Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, May 19, 1053 Tnrfov X. Worl MC VUUJ V II WMIIUJUHJ cir,us SCREEN FLASHES on ( , FIXE T HOT'T COBOURO, Ol . (CP) Probably tiie largest rair. ow trout ever caught in Slielt. Valley creek n as caualit by i .ill Perry. The Tish weigher! 6'., pouncLs, and H as 23 inches o:v . Dewey Short Says Congress Tired of Allies' Attitude By HOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD lAPl Is It true that elephants never forget? Paul Jones thinks so, and he's been working with them for 2'J .IILO Ml HI -1 IWIVIRSAl WTtHWIIOMI HC!)f CAPITOL Showj 7 , HI ,t I AMOI S Pl.A YK.RS THEATRE BBBBsBBBEBFrBtHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1.MIS TOIMY 7: - 9: p.m. PAUL CHRISTIAN in 'THE THIEF OF VEKiirt" Short said in an Interview. McCarthy himself said that hen he heard of Attlee making such statements he recalled 'the picture of him in Spain re-iewins! the Communist troops ind giving the clenched fist salute." He had an aide bring out h picture of a group standint; with raised fists, and said it showed Attlee and Spanish Communist leaders at a review Juring the civil war. Representative Lawrence H. Smith (Rep.-Wis.) said in a separate interview he had returned from Europe convinced the Europeans "would not detend themselves" against a Russian attack. He said the entire Am WASHINGTON ( AP Chair-man Dewey Short of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee says Congress is tired of taking dictation from our so-called allies." The Missouri Republican made the remark in joining angry congressional reaction to statements in the British House of Commons that some Americans do not want to settle the Korean war. , Clement Attlee. formei prime i-nlnistsr and leader of the opposition Labor pauy, also raise.1 the question whether President Eisenhower or Senator JoseDh McCarthy cRep.-Wis.) is running United States foreign policy. That's almost an .insult. A If years. He is nore w neip utreci 11 parhydern actors through a Hollywood movie. "Sure, they remember." says-Jones. " Why, I was In the service for five years during the war. When I Rot back, the elephants remembered me just the same as if I'd been there yesterday. I've had elephants remember nie after 10 yean. r more." Further evidence: When the Cole Brothers circus elephants arrived here for their film debuts, they were paraded through 'he Los Angeles streets. Then hey were loaded into trucks to ie brought to the studio. Three i! the beasts balked. They had ieen in, a highway accident five vears ago, and they refused to ingle with Los AnRelcs traf A $400,000 fire destroyed one of the oldest business blocks in Quebec city's lower town. A 32-roonu four-storey hotel, a three-storey drug store and .another building were lost. Cause of the fire lius not been determined. BROADWAY'S tST... ?f kJc and ma turn V- P - - 1 ON Wi SCREW TJrfyUW j ' -T l,U!f":i hi Hi! ' 1 erican-supported military buildup is a "questionable venture." A Dressing For Two You'll love cur wonderf collection of smart mate nity wear. Priced reasoiial: too. . 1 , ' ' : I t , .a, t . " r fic. ' ! The Irio walked all the way o the studio. This delighted 1 Paramount, which is -featuring them In a film called "Elephant f 4 'sSfTtQBBw AMERICA'S HIGHEST PEAK FINALLY RECEIVES NAME FAIRBANKS, Alaska ( AP) The highest unnamed and unclimbcd peak in North Amorica has been named University Peak for the University of Alaska, Dr. Terris Moore, the university president, announced. Dr. Moore .said the name was given by the Board of Geographic Names to the 15.030-foot peak in the Wrangell range near the Alaska Panhandle junction with the malTi part of Alaska. Moore was given the privilege of choosing the name for the peak because he is the last surviving member of the discovery party in 1930. ' 4 yarns' Wnlk." Jones, a rugffed big-top vet eran, speaks with affection bout his elephants. He ran MATERNITY WEAR DRESSES 1-K1HTS, JACKETS CORSETS GARTER BELTS BRASSIERES , r I f js - -V TV '- " TEA BAGS way from his Eric. Penn., home o loin the circus. He started vorking with the elephants right away "because they always fascinated me." Not only do they have good memories, he said; they're alsT : WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE the smartest animal In the cir Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results r a ' ' i S.M S0tC.SllCa-lnAUtRlA.NG STARTS WEDNESDAY r. venings 7: - 9:05 p.m. Matinee .Saturday 2: p.m. BaDHBIBBiaBBB A Famous I'lavprs Thrsli cus. They may all look alike to you and me, but Jones can tell them apart. TOTEM 1 George Sanders, who make his screen debut as a slnper with Ethel Merman in the screen version of IrvinK Berlin's musl-nl Comedy, "Call Me Madam," vhich opens at the Totem Thc-tre Wednesday, sees no cause & BfG r in capacity AUT7FUL in appearance Calf Leather . . . Roil lied Cuban Heel Blaik , . . Brown Suede with Ort TTS& value than ever nr any undue excitement. There 's no reason to put "Sanders 'ines" in lishU as they did when Oarbo talked for the first 'ime in pictures, he Insists. "I've always been able to -ine." he explained during the 'liming of the picture at the Twentieth Century-Fox studio. "In fact that is the way I started out in show business In a ..All Black Patent trim . with 0x-i -Toe and H; Heel . . All TOI'S inijOi 4 1 1. . . . Tin y it like a glo- '-it -inv;!al rpuno railed 'Tiallvhrm ' ! r $9.95 Contrary to what I've heard, I have made no effort to keep my singing a secret. "I simply saw no reason for All AnwricMli Girl!!' sli 1953 pjj In "AA" or "B now In sloe! going out o; my way to call i ronti'intMT our X-ri) gUKIclilU'tD u:i; rnyone's attention to it. Just because it has taken Hollywood a little while to find out about ! it doesn't after the fact that 1 r . lion. A ? Fashion Footwear like to sing and that I generally manage to get Into the barbershop quartet that usually l forms at almost every party, i With my first singing role In 'Call Me Madam' my career has, i at last, turned the full circle." M Is YOUR Son 6 ' ,. j at Nw Low Prices -crj mrA as 20 oKer fki last year Going to College? lv in I'- . , I j can help send him there. Sanders sings two Berlin numbers In the picture with Miss Merman, "Tho Best Thing for Me Would Be You" and "Marrying for Love" and has me solo, "The I.lchtenburg Song." In addition to his singing in "Call Me M:idam." which also has Donald O'Connor and Vera-Ellcn in starring roles, Sanders has plenty of chance to show his prowess as a suave, polished lover In his role as Oeneral Cosmo Constantine, secretary of state for the mythical Grand Duchy of Llchtenberg, who woos nri wins Miss Merman, the U.S. -embassador to the duchy. We can do it by helping you be sure that investment you have a steady, protected Hr' Fr.oidoir' & f Ismeut Wonder- - ; i ; Ovtn ltrk rang th itltimot in oottin convni- W & mi. i?4 X Canadian Investment income. Through Fund LtdCanada's oldest and iarnv 7J Mnt.ii.'il Til vr-sttneni. Fund you have ' s . . ''I - .la-...- i ( l-l'" L - If''- NEW IDEAS have come to modern living. And ready now at your Frigidaire Dealer's are Frigi-daire's wonderful 1953 contribution! to the exciting new trends. Your Frigidaire Dealer hat a thrilling new Frigidaire Appliance that will add greatly to the convenience, the ottroctiveness and the comfort of almost every room in your home. But the biggest news of all is the price tags I Frigidaire. prices for 1953 have been reduced os much as 20! Better-than-ever famous Frigidaire quality at these new low prices indeed make this the borgain year for you the year of years to buy! SO VISIT YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEAIER'S SPRINGTIME-DECKED SHOWROOM! 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Dodd's help tha kidneys so Ittat you can rest better and feel better. 134 Dodds Kidney Pills LTD. LA '1 ys-s- I 1 Vantovvtr 1 Frhfida'tre Appliances are built and backed by General Motors 16 West fender SI. I NAMI fFy ADDIESS -.-jasaaes'cer W. x , 1 &A Only 30 inh., wid., Iho "Ttiriflv- . f 4 : Sf.1 M cT"" 1 1 i I fa 1 P -t ; 1, M p "s ? ft 1 Mctl-r monrt rfiqprBors offor 'i m. i fiute :1ic dfdroKrH) and othnr d f I IL-jt II l "5 I i-ir S ' "" ' i Swndard modal rlrigt. H fef If f 'lfr..'E&ZS! iJjfS .nd,ol 1 ii i'l frigidoic. I.oluro in ll M N3fcJ- " ;S tin pi . f ongi. , l I -h' -w. V 1 ' ' ' 8 i-pio ovon-di Iwra features in .awrv I imall space. frigidaire Electric TSua, 111 " A Water Heater, .r. - f I It i BW! completely autp. ll SMWK'- M l Ff rtW"'1 1 -J?1" w' tm,'-'"fi -'T1 I'i . : thrw sues. i, i Thoroughly copahle Frig.Haire . . ii ' J rVTS J "-"''"" frigidaire ... Air Condi. 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