! Piince Rupert Doily News Friday, April 30, 1954 ic Centre Turned Into Rainbow Land Interesting Potpourri Craft Show rts civic Centre featuring some smart lamps 1 ' ..in,fni rilsnlavs. is lealherwork. Including a wide IvJ.l - 'i X: i, ! Mf OFF l! . ,.,iarv nf local variety of nurses, belts, wallet both staged by the Business and Professional Women's Club. The club also has a "cabbage patch" novelty booth. v Groups from St. Peter's Seal Cove Church, including the AYPA, have several booths, one featuring Japanese art articles i in the annual "pot-. and some slippers, some of which now under- is for sale. fVits 'how, , I Another booth displays lovely I L opened nPri vesterday 1 1 crochet work by Mrs. B. Arndt, which also U for sale. f S at ' the many Next are boys' crafts Including I, slides on display as wuuuwui., iiiuuci pmues anu boats, and the pottery display, with some nice work by the Civic Centre pottery class students, much done by Mrs. Bay Palmer. I ,d throuph the gym-,nd auditorium, before j,hf tea room. for sale, another, titled "Curiosity Shoppe" offering secondhand items, a sewing machine demonstration booth, and a mhi-iature picture show for youngsters. Centering the auditorium Is a big home baking stall, operated by different local women's organization, while on stage Is a jitney dance, also operated by COI'PKRC'RAFT Some interesting copperwork s polTI.AIt lWPr display was per-t pooular, and almost tor to the show came a mock flower. The .1 n nrpilti by Centre craft students also Is displayed In the pym, and sev-1 wandering flower y a Louis Cumpagnola. . -it' k t : ft I " :. . i " If fiiU h the eye In the All-New 78 and 45 rpm Records Long Play Records Vi Off at McRAE BROS. M is a boot h or necnic- eye-stopper. The pretty IN STREET CLOTHES Heft) or In coveralls, Lucille Pieti is an ih Mexican emuroiucrru Mrs. willson, Deauu- 1 . i - j ' Z j the AYPA. TEA SERVl'.f In the teen room, visitors are served tea by members of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, who also operate a hot dog stand for youngsters. The AYPA also offers a babysitting service, kept busy yesterday afternoon and last night. Only a small crowd visited the "potpourri" yesterday, but those who did were full of praise for Civic Centre crafts director Rowlie Miles, who directed the project. 27-year-old miss is the only known lady auto motive engineer, and holds a B.S.M.E. degree. Normally, Miss Pieti, who is' of Finnish extrac tion, is employed in the engineering division of a Detroit automotive plant, but she is now dou bling as a factory authority and demonstrator for an automobile-sponsored 'television progra m. Lt DV Mrs. J. R. Mit-iiKunl knitted lace by fameron, needlepoint by l,,rk and Mrs. Dusty i md some lovely hand-Jfs, also by Mrs. Ftnodn. 0f the Civic Centre . aottle-crp.ft is next, eral games of skill and balloon .stands round-out the display. In the auditorium, another display of copper craft, with some outstanding work by Mrs. Olive E. Alcock of Smlthers Is the first booth to catch the eye. Another display features . the work of patients at miller Bay, some of which Is for sale. There is needlework, shell work, bead work, water colors and weaving. Unusual features of the Miller nny display are purses made of salmon and halibut skin. The staff at Miller Bay has undertaken preparation of skins of locally caught fish. MANICI'RF.S Next to catch the visitor's eye is a shoe shine stand and a highly popular manicure both, Advertising in the Daily News Brings Result- Carson Stars In Boxer's Story . Canada's only refrigerator with - -- - i Jack Carson stars In the Ford Mr. Miles and spokesmen for the other organizations taking 1 Theatre production of "The Duke val Plans part, hope for bigner crowds 1 Steps Out" to lc heard over sta- Colorama Styling during the remainder of the ! tion CFPR tomorrow at 8:30. V -bl in m.xm:: A show which continues afternoon and evening, today and The Manic.-'ja - born Carson will be heara us Duke Wellington Completed orenarations for the ipfrt District Music and The nw 1954 Frigidoir r-frigeratort hav beautiful new blue and gold interiors. Some models are also available with glamorous exterior color an ottractive pastel yellow with matching color inside I " 1 who Is a heavyweight boxing ; champion but has manners and modesty and behaves like a I grnllenmn. Over the protests j of his manager and his trainer j he follows a long standing am-i bilion and the lure of a pretty tivnl were oiscussen in 4 Association's session the last meeting prior lival which opens May "Tough" Safety Rules Save Worker's ' Lives -w Savs w Jones . Decker was named In -:niri co-ed named Susan cormn f rehearsal arrange-; Management must be toughlcrn all be traced to some mis-1 and enrolls at a btate college. 10 FRlGlDAlRt -.A persons desiring re- j about driving home the Import- take or act of negligence on the ! a,voltl unfavorable publicity lor Congratulations TO THE OWNERS OF THE CENTRAL CAFE ON THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW J fJ I f (? f t Painting and Interior Decorating by R. RAHMER with th official ac- ;ance of iafety rules if accident. part of tha employee," he said.; lne coiiege nis laemuy must it- ; were asked to con- j are to be avoided, W. C. R. Jones, "Safety is an instinct which ! main secret. Furtheimo: Su-W H Lemmon was manager at the Columbia Cellu- ! must be kept alive in your own 1 san has mac,c Paln shf .d0P3 he hill committee, to ; lose mill, told the Oyro Club at j mind. "No one can delegate it to not approve of prize fight mg. d by R. Bird and E. its weekly luncheon this week. ; you." i So to the campus and to Su- "Somebody has to say no, J As an illustration of how man- j san the Duke is known as Jimmy ns was annointed to ' somebody has to be nasty about ngeiial toiighnes.i pays off, the : Van Blarcom. He studies hard Choose from 7 Different Models $.95 PRICED FROM UP $ the possibility of hiv- things to prevent men from tak- speaker cited the case of an in- and, secretly, trains for a bout i -ps taken of perform- Ing a chance on injury, and per-1 dustry which after a bad time! in which he must defend his the festival. The haps oealn, Mr. Jones said, j wun accidents, iaia aown mc uue. uwviuiuijr, nusuuucrsuiiiu-io stressed that tho.t "Out at the plant, I know there rule that any man with an ac-1 inps interfere with the course of prt, to follow the fes- ore those who think we are toojeident among those Immediately , tr-.c ..vf fnr R:iinrri!iv nteht touuh about It. Well, we're go-1 under him would be fired. Thi- Terms as low os $26 95 Down 13,5 Month,y not be included In Ing to get tougher. It's thj clyj mod's tickets. Admin-, way to make sun that men slay ae 75 cents for adults ' alive." rule acted progressively so that j AIR CADET DANT even top management was af- Air cadets of No. 551) frinee fecled The result was that thejRupcrt Squadron will hold their industry has gou 10 years with-. Easter dance at the Armory to-out a Suss-of-tliuf accident. j night, starting at 8:30. Members An outstanding case of , the j of the sponsoring committee ani enforcement of safety reguia-1 their wives also will attend. i'.ls (or students. 133 8th Ave. Easfr Phone Red 110 . -rtinp also passed n :hanks to Mrs. W. 8. Mr. Jones had with him thf imposing gold trophy which the mill t Watson Island received for the best safety record in the pulp and paper industry In 1953. Its record was two accidents during 1,113.733 working man hours her work on the fes- am. -ibiness of the session tions. Mr. Jones pointed out, was i provided when the atomic reactor plant at Chalk River became flooded with radio-active heavy water. So intense was th? welcome of Mrs. R. ' presenting the Legion ' ft'vlS n accident frequence of member ,.mh onrt and 1 1.80 compared to the Industry's I as a new ni of a nominating average for li.e year of 12.35. Jon'.? '.aid he was par- for election of of' P-tfiv n i5 luding Mrs. E. Becker, ticularly prcud of this achlnve-S. Kergin and R. H. ment in view of the fact that when the plant started opera- I(mb Oinw vfinrR fifrn. onlv 12 of danger of contamination that no one could work at clearing the damage for more than five minutes every 13 weeks. Consequently it was necessary to bring in untrained crews by the hun-Jreds and rehearse each member beforehand in the exact brief iob he was to do. The op.-ration the 520 employees had worked In e pulp mill before. It was necessary to draw heavily on local . 1 A'as so carefully executed that untrainrd personnel because ol a 8lnge scrious acei(it rc- P SUEY . . . Heartiest Congratulations TO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CENTRAL GAFE ON THEIR NEW oCci CjoncloLi Ccife sowing machino suite., Mr. Joiits caded that ladlo- .CHOW MEIN II1L' 1UIK Ui IlUUCllIt-' He said that scrious accident?-which have already occurred this it S 1 ... i' ' 1 -' - ', 'I " I . . .... Fr v. t 4 4 p m. - 3:30 o.m year have destroyed the mill"! chances of keeping the trophy , In 1954, but he was confident it ! would come back here. The accidents we have hju' l v - v x m y . . t a m r - w Ipod Cafe actlve isotopes were used in the detection of damage to boilers at the Watson Island plant.-He said they were extremely effective and that, without them, 'here were times when the plant might have been obliged to close down. The sneaker wis introduced by Joe Scott and thanked by Ron Allen. ii'Wf Orders I'hone 133 ders red ladway Cafe record sale now (101) Half price on at McRaes. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 718 2nd Avenue Phone 563 Moose Whist Drive, Saturday 8 p.m. 102 Children of L.O.O.M. mem 4 LADNER, B.C. (CP) Fisherman Dal Ingram landed a 452-pound sturgeon In the Fraser river. Th3 Pacific sturgeon, as contrasted with the lake sturgeon found in other parts of Canada, sometimes weighs as much as 1,000 pounds. bers and their friends, free showing of moving pictures at 7:00 p.m. .sharp at Lodge tonight. (It) pT OF FOOD IH Co-Op -Bakery, nnoy anc Saturday, an old favorite, Dixie Taffy cake, 50e. Don't forget Co-Op Enriched Bread, your best buy. Ask for it by name ot your grocers. (101) ST OF COOKING T1KH Ot T OROKItS Phone 200 Firtt select and insert a . pattern disc cempUtoly vtomatically, it makes th fanciest ewing at easy t alayln record ! Eto' PkcIuiJvc) Optn Arm lets you darn iocki, mnd llMfl, (C, WlthUt openinq iffomt pgratulations $29-50 DOWN ONLY on the opening of Cjoiulofa dafc OPENS TOMORROW ; COMPLETE DINNERS AND LUNCHES ITALIAN DISHES A SPECIALTY $15.00 MONTHLY Bern Open Monday to Thursday 6:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday until 3:00 a.m. Sunday 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. FOR ORDERS TO TAKE OUT -:- PHONE RED 637 Electrical Contracting done by )rant & Newton Ltd. 22' 735 1st Are. LIMITED "THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" Phone 6 or 36 ' . 1 i - ; 1 -. T i Central Cafe Will Close 8 p.m. Tonight from May 1 Hours Doily 8 o.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Sunday