1 frvuu-f Kupeit 1 ai':y rie. Tuesday, May 19, 1953 Conrad, King Edward Capture Trophies In Annual Kinsmen Sports Competitions Despite a light rain which fell Ann Nelson. Immediately after- : Centre in the evening was a suc-i.oJ.iitPntlv all afternoon, the wards, the sports program got, cess, Roy Paulsen, chairman of Hote! Crew Continue Unbeaten Streak; Esquires, Terrace Split Doubleheader 4.1 Kinsmen Kiddies' Sport Day and ; underway. th dance committee, reported. 1 elementary school inter-school ; Throughout the a f t e r n o o n, 1 Business was brisk at the booth i meet drew a large crowd of par- Gordon Bateman. Bob Moore unter charge of Carl Sauer, ! Urinating youngsters and Inter- Jim Mellor, Don Fraser and Ed chairman of the refreshment ested spectators to Acropolis Matte, who acted as starters for committee. Lsla Garner, Sheila WHPnir cdii... Hill. lne various eveuvs, wnc w Ramsey, jean Ramsey, Williams singled Into left field on the first pitch. fiosedale started this game for Esouires and did not give up an earned run. Errors in the second a.:d lifth inning gave Terrace three unearned runs. Sharpe relieved Rosedale in the ninth and was charged with the loss. Gray, pitching for Terrace, was unbeatable, but with men on seemed to lose some of his ef fec- Olga a scramble and fight for the league lead and a play-off berth. Esquires won the first game at Terrace 4-3 in the top of the ninth when Dell singled and came home on a double by Rose-dak. It was a good game all the way. The evening game was won by Terrace, 4-3, in the top of the I tenth w hen Burton walked and moved to second on a sacrifice Dixld and Marg Meller, who assisted the Kinsmen in the booths, Conrad Street School won tneinusv wnn me lunior section of the inter- entries In each event, i' hni rnnmetitlon. The trophy! Rusty Ford. Ernie Turner and COUNTS... COUNT ON DIBB PRIHTIHG COMPANY Commercial Hotel 11. C. & A 8 Ksquires 4, 3; Terrace 3, 4 Commercial Hotel stretched their unbeaten streak to three games in the baseball league here Sunday by downing second-place Gordon & Andersons 11-8 while Esquiren and Terrace split a doubleheader at the interior town. , . In -the Rupert game, rookie pitcher Gordie Cameron of Commercial Hotel won his second game, giving up 10 hits, five walks and hit two batsmen. He coasted through most of the game as his mates racked up 10 runs and nine hits off starter Chfistensen and one run and thraa Viitc nff rplipfor rinniinr in for the intermediate section was Don Johnston, official Judges, were very busy until the booth won by King Edward School, were also busy at the other end ' K0ld out late In the afternoon. Borden" Street School and An-! of the course deciding t'.-) ? win- j and scored when pinch-hitter tiveness. Try Daily News Want Ads nunciation School were the other i ners in me nose compeuuun. j two schools in the competiUcn. j More than 1,300 youngsters; The trophies donated by ."iled past the stand where the Walcott Protest Rejected By Illinois Commission George Cook were presented by ; runsmen naimeu out iree ice Kinsmen President Harry Shear- i cream during the afternoon. In clown, to the school principals. addition, about J MO worth of Gordon Bateman of Conrad j prizes were handeu out by the I ft ELLBS Phone 26 Office Post Office i street School, and Bob Moore ol : Kinsmen ' King Edward School at the con- The ball game scheduled for the first fiVe innings i CHICAGO f The Illinois , man Livingston Osborne ruled Hitting star of the dav was Atr.letic Commission, v o i c i n g that Marciano's knockout of Wal-rnmm(,rHi HntPl left fielder disappointment at Jersey Joeicott in Chicago Stadium Friday elusion of the day. I the evening was the only part of The sports day started at 1 p.m.; the program washed out by the with the official opening speech '; rain. of last year's May'Queen, Carol1 The dance held In the Civic 'stands as official" and all Nipk Pnviikic with four hits in Walcott's showing against Rocky night MONDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY five times to bat, scoring two Marciano and urging his retire-runs and driving in two. The nient, rejected a protest of the game was marred by errors with fight by the aged ex-champion's Commercial Hotel chalking up manaeer Mondav. I five points of a written protest arc "disallowed." Unless Felix Bocchicchio, Wal- cott'r manager, and his attorney, !Angelo Malandra, decide to seek legal action against the decision in the courts, the case is closed. C.ENFKAI. II. W. G. CRERAR, commander of the 1st Canadian Army during the Second World War, will represent the Canadian Government and the Canadian Army as the French Government's guest of honor at D-Day commemor ation ceremonies in Normandv this year. The ceremonies and celebrations are held each year on June z-C in tna Calvados section of Normandy along the sites of the original landing beaches used bv the historic invasion fleet of 1944. Genera! Crerar will first attend the Coronation as Aide-de-Camp General to the Queen. Prince Rupert JUST ARRIVED OMR seven and G & A four. There was little drama at the commission's hearing as chair- KETCHIKAN Commercials lead the league with three wins and no losses: second are G & A with one and one. Esquires are hird with one and. two and Terrace with one and three, are in the cellar. But Willi 21 frames to 'ro for each club there will probably bo A Complete Line of FISHING EQUIPMENT THE Sports Shop CYO Defeates Battery 5-2 To Retain Unbeaten Record WRANGEL - PETERSBURG - JUNEAU and other Alaskan centres with connections to WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE S.- Your Ucx Truvet Agfiit IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Heavy Baltery scored first in Chatter Heavy Battery Is the football yame at Roosevelt; improving each game. They had' Park over the holiday but CYO Pavlikis who added drive to the equalized before half time and forward line but were without laier went on to win 5-2 to keep Ralph Smith. The defence did! their unbeaten record clean. well in spite of giving up live' Pavlikis gave Mehan a hot one' goals but they do not get enough to stop just inside the upright respite as the forwards are weak.' and later scored with a fine Best of the team were Leopold, shot that Mehan got his hands Dunbar, Georgeson. Gofras, to but could not hold. ; pavlikis Boulton and Fabriz. Leopold was lucky at the other; For tne CYO Mohan did well! end when a fine cross from Ver- in goal Letourneau was a sue-' Baseball Scores MONDAY National Brooklyn 1. Cincinnati 2. New York 8, St. Louis 6. Philadelphia 0. Milwaukee 4. American Detroit 5-b, Boston 2-12. Chicago 0. Washington 3. Western International Calgary 6, Edmonton 4. Vancouver 6. Victoria 0. SUNDAY llaar stiuck the iront 01 me cess in n v,is his ,lpw new nnSitinn position at at full- 1 back. Rultan was .Hire'. Van-' Neerland and Tambourini were ; the pick of the forward line. HERE'S WHAT AN l3DUSTRY EMPLOYING 200 MEN MEANS TO A COMMUNITY cross bar and fell in front to be finally scrambled away. Tambourini got through and Leopold came out to meei him. He deflected the shot but not enough and the ball went into the net for the eaualizer. 1 ,4. "V. rl r V7 A 5- V - "V :r.r f.. :.f t V. ' !' f. V " if H .V . v i -1 I - - - I ITS ft 1 It - 1 -J rvr. Remember When In the second half Van Neer-j Sunday baseball was inaugu-lnnri juwpiI rmri then another rated at Washington, DC, 35 goal gave the CYO a two-goal' years ago today when a crowd lead. Georgeson added a second of 15 000 saw the Senators for the Battery but CYO got two ; snatch a 1-0 win over their Am-more goals with VanNeerland the crican League opponents, Cleve- i iand Indians. That thriller went 12 innings and despite the tightness of the score each team committed six errors. , scorer. TEAMS Battery Leopold; Dunbar, Georgeson; Boulton, Gofras, Maron; Keezky, cUansfield, Pavlikis, Fabriz. Leo Matte. CYO Mehan; Letourneau, Hurley; Silversmith, Ruttan, A. N. Other; Verhaar, Nuyten, Tam-bouninl, VanNeerland, Casey Nuyten. Referee C. Mills. A Plant lnvitmnt Of $300,000 Many details of the British Coronation service have been unchanged since William the Conqueror was crowned in 1060. Th Support ol 1500 Nopl. - National Cincinnati 13-0. Brooklyn 5-10. 1 New York !). St. Louis 6. I Chicago 6-7. Pittsburgh 2-3. ! Philadelphia at Milwaukee ! (two games), rain. j American j Chicago 7. Washington 3. j New York 6. St. Louis 5 (18 innings); second game post- poned. Cleveland 7-9, Philadelphia ; 2-1. 1 Detroit at Boston ( two games), rain. Pacific Coa-t Portland 6-4, San Francisco 5-S. (Second game 11 innings. Los Angeles 6-1, San Diego 2-3. Seattle 5-0. Hollywood 1-2. Oakland 8-0, Sacramento 1-2. Western International Lewiston 2-6, Tri-City 5-5. Spokane 1-4. Salem 4-3. SATURDAY National Pittsburgh 3, Chicago 2. Philadelphia 3, Milwaukee 0. St. Louis 5, New York 2. Brooklyn at Cincinnati, rain. American Chicago 5. New York 3. Boston 1. Cleveland 0. Washington 6, St. Louis 0. Detroit 6, Philadelphia 3. Pacific Coast Los Angeles 8. San Diego 6. San Francisco 4, Portland 1. Sacramento 5, Oakland 9. Seattle 7, Hollywood 5. Western International Vancouver 3-4. Victoria 4-5. Lewiston 12, Tri-iMy 1C. Sookane ) ) Salem o. g Wenatqiieiib.-. Edmonton 34, S Second ga:iie 16 innings V An Annwaf Poyroll of $750,000 liiimK--frMni 1.-4 Irauu I so easy to reach 41 l.lo.l Siof.i Saloi Sonlco for 450 Con A I j loom School Homo and 12 Ttoction at J2 DAY TOUR $58.20 plus return air fare $383.15 Prince Rupert to Honolulu Summer's delightful time Pwbllc lmpromnli Opportunity for 30 frofosiionol Mn ft 50,000 Annually tor tht Kail rood mi REVOLUTIONARY to enjoy all the loveliness of Hawaii , , . where the year round temperature Is about 75 -degrees . . . always a gentle, cooling breeze . . . this enchanted setting opens up a whole new world of holiday pleasure . . a truly fabulous adventure! Flying Canadian Pacific you have a choice of several other Air Tours with all arrangements mode, for a holiday as active or relaxing as Wish. Only 1 OVa hours from Vancouver by giant SUPER DC-66's, pressurized, air conditioned ... air travel luxury you've never dreamed B.E Goodrich Ytarly Mork.ll for $500,000 lo Agricultural ond Olhtr Farm Ptcducll An Annual lpndiiut In Trodo of $2.J Minion TUBELESS A Taxoblo Volwatioft ef $3720,000 mi TIRE I possible. THE 0NIY TIRE ram-, THAT PROTECTS ... and Government is a partner to the extent of 49 on any profits made. ONLY FREE ENTERPRISE CAN ATTRACT I m . ""fin- df ,r"of;, AGAINST ALL THRU DRIVING HAZARDS... PUNCTURES, BLOWOUTS AND SKIDS NEW INDUSTRIES TO B.C. mm i offers them ... the risk of C.C.F. Socialism GOING UP! The Free Enttrpme Vole in B.C. Provincial Elections (PacV.ic being taken over or controlled by government. 707. 637. Hbwail Fiji - New Zcolond - Aastrolio. Also the shortest, ' foste$t servict to Tokyo ond Hong Kong. B.C.'s industrial growth must not be stopped. Let's hang out the WELCOME sign to investors and new industries. Let's NOT frighten "Opportunity Unlimited" away. , , i- BRITISH COLUMBIA FEDERATION OF TRADE & INDUSTRY W45 1949 1952 Rupert Motors Ltd. A.-iT.TcwT-rrr.Trr,. 'THK C'OMPI.KTK TRAVFX SF.RVICE" Phone 866