I Friday, April c-u i:54 george pawt.s AUCTIONEER 1 Phone Itlick. 4f, and tied V. "Dud" Rocket Kills Soldier FAIRBANKS. Alaska 1 One ( After completing their work, serviceman was killed, another one of the men located another ilost both legs and five other j dud rocket In the snow anil look persons were injured seriously In it back with him to the work ; two separate accidents Involving party's vehicle. The three-; dud bazooka rackets at Galena, ' quarter-ton weapons carrier had CFPR i'n;o DIAL 1240 Kllocjelea BUSINESS And ' I-'li'DAV Alaska, the Air K'rcc has an- lust started back to the base; rinilnfnri I .ikon tha man HrminnH in rm-r- ' The first accident oectired on jet. It exploded, injuring all four j D POFESSION A I wl Saturday when three children men seriously. One man "'. , mt.ered an old bazooka firine I later. Ni:tV ITKL TANKS PM. 8:00 8:30 I:4t 7:00 7:1S 7:30 B:30 0:15 H :w 10:00 10:11, J0:30 11:1m vt-.nn Upline for classified advertising 4:3o p.m. day previous 8uprwr Serenade Hmiley luinict.rr Catiafln hi. Work fBC Ncw:( CBC News Holll.rlup Salut to the KM Whlclrl Ford Tlii-iorp Hadtlle S-reriflclc Pporls Fiiu't rue Npw.s Canadian i-hnn Rt.nrlPsi pBriirl!- tit (riioira WCHlllPr l.rH:l Mmir. till Midnlt'ht Sin-tilt SAniniM MT'i Tank I.. 90.00 .X- 1 i ranse area. They picked up a i dud rocket and threw It apalnst ; stationary nb)ects until It ex-' ploded. Four Air Force men were sent i to the rant;c Monday to post ad-jditional warning siRns around j the abandoned range. 75.0C 27r CiKl. '111 12 Clause Extra. ee! 3 H BUSINESS PERSONALS 32 WELDING CO. 221 1st Av. U LISTINGS WAITED INDUSTRIAL Orf-eii H4 43 FOR SALE MISC. ksified Rates LLOYD babv carrlaee excellent, i We have a large list of buyers day prtTtom SPENCE & Matltik, Paint InR Contractors. Phone - 101 days. Blue 881 evenings. (120) in- TTn'i. ner word per condition, $25. Phone Black ' for houses. 'or quick sale pnone 1 2160. (lOflp); H. G. HELGERSON LTD. ! j Ufai Estate and Insurance 1 ONE F.leor Tape Recorder. Per- 218 61 h SI . Phone 96 or F. Wilson, ' Mimical dock 1 hr-r WU-FORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, solH, rewound and repaired. ( 1201 , jo rrnw. 0rrti at with Notlra. Piin!rl i,.rriL- unit Knfement : AKHDOWN FOREST, Engfand :CP) More than 1,400 acres of undergrowth and limber were destroyed by two fires in this I .Surrey area. Previously game 1 i9rrlcn porter only two rnd iiieer both female- if l.-fl in ; he historic forest. iecb (.ontiiuim. I'lwjiic Ulaiki thick 197 1 vcs: Mrs. Rowe DRESSMAKING . 234 Third Avenue East, over Kutit EaUci 8hoi. Vuuijt Blue 128. (1021 002. (ion; PElJlGHkED German Shepherd i dog. 13 months. Green 441 alter 6. U04I W I A.M. 7:00 7 : 7 :S5 ?:!-", 8:00 o:ifi 0:15 S:,1il 0:00 6:0S 0:30 0:45 11 : 10:00 10:16 4.1 Hiul'ERTY roit SALE nlif doubt pnm. fto HefunrH not accept, rwrmrtbmty idi Inserted InoomwtlJ WrLFORD Electrical Works dealer for Eknllln Sounders. (114) MAOAZINEH, NoycIUsr. Krtdle'R News Stand, (c) MACHINE SHOP property and j building, industrial centre, i X lTOr,g ciMsincar'on USED shiplop, 2x4 and brick Apply 000 l it Ave, W. 1 1 m error ti reomxl Ln of N""1 i Terms. 237 1st Ave. F,a,st. Apply I04) j 533 7th Ave West, Prince Rupert, j Mun of A" Imwtlsm. 1 Raw filing. 215 1st Precision Ave. West. B.C. (I02pl 1 OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 10 Fourth Street Phone 212 LAUNDRY tubs. Phone Black 243 (116) I 10:30 Mll-I.Dl I l.,l, lorillMr OfllMMIH f'UC Nfvs-s hoe's j.M o.,.: Hlu A' l-:ncr,ris Mil'lrnl l ink BHO News anrt f.iniiy. 8nlllcl08 Ami CBO httirii K,,i.n Muslcnl i'n,Rrani 'lime rtrriit, , Mrsnii li rlKI MiLsiual Prwram Vorltl Cliurth News OKI New. Went her Oferu A Touch of Clreasf palnl Music lrollleH Music Diary Hanet. I. nil, rur: News Week-cnn .ilenltiw This Week 8porl,ft College ArmdKlc t'hnrus Now i Atk You 'ANT AD Days. 1 102 1 I CARS? Hob Parker's of course, 46 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PUP8. 1021 2nd Ave. West. (120) (102p),CAFE for sale. Good location. RAW Filing All types of Raws. Mortem eau nment For nar- REPLIES 654 32A I OR KENT MISC NEARLY evervoofi" uies 9 ticulars apply Commodore Cafe. Phone 17, 028 3rd Ave. West. 16 (108) ,re holding replies UST ONE-ROOM cabin, furnished.! light and water, 425 01 h West., UO'ipti 10:45 1 1 :00 P.M. 13:30 1 :00 1:30 H:00 3:00 .1:10 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 l::m 6:00 5:15 5:30 7APLI NG 1 RUCK LINE ,eaves Pr. Rupert for Smlthew Every Tuesday ind Friday For ,'onnectlon Phone 632 following News es: MESSENGER business for sale. This is a good buy. Apply 741 2nd Ave. West. (106) 31WASTH MISCELLANEOUS I lni? acv'rtismcnt n noi puuiiw HOMEMADE brown leather box style purse, with personal papers. Leave at Dally News Office. Reward. (101) or d!;plyd by the Liquor (ontrol . 1 -1 ,925 9 3 3 j- TMl UwKtitmti ( MA publith f rfiipUytt4 by I lk Liquet Cfrl Befiil r by flta Oavcrnnfnl .' tl BriHA ColulBt'l. fit . MfiiiniiiMi .Arni 1 er.i. City of Prince Rupert i TWO-TONE green 10r3 Plv-TENDER8 FOR PAINTING I moutn (.hlb ?01ipe; 5 puncture-Tenders wil be received uu to ,f a, V.n,. Of by the vjovermrer of BritisH Cclumbif 18 HELP WANTED MALE 80ns of Hie Huddle The Rhythm Pais B.C. Phofile Vplte' must u-: 1 May 3, 1954. lor painting of j PPSS01.lPS .''Excellent condition. Edward. SwImminR Pools, benches, etc.. in . ph(,n Rpn 7n PVPnine JANITOR for Port 4 for m person BATt'RDAY School, heating certificate notlCitv Parks. For information an ' f T YOU WANT A CIN5ER DRIVEWAY rV ROCK OR '"ONCRETF WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDETO (101) CITY TRANSFER required. Applications must be in 1 ply Stipt. of Works. 100 1 0JI1MJ EVENTS CRATING PACKING STORAGE wrninR. tsiaie qiianiicauons, afe P M. e:oo 8:ao 7:00 7:30 Al UhttODILES CBC News Pralrli Hehrtoner Hit Parade Saturday Theatre BABY carriage In good condition. ; 47 beginning of May in Prince i -Rupert. Offers to G. Tilcner, Ke- ! 1940 !nnd marital stalus. Mrs. M. M. ' Roper, Secretary - Treasurer, j School DLstrict No. 52. Box 517, ANDREW'S ATHEDRAL CHRYSLER Sedan, very' mano, B.C. 102 Prince Rupert. (101) 8:00 finare t..e weauti 8:30 To Be Announced 0:00 Sunshine Club t):30 Unusual Tales 10:00 CUC iiews LOCAL ond LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING good running order, new tires, i Cheap trunsnnrtiitinn al $405.' See Dave at 112 Taxi. (103p) ! Apply . TRUC1C driver. ! , Packers Ltd. Canada dill t JjMMAGE I CARII FOR .Scrap, copper, rms,s, butteries ' radiators. Phone 543 Call wo I 18 HELP WANTED MALE SCOTT McLAkEN OHlRTERED ACCOUNTAiST James Block, 608 3rd Ave. W Prince Rupert, E.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374) i 6th Ave. West. i 35 "BOATS ANl EaGINEsT (C) 1 1951 14-TON Ford Pick-up' lollS-Dnnce Time-Heavy duty transmission, ra-! 10o Dtxtewna iww. ! dio and heater etc Phono PUacV II :0 Weail-r iteimrt 950 SALE Phone I YOUNG aggressive person re- quired for sales nosition with . . ," ... . . 412 uni. I Muk' 1.1 iiniuji progressive city firm. M.S.A. and i".,',.';,; and full ,, LiuZ. exhaust .It 1 .rr-rrrr - iS:o-sien-..n clutch, assem-, nnirer H,,rH t m..hi,iJ '6 6th Street Oroup Insurance plan. Good bly, monel shaft and boxings.- wjih ciynaflow and power BLON DIE By CHICK YOUNG j starting salary plus Incentive 1 commission. Some sales exper imu yi'vt iiiuiui iun uyriiiuuicu Meeniw. tj.uuu mues. Phone Red SATURDAY r JOvJ COME SCU LET ) I VE SEEN u3L3E'CLEAf-MG Tl it C BFCAUSE COGS j- . I Clt I! j! ( OONT KNOW AW Li 1 I Apply 1 106 1 I and ready for use. $400 Box 667 Smllhers, B.C. WE DCS RU.'l IN 806. (i03i '49 STUDEBAKEIi-Sedan, "new AM ITS GOOD TO ALLDAV--WPE VCUt? 1 FFFT FtFrOPVO- WITHOUT WlPiNS - ience desirable, but not necessary. Selected applicant will receive complete training. Phone Blue 192 for appointment to interview, (tfi r- 1,. s CO:-'.:m paint, new rubber, radio. Very (AFTER A' -f H rr js reasonaole. R. Green, Mov 1 (ltc) np.min's Union Dance, .clitorium. April 30. - 35-FOOT "Thrasher." Combination halibut, troller, complete. Apply 415 lllh Ave E. (103) New Floats. (103p) j . i. - - 1 52 CHEV. Coach, low mileotre 1 3i ' ' 'I Help Wld. .Male female r.UILlHNG MATERIALS- 3K KOOMS FOR RENT excellent condition. Rnriin 1 4? fltww. heate ftiff oir:".g n M'iv 1. etc. Phone B63. 1 102) ; . FURNISHED 1021 '.'nd V I Ave. West. UOlpi lil&J AUSTIN A-40. I)w mileage. PIin.POTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. i? 11 n 01 11 rr r Rnlc Phean firCl op flfv , tii Vk s. 1 j -f '.1 1 - .. t I ,te. I f -. ' r-V V3 "i f 1 !i us m. i l iioiie kcq yvB. 'I041JV ' I INQUIRE about, our budget plan j ROOM, board if desired. 317 7th for vour home imnrovement. i West. 4 1 0 4 J ' I- of . y .1 ,c -t: 1 i 11 I.EGAk NOllCE I mi to n Lccion Card parly No down payment. $100.00 ROOMS for rent, 427 5th East, i lOlpi I $2,000. 6 to 24 mos. to pay. ( (107) ; Wl III l.l-IHX M X (irlill!Ue ,,( 'll. No. MS7.I lie: Li 124' " Ar 1 1 - ( 'yN T'' I: Dance, May 8th. Legion! , 3!) HOMES FOR RENT lid I till I. -en llrieu (II). I'llhicr iif Nlenan. Marl SIR. WIIUIIfcA.S satisitii-Gory proof of loss of the lihove r'enitienle rf Til-a By AL CAPP I'UEL !7 LI L ABNER :i. Invitation only. Jerry s Barber Shop. Hospaal Day Tea, May R.sidcncr. DON'T WORRV, HONEST ABC Try Clean, Hard, Hot THREE-ROOM bungalow, furnished. $:0 per month. 221 9th West. (lOlpi WE rS SAPE, STA-VIN HERE, IN BUT-ON THE OrA SOi rr the- ivo&-E-ri. rOULBS r STORM W FLOHS-AHO STf?ASGf SLMy CRfTATURS A? I . A trs LOvk-y I I - i LEAVy; LOVFST CKJR CABIN -AS L-LONG AS tsKiied in the name of Minnie Hun"! M-n ha.s been tiled in this office.' notice Ik Hereby given that I shall. : at the expiration of one. month from j Hie date of the first publication hereof, issue n Provisional Orlifi- 1 cnie of Tide in lieu of said lotl j CHIP. C-CAf.lM mm I I P S-STAVS SITTES FOR RENT Eastern Star 39A I v n?,prA - I is. if tne 13. i ' v - sfs rvN-. 5:. T.l :rTi BRmutri r&s In your Fireplace, Cookstove or Furnace $24.40 Ton Delivered AIJ5ERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phone 116, 117 or 58 Your agents for McLcod River Hard Coal ( 105) unfurnished THREE-ROOMED me apartment, cenirauy iiiciucti , vi,n ohjeetion be made to down town. R. E. Mort imer, 353 i writing DATKI) ihe tjiiid rtefflslry Of- i (lorn i 3rd Ave. Phone 88. n lRion Rummacn Esquire Shop, May 15. mil Drama Festival, 2, 13. 14. Tickets and now available al 'rug Store and Civic Ht.RF. )Alf- flee. Prune Rupert. B.C.. l.hlfi 24(.h 1 duv of Kebruerv.. I9:".4, A iV i ANUItKW THOMPSON. I .puiy Urglstrar of Titles. 1 (T30nc TWO-ROOM furnished apartment with private entiuiice Phone Oreen 8fi0. H04i FOR your fuel requirements: , oil "Shell'' Slove and Furnace. Coal Foothlllt and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific." Propane. PH Tl POTT, EVITT Se CO. LTD. Phone 6M or 652 (1071 FURNISHED apartment. Must be quiet, respectable person. Ptimie : Orcen D2B. - MOipi Plirnle Snrlnir Ttannr 1 KOU KM.K j . TENDKns will be received hy the! linderKmned up lo noon HnUtrdny, the ; Uth duv of Muy, J0o4. for the pnrc.hnse. of hereuntler denerihifl niotor-veesel j f May 15. 4'f's Spring Bazaar, i Private Phone (lOl) SMALL furnished .suite. bath and entrance. Black 255. By STAN DRAKE RltUHted at Port Edward. B.C.. belong- inn to the Estate of Isaac Chrlslofer- f - E HEART OF JULIET JONES jKnr ! 28 FURNITURE FOR SALE F'mn Missionary Tea. ! irrnnpij, col tsii.3.. clialrs. v oliri.i.'Milcrt;nri SUITES, Phone Red. 984., 107) . I; 'SCUS6 THE IT'S AN ASfCUiraV aWHO i IT'S a wsm . , Hi! r.T iT'i I '.'riSI-ltUAt :C1 i ? - f ' DO M5U THINK I' U I ..I HAVEN'T TCO OLD POR it' THCU5HT ABOL'T mm SALFS TSCKN:ClS . . v 1 1 -h 'rmfref.-rTiiriy-(tnou of fe. -Fat riy- rWuidUJon, Htuiuvi . C l i,-J c ' rc m Inulh. 20 feet. " . ' ' -ftriod- wv--v . ' Apt. 6, Klllas & Chrl.stopher Apts . 0. w .,0. OK Phone Red 631. tt-nc) ll! MAg A PFUFECTLV . , -i rr, HAL. HONEST SALE - ! Iiiiini. V feci rj Inelice. : i! f V X N-W JULIE ? I -I. Bazaar. May 27. THYK$ TP j -. -- l- Deniii. :t lei-t .'I Inches. V-fJ? T CJV BtlT I JUST ii I I SELL IPiSE: wrly-new fle, May 'ofrOD 2-picce. chesterfield stills. 1:S I HAS A GROUP OF GOOD BUYS Powered with a 1014 Enthnpc Two on Graliam Ave., swell ; ons numne. homes with a lovely view. . lLZJLuZlT: EililysJESWJ.-', $65. Apply Prince Rupert Ud- jjfi f5Ua y lu ik. w.ui (holstery. iw- "". .'-( ................ ,j v... ... lc llli Atrenup A CAN CF ENAMEL ' HOSBY PLAVS Nice home on t Tea. Mnv 20. SUtmeil Ifiear McBrlde with good groiiiut.'.. : t ; . w ' N. POOI, Fit ml 5!A SEWING MACHINES, rutXONAL Largo revenue home near city THE tt'AITiN SAME TOvt t-ECc CM IN. LET'S TACKLE 1 ' 1 " i centre ISAtER Repairs, rentals. Singer j ' Spp thPSe before t hey go ; Sewing Ccnlr?. Phone ' t. NORTON YOUNGS . i ici Ronl pilule and Insuninc.e ! ' Phone 401 0 OFF official Administrator. . j 4 Wallace P.lock, l'O Hot II2H. PHINCE IU1PERT, BC. (AaS. 24. 80, M, ll in It SALE TRNDERH will he received hy the iinflersiimed up to noon of Snttirriny. the Bth day of May. 1954 for the purchase tff hereunder ctscrlned mo Let us have your lt-Ung for; w 45 and 78 rpm FOR S ALE Misc. I 3? j quick action. , (102) vijncion dlnlnc oak i SOLID ECORDS By EDITH MEISER and FRANX GIACOIA foiir chairs, three , FOUR-room furnished house, top SHERLOCK HOLMES and table condition, view, right on bus hundlnR fibreglass insulation i ! TT YES, WATS P2U ; V, NOTICE ALSO THE HOLMES, SWOLLEN f-ONDmON I IT'S THE from the szumnd OH ' THE TOE OF m 500T6 line. 1353 Frederick St. Phone Red 739. Possession May 15. (103pl J I IHE OM1H ur I i ; HOW DO ' YOU DEDUCE THAT. ViC. i (batts), drafting tnble, 4 ft. by 6 ft. with adjustable base and slonl, drafting instruments and acnles rust nroof metal straight tor-vessel sltunled near Oftllowoy i Rapids Ilrldse belonRltiB to the Ts- j uite of Hlchiird Matheson. rieceasert-: 1 NAMK: HHH40 j U'hKili, M feet. Ileiiin. 8 feet. - j l) i(h, 3 leet. Powered with a Vivian pis endue. Huthesl or anv tender not neoeRsar- 9 Play 1 3 OFF pe Brol Ltd. I A-30, M-l, 3.4,6 AMD THE 4CI?APIfrS y,AI?K4 Of HIS HAND AROUND ; THI PIN PIPiCK. . . UtAirl. SIK 1 IKISUJ SARDONKtUS. J AUBREY WAS ON THE DOCK LEAPINS TO HOLMES? w 511? AUBREY WAS edge, eight steel tapes In feet or THE CASK. HI PCDV WAS WATSON, HELP MB TIlPIJ UlM WARTIME 4. with upstairs. Ex-j cellcnt harbor view. Price I NOT DROWNED IM DIWS6ED HERE AFTER He THE RUM CASK! AlcoKftii inuFP . WA DEAD, 532UU, Terms; .iuuu. L,a.sn. iit,ji, Piggott Avenue. Red 2144. ( 100) " f 0- Box 343 t I BIRTHS ncci'pled. TKRMM utrlctly casn. j ' Signed: ! W. N. POOl.E, j Offloinl Administrator, 4 Wallace Block. P.O. Bon i!2. PP.INCK RUPERT. B.C. (A2, 24, 30, M, 1) Mm u ite- . jjrwt -ia chains, loo n. to auu n. beam compass in two sections, steel rock drills and jack hammer, steel dies, letters and numbers two desk lamps, one adjustable, 24 yards tracing linen, one roll drawing paper 36" wide, three brass plumb-bobs and general engineering and office supplies. Phono Red 8R8. (103) JS Born to Mr. and 6-ROOM HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, j automatic oil furnace, furnish- I ed or unfurnished. Phone Black 286, 418 6th West. n05p) i NEWLY built house. 3 rooms and ' - - Walla neo n vt i -s.-. -s". . UL 1 I : l l r prt Hope, Ontario, on Z' A k ft: iAi ':. J V, i dtp) bath. Phone Green 628. ! (104) f.anr',1 I'LRSONALS fc,..r- LARGE revenue house. Centrally located. Terms. Phone Red 297 after 6. (110) tS DELUXE Bendlx, as new, used nln months. $150.00 cash. Apply 1 000 7th Ave. East. ( 103 ) THREE-plece chesterfield suite, ROB MONTANA Rv vemnd 'nscaplnR, W ? Pla iting, rock Rfs- pnUos and rock- t ARCHIE I '"""laies. Red 808 . (103p) FURNISHED apartment with sink and range. Call nt 522 Fulton St. Apt. 3 (103) liS fi Willi feit s'.i:..AP fcrTijillilli lf:;-"-' iti assorted power loois jatne, band and table saw, electric motors. Apply 625 8th Ave. E., or phone Blue 614 after 6 p.m. ('Xw'-f ne...-..- ."' r-"0,.ui Urtflftttf1 ,51. 1 .t' LLXA Furnish-1119 6th " Il03pl NEW 3-bedroom house. ed. Full basement. Ave. East. iHtwN. ihai paw- m l in HH'W . . r. I J i Al i,J' Mr. j. Kempster. (101 1 hKtmrifefis rail r- 41 BUSINESS LOCATIONS , LUX. Phnn nii.. COMBINATION saw-sander-drill with motor, new, $65; One oil drum, $5; 2000 ft. used lumber, $35; one club chair, $15; one car radio, $12; one battery radio, Crossley, $15. 1425 Piggot Place, Red 2142. (W2 rartsSales Service. (c) FOR RENT Offices In the Stone Building, modern, steam heat- d, centrally located. Apply Room No. 3 Stone Bldg. or phone Red I 593. """'I v sat Buy IRAK TC. rin; lAN D- Ouyatt. 5 ",h Ave. West. p,,on(, BAPY carrlnrfe ?0. Washln? ma- chlne $40. Chest of drawers $10. 221 0th West. (101P (114) WANTED TO RENT 4? 1 lstif.iiir."rni. income McCLARY "Escort" wick burner, white enamel, good condition. 127 8th East. UOlp) Uld int. Ftirk, 2 BEDROOM house.linfurnishFrrT Black 317. UOlp) ! ' I i 1,4 1 " ' ' i 'V.l