Prince Rupert Daily News Letterbox As I See It Thursday, April 30, 1953 I prove mv rw . n by . . . .i . . i . . 1 T n,flr me uauy news: . . , a motion that u ui jependent dally newspaprr devotrd to the upbuilding of Prlno Rupen and Northern nd Central British Columbia. Wember ol Cauadlan Hs Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prluee Rupett Dally New LlmlMd I P. MAUOK, President H. Q. PERRY. VIco-PrMldant ' A;: there Is little use for me to, treasurer, submit ' argue against the solid seven I council coverine ;mass mind prevailing in city i opinion obtaiiifLn7 t 01 HER MfI1V j frTt J-V OUEiN lltZAMTH il I f 111 cQic fmore council where one alderman city officials here does the thinking for all, includ- every where Subscription Rates: Ay carrlfir i -r went. 25c; per month Sl.OU; pr year. S10.00 mv mull Pfti nonth. lac. Der Year. tH 00 ing the mayor, therefore my only ! 11,1952 1, 1952 to toM May l, 1953 111 Vi land land purpos DurnnsA recourse is an appeal to the n 1Ln niihlic. In the vn.., 1,1 - "wtuu r. roo 1 Being deadly opposed to the j like to have this ' Inin J " r rilum diem rate rate nf of 417 $17.50 S(l per rwr day flai!hnnrt ! hand Kf.. before ."0ttlis Premier on Hot Spot per ""ncilstansBs recently established, plus travel- Hill out on an interna ling expense in transportation hall cruise. GEORGE MILLE'R, veteran Vancouver alderman and MLA, knows more about municipal finance 'and school taxes than anybody else in B.C. public life. k something must be done about1 it. We yell our heads off about the 5 per cent Increase awarded the firemen, but waste more money in obtaining so-called 'expert opinion on simple com-; mon sense questions, and joy ; rides of city officials, than a 5 ALD. CEO e C). HAZELTON By CECIL BLUNT In Hazelton 1 met a Up from the Carioou ' And on his back Was a well-worn pack And a pick and Swi', -sea V T I .... H,iK , per cent Increase to all workers would amoui.t to In a year. VICTORIA REPORT 3- ?U" pay To Be Staged jtnor'-zert u "scond class r-.all hp the Post OfTlo Department, Ottawa. Make Safety A Habit performing their function as signals for BESIDES motorists and pedestrians; the new traffic lights on Third Avenue can serve as a reminder next month that May is National Safety Month. Each flash of the red light might he regarded as good advice that, if we watch our step or luake, vc sVatch our health or someone else's. " Experts in the field say that safety is mostly attitude. Wake up in the morning with a smile, they claim, and the chances of reaching the office with our car or physique in an equally agreeable condition are very much improved. But attitude is an elusive quality. There is no H'ay of guaranteeing that the necessary smile will lie at one's command when the alarm goes off. Even if the world is particularly bright on a certain morning, the car driver or pedestrian in question has often reached the office before he is sufficiently awake to realize it. . The experts concede the point and therefore go on to add that the most effective 'safety measure is education. The theory is that if the public is made He shows with crystal clarity Lhat the Social Credit school tax formula would mean $30 per year extra taxes for the average Vancouver home owner. Municipalities would lose their guaranteed one third cut of the ) sales tax. They would et a sliding grant from the lovernment based on the 1952 Tell inc. I said, landuta! 1 my cap, For an old pioneer wa Do you go South To the Fraser'j mouth, Or Westwards to the Feller, he cried, and he n North, In them thar hills lies ,; VICTORIA-The election this ', day; 3,000 poll clerks at $10; Premier Bennett was invited k a 0 year won t be quite so cosuy asiriunareas 01 supeivisinn iirpuv ; w ' - iri MiptlMU I II 1 1 M ! wanted to lo.t This vear there's no returniillt officers at $15; dozens II. and desperately go. 1 new voters' list, and that saves of special constables at $8. If But political business came up a lot of money. Too, this year, i you rent your house for a polling. at home, and that's much more it's not necessary to advertise ! division you get $12 for the day. Important to him, naturally. budget plus the Rolston for- LONDON (CP) The first play to be staged in Westminster Abbey since the Reformation where the wolf and Uif nula. A Vancouver family living in so extensively the whys and lor one ballot box, and se lor Political leaders this year are! will be presented for, three wneieiorcs ui wic o.iire,i. , , - . u,mb Time 10 In .iri i $7000 home would have to pay In addition there are 41 r- not maun ' -- "V " system of voting. The govern- $30 per year extra taxes by 195tl. men figures if the electorate; turning on.cers. No one seems - doesn't know all about t flow, It U.uite su e how much they gtt. as tampJgn Prcml r "f1 Tne ,ay wlll b(. ..0llt of lhe never will. They work six weeks or two i lsn t bothering with plat s h s ' chrlstonhrr H-m- THE MOST detailed, reasoned Bom have their lair. And the mountains art turies old. For far to the East li ? sunrise. And far to the West lie sea, But away to the North. Where I go forth, Lies half unexplored criticism of the Rolston school ,l. i... i.i 1.1... , i,a utill irn Krwlfil I'rpflir. or formula is in the March issue Last the election cost monuis, so . cuimiciwk, MUb year : TI J Lta rreHM sail. noted British dramatist, $750,000; this year the com l me rc "" ",aul I)("'t ncl mnskian. ,i, ,r..m ihe r-fP He's of the "B.C. Teacher," official organ of the Teachers' Federa The author describes the play It seems now that Lilxral Mr. ' coiuenlrating on those ridings should be held down to about $500,000. tion. as a modern version of the Biblical story of Job. But Job's counterpart in the play Is a It shows that the Rolston Straith was right when he said 1 he thinks he might take away at the recent session that If heijrom tie ct'F, such as Revel- Away he went, on his k formula would "perpetuate past discrepancies between school could find out when milk prices British woman called Martin. Bloke, and plat es that might turn' Organization of a general election is a tremendous undertaking. There are some mighty expenses: 3,000 deputy returning officers at $12.50 for election sufficiently aware of the perils of motor traffic ' will be decontrolled, he d be able i . .. , , lund Ila.ssull presents seven listricts . . . Since the govern ment's grant is now to be based bent, I stood and I watched re And I ve often thought . Of that grand old spurt, And hoped that he ms: dough, on the actual operating budget to tell the date of the election, i weir mxi.sf u v . . u.x-1 m h(r ljf(, from h(r wpd Mr. Straith insisted that the ; tuch as Salmon Arm and Prince dln(, ln im to her death In elecUon would be a week after j George. Jle's going to spend-athp autUmn of 1951, against a controls go. He tiled to smoke i lot of time in Vancouver City j background of conflicts thut be- for 1952 of the individual school district, the district which has out Agriculture Minister Ken- i ftn(i Vancouver Islar.'.!. That s ! set Britain during that period had to economize to the detri References to Westminster Ab neth Klernan to this effect, but OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MacLeod ment of its school standards Is compelled to continue to do so. Mr. Kiernan wouldn't be smoked where he'd like son c n-nts ni the Island. Last election . I. &i out. while the district that spent There have been rumors re- not elect one Social Crediler. freely in 1952 is subsidized in bey recur throughout the play. The Coronation dais Including the site of the throne In which the Queen will receive homage after her crowning will be within the acting area for the play j ' Ik '"""'"4 . . -entry milk price control would Mr. Bennett Is dt wrimned l continuing to do so." and the way to avoid them, safety will become not an' attitude but a habit. The Canadian Automobile Chamber of Commerce puts it this way: ' "Safety is a painstaking proposition of instilling in people the truth of the old maxim that 'an ounce of prevention is worth a p'ound of cure.' It is a community problem. In many cities throughout Canada last year, property damage caused by automobile accidents exceeded by far the total police force I mdgets. Safety is . everybody's big business. " ' . , , ., "Approximately 92 per cent of traffic accidents go May 1. Now it appears it will change that. The teachers' magazine gives As the end of each session some glaring examples to show i approaches, the atmosphere j be delayed to June 1 and the ' Salmon Arm Is bound to be a how the Rolston formula would j around the bar in Alberts place j election will be June 9, so Mr. hot spot. That's the home riding actually help most of the dis-igrowg steadily gayer. The MP's j Straith wasn't far out in his sus- of Social Crediter J. A. Reid, who trtcts which need help the least. who resort there seem almost a'!lici.m Mr. Blraith was sure, at 'started the rumpus about edu-, ; . l riovori n,hn thov enter n when ! the session, and still is. nrob- cation. Mr. Reid said the other ' i Aidls Sufferers .CAPETOWN, (CP) First of its kind in : South Africa, a modern cancer clinic was opened MEANWHILE. the. Social pr.ccUtith,y.,eave. an hour r no Inter j abry. that ilftlhg' -of milk pYIce'day -thaf the PreMtWaftproved MLA from Salmon Arm whoifi. toi,ir, tir.-iiutf.mpri ! controls is lust one bie Social what he said, whi.'h was a nhoek here. The rlinlc, equipped with Premier tolU me In caucus made the sensational attack on , treatment of Albert's Majilc Mix-. Credit bribe to the-elfctorate;; ;to th the Effective Living course in ture u , )'. .i r. i-u ,, V, j"Th B.C. schools has: thus put his; r . 'n 1 chief Justice' Cordon Sloan is 1 'hi '.' had had done a good tiling, and that ! " ""r,,V "" ' f l" US UK UIIC .7 . ... . ' 1 U...I...I .. . 1.,. " I O P mim . loorior Mr I- nnnnett Dtt nn tHn the i ICVUMlllf, tvuiijr Bntl Hill,) rtnirn JmPriC.. a, W.M wi uuitt wj . are caused by the errors of drivers and the remaining; eight per cent by faulty mechanism" ' of auto-' toe Parliamentary year when tbe'ng sworn in tni weeK.M ao-.jv Tr contributions. round ln Albert's lVi' i niinistraXor cf government af- Loesn t( Mr. Re Reid ,i know know Ml Ml.AS- A's voluntary' J . "The nremier tnlrt m. in can- ! " ruuuu ,triD jUii 111 ! en thnt I . hart flnnei a onnA .iJtnd OUt aeain with an appro-I fairs during the absence at he-,aren t supposed" to. run aronm. for the paus ' CoronaUon "o Lieut.-Oovernor , talking 'about what went on It be defend.; Clarence Wallace, f His Hunor aucus., even alter, ihey're w thin? and thnt. he i hehlnd priate interval iterval m inn nnr runt " Mr Keiri Hp, I that refreshes eshes-can't. can tit cia,-ed ' , , ed on strictly t h e re a pe u t i e V 'Z?L VZaa Tr ! Already an hour after Mr. Ti iv fee " go " "1 New York In the liner Queen Reid had spoken in the House, j I Mary and, in London, will put up, Education Minister . Rolston, .uu Sa!'nv U) handle; nice line W Mwboy-stylf belts and buckles, slso dres lines. Will sell oulrieht or on commission. : Reply Box C64. Diift. Kcws, ,, , , , . the House immediately after f As a psychologist whose prac at exclusive Dorchester House in behalf of the government, re-Park Lane.- They'll be back byjpudiated Mr. -Reid and most of June 30. " what he said about B C cdui a- he had made them the people ; tical experience is a sound sub-of : B.C. will surely want ' th; . gtjtute for his lack of any.foi-whole truth. - - mal academic deerees. Albert mobiles, " Nevertheless, if only a fraction5 of the three million-odd motor vehicles in Canada are safety-checked during May, there iV bound, to be a' progressive reduction of preventable accidents a substantial advance on the road to' a safety-conscious Canadian public." It is a good suggestion and, for their own well-bingf, pedestrians and cyclists should be equally conscientious about taking precautions. Through their Scotch-lite campaigns for cars and bicycles, the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Parent-Teacher Associations have done much locally to promote the idea. It is in the personal interest of everyone to take heed. Thls Is the fourth Coronation on. .... . , . . & Featuring.' For a limited lm THIS BF..M TIHI JnqBk Granted that Mr. . Reid may . udersUnds the sessional break-, at which British Columbia has have been a bit excited when ; up mood of the Mps wilri expert he made this latest revelation been officially represented. " In 1838, when Victoria was crowned, sympathy. He was faced by a crowd of j .. NEW STOCK . . . LOW - LOW PRICES MP's when the session is - end- sir. WASIIlR Regular $17956 NOW $139 indignant constituents, some of!. inere was no British uonimo.a. whom charged that he had dta-!1"- he" ;ely to Mtie. In i902 Premlcr anct Mrs. James graced the name of Salmon Arm1 melancholy day-dreaming Dunsmuir went to the Corona- by his astounding speech in the 1 waiter, ."are just like a lot of tlon of King Eaward VTI and Legislature i school boys at holiday time. Only Quepn Alexandra; In 1311 Pre- Mr. Reid now says in effect ' Instead behaving like school mier and Mrg Rlchard McBrlde lhat his own leader, the Socred:1507' tney come to Albert s.' were at the coronation of King Premier, was a party to a du-! And that may very well bc 'oeorge V and Queen Mary; in MKN'S ...ICKI TS, Popular styles, from H-50 BOVS JAC'KKTS, new designs from $10.25 Sec the Hoys' Health Jacket by Pape Terms Available RUPERT RAJO lun ELECTRIC biouc game of double talk; that; the reason why the exiting leg- 1937 Lieut-governor and Mrs. while he was publicly giving the j islators have never stopped on Eric Hamber were ln Wrstmin- public the impression that he! their way off Parliament Hill to gter Abbey for the crowning of deplored the Reid attack on the t take turns firing the noon can- King George VI ai d Queen nScrifilure jPaSiue for JoJaij "I heard the voice of many angels round the throne." Rev. 5:11. THE SPORTS SHOP ' . ITT fc.IiLT.livo Living course, private- non at midnight, to chuck the Elizabeth. REFLECTS r- T-7a rr PwM ffia ly-he.was.;" 100 pea-1 mace into the Kideau Canal, or cent.." Is it true or false? ; 1 j to hoist the Speaker's Chair to ! the top of the Parliamentary ' MR. REID also claims "he had flagpole conducted a personal Investi-, A1)jert can ncver reconclle in Vancouver and Vic- gation , the MP's de- toria schools and had students He's part businessman and notes which he wouldn't read : v ,,, . .rt liu publicly, but which he had!? f"tl?eni"" ,I?.1 b?Ul and REMINISCES IM One trouble today is that so Applewhaite (Skeena) and Mr. INCOME TAX QUIZ many people try to learn the c- Green (Vancouver irieirn nf tho i.nri. inctnr.ri f Quadra) had plenty to say. The , . .. . , latter observed that off Hecate learning the trads. Straits were considered terrl. ' : torial waters, then the Japanese The province's attorney-pn-! fleet nor Russians could come shown to the Premier, Mrs. Rol- i --i' k- ston, and every Social Credit jeneved when the calenC.r MLA brings the annual season u Mr. Reid has already said too hPe'l M revoirs." mixed with much to be allowed to stop. The tne sprinkling of final -good-public should know whether or bys" from the MPs who know or not the new "revelations" are suspect that they won't be re- Sir: If you wear a size 9'2, 10, 10" J or 11 you hove the choice of rral Mr Bner. is on his wav in and fisn there, nor could the '8' witnoufc consent to Ottawa U, toll the govern- NEOUTE SOLES turning. ment something rot new. Ho t,.... ... . lust a smoke screen Deninci Q. What happens If I fall to file my 1952 return by the due date. A. Today Is the deadline date for individuals to file their 1952 ays the Sons of Frwdom have , , "'"T" . wno ca" , which to put through the Soc- CREPE SOLES Albert Is 1 firm opponent of been the west's troublemakers ; """ CIUL1IUJl 1 ugt ana iaKe,red schoo, t boosU It or may not be pure coincidence short Parliamentary sessions. His views run directly contrary to lor half a century. And of )"""'"- i-B"ung course, a federal election is j income tax returns. If your re lhat the Vancouver schools SOLES mz LUG pending, of course! which are hit by Mr. Reid's new the general trend Of popular insinuations are also hardest hit opinion In respect to their con Eight Children turn is not filed on time, you will have to pay a late filing penalty of 5 per cent of the tax unpaid as at 30th April. by the Rolston formula. Comic Relief When the life of the party goes home. Regularly priced up to $'295 Q. My wife receives income from securities end property tention that Parliament's main defect, isn't that the MPs talk too much, but rather that they talk too little. "Some MP's," Albert complains occasionally to Artie, "don't hardly talk at all. Well, which. I transferred to her. How Lose Lives in Fire SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. Eiglt children were burned to death when fire destroyed a four-room frama home in neighboring Tarentorous tswnshlp. Bennett Raps Liberal Group should this income be reported? Reduced to Clear .A. .If the wife files an income When a grain elevator at Prince Rupert was first urged on Ottawa, the idea met with many a rebuff from members. H was plain there was a lot of misinformation. One day Benny Benson, pioneer photographer, and a reporter strolled down to tax return, - she sfioukt not re VICTORIA (CP) Premier W. ! port the income from the assets transferred to ner oy.ner nus Dead are Dorothy 7, Reginald at on how are the voters to iTcnow whether these toys are fit. for their jobs or not?" . . When Albert gives out with the wisdom in this fashion, nondescript Artie generally manages 5, Clifford 4, Eleanor 3 and John band. The husband must report on his return the income which 1 'z, all children of Mr. and Mrs. his - wife received from assets - air Philip Derry; and; Wilma 14, per pa A. C. Bennett, head of British Columbia's Social Credit administration, charged that the Lib eral Progressive government in Manitoba fears Social Credit. He said in an Interview that the fear of Soeial Credit was responsible for the Manitoba to assume an attitude suggestive which he transferred to her. .0. Is strike pay taxable? the lonely looking water front and took a good picture of the elevator site, along with all kinds of harbor. Numerous copies of that long ago photo were sent to Ottawa. Evidently it was scrutinized more than once. of a deferential old family re Marion 10 and Diane 9, child ren of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tru dell. The Trudell children wer A. Where 1 a member receives tainer. -Actually, he's not too assistance from his union for a deeply impressed. He suspects i government setting its election vkiting the Derry children over-, for June 0e day before that his boss, is too much of a philosopher to be. a really effec h.V3 night, MEN'S WORK OXFORD Plain Toe, Red Rubber Sole. SPECIAL : the B.C. provincial election. period when he was on strike, the amount received need not be reported as it is not considered as income for tax purposes. , .Five British admirals are learning horseback. A new and Mr. Derry woke to find pipes tive man of the world. But he "This date has been set de as a' painful process Is reported to rom wood-burning stove had hberately," said Mr. Bennett be in progress. They will ride lllen during the night and the a picce of political manip manipula tion in the Coronation parade, di rarely contradicts him. But this occasion -was one of the exceptions. 'Artie umiilertHl Albert's logic for a suitable interval Then he replied: ''Boss, I couldn't agree less. Most of those guys just wouldn't be smart to talk more than they do. Better they should open their mouths rectly behind Her Majesty, with Hie nation confident all will do their duties. Coronation Announcer LONDON W Bernard Braden, native of Vancouver who has become popular in the British entertainment world, will be in flames. He and his wife were able to crawl through the front bedroom window to safety. Light snow was falling as Mr. Derry ran naked back to the FAMILY SHOE STORE "It follows exaetly the same line of strategy the socialists (CCF) used in Saskatchewan last year when they held their election the day before B.C.'s. "This step , by Manitoba Lib phone Box 638 CHARLIE ROBERTS one of the corps of television announcers for the BBC during the blazing home in an effort to save the screaming children, but OVR FISH Hecate Strait sometimes warms tip the pages of Hansard. Last month, for example, Mr. erals shows ' clearly it is an lust for fly-traps, -than open them to put. both, feet ln them." Coronation proceedings. he was restrained by neighbors. action of fear."