'i !e Kupci r UO;iy rMCwi (nd,l;, A.ir.l .tu. i:)d4 HrinrA ft Players Auction Sees Four Managers Of Little League Pick Full Teams Roberts Blanks Braves With First One-Hitter By BEN PIII.KGAR Associated Press Sporis Writer Philadelphia's Robin Roberts is VANCCU EhThuJ For KETruJ fomfort ... i ,c,1lCit,. Try t DH,, 10, Don Scott 9, Donny McNeil 8, Ken Murray 11, Danny Bowen 11, Bob Armstrong 11, Trent Douglas 11, Robert Erickson 10 David Wong 10, John Gabel B Stewart Duncan 12, Allan Cazes 12, Hill Foster 11, Nell Docken-dorf 9, Peter Husoy 9, Billy Seymour 12, Alfred Voagan 10, Jimmy Turner -9, John Olsen 10 Michael Wayman 11, Allan Caine 9, Harry Kmit.son 8, Ken Dock-endorf 12, Geraia Makl 10, Oary Greissel 9, Clayton Douglas 8, Bob Gordon 10, Doug Turner lo! Dave Eby 9, Ted Holder 12, Gerry Donilnato 10, Nell Llnriseth 10. Halliwell 11, Roy Parlett 11, John Lindsay 10, Mike Green 12, Don Grantham 12, Gary Ballinger 8, David Hanklnson 8. Gary Otdlvle 12, Alf Hunter 12, Jimmy Tough 9, Bob Meighen 11, Bobby Ogilvie 9, Bill McLeod 12, Frank Nell-son 8, Raymond Souires 10, Wayne Robertson 11, Jim Schu-mxin 11, Tanny Ballinger It), Robin Halliwell 9. Bert Woodcock 10, Bruce Kerr 10, John Moore 8, Ricky Derry 9, John Hardy 8, Chris Downing 11, John Marehant 11, Jeffery Thorns 11, Maurice Fleming 10, Tom Harding 9. Daniel Allen 11. Arnold Johnson 10, Larry Bowman II, George Jones 11. l' ' ! ?" $1 " ..... ' " j tail) -l J -'.yy-M & i V y. ta j -, r i i f " , i , f , vt . J I - : f ' ' X ' C I I I f I , - ' ! t . r- j S - - I I fl For New Construction and Repair SEE GREER & BRIDDE I.IKE MANY another knothole devotee, Mike, a pedigreed wire-haired terrier of San Francisco. Is glad that spring Is here. Of course, he doe.m't pet to go Inside the park, but he can get to ses the tjame or show from a convenient knothole, which Is the way he likes it. The two evtra knbtholes are handy in case a couple of friends drop by LIMITED Phone 909 Soccer Fans Pouring Into London For Wes! Bromwich-Preston Final n i ? Spirited bidding highlighted tlie players' unction of the Prince Rupert Little League held Wednesday night when the season's four major league teams were picked. Each team will have a total of from 3t to 38 players, from which 15 boys will represent the first string teams. Taking part in the auction were manager Verne Ciccone of Kinsmen, Carl Erickson of Super-Valu, Andy Marshall of North Stars, Art Ogilvie of Lip-si tt, ai d ylajtrs agent Art Williamson. ' Throughout the meeting, a uni(jue sM)rU;man-like attitude prevailed, Mr. Williamson re- ! IKirted, as managers strived to come up with four teams as nearly equal ns twwsihle Remainder of the boys in each group will form the minor league or farm teams and will be used ns spares for the first string teams during the season. Training schedule for the groups will start immediately under careful supervision of the virions managers and coaches to make ready for the first official Little League game of the season, scheduled for the end of May. Managers and league executive lill have registration forms fori youngsters who meet the age requirements can still register for the league. Coaches who will groom the teams are Kinsmen Ernie Turner. Dave Hill and Gordon Doc-kendorf : Super-Valu Don" Johnston, John Rosedale and Dnn Morrison; North Star Marg. Careless, Jim Robertson and Ralph Ray; Lipsett Frank Couiadina. Aiec Slater and Jack Hh'irpe. Phi vers . were picked by the standard Little League method, Willi each manager having 32,000 tn.'ints at his disposal. The following list of teams, however, definitely does not represent the order in which the boys were chosvn. The auction is top secret and boys nre not allowed to know how costly or how cheaply their managers acquired them. Lipscft's Hrucp Robertson 11. Dercck r Super-Va'u's Richard Harris 9, Wally Ballinger 11, Bill Krlstmanson 10. John Morrison 12. Melvin Mali !i. Billy Main 10, Ray Windle 11, Bob Mlntenko 9, Gary Calderonl 9, Bruce Dunlop 10, Gerry F.rlck-son 12, Bruce Love 10. Jim Brem-ner 8, John Gable 9, Jack Mc- Ginnls It, Alan Wilkinson 10. jUgene Rose 10, Gary Hampton 8, Robert Smith 11. Don Rice 11, Ros Morrow 9, Jack Martin 12, Jim Russell 12, Allen Thomson 9, Jack Mutch 11, Hugh McKen-?le 10, Jerry Gllmnre 10, Billy Wong 11. Jerry Jen.s. n 12, John Roseda'e 1'.. t.arry Mathews 0. North jirars Peter Drown 11, I-arry eitch 10, Bryant Kangas 11. Jim Wald-bauer 10, Edward Pongraez 8, Brian Thorn 12, Jimmy Culussi 1. Marray Wells 11. Henry Petersen 12, Tom Martiu 9. Gerald Hubol 8, Ken Cameron 11, Roy Holland 11, Brian Thompson 11, Dale Montgomery 8, Ted Careless 12, Billy Forward 10, Don MaeDonald 11. Ray Oakey 12, John Donders 10. Terril Boyle II, Rabbv Hov 10. I'. Maskulak 10. Art Tindall 9. Gerrald Oukey II. Norris Patrick 12, Barry Curtis 9. John Smiihson 10. Don Morrison 10. Barry Kurdziel 10, Bruce Johnson 10, Keith Inkstcr 12, Raymond Rudolph 11. Alan Kangas 10. Dale Turcotte 12. Kinsmen Larry Eby 12, Dave Thomson 9, Ronnv Robertas 11, John Pinner 11, Franklin Van Pykstia 10. Bobby Adams 11. Bruce Moore LONDON i Reuters Thousands of fans from all over Britain are pouring into London for. Saturday's soccer cup final between West Hromwieh Albion and PresU n Ninth End. Many of them are hoping to fioJt a ticket for the classic contest, even though ail tickets for Wembley Siadium, with a capacity of 93.000, were sol i day ogo. So ticket scalper.", who linn; around the approaches to the stadium should do a brisk business on t'.'e big day. The hundreds of unlucky Wes'. Bromwich and Prcste.. suopor'-ers who don't grt tic! w::l spend the day painting tendon red before catchint; buses or trains back to th? rnrth Saturday night. It Is still anybody's guess which team will win. At one time thj boys of West Bromwich Mbion, bidding for the league championship as well, were favored to take the cup fin; they were hit by injuries in lecent league games and hive already been robbed of Hi" league championship. Now Preston arc cup favorites. Hut, West Bromwich, whose trainer has oxygen as a pick-me-up among his equipment arc still determined to iry m take liie cup back In the Midlands. Last night, Everlou. by defeating Oldham Athletics 4-0, f'.nt-hed in second nlace behin i Leicester City in the English Soccer League's second division rnd gained promotion to tic first division. Everton totalled 56 points, the same as Leicester, but Leicester heads the division with the best goal average. SI E IT AT GORDEN o ANDERS Hitters beware! back in form. The tireless Phillie riRhthandr r has been mowing down the Na-; tionai League opposition with amazing regularity for 5'2 seasons. But lie iiit th? skids in the last six weeks of the 1!:"J campaign, losing eiKht while winning only three. Then, after showing next to nothing in spring training, he was kayoed by the upstart Pittsburgh Pirates on opening day. i But that's all over and forgiven now. He toppled the Pirate' the next tim'-" out with a four-hit shutout, lost a 1-0 heartbreaker to New York Gi-r-nts )a.t week and then last night stopped Milwaukee Brave 4-0 on one lonesome hit. Del Crandali's third-inning double put the only dent in one of Roberts' best performaiv-es. The 27-year-old ex-Michigan i State star faced 30 baiters, walked : two and struck out six. Thre j I of the strikeouts were regi.steivo ! rgaiast homerun l;ine, Edrti.' ! i Mathews. KOBKKTS' HltST ; ' The one-hitter was Roberts' first anywhere. Twice before he i J had given just two hits. I j MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS By THE ASSOCIATED HI ESS Alllf-I'Mllll l.l'UtCIM- All I! H Pet Olynn, Olrvi'l.-uui . . :lt :l l:t 1! I 'initio. Detroit . . . :7 ti i r. 40., Onoclmnn. Ho-'Imii . 47 . ID . Avila. CleVf'lilllrt . . . 41! H III :1H. Jcnwn, Boston .... 4 1 H 15 .:tf! Batting Cllynn. devi-Iund. .lift. Nuns Minoso. C'lucimo to. Kuns butted in - Kaiii C'liKiuro 12. Hits OotKlinnn. Uoston 1H Doubles Tliree pliivers tied with j Triples Mmosn. C!nrv.;i, it Home runs-Jensen. n.i:.ti,:i i,:ul Wesilake, cirvcmnd. 4. Stolen bnes Hvp nkiVTs tied wiiti Pltehlna- Ornmek. notri it :t,i Li- pat. New York M-0- I on Strikeouts 'I'm ley . Bull iim:ri Natliiinil l.enne AB H H Pit .Jackson. Chienco :;a 1'J it .Sue Temple. Cineiniirt'l . M H 111 :iB0 tondy. Chici.Bo 4.' lr, ;;rf Jnblimski. 8t Uiuli .Ml 1 ai Hxt?.. Bnklvn - 11 IK aTti Baiting -JiicK'in, Chicif-o isu!) Runs -Bell. Cinciniiatt 17. Rum balled in Creen"ru-ts, tir.-cinnatl t 16. ' Hib- 4".lillm:n. Brnct'.lvu; T' lr.;)!?. Cincinnati ;:r.a .Jtiblnnfi-.i. .ct. l-."i-21. i Doubles cfreenu"as. ('ineinc.ili ? Triples Tlu'ee players t:.i) with 2. Home runs -HiKiye;,. IIrooi:in o. Btolcn blip's- Tb.ee pluyrr., tie.: with 3 PliChlne M-iplie. New Yurk 3-0 J.00O Strikeouts -hiiddix, la. Louis 21:. Pedersen Again Scores OQJo Robert Pedersen .scored his second 100 per cent score of the year last night as meinbus of the Civic Centre Youth Rifle club hftld their bi-weekly meeting. Next shoot is Tuesday, May 4. Other hign scores made were John Clibbett 99 per rent; Harry Schrader 97; Craig Stewart P-i; Ray. Windle 92; Jerry Jcnseii an Phil Lyons 89: Bill Holt-ate 81; Miiford Weiel: 83; Civile Trudeau fl. Spring Bowling Starts Monday live teams have already been entered in the Spring Mixed Five-Pin league and bowling will start Monday, May 3 at 7 p.m. More bowlers are needed for extra team and those interested are asked to me t at the bowling alleys Monday, a:; it is hoped to have eight or more teams in ih league. The teams wlii dgwI a .scher'.jle, to decide squads qualifying for the playoffs after which trophies will be presented at a banquet that will wind-up the season. SAGINAW, Mich Al Andrews, 151,- Superior. Wis., outpointed Sammy Mast ream, 154, Pittsburgh, 10. DENVER Red Martinez. 117, Denver, knocked out Junior Best, 122, Salt Lake City. 2. exciting nciu 19f4 rsons tuhtj In other major league notion Thursday. Brooklyn Dodgers pounded five home runs in beating Cincinnati Redlegs 7-5, but the Reds held on 'to first place in the National League as Pittsburgh nipped St. Louis Cardinal; 4-3. In the Ameriean League Baltimore edged Washington 2-1. Cleveland defeated Boston 6-3 and New York Yankees evened matters with Chicago White Sox -4. The other clubs weren't scheduled. Jitni'ir GiHiam led the Dodsr home-run barrage in Cincinnati with a pair, and added a double to the in-hit attael; against Harry Perkowski. The Yankees' Casey Stengel, who rewrites the rules of base-Lull strategy almost dally, brought in left-handed Encs f laughter to pinch-hit against : ft y Billy Pierce in the sixth inning in New York, and the former Cardinal star delivered a ,-inglo that tied the game. Eddie Robinson, another pinchhitter, followed with atir other single that meant another run. ' , Cleveland warmed up for a two-game series with the Yankees by pounding four Red Sox pitchers for nine hits at Boston. , : t Vic Williams u Tops Marksmen Vie Williams was high marksman for the niit Monday with twa targets of 92 per cent each when the newly-formed Prince r.iip-it Rifle and Pistol club h'ld its first official shoot. The shoot, with 22 automatics and 38 special revolvers took place at the indoor range of the CNR. Other scores made during the evening were Frank Baldwin with 87 and 78; Cliff Oilker with 78 and 77. Ross with 81 and 60, Mrs. Frank Baldwin with 77 I and 61. Menard with 71 and 59. j Darrow Gomez with two 64'8. 1 Kasso with. 73 and .45 and ChucK ; Yule with 64. Prospective members are In- vited to th next shoot slated for Wednesday. May 5. ' . i in Fast Passenger and Freight Sailings from Prince Rupert i All times Daylight Saving)' To Vancouver Friday and Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Kitimat Friday 8:00 p.m. To Keiuniio Sunday C:00 p.m. To Stewart, Alice Arm Saturday 6:00 a.m. To Masset and North Queen Charlottes Thursday 6:00 a. in.: May 6, 20, and June 3. To South Queen Charlottes May 13, 27 and June 10. ' Passenger Reservation Freight Bookings I.F.S SMITH Prince Rupert Agcht ri0 Third Avenue Phone .r6R serving B.C. since 1889 s DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS (Commodore Cafel lOU WANT today's moit practical, time-saving, work-savirn, money-sewing convwiemd You want to bring the utmost in beauty to your kitchen. And certainly you want your new refrigerator to be soundl deigned and honwlj sturdily built so that it will serve you tor o long, long time. See (or yourilf all the "extras" you get in service and satisfaction when you buy ogwwt Frigidaire. See why Canada's No. 1 Refrigerator-Frigidaire-Is Canada's No I Vowl A Real Zero Zone Food Freezer Her' a fcitthcn-tii food fneier that kpt ffon foods saf for month i a nw Frozvn Jute Ci Holder famout Oukkub let Trays, m n fT i Canada's only refrigerator with The new 1954 Frigidaire refrigerators htm beautiful new blue and gold interior!. Sax models are also ovailable with glamoio enlerior color -an attractive pastel yellow-wlth matching color inside I New Frigidaire Egg Server S fhh new on-ot-a-tim Cgq Server wonderful end xdutivt Frigidaire iflf-rvit LIU LlVlJ U LAiJ : I rmwm 1 ' o'- i , Mpsm . m w . - j' x I Tt. r,is,4 Cy.lo-niolk'1 new automatic ff"i. "Sf ' J . oO .m mm M 1 ' ... ! X, I "' Condillon.r i, wol.d ont epor.rt- S 4 SI ! 1 " 'Jhp " f " ' ' i i i W i( : ; I 1 ; ""I i"Purt .omrol oil it. own I. k.p .O'T I -v -H : ?! tl ' " l H' f 1 bufl ,p,.ol(ab,. ,, Mw i, !: ' '"" . II J"''( iff 1 j jpf 'f WANT A PERFECT HOME? Take time to find the one veil want and be sure your goods are stored safely with a responsible warehouseman. Phone 60 THAT'S i HESf : y : ',-,1 7 indsayh A l.oeal aim Long Distance Movtnj K.7 i m uiiaeuut Ketrigerator w , -. V j 1 "ll...YoU" SMw-olM. .ut .11 ih. w.v i XI? V ' t... w,H, ,., ' ' (, i..p S Vl " '""Y 9liJ Wvf 11 ' "V j oul Hyrlril.it .11 your ! vo.lbl.i .1,4 (,,,. 0 d m,,,.r,,, f ' ' j' V i mm fm M ntm,. f . ....... ... ...m ,,m,m,,m iIiiiiiiiih PRINCE RUPERT B C r.niifnn R. AiuWnn? Tko T tntnn Cn. Ltrl MePna Rrse I M "leave it to Lindsay's" Your "Allied" Agent jj . SMITHERS, B.C., Eby's Hardware nil