If Dental Clinic Continues Good Wod ti.r.r.trf-jB. iaI.Ho ni-wl P;tmi- Ul I Oiiprutrira W,.l Keporus oi uii-aaitiaij-"" . ...... -i "lAt ' -uiv, on thi. i urer Frank Derry to the monthly Annunciation Home and School day of May, villi b . meeting of the Prince Rupert Association, International Union meeting to 'whirh I"'' Children's Preventive Dental oi Operating Engineers and one tives oi all contribut T?" Clinic on Tuesday indicated the forthcoming from the City orations and others i?." good work being done by the Prince Rupert. I are invited. clinic for the younger children value o" the wur'K done through Many Attend Opening Of Library TERRACE. Terrace Public Library opened its doors to the public last Saturday. optometrist" in the schools. ! ihe clinic Is considered of vital At present the capacity for lmportanje by the lceal Health such treatments has been reach- Uniti and the contribution to the ed and further plans will have futu;.e health and happiness of to be considered to take care ofthe groWi,lg citizens can hardly future cases. ' be over-estimated, said one mcm- Fred E. Dowdie U(HIII) 1(1, K' The opening was held In the Biue 513 The report srtowea tnai in me ber ' two months from February 25 a , . total of 67 children had been v treated and 44 had been complet- v loom allocated to the library in the new Provincial building on LaKeise Avenue and was attend; ed by many interested citizens. Miss Jeanette Sargent, branch librarian oi the Public Library Have you ever tried BAKING with soup; ed In 31 sessions. There arc a few poinU that parents are not clear about. The, coverage offered by the clinic' or hot bread The flavor of many a biscuit, muffin, More fun for breakfast wil Commission at Prince George 'was in attendance representing the Public Library Commission and assisting in the opening de- UliS. Mr. L. D. Leighton, chairman does not take cuie of cases that require hospitalization or anaesthesia. And all appointments must be made through the secretary-treasurer. Gratification was expressed at the financial support given by the organisations listed below, Borden Street School P.T.A., Kin? surprising as' the Idea may seem-can be stepped up by using canned condensed soup as a liquid. Down in the deep South,' there's a tradition of teaming chicken 'n corn pone. And what a tempting combination It Is! Working on the theory that the two flavors are close akin, the Home Economics Department of H. J. Heinz Company, one of Canada's largest soup producers, has developed a corn bread recipe using velvet cream of chicken soup as a binder. The result a bright yellow bread flecked with tender bits of chicken and echoing the richness of a golden slow-simmered broth. It's a hot bread that rates "A-A" nutrion-wise,' too. of the board of directors of the1 Horary buam was tne lira! ,sp:a- ker. He gave a general outline of the work of the board since its inauguration last October; and introduced members of the audi a as follows: Mrs. Howard Edward School P.T.A. and Conrad Street School P.T.A. , Edinburgh Chapter I.O.D.E. and the Municipal Chapter LODE., Trades and Labor Council, Sul- (wrh bran to help keep you regulor) ..RA7iii voimsstpr collects his weekly ration of milk from .1 tender-mixture that comes from making biscuits with thick country cream. For variation, crenm of chicken soup can be substituted for the mushroom. SALAD BJSCllTS 'V ;3 - r. r child welfare clinic in Sobral where rain has fallen only two months in three years. The milk, desperately needed in the .. drought area, is prepared from powdered milk sent by the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. CHICKEN-CORN BREAD 1 cup corn meal 't cup all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons salad oil or melted shortening 2 eggs, beaten Oust Meters BRIDGETOWN, U.S. t Town Crisperl ' Harper, secrcary; Kev. E. C. Dukelow, Mrs. P. Van Heek, W. J. I Havelaar and Vern Harper. ; Greetings were read from Mr. C. K. Morrison, superintendent of i the Public Liorary Commission ! at Victoria, Mr. Dobie, local gov-; ernment asent and L. Houle, i president of the Junior chamber ji Commerce. 1 Miss Sargent gave a brief out-i line c.f her part in the library work at Prince George. Mr. G. council voted to remove parking 2' i cupr, sifted all-purpose flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt fi tablespoons shortening meters from this Dieby-Anna-polls municipality. The majority felt that their disadvantages outweighed the advantages in a town the size of Bridgetown which has a population of just 1 10-ounce can condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted , I Heat oven to 425 F. (hot. Rift I. (foosfed in Kellogg' t radiant ovens) I,Hm :ty, representing the village together fir;t 5 inKrcdi-jnt.s. Com 1 10-ounce can condensed cream of mushroom sourj or cream of thicken soup1 undiluted. over 1,000. commissioners cut the ribbon bine remaining Ingredients; mix : which marked the official open- well. Add to dry ij.greclicnls mK- k ' . i ing of the library room. ling just enough to moisten. Kill licit oven to 450 F. (hot). Sif Others speaking briefly were grca&cd muffin tins two-thirds first 3 ingredients together. Cut Mr. Mackiin for the school boari full or pour into creased 9' x 6" in shortniiiiK until size of coarse and Mr. T. Rose, board oi trade, square pan. Bake at 45 F. r.S.cornmnal. Add soup, sliiriii' i Mrs. W. R. WeUlngs is to act minutes or until done. Makes 9 quickly until a soft, but. not 'as librarian with the following muffins or 9 servings. jstii-Vy. douirh is funned. Titrr .listing as custodians. I onto lightly floured board, knew Mcsdames F. Hall, J. McCon- A tun of condensed crenm of into r Mtmri h'll. Ko" "r ra' ! ne'l, A C Shindcl, F. Clifford, N. mushroom soup used instiul f to '3" thick, cut with 2-inch ; rvmoliU wm Christie and the milk produces a biscuit that's lis.-u:t cutter. Place on a lightly v (excusve flavouring developed by V. K. Kellog; MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 M'sses Pat Pcndergast, Mary perfect wita a salad of greens, a -greased sheet, 't-lnrh apart Little, B. Amdam, Bonnie Mc-1 vegetable, plate, or scumbled Bake at 450 F. 12 to 15 minutes. Kennedy eeas. There's a definite flavor of Makes approximately 18 2-lnch niiiiii f i-md Mary Ann BrarltJls; ' , tr-1 ' ; r v i" 1 A: lF.UYIN.GTOa YOUR HOMI jn your worst ' . , " . '-, . U ,4 friends will tell youj" f ' ' SupplwS Moved SUNDAY too! Siyle, Comforf Combined On Tree' Road ' ..I 1 li :) II I 'fMGHTS'TO In Ouidoor, Furniture ! .1 ii ( VANCOUVER Mine; fre.-W sprin-t, crass, is the best for your ki 11 tit t chert C J llTilTrn I tr'V i Hied war prisoners to Prnun- , ji Sun? WkVU-rn''r'n fnnnA'trurHloads h fir first, li).-; - c-nus invit;' us fit- lye'ry' Day , Including Sunday i.-f's Is the U!W. of wrwn'.ht ii:oiv ?s 'm c.Uairs. Mifas ani b"itcfies. Or.c of the beauties of this fur-iture Is its comparative Inet-Mislvcncss. For $3D or $fiO you in have a hW'hlv attractlvr . t .- -if war sumjll'-s'to th" Battle- move out of (triors thtc cpy m itofii. a repatriated US. s'oldior ana life out ft floors wny.-nrver need patching or fpqifcntf. ' That's Arborifer'the nations " Counter tops, splashbacks, vails or dadoes ... all gleam l ' I - ' fo&'AY& A Consult Consult your your TraM TravM Aenl Afcfiil ' ' or Phone "IK, said here. '. tt i ao comfortil):e and attractive, liirtte set.Fti-)0 yon! taifjrt j1 ing, hard-surfaced Arborile . . . most modern surfacing ma American reeonriitlfisaivci. pi- y pone arf- tne' days whei a 4 loU who flew over the prisoner- jach chair, and a contr ol J whole rattan living suite, con-1 clleasvtocleanwithiustodamP;-.tena-av(pbte ) mor hhivovs rolling south from -the benches constituted outdoor fttf- Htlng of a. small fa, twa.tntf Cloth. It resists staining, chip- than1.) djfierr.1 "cofoyrj l 'MSMrt 1.1 - ' '1.-. "Ill Yalu River re'portcd ptpny titure.'..The Iwdcwr-outdoor, Ji- Anlrs and HV .Abh. Bphl ping or cracking . . . will never f ond potfcrnsi 'rucks' on the road. The pilots W trend has trodured fuinitiire .fcrcd rattan 4s more expensive! 1 t v i- assumed they trucks. werrj j supply that ls both practical and beau- qut still iwuiiable .ertasic'frUi " I '. tifully designed. ' tjie additional comfort 'It offers, i . "On the road down tTicre Metal turniMic- -f rH tv"' Half the fun of belnrz out -ol leads the summer furniture doors in the spring and rmmmr-fashion parade. White, black, time is dining there. Many now were quite a few trucks carry-' ing supplies," Pte. Robert W. FOR . FREE SAMPLE OF AR30RITE tvritc: 5m yovr toco bmber, buifd. ing aupply, fwrdwaro deaftr or flooring confracfor. erecn wrought iron , look accessories make ttus aengniiui said in an Interview at Tokyo and . i I 1 1 ., ,iv, oiimmnr pniLlnm mnm pnirivnhlp armv hospital spruce ami n. cio .i.uijr -i-ii o".... ..vw "They were filled with large brightly colored plastic scats. There are barb-cue grills on and small crates. It could have Sharp colors, like coral, lemon which you can cook a full meal. 1 4hV been ammunition or gasoline." yellow and chartreuse iook won- and they sell for as little asj - . aeriuny gay in me sunismiie. jin.ua. one unic, wiucn nas iwo i, A new woven f.ur mtn! thnt adjustable fircbO:es, electrlcj is rust-proof and comes In green, motor-driven spits, a steak broil earthenware ' red, bronze or yellow Is uid for a group of dining nnd P"it' sauce containers and two wooden 1V : fT.UIDAfll v ! nieces. The frames of chairs and cutting boards, sells for -bout tables are of black steel, and the $,",c.95. table top Is mai o ti woodrgcaln ( one cf the mo;t wonderful new tR'-tri-fri "'n'" :,crr-!;-.r.rlp.i f ir summer servlne The hixnfy whisky ' J .,. 'i.mitvln , -.iel prvii j --j : ' -rv. mi,,,,..;,,..,,! , .... rmwr-mmrTV'"' '. ! . l S f ' ' ' , - . , : ; 1 .'-. ' '"v. . ,:.- . . ' ,., ..' :,. . . - t i il ' , - I", a portable r"fiicerator and serving cart which may be wheeled about the house. Tri Black and white metal mesh are used In many convenient t"a cart3, serving; tables and card 'nhle pvni-r.in"..'-.. One dining cycle wheels and tubular steel at a popular ! . . . birch table hi,fi,, bars make wheelinc till fJiM'sT 1 ; group combines a hacks with rri-tiroritp a slmnle matter nnrl X X VJ iri V and birch chair X X T. -V Cr- wroueht Iron legs. a handy tray acrons the top c:ines the serving problem. The folks who rion't plan io go T 0 P 0dsr' ilI,G" STYUCS CLASS K A V ISSBfeStfElX I Redwood and rattan pre a'so getting into the high .style '-'a-s. in for such elaborate comfort Many of these pieces of- furni- mis summer can enjoy their cool ure will bo part bf living and drinks from picnic Jugs and part lining rooms as well ns rurmus buckets which sell for about si r.r,m Hiir-inrr thr. winter News to eleht dollars, depending oi n the redwood and rattan size. ':':' ffoirft garry k , ' ' ' ' f ' ' ''''',,,. i ' " ' , " H ', h l ' ' ' " ' ' J-. 'Jul. ' - ' i j L .' IN THE BRIGHT IFORT ' I CARRY . RED PACKAGE fS. J lViA BOTTtED.y SOND I rv ) 75 J . pfn ) doYAL(Titv DISTILLERS OF THE FAMOUS "ftanacUcwl &tu6 WHISKY fW 'J . I CANNED FOODS ?. fX !' '' :-.' .i U FINEST BRAND Of COFFEE YOU CAN This-advertisement is not published or displayed by the Mquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. , it,. , -it - , 5 I