1 i Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, April 30, 154 Mother- Sav6Soqwp5,;;, "4 Fishery Council Karnes Officers: tz:a yTTTx- . I v i . " '4 rS"' .vf - "'. fa . - 7 . Seek New Uses For Versdtler, ScotfflSeaweed SOUTH U1ST, Western Isles, Scotland tK Seaweed may provide northern Scotland with a major industry. OTTAWA If H. H. A. A. Russell Russell of of foundlanu man to head the ffeih- Wednesday was BQUAMISH. B.C. 0 -An In rrtmirS th'.olwn mosh-j eleeted president of the Fisheries roomed through the cabin rnunrllH s win-1 Council of of ranarla Canada, succeeding .Uerelin dian mother threw her buoy to ing industry's national orgaui-zation. . . . Vice-presidents elected Includf ; J.. N. Hylnnd, Vancouver. - safety from an upstairs window, I dows. He called to Mrs. Joe to Francis Milord of Vancouver. Mr. Russell is the first New- then refused to jump herself and .throw the baby to him. ! died wflh four of her eight child- Having caught the baby, he 7 rcn when fire destroyed their urged Mrs. Joe to jump, but she cabin l.jme. disappeared inside the cabin. f - ; ;o a Mr. Felix ran inside himself 4Si(fS a r. V ,QJ: ' v,. fiX r- . . i I Presents The underwater plant has boen eaten as a vegetable, turned into jelly, made into bread, used as cattle fodder and fertilizer and at one time in the production of iodine and potassium. Now eypt-f'anents are under way to squeeze new uses from the slimy waterwecd. If these prove successful, large-scale expansion is expected in the industry centred around the island of the Outer Hebrides. Crofters get 5 a ton for seaweed after it has been dried. At factories the plant winds up as a fine powder. Alginlc acid is easily obtainable from mast brown seaweeds and the salt of this acid called The ei,;ze, car : an exploding oil lamp, hilled Mn. Minnie Joe. 34. her children, Elmer. 8; Doreen. 8: Harriet. 3, and Hazel. JO, at their Creek-side, B.C., homo 50 miles north of here. A neighbor, John Felix, was critically burned, RCMP ' said. Surviving are Vera, 15; Daniel. 13; Joseph, 19; 20-month-oM Richard, and the father, Dick Joe. Flames spread to the nearby cabin of Sylvester Joe, brother of the children's father, and both structures were- destroyed. Mr. fceiix loid hCMr1 he was and pull.d out Hazel. Dick Joe wa five miie ;.way at the time, working at a logging camp. An inquiry into the deaths Is proposed. Squami.-.h is 40 miles north of Vancouver, at the head of Howe Sound. MONTREAL (CP) - Corporal Fauline Gauthier of the CWAC won top prize in the tyro class, defeating all men in this division, at the Royal Montreal Regiment's rifle meet. She scored 275 of 300 points while two men lied for second with 2B8. THE 7 1 GILDA $55 o Terms to suit your convenience alginates have a wide range of uses. Some ice cream now is made smooth to the palate by the addition of alginates. Other uses are in paint, textiles and medical swabs. Insoluble alginates are flameproof and it may be possible to weave textiles from them. tr (TTt TM.r a 57-year-old Milan, Italy, artist who works in the unique medium of own ns he fashions a new piece. Shunning the standard materials of the sculptor, r .student of the American Unlvcrsi y in Beirut, molds his figures entirely of straw. ,a a pii !' for his "portrait" of O. B . Shaw. Eventually, he plans to display his work and p'ih:ips in the U.S. Surrounding him in his studio are the figures of Stalin ..,.; stun Uurel and Oliver Hardy (centre, rlgbti; Churchill (top right); and the p left'. - ' 1 ( it GRCJEN the Qkecuum vatci . . Busy Postor BROOKHAM, England (P Rev. Wilfred Tristam says he has covered more than 15 000 miles In three years on his light motorcycle, visiting rural parishioners in Surrey. Thi: advertisement is not published or displayed by the Lym? Control Board or by the Government of MtrJi'Cpt'.'rihia. !g Soviet Concert Artists Attract ds of Curious in Canadian Cities ' V,' " ' -; - .' : 1 z ' : ' 1 , , - V' - . v , - i .. Vi'--; j- if STC KAMI ! the people wearing them. soprano Elizabetha Chavdad, 1 m ., v.:n. r ; The strongest words were ballet soloist Leonid Zhdanov,! National adds Canadian promnted by a stntement by the tenor Arturs Frindbergs and one Canadian on the tour. Man- pianist Pavel Serebryakov. ' q Outsid? the the dancing Kus- i ! ager John Boyd of Toronto said All interviews are carried on : the Russians wouldn't perform through an interpreter from the : ill Ollfhf hernilKft th ftu?rnre rf tr,iir'c tinn-orfk-tip oiHo ti,V,fVi IIK 01 loot. tts uiiiToting of ham- lP slHcaitk by the j na!ls there are afrald of what , includes an attache from the i I tr.iert artists now : Premier Duplessis would do if Russian embassy in Ottawa, a ,, rci'.io show. Notn- I ,n. Soviet nrticis anneareri in nrnfessnr who liinks after such ' rouid help create ; ' .t tnp thlntrs as Droeram adlustmentii I 1 Ttn . nr niwt them 1 I it home j ,111. a virtuoso with ft I violin, was asked I (1 Canadian audi-i d iiill'-ren'ly. He Asked to comment, the Quebec 1 and a staff writer for the Mos- ! premier said: "It is dirty Com-j cow fortnightly "News." miuiist propaganda as usual." j The violinist boasted to re- The entertainers arrived In porters that the Soviet Union Canada April 15 and will return financed every part of his violin in mid-May. Everywhere they training "they even bought me have appeared there have been ; vlolin I m Paying on now ' lull 1 iikp rompar- ' ' ;f' i-"-". ' r i ; vr-d v-'v. Pirn capacity audiences: Toronto, 1 8 1730 Stradivarius." irii.is. two ballet - Vancouver. Erimonton, Saskatoon The group's final show will be , siit a soprano and and Wlnnioee . a special performance in Ottawa Mav 3 for diplomats and at- the same way, or Cnrioslty would be a good ex taches. aljout Canada is very nice. Then t everything back jst a.s "1 harasho." JIENKSS planation for the crowd turnouts. Seldom have the Reds sent their concert performers to the Western Hemisphere. ("ides Kngan the program offers ballerina Sophia Ooloykina, Mother Charged For Beating, Blinding Child .LOS ANGELES ifl-FWp trim-,)nil rhii"""i ae'lnst the wi il Canadian re--!i fi lii i. Uox office tuss 1 he i-ltithes c;ir, slioddv is the ui'M riil 1011, have :oro criticism than ' JT j. ' J " " ' " : -y . r) ...,:i4::vl r:-:. r:A 1 ' 1 Ills ITeciMoll '-'4 1 l y ! , .' i J smarliicw passenger cars nant mo' her of seven chlHrcr 'vere filed here as the result of 1. a;;gi nv.iti d rhild-twiHiv ('( ni"i.'ii ts eliarglng mayhem. ''NVVilllt. With "qrih-- wio-MlV and throe ci unts of "ass mil like-'y to pro-luce great bodily in-w(-.-e fil-d nq-ilnst the WW M- v Tr n did Vcn, 21! t;iiiiblo to pot 5.0'IO ball, oh v3s j-'iled pen.'in a h -rip M.-v t. Aii'h.iii'- snlfl f'eU - 11 'i. Mrs. Veri's d'ieh'er bv 1 li-e-'it lis m 'rii'"e. w s the vl tlm of cne 'f tlv tvmst bnl' nst nc 's . of ( hikl-lx atin'i I' iriiss l!;in;nlii Fur survii liine-ieii' is now tuail.ilile at your jeweller's A : vc". ' The child was hi nged In or 1 rye, for whi'-h nriyheni ! ; eh'ir1; ltd; both her arms wec broke' i liv lx-in". W.-tcd her ro c w : broken md her body was '0'"Y' - QEST VAIUS IV. UUYCRUEN wi h wpf! Lo.-i beftinw wl h : " !;!) r Ir s-, inf I' ted r pj.itcdl; f I IV 111- Eiffel during 13 1111 nlhs. officers sa d-l You'll hare k uiilc cbn'itv vf iltffiiug cur dtioinnnil,ttiius spiiciiiiis (huuiiig rooms, compurlmeuts, bedrooms, popular-priced room til as, diiphx-roomeltei or betlbs. All are ideal for day and ni'jbl Irani, M;iil'' to ' get It all v-lh schoolboys Jholomaph it in "'f the Eiffel-like PRINCE RUPERT TO Tr'cllingjiccoincs "Travel Living" on the Canadian National Railways as these nibdern-as-toinorrow passenger cars go into service. There arc ' 359 of them, and by mid-summer you will find most of them on our trains throughout Canada. , Here's smart new comfort ... a w ider range of train accommodations and conveniences than you've ever enjoyed in Canada . . . tailored to lit . every travel budget! Here is travel with a flair a revelation in coziness and comfort. Colorful upholsteries and carpets and strikingly modern decorative patterns - provide pleasant, restful surroundings to match the comfort of the roomy sleeping accommodations, "living room" lounges, attractive dining facilities , and picture-window coaches.. This new "Travel Living" on Canadian National is within the reach of every budget. You'll find costs s " ' arc moderate. "s Doctor f;K. S.k. . hail oa (if u, s,.,,u. J h ni fi i ikatchew.m f -'"cr Dr. M. C. -AA rJ- AhyVZMl A, . --r-:' j "V- 'AA'At- ... ." .. 1 A i , - . M ' .. J ,. i . ' 1 'itivl'e. w,ho ha.s f iiortoi- m.P.i.-k.it- Hew smooth -riding day touches offer comfort and ease with improved air-condilion-ing, adjustable recliuiiig seals, and panorama u iudvtus. Bl ight nd attractive interiors' provide pleasant surroundings for long of short journeys. ill K: H IKKAN Mm ..5.00 J yELTOPiCS IMN(iKI I. $27-co Wc Save You 4 Time and I'KTKKSItl'tH 523-70 it-- rrrii JOH ijl I ' Dol!as i WHEN YOU t'!)l( ' , . ..... ' fares: -o Li. .UINK.M! ii $ U l: S"''S - W 1HS.H5 Bll -tT'"ri"fitf ' -1 in IMII I KllOltSt FLY C I I I C AIR 275.8,i $56.oo THE ONLY RAIIWAY All TEN PROVINCS5 CI. LI? LINES Travel Ag-nt. f MOORE El- AGENCIES SKATTI.Ii $6500 , office 1 . Third Ave. rv W4 w hrtrMI- ititliee iipptisiUi TiJ.-i , A -' A Phone 266 one S0 111 " M ilfi. 11 Km a1