, education, present position, and experience to rtox 679. Daily News, I Art. Replies strictly confidential. ("A' No 0W34H5. reel.tpml In the name of Helen AlhertR Hiiiidensehllrt. of , GEOKGK DAWES AUCTIONEER . Phone Black 84 and Red 1T7 ''''UiX. Phone Blue Iho ntvMiMMM Ii Ml niWiiKtd l.liJ W tk, Livm UmJl 94 W O"""""" tl tmi, CliW f-ti - "T ,ar!.n a o...i ' .JLlll. J-J- Vl ... (C) 510 Hcventli Avenue West. I'rince riuerl.. I1C. the said Rupert Motors Ltd. will offer the said vehicle for sale at It-s premises on Second Avenue West, Prince Rupert, B.C.. on Friday, the 22ml day nf May. 1953, 'C0fNTNTS By CHIC YOUNG 6LONDIE SITUATION WANTED ,'C 'COuntant, Income SCOTCH woman, very reliable, at 10 oclocK i m , una n. sum of 8404 7u and. the cost of advertlsiiiK this notice shall sooner i-auuii. Nd593. (20m INTAKE THIS, QUICK" ) MOM, 'AVE K VOL! MIGHT 1-N fl SOONE Ol? LATER T BSOKE . ' VOU SEEM MVldND IT IN THIS 1 - ( EV5RVTHIN3 SHOvS'S UP J ( A TOOTH r-" HAP?MONJ!CA?ySANDCH. ' . -T IN ONE OP DADDyS I -AN. J0 - . 'T'S BEEM -SANDWICHES OATS F4)R SALE will babv-sit any time, rnonc Black 334. U17) WOMAN would like part-time or evening work. Store, theatre or typing. Phone Red 900. 1 SKlrlr- he paltl to the said Kuneri Motors DATED at Prince Buiert, B.C., tills filh day of May. 1853. . HUl'KRT MOTORS LTD. Hy "John 8. Lindsay" . Director. (118c) toiiuiuon. fnone tl-UJl Louvicourt .15'i ' Pickle Crow 1.40 Petrol Oil & Gas 51 New Senator 22 Sherritt Gordon 4.55 Steep Rock 7.15 Silver Miller 69 Sweet Grass 57 . Golden Manitou 2.25 Landover Oils 26 "-New 12-ft. nlvwnnrl WANTED totton m row hoot A nnlv ' sond LOST and FOUND uveriooK, eve- (121D) FOUND Two puppies on 2nd WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap Iron steel, brass, copper, lead, etc Honest grading. Prompt payment, mndc Atlas Iron KKYERirS Ave West. one. DiacK.ana white longhaired (male), one v nnitf. n, fhone B'uV l'6 He- MeUl viuini Ltd., T.t.rt . 250 250 Prior Prior St., St.. Van Van- black biacK with wun ortiiaired white w"'m"""","" haired cnamona ( (female). female. on Rix Rix Athabasca Athabasca 2 225 25 . ftLX T ,,.. ' PPSi i-W JmrfJ , ,i V 4, .1 WntAulJS: .ver! B.C. Phone PAcific chest chest sh short . L--- J ter 2uarantco. . lc) 1 6357. (H) Apply (u caus. h . . , ,